03 - Pleasure Seeker
#6 of Omo's Vignettes
Omo's Vignette Interludes
Immersive experiences from other worlds
The starship and her many memetic clones voyaged space without cessation or return. Governed by an Artificial Intelligence with a few loose commands, the starship crossed the vast depths of space in an attempt to catalogue every inhabited and habitable world. Under the starships command were clones imprinted with a carefully selected subset of memories, suited to each and every encounter. These clones, each and every one of them--were Omo.
Good Morning Ship! I called up as I crawled free of my tent.Day Thirteen, I think I will go down the mountain and inspect those beautiful structures I witnessed on my way in. They had been a queer purple, glossy, and made swirled patterns in the valley. I had collected some two thousand samples of this planet's life already and sent them up yesterday with the supply ship.
I packed well, cleaned my camp up thoroughly, and bundled it into the drop pod for easy retrieval when it was time to leave. Then it was down the slope I went. The decent was no trouble, for the gravity of this world was half that I was used to. I hopped from ledge to ledge, dropped twenty meters without trouble, and picked my way along like a playful mountain goat! Before the sun had crested the wide clear yellow sky I could spy the strange growths. They seemed more blue from this angle, less purple, and I could tell that they were translucent, for the light seemed to bend through them and set them to glowing! It was gorgeous.
I dropped the last few meters onto the surface of that blue-purple mass, and landed with surprise. The material gave, almost the consistency of smooth silicone rubber! Stiff, admittedly, but soft enough to send me up, over, and up again as I bounced. When at last I came to a rest, I was upon my belly, face down looking into the depths of the mass. It was crystal clear, yet refracted light at some degree stronger than even diamond which made it difficult to see through. I was convinced there was something within, though what it was I'd likely need to cut down to, to find out.
After some experimentation there was one thing I was certain of; It wasn't alive, that much I could tell. Though there were trace organics that left an opalescent sheen within, and the source of the color, but the material itself was unquestionably a silicon based matrix and lacked any cellular structure to speak of. This in and of itself was quite a strange fact, for I'd not yet met anything that even digested silicon as far as I could tell! Perhaps a colonizing bacterium? No, what if it was some sort of cocoon for a yet unwitnessed branch of life upon this world? Perhaps there were living creatures waiting to birth within it!
I was getting ahead of myself though, and far too excited. I forced a calm upon my quickly darting thoughts and set camp. The material provided a decent anchor for my tent, sturdy, yet piercable enough with a bit of constant pressure and effort. What ever had created it, had created it well! Once the equipment I'd need was assembled, and everything else stowed, the sun was beyond the mountain and I was in shadow. So I setup a high intensity light source and shined it directly into the material. The incredible rainbow of light cast off from it was enchanting. There seemed to be internal facets and streaks of organic refractory filaments invisible to the naked eye, but acted in mass to produce a wonder of a light show.
I found myself somewhat entranced by it, to be entirely honest. It was well after dark when I had quite enough of it at last, and pulled myself away from the simple experience. I felt altered in some way, as if I'd gone through something spiritually momentous, though could put no finger on exactly what. It had been a long and tiring day however, so I shut the light down and laid myself to down to sleep under the stars. I had only a simple blanket under me, and the weather was gentle enough, so why not? All around me the stars created a faint halo of prismatic colors, but my eyes were set above and beyond.
How many had I been to, I wondered. It was hard to count them all, one memory blurred into another. Ship, I asked in quiet contemplation, How many of these stars have we visited?
The response was slow in coming, almost a whole twenty seconds before my vision was filled with a chart of paths taken and worlds visited. The sky above was dusted with information, displayed for each star charted. To my astonishment I could find no star that didn't have at least a short visit to determine it's value. My mouth fell open, shocked at the span of time that must have taken. So many... Have I ever discovered another site like this Ship? A moment later I had my answer, no.
If I dreamed, it was lost by the time I woke. That arising was not the most auspicious either, for I found myself quite and fully trapped. My vision was blocked by a freshly spread mass of the prismatic gel, and filled with a spray of color and light so intense that it hurt the eyes, so I could not describe easily what I saw. To the best of my knowledge though, it was something insectile, something hideously large and multi-legged, something that had entrapped me as I slept so gently I hadn't woken.
I tried to pull back, but I was affixed quite firmly to the rubbery ground below. At my side I could hear the flap of my tent sway in the wind, so I knew I hadn't been moved. My legs had been opened and lifted, knee to chest, and affixed in a mass of sticky fluid. My arms had been spread wide and cemented to the ground below on either side of my blanket. My tail too had been tucked down and affixed, which left me very very exposed and vulnerable.
