Family Matters - Ending of Beginnings

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#3 of Family Matters

Family Matters - Ending of Beginnings

Zerrex R. Narrius

Zerrex and Marina sat together, their hands gently locked as they looked at one-another warmly, sapphire gazing into emerald before Marina leaned up to slowly kiss her father, working his muzzle gently against his as their eyes slip closed blissfully, the two rolling their tongues gently together before they sat back, smiling softly at one another. Marina now wore her new maternity clothes, bought only a few days ago; a loose pair of gentle silk pants that was probably the most expensive thing Marina owned, as well as a loose cloth bikini top that covered her breasts and shoulders, the short sleeves rolled up a bit and loose folds of cloth dropping down over her sides and part of her back, but leaving her gently-curving outwards belly exposed.

The two looked at one another, sitting on what was now their shared bed in the master bedroom, then Marina laughed quietly as she released one of Zerrex's hands to gently press it against her belly. "I'm gonna be getting real big, Daddy." She paused, then added in a semi-playful tone: "Not a surprise, with you being you."

Zerrex laughed quietly, shrugging as he squeezed her hand gently, then put his own hand on her belly, rubbing it gently as she closed her eyes from the soft pleasure emanating around her stomach. The two looked at one another, then Marina grinned a bit as she slowly half-lidded her eyes at her father. "Hey... you know, before I get too big, we should take care of my sexual urges..."

Her father looked down at her with amusement, squeezing her hands gently as he tilted his head before grinning a bit in return. "Let me guess. You want to take you as many times in as many ways as possible, right?" he paused, then leaned in to gently kiss down her muzzle before slowly moving down to her neck, gently dragging his teeth against it and making her murr quietly as she tilted her head back. "Well... we do have most of the day to ourselves... I don't have a problem with it."

Marina murred softly at this, then she grinned a bit as Zerrex sat back, one hand continuing to gently massage her stomach as the other squeezed her hand lightly, then they moved forwards together to kiss slowly, working their muzzles together passionately, father and daughter sharing a passionate, so erotic and so forbidden love as their mouths moved against one another, tongues swirling back and forth gently in the other's hungry maw as Marina's hand reached across to begin to gently massage down her father's chest, and one of his slipped up over her sloping belly to gently move beneath the soft clothes she wore and to squeeze a bare, ripened breast, feeling her hard nipple rubbing against his palm as his fingers gently dragged down the warm swell, then pushed back up.

The female groaned softly in pleasure, arching her back a bit to push her bust out towards her father as he slowly worked his hand against her breast, then slipped it down to the button up front, easily undoing it with his dexterous fingers and letting Marina shrug it down as he moved his hand to her other breast, murring quietly at the sight of its size and form as he slowly squeezed the ripened swell, then pinched the swollen nipple as his daughter lowered her head with another soft sigh of pleasure.

Zerrex now moved his other hand forwards as Marina let go to reach up and stroke his hair gently from his face, her eyes still mostly-closed and a smile of bliss on her face as the male's hand slipped down her belly, then she twitched as his fingers slipped below her waistline to roll against her naked crotch below the light silk, two fingers lightly rubbing against her slit as she sighed softly in pleasure, then looked back up with a quiet murr. "It's so sensitive... but it just makes me want it so bad..."

Her father laughed softly, then he gently moved both of his hands to grasp the waistline of her pants, slowly pulling them down as Marina moved with him, at the same time shrugging off her maternity shirt and letting it puddle on the ground before she felt Zerrex pulling her pants forwards from her legs, now spread outwards in a V before her as she smiled across at her father, rubbing her belly as she murred slowly. "Let's have some rough, heavy sex, Daddy... since from now on, we'll have to start treating me with a bit more gentleness..."

"Alright Marina..." Zerrex grinned a bit at this, feeling his shaft already beginning to thicken in his pants as he quickly reached up to remove the quickly growing uncomfortable fabric, murring softly as his eyes roved over his daughter's naked body as he quickly stripped his own of the restraining fabric, tossing it to the side as they both climbed a bit further up onto the bed, grinning at one another before Marina sat back and glanced down as Zerrex moved onto his knees, legs spread a bit to reveal his pendulous testicles and girthy, obsidian penis, already half-erect. "Ooh, Daddy... we really will have to be careful once the little kid starts to develop."

The male Drakkaren laughed softly, tilting his head a bit with a faint smile as he nodded slowly. Then he murred quietly as Marina reached forwards, gently stroking a finger up his obsidian shaft before squeezing the semi-hard flesh in her hand, feeling its thick warmth as her father tilted his body back a bit and he let out another sound of pleasure, his daughter now slowly stroking her hand upwards as she felt it finally reach its full size and girth, murring quietly at the size of it once more. "You really are so impressive, Daddy..."

"You enjoy calling me that especially during sex, don't you?" Zerrex asked with a bit of a grin, tilting his head: Marina smiled innocently in return, but the seductive half-lidding of her eyes gave her away as she carefully moved her hand down, then back up the large cock, tilting her head a bit before she leaned down to gently kiss the head of his shaft, making him twitch a bit as she worked her lips against the engorged head and slipping her tongue gently forwards against it.

Instead of responding, she moved her hand down to grasp the base of his large penis now, slipping her head forwards to gently take the start of his fleshy black member into her mouth, her other hand slipping forwards to lightly grasp his dangling, navy testicles to squeeze the orbs slowly, now bent forwards on her knees as her father let out a soft sigh of pleasure, his eyes closing as he rose his muzzle a bit, his hands reaching down to grasp her head gently, squeezing her skull lightly as he couldn't stop himself from thrusting slowly deeper into her muzzle.

