Orc Tail...Konu the Badger... meets one of my Orc warriors at a lonely road side Inn...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of Konu Badgers tales


Orc Tail...

The wayfarers Inn sat atop a lonely pass in the Wilra mtn's, on the rarely used road from Kahai to the low lands of Muir. The Inn had been build to give travelers a safe place to spent the night in those wild mountains. It was small with few rooms and thick stone walls to with stand attacks from weather and marauding creatures. Each of it's seven rooms were a fortress unto themselves, where travelers could lock themselves away from the dangers outside.

"Right this way... watch you head there!" The grizzled inn keeper advised to the huge green skinned Orc who was following him. "We're all full up... but the guest in room seven said he was willing to shared with ya." "It's the largest of our room's so you will have plenty of room to stretch out." "Best defended to, well back from the rest... be nice and cozy." The old Fox babbled on nervously. Orlak didn't think to much about it... the big green Orc boar made most folks nervous. Just from his sheer size and strength, of course his might masculinity bulging under his loin cloth intimidated many as well. Konu was sitting on his bed in the large room, a sharpening stone pressed to the blade of his sword. The rock making a repetitive scraping noise as he slid it along the blade, putting a fine edge to the steel. He'd be traveling tomorrow, and would need to be prepared in lands like this. Crawling with creatures and marauders just waiting to take advantage of the weak and witless. He had the door firmly barricaded, wanting to make sure he had no uninvited visitors during the night... When the old Fox came rap rap rapped sharply on the heavy oaken door with the handle of his walking stick making a hollow booming. As the pair came to a stop outside the room, the old Fox wondering ideally if his guest had changed his mind about sharing! Or if he would, upon seeing who he was to be sharing with. The sounds of movement could be heard now and at last the iron bolt was threw back and the door swing almost soundlessly open. Konu appeared in the doorway, peering around it cautiously, using the heavy iron banded wood as a shield. When he saw the innkeeper, he stepped around the door, his sword held passively at his side. As he carefully takes in the huge Orc, noting down his size and strength.

"Yes innkeeper, what can I help you with?" He asks shortly, wondering if this hulking green beast would be staying in the room with him. His trousers tightened quite considerably at the thought, as well as when that musk hit his nostrils firmly from the Orc's sweaty body.

"I... was wondering..." The old Fox started hesitantly stumbling over his words. "Ammm you did say you were willing to share the room..." He reminded the sleek dark Badger, as he gulped knowing if the Badger refused. He would have no other choice than to have the Orc share his own room. The big Orc tilted his head to one side... wide nostrils flaring as he looked down at the much shorter fur. His mouth breaking into a leering grin as he picked up what the Fox had not... the scent of arousal. Pushing passed the Fox, the huge green skinned Orc stomped into the room tossing his traveling pack in one corner and beginning to unbuckle his armor. While the old Fox looked on open mouthed at his newest guests seeming ill manners. The Badger watched the Orc with a grin, watching him slowly strip off his armor. He doesn't even say yes or no to the Fox, he just shuts and bars the door again. Then leans against it, fondling his sword hilt with one paw, as he grins at the Orc.

"So I guess a big warrior like you has a name?" He chuckles, watching as more and more of that slick green skin is revealed under the armor, his own musk rising hotter as he watches the display. The old Fox curses softly and limps away shaking his head at the rudeness of this younger generation... The big Orc shrugs off his armor and the Bear skins he was wearing under it for padding... his huge green body naked and shiny in the flickering firelight. Slowly he stretches and flexes his powerful muscles putting on an impressive display for the Badger. Twisting his head until his thick neck pops, the big Orc boar then repeats the action in the other direction. Before turning to look at his room mate with that same big leering smile. "I'z called Orlok." The big Orc grunts as he slowly moves over to the one big bed and sits down, that long green Orc stick pulsing semi erect between his massive muscular thigh's. "So who'z youz?" He asked leeringly. Konu grinned and watched that thick green dick pulsing and growled.

