Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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So, posted this picture, and they got an idea they decided to share with me and i wrote this, i hope its what they had in mind/i captured what they wanted >~<

I wrote this in an hour and a half or 93 mintuesm its 4 pages long and 1676 words, im not proud of the length and for some reason i couldnt come up with much more then this idk why, maybe im losing my touch? >~<

I purr happily as I pack up the portable grill as my mother packs the charcoal and the meats. "Go get the spices and things, don't want to forget them~" My mother purrs happily. "Okay mom~" I say heading back inside to grab the sauce and spices. "Why do you always have to buy the strange stuff from the corner of the street?" I ask my mom as I pack up a strange looking spice bottle. "Because homemade spices are the best spices, and I'd make them myself if I knew the secrete to it~" She giggles and purrs. "You're strange mom~" I giggle and pack up the meat and vegetables into the cooler before putting the cooler into the back of our truck.

I purr and get into the passenger seat of the truck as my mother gets into the driver seat. It was close to the new year and we always went out to the local park to cook and hang out. We didn't like going out on the new year day itself because it was always to crowded to have fun and relax and people are the most annoying parts of the holidays. That was something we could always agree on. I purr as she pulls out of the driveway and begins to head for the park. "Got everything?" My mother asks as we drive. "Yep~" I purr. "Meats?" she asks. "Yep." I smile. "Vegies?" She smiles as she runs through the list. "Yes, mom everything is there~" I say happily.

It doesn't take us long to get to the park only about 20 minutes. Once there we begin to unpack and head over to one of the park benches, it takes a few trips to get everything set up and on the table. The mixing bowl, the spices, the sauces, the vegies and the meats. "Alright im going to try and light the grill~" My mom giggles. "Good luck~" I giggle and head out into the field a bit before laying down and murring. It usually took a good amount of effort for either one of us to start the coal fire mainly because we weren't fire types.

I sigh and roll around in the grass. I love know when It's not trying to kill me~ I giggle to myself and stretch purring lightly the smell of charcoal filling my nose. "Hey mom~?" I ask looking over to my mother who is lighting the portable grill. "Yes sweetie?" She smiles down at me. "When is it going to be ready~?" I purr and sit up. "Once the coals and grill are hot enough for me to cook, now while we wait why don't you start to marinate the meat~" She purrs and her tail swishes. "Okai~" I say happily and get up. "Now remember to add the spices first before the sauce, that way the meat absorbs the spices when it soaks up the sauce~" My mother purrs happily.

"I will~" My tail wags happily as I head over to the table. Okay, I know she likes it stupidly hot so I'll make hers first to get that hell over with quickly... I think to myself as I begin to grab the spices and cover my noses with my shirt. I hate spicy food, its so painful to cook... I do my best not to cough as I place the meat into the bowl and begin to sprinkle the peppers, and sauce over it. I cough a bit and wave my paws in front of my noses. "Jeez, why did you have to get so much spice?!" I cough. "Because the burn is the best part~!" My mother giggles as she stokes the coals.

I shake my head and giggle. "You're so strange~" I smile and my tail wags. "I'm not the one that likes my meat well done~" She teases. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't like eating raw meat!" I blush and huff a bit before coughing again, my heads beginning to spin a bit. "Mmm..." I grip the table, panting lightly as I blink and shake my heads to try and clear my vision. I soon fall forwards as my vision goes dark. A falling sensation over-taking my body, I try to spread my wings to stop my descent but fail to do so before I completely pass out. I groan and slowly push myself up before coughing and covering my noses before realizing I just put two paw-fulls of spices into my air ways.

I gag and throw up a bit my lungs, nose and eyes burning from the intense heat. I pant and gag more as I look around for a way out of my new hellish landscape. I try to shake my paws to clear the sauce and spices from them as I begin to make my way towards the edge of the bowl. I don't get very far before I fall into the deeper end of the sauce completely covering my body and clothes. I quickly sit up and pant, gaging more as my maws fill with the spices. O-Oh goddess someone help me! I think to myself as I begin to take my clothes off to cool down. "Inqu? Inqu where did you go?" I hear my mother's voice as it gets closer.