Marina murred deep in her throat as she bobbed her head teasingly downwards, then moved back an inch before pushing the giant shaft further down into her muzzle and throat, bending the male's towards her a bit to make the angle easier for them both as she felt her father's hands massaging her head, squeezing and rubbing it gently as Zerrex let out another sound of pleasure, his large penis being taken into her muzzle further as he felt her tongue rolling back and forth against the meaty shaft, wrapping her tongue around it and massaging it gently as she began to suck back slowly on the enormous penis.

Zerrex grunted quietly as he felt his daughter rub his teeth gently against the sensitive flesh, biting down on his large member lightly as she removed her hand from the base of his large penis to reach down and squeeze one of her breasts gently, then move down between her legs, slowly rubbing two fingers against her sensitive vulva as she felt a slow pleasure rolling through her body even at the fact she was giving to the male instead of receiving.

The male Drakkaren squeezed her temples lightly and thrusted forwards, unable to resist doing so again as he felt the entirety of his cock but for the few inches at the base of his shaft buried in his daughter's muzzle and throat: with his strong thrust, he felt her mouth pressing to his waist, his large testicles bouncing against her chin as he held her there for a few moments, hands on the back of his head as Marina gave a soft murr, her eyes closed as she felt the giant cock resting down her muzzle and throat as she slowly massaged the large navy balls in one hand and continued to move her other fingers teasingly up and down the entrance to her passage slowly, toying at it gently, playing with herself as she murred quietly around the thick cock.

The larger male grunted quietly before he released the pressure on Marina's head, smiling down at her as she looked up at him with an expression that was both amused and aroused as she began to bob her head slowly, pushing her muzzle into his waist before slowly pulling back, toying her teeth over the hot flesh as her tongue gently rolled against the bottom and sides of the black flesh, moving about halfway up the shaft before pushing slowly back, then once more slowly pushing forwards and throating his thick shaft.

Zerrex groaned softly in pleasure at the feeling of his large penis being taken in again, her head bobbing up and down slowly as she suckled back and moved her tongue expertly up and down the hot flesh, one hand continuing to lightly play at her crotch as the other squeezed and rolled the Drakkaren's navy testicles. The male murred at the manipulations, his body trembling a bit in pleasure as he continued to thrust himself slowly back and forth, hands rubbing either side of the fin on the female's skull.

He continued to move himself slowly in and out, starting to thrust a bit harder as Marina's bobbing became more rapid as her mouth clenched a bit tighter around the thick obsidian member; Zerrex could feel his crotch growing hotter with pleasure as his testicles began to swing back and forth, the large orbs bumping against her chin gently as he began to piston himself with increasing power in return to the extra movements of the female.

He felt his thick shaft heating up in the blissful warmth of the female's muzzle, continuing to rock his hips back and forth as Marina closed her eyes, working herself in time with the movements of her father as he grunted quietly and clutched her head gently, his large testicles now slapping her chin lightly with every long pass, the large cock burying deep into her throat with every hard shove downwards as he began to speed up a bit, staring to pant quietly as he felt his climax already approaching. "Ooh, Marina... it's gonna be fast... I'm already so... oh, so good..."

In response, the female began to work herself faster, squeezing and rolling the male lizard's seed-laden balls as her other hand continued to play at herself lightly, rolling up and down her vagina with a bit more firmness as she spread her legs a bit more, bending forwards a bit more to hungrily swallow down more of the thick black member, the end of her muzzle pressing into the reptile's firm waist as Zerrex kept his hands firmly upon her head, now adding his strength to her motions as he rocked his waist forwards at the same time, moving at a much more rapid rate as she passionately thrusted her muzzle back and forth.

Zerrex felt his crotch heating up as erotic bliss spilled throughout his body, closing his eyes in pleasure and tilting his head back as he groaned quietly, feeling his large cock starting to stiffen up as he began to thrust harder into her muzzle, grasping her head tightly as he bowed forwards over her, head still tilted upwards and his back arched slightly as he continued to move in and out rapidly, Marina's hand squeezing and manipulating his testicles continually as her other hand now began to lightly push into her slit as well as move up and down, making herself breath soft sounds of muffled ecstasy around the thick shaft buried in her mouth as the reptile continued to ram himself in and out at a quickening pace, body flexing overtop hers as he gripped her head tightly as he felt his shaft thickening up inside her muzzle as he let out another groan of bliss, his cock seeming to become akin to diamonds in hardness as he felt her muzzle clamping down hungrily around his dark-fleshed penis.

He felt himself stiffening rapidly as he began to pound himself faster in and out of her muzzle, groaning softly as he tilted his head back a bit, rocketing his thick obsidian shaft in and out of her mouth passionately as he groaned softly, the ecstasy continuing to grow in him as he felt himself seem to topple over edge after edge of pleasure, feeling himself stiffening to what he thought was the max with every rolling lap of Marina's tongue, her muzzle sealed around his shaft as he moved it in and out of her, hands clamping down on her head before he finally pushed her hard down his long member as he rocked his hips powerfully forwards, sinking himself fully and beginning to make rapid, short thrusts, bouncing her nose into his firm waist and smacking his testicles against her chin as he let out a long groan of pleasure as he felt himself stiffen fully, then finally reach orgasm as he released thick burst after thick burst of his seed, blasting the massive load down her throat as Marina did her best to drink down as much of the viscous fluid as she could, but much of the thick, hot load of Drakkaren seed still leaked out from the sides of her muzzle and dribbled down her chin as Zerrex continued to thrust passionately, splatters of white dotting his crotch, testicles, and girthy, slick cock as he let out another sound of pleasure before finally beginning to slow, testicles pattering gently against her muzzle as he began to make his thrusts more drawn out before finally pulling back entirely, murring softly and feeling a bit out of breath from the power of the orgasm. "Oh, Marina..."