I didn't really understand why such a creature would do this, it couldn't have recognized me as... well... anything familiar. Why expose my nether region so completely? Even my muzzle was left exposed, though jaw gaped wide with a massed blob of silicone like mucous wedged between and glued around my head. The only reason I had awoken now, was that the huge creature was in the act of motion so intense it set the entire mass below me bouncing!
The intense motion grew more so as the thing approached my tightly bundled form. Then, it came between the sun and I, and I witnessed it as clear as I'd ever wished, and far more than I might have. My eyes, glued open as they were however, could not block out the hideous sight. Slimy, glistening, undulating form, like that of a giant fly with plated abdomen taking up most of it's putrid form. It's front was more like that of a man, though lacked any sign of head and instead just had a drooling gummy maw that lacked lips, teeth, or tongue. Mandibles curled inward to brush over that maw and gather wad of sticky, milky fluid into a form like pulled taffy, then it applied that mass over my pubic region and spread it thick.
This action seemed pointless, but it seemed quite pleased as it adjusted the last smear of rapidly congealing slime into exactly the shape it wanted... I watched, as best I could. It had mounded the stuff over my vent and spread my tri-fold labia open and glued them out. The mass had created a valley, a valley which bottomed out at the entrance to my cloaca. Sudden clarity struck me then as it's back end thrashed once more and slammed violently against the rubbery ground. In it's wake was a slash torn in the fabric of the ground, and a splatter of rubbery mucous that drew into a strand from abdomen tip to ground. It slammed again and again with obvious impatience as they waited for my landing strip to harden.
He hadn't long to wait, I could feel the stuff tighten and pull at my hide, and as it set, it drew my labia wider and my tiny sphincter open. A trickle of moisture oozed out of the gaped hole to run down between my thighs and over the base of my tail. I could smell my own sour musk fill the air and it seemed so could the monster, for a moment later it lowered something that could only be a sensory organ between us and probed over my flesh. It tickled between my folds, like a feather or pine branch with flexible needles... then it snapped up and away and a second later their abdomen struck the ground once more, hard enough to crack the ground below him.
A moment later, they were satisfied I supposed, for they hopped forward with obvious eagerness. Their fat, slimy abdomen curled inward and I got my first good look at the back end. Slippery mucous drooled from a few visible dozen pores which encircled a pucker of flesh from which a wrinkled and pointed phallus emerged. If you had taken an elephant's penis, drained it of half it's blood, then replaced the rest with muscle... thats what you would have ended up with. It was a monstrous appendage that twitched and bounced of it's own volition as the whole three meters was brought toward me.
As muscular as it was; it wasn't particularly deft. It struck my thigh and bounced off, then smeared across my stomach and between knees, breasts, and off my ch in. The trail of slime that left behind was oily and thick, the consistency of petroleum jelly and the stench of sewage combined. I gagged and coughed, but couldn't move my head aside or lift a hand to clean my face. The beast thrust and smeared over and over until at last it caught the channeled mound of gel it had molded over my vent and... struck.
I screamed, they screamed. Their scream was of abject bliss undoubtedly, mine was of utter agony. Muscle tore and skin split as that phallus sank into me. My cloaca had never been so full, and the powerful sheath could not contain it. They didn't care, didn't stop. They sank in, then the whole abdomen slammed down just as it had before. That spire had rammed straight through solid rubber, my poor body was no hindrance. It slammed in, it wormed past each sphincter, sundered each one, then moved onto the next in rapid succession. The fat, blunt head sprayed an incredibly powerful stream of mucous without cessation. I'd seen the sticky trail left behind on each slam, I hadn't imagined the feel of it! A firehose penetrating at high speed! It passed into my stomach after two seconds of thrust, body still on it's way down. The appendage passed through and head butted against the other end of my throat, then breached.
A second later, my jaw was gaped wide as an elephantine erection thrust free. They had impaled me entirely, and above my face fountained a rain of fetid oily mucous as that member pulsated and twitched. That, that was just the beginning. They withdrew entirely only to slam in again, and again, and again. Glued in place, I was well positioned to service, and my body--though brutally bruised and cloaca ruined--seemed to please greatly.