"I'm called Konu." "Orlok... huh?" "Not a bad name for an Orc." The Badger chuckled, his head full of that musky Orc scent. As he takes in those shiny muscles, his own cock rigid down the side of his thigh, tenting his trousers out quite visibly. "You look tired, Orlok." Konu purred with a lewd grin. "Maybe you'd like me to take a load off you?" "Help lighten you up a bit, so the next leg of your journey isn't so tough." "From the looks of things, you've got too much weight there as it is." The Badger grins, nodding at the huge meat that swings between the Ork's thighs.

That wide tusked mouth twisted up into a giant grin, as the Orc listened to the Badgers offer. Clearly the big brute was smart enough to understand the real meaning behind those teasing words. "Youz real sweet..." Orlok grunted sneeringly as he leaned back against the head board and idly began fondling himself. "I'z new ya would be tha moment I saw ya." "Ya scent gave ya up... ya like'z Orc tail..." He lifted that thickening organ up to display it better. "Sure'n ya kin lighten ma load..." Orlok grunted licking his broad lip's as he slowly stroked himself a bit more.

"Ammm... I do like Orc tail very much." Konu growled, slowly stripping off his own tunic and sword belt, his trousers sliding down. His own thick organ bobbed up stiff and shiny, slick with leaked pre-cum. The Badger climbed up on the big bed and knelt between Orlok's powerful thighs. The musk there nearly overpowering, but only served to make the Badger's cock even harder! He took that slick green cock from Orlok and lowered his muzzle to it. Giving it a few good strokes, before sliding the bulbous head between his furry lips. Polishing it with his slick tongue, and suckling lightly upon it. He reached under and cupped those massive low hanging balls. Giving them a light tug and squeeze, their heft even too much for his paws to hold all of! One huge green hand grasped the Badgers sleek black and white head holding it back. Keeping it from engulfing that huge cock head, as Orlok smirked down at his victim.

"Jest tha tongue..." He grunted guiding Konu's lapping tongue up and down that enormous cock. As it began to drool bitter dark grayish pre-cum. "No teeth..." The Orc grunted with a grin as he smear his pre over those furry lip's. Konu licked his lips, savoring the heady meaty taste of that cock and grinned.

"Trust me Orc, you'll never even feel my teeth." He grunted.

"I'z rather put it in tha other end..." "Ya furry ones ere so hotz back there!" The Badger gave that cock head a few thick slurps with his tongue, before adding.

"As for getting under my shaggy tail, I might let you get back there..." Konu pulled off that slippery Orc cock and gave those balls a final squeeze. Before moving back and down the bed, turning his rump to face Orlok temptingly. His furry balls and red cock dangled below it, dripping pre-cum onto the linen blanket. "You want it, come and get it big Orc." He taunted shaking that furry round ass sexily at Orlok.

"Hohoho..." Orlok laughed as that sleek sexy fur covered rump was offered up to him, the Orc boar was somewhat surprised. He'd figured that the Badger, being a warrior would struggle and try to deny him the power of the top position. But Orlok was certainly not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Quickly he sat up on his knee's and moved up behind the submissive seeming Badger, reaching to grab those thick masculine hip's in his huge green hands. "You'z gonna love ma Orc tail up ya bitch!" Orlok grunted lustfully as he spread his slick greasy pre-cum over the broad mushroom shaped cap. Konu groaned as he felt that huge Orc mount him, reaching under to stroke his own cock as he pushed back eagerly, ready for that huge cock to penetrate him.

"I love your Orc tail already warrior, but I'll love it even more when it's in my belly!" He groaned, waiting for that thick shaft to be shoved deep into his guts. The Badger pressed his head into the mattress, reaching back under his own body and past his balls to tug on Orlok's own swaying green set.