Marina looked up at him with a grin, then she murred softly as she reached up, slowly wiping her muzzle before beginning to lightly lap her fingers free of the thick fluids of the Drakkaren, her eyes glancing from the girthy black cock before her to the emerald eyes of her loving father. "Oh Daddy... I take it you didn't jerk off much this week, huh?"

Zerrex coughed, feeling strangely embarrassed to have his daughter judge him so - and correctly - even though the only reason she'd figured it out was because he'd just released that pent-up load down her muzzle. "Well, not too much." He paused, then tilted his head as she murred quietly, continuing to stroke her slit gently, teasing herself and now him as he stroked his long cock slowly, his arousal not declined at all with the bliss of the orgasm as he looked over her body slowly. "And you look like you need this to be placed somewhere else... to give you a little pleasure now..."

The female grinned at this, then she murred in her throat as she leaned forwards, dragging her tongue lightly over his sensitive head to gently taste the last few droplets of load urged out from the male's stroking hand and making him twitch a bit in surprise and erotic bliss. "It gave me plenty of pleasure, don't worry about that, Daddy... but I could indeed go for you... filling me up nice and good." She stopped, then half-lidded her eyes as she sat up, then moved forwards on her knees towards her father, moving her hand to push his gently from his shaft so she could squeeze and manipulate hers up the long obsidian member, gripping it firmly as Zerrex reached up to squeeze her breasts with a quiet murr, making her twitch a bit as the male slowly rolled them, pressing her hardened nipples against his palms, the firm flesh scratching lightly over his smooth scales as he squeezed lightly again as she reached both her hand down now to move them lightly up and down the gargantuan shaft. "And I want you to fill me up in both places... but I want you to put this big thing in my pussy first... because I already feel hot and bothered enough to have my own 'enjoyable moment' or two the moment I feel you pushing it into me."

Zerrex grinned in return, murring quietly as he felt saw her squatting a bit, feeling her belly rubbing against him as she pressed gently forwards; she murred softly as he kept her hands on her firm, ripened breasts, squeezing them slowly and making her murr softly again in deep pleasure. The female twitched a bit as she pushed her chest out towards him, enjoying the massaging of the male as he spoke softly, her hand rubbing his strong shaft as she bucked her hips gently towards the gargantuan meat: "Now, now, Marina... don't say such vulgar things as pussy..."

His daughter murred in her throat again as she pushed her body against his, slowly dragging her body upwards until she was at eye level, legs bent and hands gripping his thick shaft to lightly pull it up against her entrance, the female letting out a soft sound of pleasure as she felt the engorged head rolling up and down the tight lips of her vagina, pushing against it gently and making her murr deeply in pleasure before she let out a soft sigh as she rocked her hips forwards against it, her strong legs moving up slightly as she rose her body, hand still guiding the massive obsidian member between her legs as he lowered his head a bit to lightly lap at her breasts, tracing his tongue around the nipple to make her murr quietly again in bliss.

She felt the immense thickness rolling between her legs as she reached one arm out to wrap firmly around his shoulders, supporting herself from his lithe but well-built body as she revolved her hips slowly as Zerrex thrusted gently upwards, pushing lightly against her firm lips and making her groan softly in pleasure as it teased her sensitive, slightly-bulging sex, making her tremble a bit as she continued to toy herself back and forth along the engorged obsidian head, the Drakkaren continuing to slowly work his tongue and muzzle against her hard nipples, switching from one breast to the other as his hands groped her underswells and the sides of her breasts, squeezing them gently, loving the feeling of the warm mounds in his hands as he continued to play at the pink nubs of flesh with his tongue and mouth, suckling them gently and flicking them with his tongue as he felt her shivering a bit against him in hot ecstasy, working herself against his obsidian shaft with growing lust and want as she moaned softly at the expanding heat in her loins.

Then she slowly began to lower herself, letting out a slow moan of pleasure as she tilted her head back, eyes rolling up in the unbelievable ecstasy as she felt the massive head stretching, stretching, stretching her vagina, the rounded, thick black penis pushing up into her and spreading her lips wide before sinking into her tight, gripping passage below, Zerrex teasingly pulling back as she continued to push down, not letting her sink herself quickly as one of his arms dropped around her waist and pulled her rounded belly against his strong abs, the massive meat continuing to plunge upwards into her depths as she felt it steadily stretching her wider, making her let out another loud moan of pleasure that was almost a yell as she felt half the enormous length of the reptile cock buried into her depths, the male grunting quietly and grinning as he closed his eyes at the wonderful bliss around his shaft, settling his mouth on one of her breasts and taking as much of the ripened swell into his muzzle as he could as his other hand settled over the other half of her bust, squeezing it slowly and rolling his fingers against the large mound as his palm rubbed against her nipple; father continued to deeply penetrate his pregnant daughter, holding her tight around the waist and guiding her slowly lower until he felt himself entirely hilted, his thick shaft throbbing inside of her as she wrapped both her arms tight around his neck and she released another soft moan as she pressed her chest up towards his hungry, working muzzle that had engulfed much of her left breast.

