Cleansing the Soul

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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#5 of Erotic Friction

"Are you going to come out of there?"

I sighed contentedly. "I don't see it happening any time soon," I said after a moment to think about it. "I mean, yeah, eventually, but..." I shrugged, and sent waves of cum splashing out of the pool onto the deck. The stuff was definitely still magically charged, as it hadn't dried. The thought of it drying, making a daunting cleanup job into a nigh-impossible one, distressed me. Plus, while cum gets a bit tacky and kind of fun while it begins to dry, once it really starts to dry it gets, frankly, disgusting.

"Majesty," Zephyr said, getting frustrated, "we still have things to do."

I rolled my eyes. "You'd think," I said, glaring at the air elemental, "you'd learn to relax a little. If what you've been telling me is true, we're going to be together for a very, very long time. A few hours indulging myself isn't even a drop in the barrel in comparison."

"My Goddess," she said, "while that is true, we are currently behind schedule. You must still meet with the representatives of the other elemental courts and establish your palace."

I blinked. "Palace? Do you really think I need a palace? I mean, up until this started, I was just another college student."

She nodded. "I understand your reluctance to deal with these things," she said, and floated over the pool, the wind she naturally generated causing ripples in the milky fluid. "I realize this might be too much to deal with. I..." She nodded to one side of the pool, where Jianba had taken a seat on the deck and was using hir elemental abilities to make sculptures form out of the granite. "That is, we thought that the best way to acclimate you to this was, frankly, to get as many of the lifestyle changes out of the way as possible as quickly as possible."

Jianba nodded. "You've done a marvelous job so far, the both of you. However, the longer this takes, the more reluctant you're likely to be to continue."

"Why?" I looked between Jianba and Zephyr, frowning. "What aren't you telling me?"

Zephyr shook her head. "Nothing sinister. Your life has changed, and you've embraced the change so far. You seem to be flourishing, which is good. The changes aren't done, though. Nothing especially bad, really."

"Just more of the same," Jianba said, leaving her sculpture and moving over to the pool edge, where shi dangled hir hooves into the pool. "Once you've selected a spot for your palace, and welcomed the representatives of the courts of water and fire, you'll have all the free time you could want, and be able to do literally anything you want with it."

Zephyr nodded. "Sex is only a part of it. You represent the power of spirit within the mortal world. Along with the aspect of physical fertility, that brings with it a fertility of the mind and spirit. Generally, you would establish yourself in such a way as to allow the most gifted individuals access to you, where your presence would nurture their innate gifts. You don't even have to do anything if you don't want. You can isolate yourself, invite only those personally close to you to join you in a separate room, even. But people will still feel your presence, in a way."

"There will be supplicants," Jianba said, "like your new priestess-guards." By this, shi meant Maria and Haley. "Among them, you will find others to join your court. Priestesses to serve under that delightful feline High Priestess of yours. Guards to aid in the protection of you and especially those dear to you."

"Wait," I said. "Protection? Why would we need protection?"

"Hon," said Sasha's voice behind me, and as I turned to face hir, I saw shi was flanked on either side by the massive, formerly identical Maria and Haley, who were somehow decked out in the most salacious "armor" I had ever seen, even on the covers of the raunchiest fantasy novels. Where they'd gotten anything to fit their massive bodies, I had no idea. Maria looked impressive and intimidating - about thirty feet of tremendous muscle, and bounteous bosom wearing leather and brass.

On Sasha's other side, Haley looked more approachable, for all that she was taller. It helped that instead of being a mountain of muscle, shi was (mostly) and exemplar of the feminine form. Not quite as tall as hir lover, hir breasts were larger, hir hips wider, and hir waist narrower, making an exaggerated hourglass exceeded only by Sahara's own. (I could only presume that some form of magic allowed Sahara to move at all.)

All of that distracted me from what shi had said. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sasha rolled hir eyes, chuckling. "What do you need repeated?"

"Everything after I turned around and saw how damned sexy the three of you are," I admitted. "So, yeah, from the top."

Shi grinned. "What I said was that you are without a doubt the most powerful source of magical energy on the planet, whether you're aware of it or not."

I blinked. "You're kidding."

"Nope. And that will make you attractive not only to those who want your help or blessing, but to those who want to take your power for their own."

"They can do that?"

"Oh, yes, Majesty," Haley said, nodding.

"Please don't call me that," I said. "I'd much rather people - and elementals - just called me Mashara."

"Yes, Mashara," shi said. The way shi said it, my name sounded more like a title than something between friends or lovers. "With the right spells and enough skill, provided someone was able to catch you by surprise--"

"Not difficult," Maria said, "the way you get distracted mid-coitus."

"Yes, well, they could set up a trap spell and, frankly, drain every last bit of magic out of you."

"Normally," Sasha said, sliding down to sit on my left shoulder, "that would be bad, but not insurmountable. You'd be powerless until you built up a sufficient reserve to start casting spells again. With you, however, it would be fatal."

"You'd literally dwindle away to nothing."

"Yikes. So, uh... Yeah, what can we do to prevent that?"