"Hohoho... Ya... Ya... I'z gonna put it in yer belly sure'nuff." Orlok snorted as he leaned forwards over that furry black and white striped back... Slowly shoving his fat mushroom shaped cap into the Badgers hot tailhole! "Ohooooooooooo fuck you'z hot!" He roared as that mighty organ slowly spread Konu wide as it slipped into the depths of his body... The big Orc never considering the paws that stretched over his fat nut... strong thick claw tipped fingers closing like the jaws of a bear trap around his big vulnerable orbs... "That'z right that'z right ya love ma Orc tail in ya slut!" He moaned as he felt the Badger's tail hole squeezing his mighty cock! The badger groaned, as he felt that hot mushroom shaped knob pop through his inner ring and the rest of the shaft slowly following it. He relaxed using all of his experience to take that huge cock, even as his paws tugged on those fat balls. Pulling forward on them to make Orlok hilt even faster within him. He had one beefy nut in each paw, his fingers closed tightly around them, squeezing and tugging them! Stretching them out from the Orc's powerful body, so they would be loose and low. And the huge Orc would be able to thrust without any difficulty. Konu kneaded those hefty balls in his strong paws, rubbing them against his own sack as he was slowly penetrated by that thick orc tail. The big Orc was grunting and moaning softly now, as he lay on the Badgers strong back. His strong hip's slowly thrusting that mighty cock in and out of the Badger hot hole.

"Ummmm hotz an tightz jest how I likez'em!" Orlok panted as his thick cock throbbed powerfully, while he began driving it in and out of the Badger at a swift needy rhythm. Those big strong green hands holding tightly onto Konu's sleek hip's, just in case the Badger decided to try and pull away when the on rush came. "Howz that'z bitch boi... like it in yer belly..." He demanded lustfully as he pounded that furry ass. Konu growled deeply as he was fucked hard, his cock wagging stiffly under his flat rippled belly. Discreetly, even as he grunted and groaned making quite the slut of himself. The Badger positioned his thick spike like thumb claws over Orlok's thick balls, one in the center of each big nut.

"I like it... thisssss much!" He growled, almost a snarl as he clenched down, the rest of his claws clinching down on the top and sides of those fat nuts! While his sharp thumb claws dug straight into the centers.

"RRRRRRRORORORRR!" Orlok screamed as his might jewels were savaged, his powerful body hunched over Konu's strong back. He tried to struggle... to pull away, but those clawed paws had him by the ball's... literally! Konu jerked savagely strong paws forcing those low hangers forwards brutally. Even as his thumb claws dug into the delicate flesh of the big Orc's scrotum! Orlok's mighty body convulsed and spasmed helplessly as the Badger pushed back. His big round rump shoving the green skinned giant backwards... that long thick Orc tail slipping out of the Badger's rump. Still flexing and jerking up as stiff as a flag pole, even as those claw tipped thumbs pressed deeper! The big Orc's struggles has ceased now and he fell back limply against the pillows. Only his long thick cock bouncing and drooling as the Badger slowly turned twisting those big ball's as he did! He wanted to see the overly proud Warriors face when those claws finally did their work! Orlok's wide mouth hung open as he moaned and gasped for breathe weakly. Those huge green orbs fought, trying valiantly to stay in one piece! The smirking Badger flexed his claws, just for the satisfaction of feeling that delicate meat between them squeeze and shift around a bit. Never afraid to use whatever part of his body he required to get what he wanted, Konu relished his position of dominance over the much bigger Orc! Taking great satisfaction in watching that broad green face twist and contort with every flex and twist of his claw tipped fingers. Konu smiled with his claws buried deep inside those big throbbing male jewels.

"Mmmmm... would you still like me to lighten your load Orlok?" The Badger teased leeringly as he squeezed. "With my claws in your nuts, I can tell very easy how full and heavy they are!" He snickered. "And by the looks of your cock, I'm not overly convinced you'd like me to stop!" The Badger gave those balls another vicious jerk and twist!

"RRRRRRRROWOWOOWWW!" The big Orc boar roared again, shaking his broad head back and forth even as his thick cock bounced up and down stiffly...