Her hands curled in his ivory hair, wrapping in the shoulder-length locks and squeezing his skull as she pushed him against her breast hungrily, then he pulled back as she tugged on his head, urging him back before she dropped her muzzle towards his, her eyes closed, moving down blindly as she began to kiss him passionately, powerfully working her mouth against his as Zerrex felt surprise and hot want burst through his body, his arm squeezing her tight around the waist as his other hand firmly grasped her breast, fondling it slowly as they worked their jaws together, tongues slipping furiously back and forth, wrestling and dancing in their mouths as the thick shaft throbbed inside of her before she began to work herself up and down, bouncing on the immense meat of her father rapidly already and making the male grunt into her mouth, clenching his teeth against hers as he spasmed a bit in surprise, strong muscle rubbing against firm belly and his hand tightening on her breast as he gave a few instinctive thrusts in return, feeling much of his member already slick with the juices the female was releasing before she began to bounce harder as her passage began to rhythmatically clench the long, thick cock of the Drakkaren, feeling her teased and sensitive vagina already having its first orgasm, sending her lubricating fluids spilling down the black penis as she jerked her muzzle free of his to arch her back, breasts pushing against his own flat, muscular chest, releasing a long, drawn out moan of ecstasy as her head tilted back, feeling her father's hands slipping down to clutch her hips as he lowered his head with his own groan of pleasure at the sudden tight restriction on his shaft and then the contractions that sent hot bursts of her liquids flowing down his massive length.

He groaned as he felt the heat increase around his cock, Marina crying softly out again and again as her hands slipped to grasp his shoulders, arching her back even further as her orgasm continued to send her liquids down his thick shaft, then her cries escalated in volume as she felt Zerrex beginning to push himself up into her, the massive shaft thrusting powerfully into her hot, wet vagina again and again, feeling her wetness spreading down the base of his obsidian member, onto his groin and testicles as his strong penis made slick squelching sounds with every powerful upwards shove into her tight vagina, the reptile grunting quietly as his hands gripped her waist, straightening a bit as she pushed down on his shoulders, letting out another loud moan of pleasure as she wrapped first one leg around his waist, then the other, clutching and bouncing on the male's lithe but strong body. "Yes, Daddy! So good, yes, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

The loudening erotic cries only pushed Zerrex higher as he was once again struck by the realization that he was enjoying a forbidden love, bringing him all the closer to his own sexual peak as he stayed on his knees, pounding his thick shaft violently upwards to almost pummel her with the immense cock, buried deep in her loins, stretching her tightened passage wide, slippery from her release of hot fluids. The male thrusted powerfully, making her cries raise nearly to the level of screams of pleasure as he kneeled on the bed with her tight against his strong body, muscles flexing and bulging as she clung to him, firm and rounded belly rubbing against his hard, strong stomach as she bounced up and down, her breasts jiggling, nipples scratching lightly against the scales of his strong chest as she brought her head down by his to release a long moan of ecstasy as Zerrex began to pant with the continuous blissful workings of his immense, powerful cock, rocking his hips powerfully as he grasped her hips tightly, moving her weight up and down his shaft as she rocked with him, pulling easily more than a foot of thick Drakkaren penis out of her before sending it deep back in, plunging his immense black length up into her over and over again, hilting his massive cock with every strong shove.

The ramming of her sensitive vagina was only causing her a steadily-intensifying, erotic bliss as she pushed herself as close to him as she could with her enlarged belly, moaning hotly again as her claws dug lightly into his shoulders and her legs tightly gripped his waist, feeling the heat in her body only becoming more and more powerful, the need for another orgasm racing through her body as she heard and felt his long penis plunging into her again and again, his testicles swinging forwards to thwap into her tail with every strong shove of his stiff meat. She could feel her father's movements becoming steadily stronger as well as he pushed himself into his daughter again and again, knew that he too was nearing his own climax, and she hungered for the feeling of him firing his seed deep into her again, lusted for it in a way that turned her want for sexual excitement into a need that drove her into a frenzy, moving herself as hard as she could up and down the obsidian cock buried inside her as she released another half-howl of erotic bliss.

Zerrex grunted in the growing pleasure as his daughter worked herself harder against him, then he grinned a bit as he squeezed her hips, letting himself fall from standing on his knees so that his legs were folded beneath him, spreading them out a bit as he then rolled his hands up from her hips, over her sides, belly and ripe breasts, squeezing the firm nipples before they continued to grasp her shoulders, and then he shoved her down onto the bed - but gently, using just enough force to pry her hands from his own shoulders and to force her to lay flat as his hands slipped down again, this time staying on her breasts as he leaned over her, her hips elevated and belly bulging up against his abs as he looked down into her eyes with a deep murr of pleasure, rocking his thick shaft forwards now, moving himself fast as she bucked herself up against him with her own loud moans of ecstasy, her own hands moving down to grasp her inner thighs as she felt his gargantuan cock rocking hard back and forth into her passage. Her eyes half-lidded in the intense pleasure as she stared up at him with ecstasy, moving her body against his as best she could as she felt his hands squeezing her hot, ripe breasts, his emerald irises staring down into her own sapphire ones before she tilted her head back with another cry of bliss as she felt his thick shaft begin to move harder, the meat pulsating hotly within her before she cried out again as she felt herself peak once more.

Her father released his own groan of pleasure, arching his back as his hands squeezed her firm breasts, feeling her passage clamping down hard around his massive member, constricting rhythmatically as he felt her sending another wash of her fluids down his black penis, spilling out of the lips of her slightly-swollen vagina to pour down his shaft and her legs, hearing his testicles making thick slapping sounds against her anus that now also sounded wet from the fluids that had rushed from her tight entrance. He grunted, feeling the pleasure surging through his body rising to unimaginable levels as he felt his thick cock stiffening rapidly inside of his daughter, the heat in his groin rising from the workings of his shaft, the sounds of their intercourse, the slapping of his testicles against her firm body, the feeling of her firm breasts under his hands, before he closed his eyes, bowing over her as he released what was almost a low, deep sigh of pleasure as his hips began to work faster, his massive length stiffening fully inside of his daughter's vagina and then releasing his own hot spray of fluids down deep into her already-taken womb.

