JBIAF: Spring/Summer Special- Prologue

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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*Cue a blue screen with a lioness cub posing seductively, with the words SF below it, as an ominous instrument plays*

Offscreen Choir: Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...

*A round object is shone upon by the sun*

OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duh-duh X3 Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...

*The round object is revealed to be a large furry nipple*

OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duh-duh X3


OC: Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...


OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duuuuuuhhhhhh..... Duuuuuhhhhh.....


OC: Duh-duh-DUH! Duh-duh-duh-duh... Duh-duh-DUUHH! DUUHH! DUUHH!



*Cue some beautiful shots of a desert against a sunrise*

*More shots, only the sun has fully come out*

*Cut to some apes and pig-things sitting around, doing nothing, except maybe gnaw on some tiny grass and "dig" the sand up*

*Cut to one particular ape as it chews on some plants, before it is suddenly attacked by a leopard, screeching*

*Translation Subtitles: FILLER! FILLER!*

*Cut to a group of apes admiring a group of those pig-things from earlier, before one of them crawls up to stroke the behind of one, and is hit by a pile of feces*

*Cut to the aggressor, who tauntingly screeches at the aforementioned group, with his own goons*

*Jump-cut to a brawl between the two apes, as they hurl more dung at each other in rage, until Ape # 1 begrudgingly leaves*

Ape # 2: ARGGGHHH!!!!

*Cut to the next morning, where one of the apes wakes to find something outside his den, rises up, then starts stomping and shrieking to alert the others, all as an epic choir begins vocalizing*

*Cut to a giant black statue of a fox with breasts and an erect penis just outside the den, which residents exit to observe and freak-out over the strange new thing*

*Cut to one of the belligerent apes slowly walking up to the statue after a few seconds, then attempting to touch it, then pulling back a few times, then embracing it's knot*

*Cue the others huddling to touch the statues buttocks, breasts, vagina, anus, feet, arms, legs, and snout*

*Cut to a few-second-long worms-eye-view of the statue against the sunrise as the epic choir reaches a crescendo*

*The choir abrubptly stops as we cut to some more desert shots*

*Cut to our primates as they sit around and maybe dig a bit*

*Cut to one entering a cave, where he comes upon a small, flat stone with a sharp edge*

*Cue worms-eye-view shot of the furry statue from earlier*

Offscreen Choir: Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...

*Ape picks the stone up*

OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duh-duh X3 Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...

*Ape starts aimlessly striking the stone against the wall*

OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duh-duh X3

*Cue shot of the ape's hand holding the stone rising in triumphance*

OC: Duuhh... Duuhh... Duuuhhh...

*Cut to the ape striking the stone against the wall, and tracing a white line*

OC: Duh-DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH! Duh-duh-duuuuuuhhhhhh..... Duuuuuhhhhh.....

*Cue the ape tracing more white lines more vividly*

OC: Duh-duh-DUH! Duh-duh-duh-duh... Duh-duh-DUUHH! DUUHH! DUUHH!

*Cut to the ape, now finished with his work, dropping the now-steaming stone to observe...*


*... A portrait of one of those pig-things with a human structure and genitals*

*Cut back to the other apes, doing nothing as usual, until the one races up to them, screeching in excitement and pointing to the cave displaying his masterpiece*

*Cut to the whole tribe gazing in wonderment at the drawing, then looking down at the stone*

*Cue the group brawling over the stone, until they notice a whole pile of new pebbles, which they begin to swarm*

*Cut to the whole group drawing on the wall with their new tools, some of their works explicit, others merely suggestive, and the majority, not at all*

Asshole Ape: *Screeches in mocking tone, until he is assaulted by feces*

*Cut to the AA fleeing the cave as the ape leader pokes out, screeching in intimidation, then flinging his stone*

*Cue shot of the very stone with it's edge now a charcoal black, which dissolves into a pencil dropping on a desk*

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