"NOOOO... NOOOO You'z can't!" Orlok shouted his big muscles flexing and quivering as the pain and sexual excitement throbbed through it. His strong hip's humping up towards those vicious paws as they twisted and tugged on his mighty jewels... "SS...SSTOPZ IT....STOPZ..."

The Badger chuckles as the Orc humps and flexes against his twisting paws, the motion only damaging those big impaled balls even more. "It's too late to stop now Orlok!" Konu purred in a velvety soft voice. "And besides, you already said you wanted me to help loosen these big jewels up for you." "You can't take back a favor!" Konu pointed out leeringly, twisting those fat ball's even more! Being rewarded with a 'crunching pop' from inside the back, a ligament snapping audibly as he pulled on those huge oysters in that big green sack. "And it's not like you're going to need them for much longer anyway..." The Badger leans down, sliding his muzzle over Orlok's huge throbbing Orc tail all the way to the root. As the powerfully built Badger grinds his gripping paws on those fat orbs, the big Orc moans and begins to roll back and forth slightly. Watching as his might male hood is raped in a brutal way he'd seen prisoners treated before... Clearly the Orc knew where this is going... knew his male hood was lost... "Fuck youz!" Orlok snarls softly then moans as that hot mouth slides down his throbbing cock... it felt soooo good his hip's responded automatically humping the Badgers muzzle... As Konu finally puts all of his strength behind his paws, clenching down on those trapped orbs with all his might! They resist, fighting against the pressure for several long moments... But Konu's powerful paws were just too much, first the smaller of the two bulges out grotesquely shattered in a sickening wet sounding 'Squelch!' Then the other huge orb bursts, shattering into tiny chunks of grayish testicle matter, dripping down the Badger's bloody fingers! Chunks of crushed Orc testicle squirting out of the holes Konu's claws made in that big green sack, spraying goo over the blanket!

"IAIAIAIEIEIEEEE!" The might Orc warrior screamed rather effeminately as his fat ball's exploded in those smooth leathery paws! His big cock tensing and releasing a flood of pent up cum into his conquerors muzzle! The Badger smirked and gulped down that flood, letting what he could not gulp drip from his muzzle onto the Orc's musky pubic mound. Using his claws, he totally removed everything that remained of Orlok's balls, leaving the Orc gelded. Konu's teeth pressed sharply into the root of that bulging spurting Orc tail. Pinching painfully, but as the last spurts of cum jetted from the enormous head. Konu drew his furry muzzle back, leaving it where it was. The Badger swallowed his mouthful of hot Orc jizz then wiped his lips, playing with the shreds of Orlok's sack. "Mmmmmm... now that was quite a drink!" Konu laughed. "I knew you had to be pent up, there was no way just fucking me was going to empty those balls!" "I had to take extreme measures!" "Of course now, I'm feeling a bit pent up myself." He leered, and indeed the badger's cock was quite hard between his thighs. Using his surprising strength and the element of surprise. Konu flipped Orlok over onto his stomach, and gave that big green ass a hard squeeze with his paws!

"Wha..." Orlok squeal squirming and trying to crawl away for a long moment... but his bid body was feeling weak and queasy. And then the Badger's weight settled onto his wide back, pinning him down as he felt the Badger hot breath on the back of his neck. Something hot and wet pressing between his butt cheeks, the springy male organ taunting as it rubbed up and down. "I'z aint fer rumpin'!" Orlok moaned weakly in protest, even as he knew he wasn't a top stud anymore!

"That's what you think." Konu growled gripping the Orc's shoulder strongly, pulling him back and forcing his own hips forward! The Badger's cock splitting the Orc's cheeks and spearing into his tight green rump all in one hard thrust! Konu hilted himself and groans as his own balls press against the boar Orc's ruined sack, his strong paws pushing Orlok down into the mattress. The Badger began to thrust hard and fast, pounding his cock into the Orc's tight rump! Feeling the hard bump of his prostate pressing against his thrusting cock. "Ooohh, so very tight!"