"Where did that girl run off to now, I swear she gets distracted so easily. She didn't even finish getting the meat ready." She sighs and picks up the tongs. "M-Mo! Gack!" I cough and gag as I try to yell up to her. "Ugh, stupid leaves." She groans as she plucks my clothes out of the sauce before adding more to my dismay. Soon my world becomes one of dizzying chaos as she swirls the meat around. She begins to hum to a song as she puts her headphones in. N-no don't put your headphones in! D-damnit! I begin to struggle as she flips the meat strips over. I try to push off of the side of the bowl to dodge the tongs only to have a meat strip put down on top of me. Oh fuck! I think to myself as im pushed to the bottom of the bowl.

Not being the strongest swimmer and not being able to hold my breath for very long begins to quickly take its toll as my muscles and lungs begin to burn even more than they were before which causes me to realize my skin is now burning. I begin to struggle even more to try and get out from under the piece of meat. A searing pain shoots up my left leg as the tongs grip the meat as well as my leg. Soon the tongs squeeze insanely tight forcing my knee to bend forwards unnaturally causing it to break. "Ggggblg!!!" My scream of pain is muted by the sauce as I struggle and kick at the tongs to try and remove it from my leg.

Soon the meat is flipped over, my paws quickly going to my face and nose to clear my air ways. I gasp and scream in pain as the spices and sauces begin to seep into my now open flesh wounds. I grip my leg with my lower arms and curl up, the tears forming in my eyes begin to clear my vision. My ears perk in horror as I hear the sizzling of raw meat hitting the grill. O-Oh goddess, no no no! I begin to wiggle, luckily im able to get off the slice of meat and fall onto the plate it's on. I pant and cough as I try to make my way to the edge of the plate. I scream and scramble to hold onto the porcelain surface of the plate as my left leg is grabbed by the tongs. "M-Mom stop, oh goddess stop please!" I beg as she picks me off the plate, singing quietly to the song she's listening to.

Her head bobbing and her eyes close as she sings. I begin to pant, and panic fills my body. "W-wait wait wait!" I scream before a searing pain shoots up my spin from my, wings, legs, and back as im placed onto the grills cooking surface. "Ahhhh!" I scream and try to sit up or move but my skin and feathers are glued to the searing hot metal. Any movement I try to make rips the skin from my muscles and bones. "O-O-Oh goddess someone save me!" I begin to beg and scream as I feel my insides and skin begin to boil and burn. My screams are drowned out by the sounds of meat being flipped over and my mother's singing. She looks around most likely looking for me before she lowers the tongs to my right leg and gripping it with the tongs.

"W-wait don't please!" I beg and scream unable to move from the pain and melted flesh. She hums and squeezes my leg tightly with the tongs before twisting it sharply tearing my leg off. "Ahhh!" I scream, and my heads begin to go light headed, my world spinning and beginning to fade as she plops my leg into her maw and chews. "Close, but Inqu likes her meat 'cooked'" She giggles to herself and lowers the tongs to my hips before gently squeezing them and lifting me off the grill. "P-please goddess make this end..." I whimper before I'm turned over,

Now facing the grill my body begins to go limp as I lose consciousness shortly after being placed back down, my life soon ending after that. "Mmm, this smells soo good, it always does~" My mother purrs as she sniffs the fumes coming off of the grill. She looks around before shrugging. "Guess she must have gotten called away for work..." My mother shrugs before picking up my lifeless chard body. "More for me I guess." She tosses my body into her maw and begins to chew, murring and licking her lips. "So good~" She pants lightly from the spices as she swallows my body.


"Are we there yet~?" I giggle quietly as I look out the window. "No." My mother says focusing on the road. "Are we there yet~?" I smile and my feathers poof a bit. "No Inqu." My mother says, sounding slightly frustrated. "How 'bout now~?" I giggle....

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The finding of a life time (request story)

Polaris: I rudely awoken as I'm tossed into a nearby wall. "Ahhh!" I yelp out and whimper I struggle to push myself off the floor of my living quarters the wind knocked out of me. I gasp and pant once I get my lungs to listen to my brain. My ears...

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The Visitor

"You can't be serious..." I say looking at the table, a martini class and a pressurized can of whipped cream sitting next to each other. "Oh, but I am hon~" My mate purrs, a ninetails Lucario mix. "I-It's so dangerous though..." I whimper a bit....

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