Marina moaned, her fingers dragging along her inner thighs, gripping her muscular legs tight as she felt her father pistoning himself in and out of her as semen burst into her depths, filling her up as she released delighted cries at the feeling of his seed pouring into her, her head swaying back and forth as her eyes stayed half-open to stare at her father with ecstatic bliss, watching his muscular, strong form moving over her, seeing the sweat shining on his scales, the pleasure on his face and all of it only adding to the burning bliss in her body that emanated heavily from her crotch but also from her breasts. She rocked hard back against him, feeling almost dizzy from the force of the orgasms, as her father slowly began to subside, his thrusts becoming gentler before she let out a moan and trembled, relaxing the grip of her legs from around his waist and letting her hands fall to the sides as he released her breasts and slowly pulled free, the obsidian cock splattered and saturated with their mixed fluids as Zerrex reached down to grasp the engorged shaft, murring softly, eyes still closed as Marina let out a soft sigh at the feeling of cold air rushing against her stretched-wide vagina.

Then he opened his emerald eyes to look down at her with unmatched compassion and love, his daughter staring back with the same expression before a slow smile crossed her features and she murred deeply as she sat up, feeling herself leaking his thick and her thinner sexual liquids down her legs, but not caring about the mess as she looked into his eyes, leaning forwards with desire still burning in her as she reached down to stroke a finger up his long black cock, making him twitch. "You got another one or two left in you, Daddy? Because there's still plenty for us to do..."

Zerrex looked down into her sapphire eyes with his own murr, lightly grasping the base of his ebony shaft: he glanced down at himself, then looked up at her with his own lustful grin. "Well... I can usually manage three without too much of a problem..." he admitted, looking at her slyly. "But for you? I think I could even pull a fourth in there if you wanted me to... whatever do you have in mind, my loving daughter?"

"I just wanna make Daddy happy..." Marina murred in return, licking her muzzle as she let her eyes wander over his lithe but well-built form, then she tilted her head as she got on all fours before slowly turning around, grinning widely to herself as she looked over her shoulder seductively at her father, raising her tail to reveal her tender rosebud and firm buttocks. "But haven't I been a good girl? I think that Daddy should put it in my favorite spot, now..."

Her father murred deeply at this, slipping forwards on his knees as he slowly stroked his thick ebony member, already feeling it slick with their fluids as he gently grasped her hip with one hand, then he paused and made a teasing ticking sound, making Marina look back at him again as he pretended to study her tailhole. "Well, I will, Marina... but there's a little problem that has to be taken care of first... you see, I think I have to make sure that everything here is in good working order..."

He slowly leaned down, then pushed his muzzle gently against the entrance to her anus, the base of her thick tail and her buttocks between his cheeks, before he gently extended his tongue and lapped slowly at it, making her murr deep and arch her back slowly in surprised pleasure, closing her eyes as her body trembled a bit. Already her breathing began to pick up as she spread her legs a bit wider for him, murring deep in her throat as she licked her muzzle slowly. "Ooh Daddy... I... I agree, that's a very nice idea..."

"Anything for my daughter..." Zerrex replied softly, then he gently slipped his tongue forwards again, slowly tracing around the small, pinkish hole before lightly pushing his tongue against it, murring quietly in his throat as Marina let out another soft sound of pleasure. She murred softly, letting her head drop forwards, letting her body decline until her firm breasts almost touched the bed as her father gently rolled his tongue once more slowly around and around the ring of her tailhole, then he drew back with a quiet murr of his own, reaching one hand up as the other squeezed her hip lightly, pushing the clawed tip of his middle finger against her anus and then lightly rolling it around the edges of her hole before gently, carefully wedging it into the center of the tight pink ring.

Marina let out a soft sigh of pleasure, eyes closed as her body trembled a bit, feeling the thick digit of the Drakkaren slowly pushing into her anus, delving lightly into her tight anal passage before it drew back... then once more thrusted forwards, loosening her even as she felt her constrict against the pleasant intrusion, feeling his finger push until the knuckles of his hand were gently pressed to the cheeks of her firm but, then he slowly pulled it back and free before pushing his muzzle forwards again, taking slow, leisurely laps that dragged his tongue up the valley between her buttocks before he once more circled her tailhole with it, then he slowly pushed his thick tongue in, just enough that the male could feel the heat of her passage on the tip of his intruding flesh and the female could feel it slipping lightly against the outskirts to her inner realms.

She moaned softly again, trembling, then Zerrex pulled back his muzzle once more with his own murr of soft pleasure, delighting in the gentle oral he was giving to his daughter before he rose his finger again, gently pushing his middle digit into her once more. This time, it slipped in with much greater ease, making Marina moan softly again as she twitched at the wonderful perversion of her body before she felt another one of Zerrex's fingers moving in beside the first, slipping into her anus as well and gently stretching her a bit wider, making her slow, passionate ecstasy rise a bit higher as she felt them lightly thrust forwards into her tailhole, delving as far as they could go before slowly, gently dragging back.

The father continued to tease his daughter in this fashion as her body trembled with the gentle pleasures, causing her to continually release sounds of ecstasy before he withdrew his fingers, then lowered his muzzle again to her rosebud to slowly drag his tongue up and down, flicking over the small, slightly relaxed hole before he pushed the fleshy organ forwards, making Marina arch her back a bit and let out a louder sigh of pleasure at the feeling of it penetrating into her, slowly rolling over the walls of her anal passage, the male gently seeking out her pleasure points with his tongue as he lightly dragged it back and forth, cycling it slowly in the bitterness of her passage, feeling his thick shaft throbbing with need for release as his other hand reached up to grasp her other trembling hip, pulling her gently back against his muzzle.