"OOOWOWOWWWW!" Orlok squealed loudly, as he tight virgin hole was so swiftly and violently violated! His hip's bucking grinding his own semi hard cock against the slick bed sheets.

"I have a feeling it won't be for very much longer though tho!" Konu sneered. "Once you have a taste of what it is to be rutted by a true male!" "I don't think you'll be keeping your cheeks together, whenever there's a willing cock around." The lustful Badger panted and grunted with each stroke of his dick.

"Uhu Oho Ummmmm!" The big Orc grunted as his face was forced into the mattress as his molester brutally pounded in and out of him! "Ummmm Fuuuuuu... FUCKZ!" Orlok moaned, as that long stiff cock beat against his pleasure knot sending jolts of pleasure through him. "Fuckz fuckz fuckz me..." The big Orc breathed as that pleasure swiftly built within him...

Konu reached a paw under the Orc, hoisting his ass up off the mattress into a more conventional doggy style position! Still pounding away at him, as that thick semi hard Orc cock dangled freely under him. The Badger stroked it roughly and growled. "You see... you don't need a cock, now that you know how good it feels to be fucked." "Face it, your cock kept you from feeling how good it is to be rutted by another male." "You don't need it, do you?" "Not when you can get this from so many hung and horny males, just like you used to be!" Konu grinned as he taunted, thrusting quick and hard balls bouncing off the Orc's big green ass rapidly. The big Orc blushed as his ass was lifted into the rutting position... making him feel like a submissively little bitch. The Badgers words confusing him nearly as much as the pleasure that was throbbing through his body and brain.

"Don'tz need it..." He repeated softly trying to wrap his mind around what his rapist was saying... even as his body responded without thinking. Pressing his big round ass back into those hard fuck thrusts, even as that smooth leathery paw stroked his floppy semi hard cock... "Use to be... Uhu uhu uhu..."

"Perhaps you will understand better when you don't have this last vestige of male hood to cloud your brain!" Konu growled softly into the back of the Orc's neck, his paw clenching tightly on the Orc's fat semi hard organ! Twisting it viciously as his claws dug into the root.

"ERRR!!!" Orlok grunted looking back over his shoulder startled at these words... even as he felt that long hard organ tense inside of him... Just as Konu let out a deep and powerful groan, and fired his seed deep into the Orc's ass. His powerful paw tore the mighty warrior's enormous Orc tail out by the root! The mighty organ went from being the powerful symbol of masculinity it represented. To just another chunk of meat in less than a few seconds, and was lifted away from the Orc's crotch, and shown to him, dangled over his head as Konu continued to spurt his cream into the Orc's debauched asshole.

"NNNNNOHOHOOHOOO..." The big Orc half screamed half moaned as he felt his insides flooded with another males hot sticky seed... His head spun as that pleasure gland quivered within him, sending his big organ into twitching orgasm... It was still twitching and dripping when that black furry paw held it up in front of him... He'd never saw it from this angle... never realized how huge and powerful it was... Slowly he reached out and kissed that big mushroom shaped head as it dangled in his face... Before collapsing weakly onto the bed whimpering and moaning sluttishly as more and more hot spunk filled him...

"Now whether you like it or not, your only avenue to orgasm is through your ass!" Konu snarled gloatingly, pulling out roughly and spurting his last dregs over the Orc's quivering rump. He lifted that huge cock above his head, and opened his muzzle. Dropping the huge green python of a cock into his gaping maw. It was quite a mouthful, but Konu was used to dealing with large portions of cock! And his strong jaws and sharp teeth quickly made mush of that meaty dick and it was gulped down like so many before it. The Badger's guts were a veritable cock graveyard by now! The final resting place of so many precious male organs... Konu slapped a medicinal pad over the Orc's nullified groin and chuckled. "There now, I'd say you're considerably lighter for the next leg of your journey!" "Though I must say... I'm a little bit full!" The badger laughed as he lay down on the bed beside the emasculated Orc. "I like it in the morning as well!" He smirked slapping Orlok's firm round ass playfully...