I was not so pleased, no, no I was not. I screamed between thrusts, my body impaled and stuffed by the fire hose ten times a minute. When the abdomen came down, it crushed my hips into the rubbery ground. When they entered, a flood of greasy fluid bloated my insides. When they withdrew, a spray exited through both ends at high pressure. This continued, this incredible rape continued throughout the day and well into the night.
Mucous gummed to a semi-firm gelatinous crust. It clung to my outsides and clogged my insides. It stank of sewage, tasted of bile, and left me with a horrible sense of the unclean. When at last, at very last, they had had their fill, it was not some tremendous climax, but a slow gentleness of thrusts until at last, they were barely jerking themselves off with my tortured body. Each thrust was no more than a few centimeters back and forth, with the head somewhere in my belly. They drooled the last few liters within as I vomited it up and up helplessly. Then at last they settled down atop of me, and fell asleep.
I passed out, that much was certain, exhaustion too deep to even label what I experienced as sleep. I stopped existing for a few hours, until dawn woke my rapist. They left me then, though the act of leaving itself was enough to send me through hell. The phallus had laid in me all night as sexual drool bloated my interior to an aching gravidity, and it had solidified. When they pulled free, out it came with, a long squirmy strand of rubbery mucous that threatened to make my insides outsides!
Their return wasn't long enough a delay. When they did, I could smell the unique smell of local fauna blood; they had fed and fed well, and there was no doubt of the monster's desire. This time, I watched helplessly as it mounded more of that mushy mucous into a mold about my face. I understood at once. they had spent the day before in my cloaca, today would see that rapine "pleasure" taken from my throat. I screamed and struggled, licked and bucked--to no avail. It was only a short while to wait as the funnel of silicone sludge set... and then I watched helplessly as the massive abdomen lifted and fell, as that whale phallus descended straight as a spear toward my face.
It missed the first shot by a wide margin, and I watched to my right as it sank through the rubbery ground two meters... then withdrew with a gush of oily issuance as the ground closed up around the flood. They thrust again. This time it struck the funnel's inside and curved around as the abdomen descended once more, like an avalanche; unstoppable and inevitable.
There was a series of loud cracks, and a shatter of agony as my jaw broke and teeth snapped off. They didn't mind in the least it seemed, for right down my throat it went, through my stomach, and out the destroyed passage of my cloaca, then vent. A liter of oily mucous sprayed free in a fountain, dozens of meters from me. It produced a rainbow mist in the air as the sun hit it, almost beautiful if not for the source. I could pay it little notice through the haze of suffering.
They raped me for the rest of the day and well into the night. The hundreds of liters of fluids pumped through me, mounded up around and formed a gelatinous well in which I lay. Only the continuously slammed abdomen kept me exposed. Then they fell asleep again, lodged down my throat, still mid ejaculation. This time, I could not sleep. I struggled for some gasp of air, some taste of fresh oxygen, the only source now was the ejaculate it seemed, my entire body had been encased and was well on it's way to becoming another of those sculpted mounds I had seen. I knew now what those things below the surface were: previous mates.
Ship I cried to heaven, save me from him, please. I can't take another day of this! I was given no response, it was as if I had been abandoned to my fate! I would have sobbed, but there was only oily sludge in my lungs and a wrinkly elephant cock all the way through my destroyed body. Instead, I silently wept as my body shook around his phallus. they twitched every so often in his dreams, hard enough to move me within the encasement of his secretions.
Morning came at last, and they ripped free of my destroyed form. That sensory organ poked free once more and dabbed about my mouth, then, to my utter shock came a voice, a voice in a subset of galactic standard, a voice I just barely understood though my ears were well encased. "Incredible, you live yet! Such a pleasurable hole, so squirmy and lovely and ohhh yes yes yes you will do, you will do fine! My child shall have you, my child shall know you! Yes yes yes she will!" the voice was--not entirely sane, that was certain.
I could not speak in turn, though I struggled to make any form of noise or gesture in response. It was not to be. The monster raped me again, not orally at least, but it was no difference really, I was utterly destroyed, The wind passed straight through my mouth and bowels with no restriction when they weren't inside of me. I wanted to die, but had not the ability.
I figured they meant to just rape me until I turned up pregnant in some madness--but I was mistaken. About mid day after I'd vomited up enough oily sludge to fill the valley of hardened slime above me ten times over, they began to shorten their thrusts and make strange squealing grunts. I didn't know why, not until I felt the erection within thicken. It, was no it, or even he, it was a she, and she had an egg to lay. Above me she cried over and over, "Yes, yes, yes!" in rapid triplicate with the final exclamation of the trio followed by a brutal thrust. There was no way such a bulge could have fit, no way at all, had she not weighed fifty tons. My pelvis shattered after a dozen such thrusts, a wave of nauseating pain and destruction so deeply incredible as to crack the fabric of my thoughts and leave behind a broken thing eager and terrified at the same time.