Then he pulled back, quietly murring at her taste still on his muzzle before he rose up on his knees, thrusting gently forwards so his massive shaft pressed between the crack off her buttocks and up the base of her tail, the slightly-taller and bulkier male pushing his throbbing, hot shaft against her as he leaned down beside her, the engorged meat slowly rolling against her and making her lust rise hotter as he whispered: "Okay, Marina, you're all checked out I think that Daddy here might be ready to give you what you've been waiting for in your favorite spot, my darling dearest daughter..."

"Please Daddy... please do..." The female Drakkaren raised her head to look over her shoulder at him with a deep murr, body already hot with bliss, her body burning with erotic pleasure from her father's slow toying at her anus as her limbs trembled a bit, raising herself back fully in the air, firm belly bulging, breasts ripe and swollen, vagina sensitive and making her feel crazy with the need to fulfill her current lust; and that burning lust was to have her father take her in what often felt to her like her most secret, sweetest spot. "Your little girl wants a treat..."

"Daddy's happy to oblige then... because Marina's been very, very good..." Zerrex replied easily, grinning a bit at her as he straightened again, then backed up a bit to allow him to roll the thick head of his girthy shaft down the valley of her buttocks, murring at the sensation of smooth scale over firm muscle squeezing against him before he found the tip of his penis pressing gently to her tight but slightly-relaxed tailhole, licking his muzzle slowly. She had certainly started to loosen up around his fingers yes... but his penis was definitely a whole different ballgame from his fingers.

His hands grasped her hips as he pushed teasingly forwards, setting himself as he felt light pleasure roll through his body at the sight of his daughter, sweaty and on all fours, waiting for him to take her in the wrong hole, and he licked his muzzle slowly as he bent his strong body forwards, feeling his thick, obsidian member throbbing a bit as he shook his head to clear his hair from his face, but keeping his eyes focused on her body, knowing already that he wasn't going to last long inside of the tailhole that was already clenching against just the tip of his thick shaft before he leaned his body forwards and then rocked his hips hard in the same direction, thrusting powerfully into his daughter's tight anus.

Marina released a long moan of pleasure at the feeling of the deep penetration of the immense shaft, at the feeling of the long rod of meat shoving down into her, burying halfway as Zerrex released a grunt and she arched her back, claws digging into the blankets covering the bed as her eyes snapped wide in a combination of pleasure and pain. Then he shoved forwards again, and this time she released a small shriek of the same mixed agony and ecstasy as she felt it stretching her wide, piercing into her to some unbelievable depth as Zerrex's claws dug into her hips lightly, jerking her body back at the same time to try and hilt himself but only succeeding in burying about four-fifths of the huge cock before he let out another loud, masculine grunt as he shoved one final time, slamming his hips forwards hard enough to hilt his massive cock, causing her firm buttocks to jiggle a bit as his body struck them and his testicles to slam into her sensitive vagina.

The male's body flexed and his muscles bulged, tensing up a bit as he closed his eyes and bowed his head forwards with another soft sound of pleasure that was lost among the loud cries of Marina's stretched bliss. The constriction of her anal passage around his engorged, obsidian cock was amazing, so tight that it was almost painful for him as well... and, as he slowly dragged his shaft back, he released another grunt of pleasure before ramming himself back in, clutching her hips now as he grinned slowly. He was definitely not going to be able to take his time in here.

Zerrex began to thrust powerfully, drawing his hips back before slamming his thick member down into her depths, burying his long cock over and over into her tight anus and making her shriek with desire and ecstasy as the pain steadily faded and the pleasure steadily grew, her body shaking as her teeth grit, sweat rolling down the scales of both Drakkaren as the male began to pick up a faster pace, his testicles slapping lightly against her vagina with every strong pass, making her moans and cries of pleasure rise a bit in volume at the erotic feeling that was only adding to the growing bliss throughout her body. She could feel her own orgasm rising fast, the deep penetration and stretching of her tender rosebud making it nearly impossible for her to fight against the great pleasure she was taking from being taken so powerfully.

She arched her back, muzzle rising up as her eyes snapped open with another cry of bliss as her father leaned over her a bit, his hands rolling up to grasp her firm, hot breasts, squeezing them as he slammed himself forwards hard enough to rock his daughter forwards before he began to rapidly piston the last quarter or so of his thick obsidian member in and out of her tailhole, his testicles swinging with much greater force now into her sensitive vulva and making her release cries turn almost to short, rapid barks of pleasure as the reptile pressed his strong form down onto her back, his hands groping and squeezing her bust as he bowed his head just above hers, panting hard as he moved the massive cock back and forth, hilting it with every hard shove into her. This surprise was too much for his daughter to bear, however, and the ecstasy it caused made her quickly lose whatever few strings of control she had left, now unable to stop herself from giving voice to screams of ecstasy as she began to rock her body hard back against her father's thrusting form, and at the same time trying to push her chest out towards his hands.

Zerrex began to move himself faster in and out of her as his muscles flexed and he already felt his long shaft stiffening, feeling her anus contracting even tighter around his massive length as his daughter began to buck beneath his body, rolling her breasts in his hands as she shook a bit from side to side, releasing cry after cry of ecstasy as the large male slammed his massive shaft in and out, feeling himself beginning to stiffen up under the tight squeezing of her anus, contracting in time with her vagina as she bucked herself hard back against him, her vagina clenching rhythmatically as it released a flood of juices, spraying out of her still slightly-stretched lips to pour down her legs and splatter onto her father's testicles as they bashed into her vagina with every hard thrust into her.