"First thing," said Jianba, "is ensure you have plenty of power sources to tap into in case of emergency."


"More members of your court, more supplicants... more sex."

"Oh, darn."

That earned me a laugh from everyone - even Zephyr, who looked shocked at herself.

"Then what?"

"We need to teach you defensive magic. Shields, things like that," Maria insisted. Trust the massive wall of muscle to think of fighting skills.

"We can set up a link between us and you," put in Haley. "That way, if need be, you could draw on our powers at any time. Even if you drained us dry, the worst that would happen would be that we would be unable to spellcast for a week or so."

I'd seen cartoons where a light bulb appeared over someone's head when they had an idea. This was the first time I'd had one of those "eureka" moments, though. "Could we set it up to go both ways?"

"I fail to see what the advantage to that would be," Zephyr put in.

I looked at her. "That's because you can still fit inside buildings smaller than a warehouse. I'm something on the order of conspicuous, here."

Maria and Haley nodded. "We're not exactly subtle," Maria added, "but we can at least make ourselves look normal."

"Speak for yourself," Haley said, elbowing hir lover. "I intend to keep this figure at least." I found myself relaxing. This was more what I'd wanted them to act like around me: themselves, not awestruck worshippers.

"Great. Let's set that up," I said. "That way I can get out of this pool."

"Are you unable?"

"Not as such," I said. "I just didn't see a point when there was literally no place I could go without giving the entire city a free show." I looked at Jianba. "I don't know how you do it," I said. "Don't you realize anyone could see you?"

Shi laughed. "They would," shi said, "if I hadn't taken the time to extend the privacy walls around this place." Shi turned to Maria and Haley. "Since you two seem to welcome the prospect of joining Mashara's court, would you mind if we were to turn your home into hir palace?"

Maria shrugged. It was an impressive sight, the way those massive shoulders rolled, muscles as hard as steel coiling and uncoiling under hir glossy fur. I was getting distracted again. As much as I was getting used to having sex at the drop of a hat, I was starting to feel that it undermined my ability to make decisions.

"Sure," the powerhouse doe/buck said. "I mean, it's still our home either way, but if you make it hir palace, then shi gets to stay here with us, and, well, yay?"

I laughed. This would all get settled to everyone's satisfaction. My first priority, though, was to get down to size and get cleaned off.

* * * * *

It turned out to be easier than I'd thought. Rather than drain myself of power, Maria and Haley demonstrated how I could reduce my size without burning off the energy as I'd done before or channeling it into someone else.

"Well," said Sasha as shi examined me at my reduced size (eight feet tall, and nearly as well built as Maria). "That worked out nicely. Although I should point out that you'll have to do that regularly. You should be doing that naturally whenever you get more power, but..."

I nodded. "Yeah, something's miswired in me or something. Magic equals mass."

Maria, who'd made hirself ten feet tall and had not only kept the extra physique, but restructured hirself to keep some of the mass shi should have lost, making hir somehow seem to shrink and grow at the same time, grinned. "Not that that's a bad thing," shi said, flexing a tremendous bicep and admiring the way it bunched and swelled. Shi really looked like physical strength personified.

"In any case, you'll be able to draw on that power supply you've set aside for your spellcasting, but any time you replenish your power, you'll start to grow."

"So, sex equals bigness, right."

Shi shook hir head. "Depending on your range, you might find yourself growing slowly through the course of a day. So yeah, if you want to head out without drawing too much attention--"

"And only you can decide how much is too much," a significantly reduced Jianba put in, walking alongside us.

"'ll want to reduce your size with that spell."

I nodded. There was little doubt I'd remember how to do that, since constantly growing had been both incredibly sensual and frustrating at the same time. "Right now," I said, "I think I need a shower. I'm covered head to toe in spooge, and if I don't get it off now..."

Sasha laughed. "Go ahead. Bathroom's right there." Shi pointed at the door we'd been walking to.

I can't begin to describe how good a shower feels to me. Hot water soaking through my fur, massaging my admittedly sensitive body. In moments, I was aroused - this always happened even before I discovered my unique heritage: it was as close as I came to sex prior to my awakening. Now that I was aware - and boy was I aware - of who and what I was, the experience was more intense than I'd been prepared for.

The water pounded against my sensitive breasts, shoulders, and neck, teasing my nipples and easing tensions in my muscles I hadn't been aware of. It ran in hot rivers down my back and belly, and my arousal built. It felt like the most skilled massage I'd ever dreamed of. My shaft, ever eager, was at full attention. The only thing keeping it from bumping against my bust was the constant pressure of falling water. Again, it felt like hot, eager hands rubbing every inch of it - every inch of me.

It wasn't until I felt the warmth against my ear; heard the pleasant, husky voice, that I put two and two together. What felt like hands were hands. Several of them, as elementals of various genders and sizes rubbed against my body, scrubbing me clean and massaging my body from head to toe.

"We are here to serve," the voice said. I turned, opening an eye. It said something either for my self-control or for the fact I'd experienced so many new things lately that I was in shock, that I was able to take this in stride.

"A pleasure," I said.