She halted her thrusting and just wedged herself against me as fluid built up behind the egg. It inched forward with each throb and jerk of her ovipositor. She trembled and keened with lustful joy with each centimeter of ground her egg covered. I broke, stretched and brutally torn with every fiber of my cloaca through which her young was laid. I wept with joy for the life being laid, my belly clenched and swallowed with torn muscles. I was broken, and this would finish me, this would be my undoing at last! I was joyous and thankful.
Slowly, devastatingly slowly, she withdrew as the egg slipped free of her, into the pit of my stomach. Twenty centimeters across at least, end to end, if I could judge. It took up almost the entire space that my organs should have and left me bloated. I could hear her singing and laughing as she built up the mound that encased me, as she sealed me in with her egg. I could feel the life in it, a slow throb and shift. I wondered how soon it would be until it hatched... if it would ever hatch... how soon it would be until I died and was free of my agony.
Oxygen deprivation was one of the worst deaths for my kind. Bit by bit my body shut down, muscles first, then extremities. I died by milimeters from the outside, in. There was no air to reach, no water to absorb, no free oxygen to take in, only my slowly failing body and the egg beating within it. It was a death of silent screams and endless tirades at the ship for abandoning me. It was a merciless torture from which I couldn't escape. I didn't even lose consciousness for my body was in danger mode and hyper-aware!
Then, when I thought it would finally reach a true ending, as most of me but my core had failed... the egg cracked. A flood of oxygen rich fluids bathed my still living insides, a spread of new life to my failed existence, and only prolonged the inevitable. Within the egg was no child as far as I was aware, only a slippery gelatinous mass of flesh that squirmed within my bowels and crawled it's way up my throat. I thought, for sure, it would attempt to escape from me, to flee my flesh like a second shell. It did not.
A new horror greeted me as the young slime began to eat through the roof of my mouth and burrow into my skull. My last few memories were of confused distortion as my brain itself was devoured in rapid brutal slurps. I could feel it move, could feel it eat its way through my flesh and burrow into my most sacred of components... and then I could know no more, for even that capability was consumed.
I awoke, confused and hungry. The translucent confinement crushed upon me, too tight by far... but I gave a shake and twitched the rubbery mountain off me, then spilled out into the sun. I blinked my confused eyes... or tried to at least, but could find no eyes to blink, there was simply vision, in all directions, full and intensely detailed.
Off to my right was a tattered scrap of fabric and rusted metal; a tent... My tent! It looked like it had weathered for years upon years! My other equipment had been strewn about, searched through, smeared with hardened mucous. I turned about a few times as movement caught my... senses? It was my mother... I mean, the monster rapist... I felt such deep love and devotion as she crawled from her burrow. She pressed herself against me, and I to her, and she whispered, "Welcome beloved! Welcome! Such pleasures we will share, such pleasure!" She lead me to her burrow, and I could hear the pitiful sobs and screams of thousands. Behind me my young abdomen twitched, then struck the ground as an involuntary shudder went through. I pulled my ovipositor free, a stream of lust trailed behind and I could already feel another gush welling up, ready to spill forth.
"Yes mother!" I cried, "Yes!" and followed after, eager. Within her pleasure chamber I found dozens of still living creatures bound in place, though well used and abused... all identical, silvery skinned, shimmery eyed, and thin. I recognized them, recognized them as myself, all of them were me. I leaped upon the first I saw and slammed myself inside. Oh how it felt, oh the satisfaction I achieved as I penetrated my clone. Sweet scented, oily secretions burst from her screaming mouth as I spilled my love into her. "Yes!" I cried to her, to mother.
"Soon beloved! Soon we will return to the core worlds and build ourselves a harem! These I have bred, these will serve us!" Mother explained as I raped my clone over and over. "Yes!" I agreed whole heartedly. These bodies, my old clones, they were so durable, so pleasurable, so beautiful! I could feel her clenching on my spire, she swallowed helplessly upon it with her cloaca muscles, her stomach bunched and churned around me. "Yes!" I cried one more time. Below me, terror filled eyes looked back as she vomited my load continuously. "Just wait," I told her sweetly, "I will grow big enough to split you in two! Won't it be wonderful?" She only shuddered with horror.