The male continued to work his hips rapidly as he pushed his body down against hers, working his fingers against her breasts, feeling her hardened nipples against his palms as he rolled and fondled them almost automatically, concentrating more on shoving his girthy black penis in and out of her tight anus and feeling it becoming as hard as diamond, throbbing and pulsating before he arched his back, pushing his body down against her and making her bend a bit, large belly almost touching the ground as she felt him reaming her almost violently, slamming his immense length in and out before his hot seed began to explode down into her depths, ripping into her anus over and over again as Marina released cries of bliss as her own orgasm came to an end just as his began.

Then he too was slowing as he felt the last spurt of seed pour into her, laying his body over hers as he squeezed her breasts firmly, almost painfully, his head laying over her shoulder as his eyes closed, thick cock hilted in her but a bit of his viscous, white seed leaking out of her rosebud to slip along her buttocks and down her vagina and legs. Her limbs trembled, barely able to support herself from the bliss as she slumped a bit towards the ground, panting hard herself before she felt her father lifting himself from her body and then pulling slowly from her anus, leaving her tender rosebud stretched and gaping, a bit more seed spilling out as his engorged head was finally removed with a faint plop, the male looking down at her gaping hole with a bit of a murr before Marina slowly sat and turned around with a loud murr, her eyes-half lidded, both of them silent and panting a bit as their eyes stared into one-another with passion and love.

Then Marina looked down at his slick and still-engorged shaft, studying the obsidian member before she grinned as she rose her head to look at him once more, murring gently. "You gonna keep your promise, Daddy, and manage a fourth shot for your dear daughter? If you can't, I'll understand though... that was a very nice treat you gave your little girl..."

Zerrex stroked his shaft a few times, feeling his throbbing hardness before squeezing a bit and twitching at the sensitivity of the girthy cock... then half-lidding his eyes as he met his daughter's seductive gaze. "Now, now... Daddy doesn't break his word, Marina. So I can manage one more... but it'll be fast and I dunno how much is left in me." He grinned a bit, then winked as Marina let herself slip onto her back with a playful smile, looking up over her bulging belly at her father as her hands squeezed her breasts gently, legs spread a bit.

Her father crawled slowly forwards, slipping between her legs and laying his own body over hers, supporting himself off his hands as he put his muzzle down so the tips almost touched, eyes gazing into one another. Then he lowered his muzzle and she rose hers a bit, tilting her head to meet him in a hungry, eager kiss, jaws working slowly together as their tongues danced slowly, pushing against one-another before it broke and they pressed nose-to-nose, eyes opening to look into each other's warmly before Marina said softly: "I know what one of your favorites is, Daddy... and I think that seeing as I'm just starting to really swell now, this could be one of the last times to do it comfortably... so why don't you take that big cock of yours and put it between my breasts, huh?"

The male grinned wider at this, then he murred slowly before he carefully brought his knees up and straddling her, squeezing her sides lightly as he sat with his testicles pressing against the underswells of her breasts gently, seated with his tail rolling lightly just up the bulge of her belly as he murred at the feeling of his thick shaft resting with the base pressing between her thick breasts, the rest of his long length pushed up into the air, slanted along the rolling swells as he gazed down at his daughter with a wide grin and deep murr. "You're giving me a treat too, huh, daughter?"

"Not really, Daddy... just giving you what I can." Marina replied, murring softly in pleasure as she spread her large breasts as Zerrex gently pushed his thick shaft down between them; even her ripened swells, however, were not enough to cover his entire length as he carefully slipped himself backwards, up her swell a bit as Marina dropped her head forwards to gently push her tongue out to lap slowly at the head, which was just pushing free of her breasts as she lightly squeezed the sides of the swells forwards to cover the reptile's thick cock as he reaches his own hands down, his palms pressing firmly down on her swells and grinding lightly against her nipples as she murred deep in her throat.

His shaft squeezed between her hot breasts, the head of his long penis being lapped by her tongue... these feelings all combined to create a deep bliss in his groin as he began to thrust slowly through her bust, his moving shaft rolling into her mouth with every long shove into her muzzle and almost to her throat, until he felt his testicles rolling against her underswells as he worked himself back and forth, his head bowed to watch his daughter as he groaned softly.

Zerrex rocked his hips back and forth, pushing deep into her muzzle before dragging blissfully back, teased by her tongue, hot mouth and warm, firm breasts as he continued to thrust slowly between them, feeling her squeezing them around his thick cock as his own hands blissfully worked the firm, swelled mounds, fingers dragging gently up and down the firm flesh to pinch her nipples, twist them gently, and to rub his palms slowly against them, feeling the hardened nubs rubbing against the scales on his hands as he continued to thrust his shaft back and forth.

His daughter could feel her own warm, erotic and passionate bliss rolling through her body, a sweet bliss that filled her up as she closed her eyes, gently sucking back on the massive obsidian cock as it stretched her jaws and pushed deep into her muzzle with every forwards thrust, feeling it throbbing, already more-than-slightly stiffened as her father rocked his hips back and forth, half-riding the swell of her belly as he pulled back and then pushing down again to massage the long shaft through her breasts as he continued to toy with her gently. She could hear him panting softly, feel his shoves rising in strength as he began to move himself a bit faster, and then the male let out a soft groan and ceased to restrain himself, beginning a mild thrusting between her breasts as he actively worked himself towards the unstoppable, approaching climax, his sensitive cock unable to bear the wonderful friction of her bust.