"Not yet," the creature whispering in my ear said. The face was hard to make out, translucent and shimmering, but it appeared to be some sort of canid. As it pressed its body against mine, feeling remarkably solid for a being made of water, I became aware of the plump breasts was pressing into my back. "We'll change all that, though. I am Ninurta. As I am sure you can feel, I am currently quite female - "

I certainly could tell. My penis, throbbing in the caresses of who knew how many elementals, desperately wanted to determine the extent of her femininity.

"-however," she continued, "that was not always the case. Nor does it have to be." So saying, she pressed her hips against my rump, sliding against my back, and I could feel her body reshaping itself - a unique, and highly pleasurable sensation. I could feel the protrusion that rapidly became hir penis, and spread my thighs slightly to give hir easier access.

"Shall I continue to stroke you off," shi said, as shi took the invitation, "or would you like to really fuck?"

When I looked down, what I saw was bizarre, but, I should say, not as horrifying as it may sound: Rising from the water around my hooves were a group of disembodied arms, writhing around each other as they reached up to stroke my shaft. I nodded. "Wanna fuck," I said, on the edge of incoherence.

"Oooh, I think I like you," growled Ninurta. The arms began twining together, forming into a twin of the elemental, who finally took the implied (and spoken) invitation, and plunged hir shaft into my waiting folds.

If you've never been fucked by a water elemental - and I assume you haven't - then there's really no way to describe the experience, but I'll try. Shi filled me, right down, and where it should have hurt, the fluid nature of hir body made it, instead, like a warm massage. Despite being fluid where shi needed to be, hir shaft was incredibly firm, and the way it rubbed against my clit, hot pulsing water pouring around it on either side, hitting every single millimeter of needy flesh.

Added to that, hir doppelganger, which had mercifully taken on a much more opaque appearance, looked like the most lusciously curved wolf - albeit with dark blue fur, which was soaked through to the skin, outlining every luscious curve. Hir generous bosom jiggled enticingly with each bounce on my cock. Hir own shaft flowed between my breasts, firm but slick. Shi was solid enough to grip - which I badly needed, as hard as the Ninurta behind me was driving into me, and in that way, the three of us (two of us?) found a rhythm easily, somewhere between rough fucking and tender lovemaking.

We went at it like beasts, but without sparing the tender caresses - a hand stroking my breast while I ran my hands up and down the back of the one in front of me; the one behind me sliding hir wet, firm breasts over my broad back - and we traded as much kissing as we did sex.

As predicted, the outpouring of sexual energy from Ninurta, even though less potent than from a non-magical being, was enough to begin feeding me beyond the trickle necessary to sustain me, and as a consequence, I began to grow. I was acutely aware of it, and found myself wishing I'd been clothed. Though it could get expensive, the feel of my clothing yielding to the inexorable pressure of my body made me feel powerful, which in turn enhanced my pleasure.

It took a minute for Ninurta to realize anything was happening. The one in front gasped as hir body began to feel tighter around my expanding shaft, and began to climax, clear slick fluid pouring from hir shaft. Though it was unquestionably water, it certainly felt like cum, and that climax further fueled my growth. "Powers, I knew you were big," shi moaned, "but I didn't know you were this big!"

I chuckled. The tighter shi felt around me, the more pleasure I felt, and shi would be getting a lot tighter, as I could feel my growth accelerating. "You ain't seen nothin' yet."

"What was that?" The Ninurta behind me continued to fill me, and apparently began to realize it was taking more of hir to do so. "Oooh," shi growled. "Kinky. You're into some fun stuff, aren't you?"

"Shut up," I said, "and fuck." The three of us put deed to word - and cocks to each other - as the sex got rougher and more desperate the larger I got. I was getting close, finally. So, however, were the walls of the shower. I could feel myself pressing against them - hard tile cool against my powerful limbs. I was nearly doubled over in order to continue kissing and licking hir face and breasts, but I could feel my mane brush against the ceiling.

The last coherent thought I had before being swept into the kind of orgasm only a water elemental can bring about - as I would eventually learn - was that I hoped Maria and Haley would forgive me for the damage that was about to happen. After that, everything became white-hot pleasure and flashes of imagery: tile and plaster raining down around my body, water cascading over the floor, and the midnight blue sky of Ninurta's fur clouding up with white fluffy clouds of zebra cum before I fell on top of hir. Shi flowed out from under me like the fluid shi was, and then there was just the white light of pure pleasure.

* * * * *

I woke up to the gentle caresses of my friends - elemental and mortal both - toweling me dry. I was sprawled on a pile of pillows in an opulent foyer, quite probably looking like a queen at ease in her palace... apart from my massive, well-muscled body and the tremendous black cock that was being lovingly ministered to and cleaned by the newest member of my court.

"Well," Maria said, breaking the silence, "now you're awake I have to thank you. I'd been wanting to renovate that bathroom for months, but Haley wouldn't let me."

Before I could respond, there was a buzz from an intercom by the door. I looked at the others, who, each in their turn, shrugged. It seemed I already had another supplicant. Until I could take the time to shrink down and get some clothes, I was about as regal and majestic as I could get, so I motioned for Maria and Haley to let whoever it was in.