Marina eagerly accepted the faster thrusts, working herself in time with the moving cock as she began to bob her head a bit, crushing her breasts tighter against the shaft as Zerrex groaned softly and bent forwards over her, squeezing her breasts firmly in his hands and almost clinging to them as he rocked his hips back and forth, feeling his shaft stiffening up with near-surprise as his eyes opened wide to stare down at his daughter with a long groan, working the massive length faster and faster in the almost-painful pleasure as he felt his obsidian member once more attaining the firmness of steel before he grinned, then pulled back, quickly jerking his thick shaft free of Marina's muzzle and making her own eyes open in surprise, looking up as he backed up a bit and rose to his knees, then took his steadily-hardening member in one hand and began to rapidly stroke himself, pushing the thick cock down as he arched his back and released a long groan of ecstasy, his muzzle rising in the air and eyes closing for a moment before he forced himself to look down and watch as he felt his orgasm hit.

Marina murred deep in her throat, feeling a strange kind of pleasure roll over her body as she gripped her own breasts tight, pushing her chest out and up as she released a soft moan and closed her eyes as semen spurted from her father's cock, sending several long strings of wet Drakkaren load spraying up over her muzzle and face, then the second blast landed in her slightly-agape muzzle, a bitter but addictive taste that made her want more - which she promptly got as several more strong bursts of hot load sprayed from the tip of the slick cock, drizzling down over her breasts and the hands squeezing them as well as coating her neck. It was a surprising flood for the fourth orgasm of the reptile... and then Zerrex fell to the side, panting heavily as he groaned softly in pleasure, and she opened her eyes to see him laying beside her with a wide grin. "Damn."

His daughter winked at him, reaching up to slowly lap his strong-tasting seed from her hands and whatever else of the warm but steadily-cooling semi-liquid she could swipe up from her body, murring softly as they simply stared into one-another's eyes. Then she leaned forwards, and they shared a gentle kiss that still tasted a bit of the male's own powerful seed before she winked slowly at him. "I thought you said it would be little?" she teased, now slipping up the bed to the edge of the rumpled blankets, then slipping beneath them and the sheets before shrugging and using the top blanket to towel the rest of the seed from her scales... it would have to be washed, anyway...

Zerrex smiled, watching her move, then he followed her up and slipped under the blankets as well, laughing softly as she rolled over to curl against his strong chest. He wrapped his arms around her gently, feeling nothing but love and affection for his glorious, pregnant daughter as he kissed her forehead softly. "Well, I guess my balls are bigger than I thought, then."

She smiled up at him, then they shared a chaste kiss and there was no more need for words as instead, they slept.

It was... what, fourteen, fifteen weeks now, since that fateful day when father and daughter had first shared forbidden love?

Time had truly flown for the two... there had been so much to deal with, from the reconstruction of certain rooms in the Estate to the press - these dealings would often leave Zerrex muttering and grumpy for days on end - and Marina preparing herself both mentally and physically for the birth, as well as satisfying any of the strange urges she had, many of which made her father wince and mumble that he was afraid of what she was going to make for dinner that night.

They'd managed to find the time to have gentle sex, but nothing so good as that time they had done everything possible and which had drained Zerrex of so much as a hard-on for a good day or two. And then, at the eight month mark, they had switched to even gentler forms of intercourse, to make sure the baby was going to be alright.

And now, Marina sat placidly in a couch, with her plain maternity pants on and a light maternity shirt that covered her shoulders, arms, and breasts but left her belly bare. She rubbed it lightly, glancing down with a faint smile at it; it looked bigger than a beachball now. Whatever else, it was a big baby that was coming.

She rocked a bit, sitting in a plain den with carpeted floors, shelves of books, and a television that was currently playing some old movie where her father was a creepy-looking monster. She idly thought of how all great people started, being made fun of and rejected as her hands rolled up and down her stomach, feeling serene and somewhat tired... then she blinked as she felt a strange sensation in her belly and vagina, and then suddenly felt a burst of liquids pour down her legs, soaking the couch as she stared stupidly down, then winced and rose her head, yelling loudly: "Hey! Someone go get Sephire! Hey, where's Daddy!"

So this was how it came to pass that Marina found herself in bed, wincing in pain at the feeling of the contractions that were pushing her baby forwards and out of her belly, her body heaving, and yet at the same time unable to stop a stupid laugh as Sephire cracked an obnoxious joke about how this probably wasn't as bad for her as some because of the size of Zerrex's penis.

Zerrex kneeled on the other side of the bed, feeling uncomfortable in this ritual of females, blushing a bit at Sephire's jokes, leers and grins - he wondered absently if she ever got tired of sex in any form - but staying and holding his daughter's hand gently in both of his, giving her words of gentle encouragement and doing the little he could; but he had to at least be here with her, because this was not only his daughter, but his lover. And she was giving birth to his next child.

Fortunately, it wasn't a long delivery, and at the end of it, Marina held a baby in her arms, rocking him quietly, the child wrapped in a towel as Zerrex lay in the bed beside her, his arm around her shoulders as he smiled softly at the little bundle of Drakkaren - not so little, however, when Sephire gave the weight and then made an ironic comment about larger penises equaling larger babies. Then she grinned at Zerrex and asked if he was going to treat her now or later, but rolled her eyes and threw up her hands after Zerrex glared at her, then resumed looking tenderly at the small child.

"Do you know what we're going to call him, Daddy?" Marina asked softly, looking at her father with tears in her eyes. "Do you remember?"

"Reyn. Reyn Valance Narrius." Zerrex replied softly, then he leaned forwards and gently kissed his daughter on the lips. "Our name for our son."

And so another has been brought into the family of Zerrex Narrius, he the father, his adopted daughter the mother. Reyn Valance Narrius has entered the world, and neither of his parents could be happier.