Beasts of Burden (Chapter 4)

Story by Dogwood on SoFurry

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You didn't think I'd let the story end like that did you? hehe

This is the 4th part of a 5 part series I've been working on for some time now. I intend to release the final part in my own time ( as it can be so hard to find the motivation to write some days) but I have decided that if the tip jar reaches $20 I will ensure that it is delivered within 1 week from that day. Donations are much appreciated and can be made here:

Note this story is strongly gay minded and graphic but hey, thats why you're here. This should not be read by persons under 18 years of age.

Beasts of Burden Chapter 4

By Dogwood

William woke up as sunlight streamed into the barn through the window. Wearily he got onto all fours and stretched. It had been almost a month since Aetos had transformed him into a donkey and already he had found himself getting used to his new body. William lowered his head and nuzzled Andre's face causing him to stir. He didn't want any more trouble from Aetos so thought it'd be best they were up and ready for when he came.

As it turned out Aetos had a farm plot further into the island that he maintained every day. He had been looking to expand his field this year but didn't have the money to hire laborers, which is where his two new donkeys came in. For 4 weeks they had been pulling up the earth with that wretched plough strapped to their backs, inch after agonizing inch. The rain hadn't visited the island for some time now, making the ground hard and dry. Aetos didn't care though and blamed their slow progress on William and Andre instead. He remembered the first time Aetos had used the whip on Andre, and how Andre brayed in pain. He remembered how venemously he had stared at Aetos for hurting his companion, only to be whipped in the face himself soon after. "Just one more week and the field will be done" William thought to himself. "After that things will be better".

Andre slowly got up from the straw and joined William, nuzzling his back affectionately. Having Andre do that always helped ease the pain of their new life. They had still remain close since the transformation and even gay, much to Williams surprise. Every couple of nights when the pain from the working day wasn't too severe they would fuck hard and heavy like animals, this being the one thing that William could honestly say had improved in his life.

The boys waited patiently in their stalls for their master to come, usually arriving like clockwork five minutes after sunrise. Twenty minutes passed and still Aetos did not show. William and Andre looked at each other. Suddenly in the distance they heard the faint sound of the front gate swinging open. Listening closely, the two donkeys could make out two distinct voices. One William recognised as Aetos but the other person was unknown. As the voices got closer Will picked up on the other persons accent. From what he could tell it was a male, young and American. A chill ran up Will's spine, causing his fur to fluff up a little.

"So where you from Toby?" he heard Aetos ask the boy.

"New Orleans" Toby replied casually. "Thanks again for letting me stay with you while I'm here Aetos. I've never met anyone so hospitable."

"Its my pleasure" Aetos replied "I'm sure by the end of your stay you won't want to leave". The small talk continued until the two had entered the house and Will could hear no more. His Stomach clenched. "This can't be good" Will thought. A few hours went by while Will and Andre idled the time away in their stall. Hearing the barn door creak open he saw Aetos walk in and go to his cabinet. Searching through its contents he finally reached in and took out a bag of what looked like sunflower seeds. Giving the donkeys a mischevious grin he then headed back out. "Definitely not good." William thought again.

An hour later Aetos came and saddled them up and it was business again as usual, though Will and Andre were happy to only have to put in half a days work this time. The time in the field went by quickly while Will remained distracted by thoughts of the new visitor. Before he knew it sunset had come and they were already heading home.

Arriving back at night the donkeys were lead into their stalls and soon fell asleep. In the dead of night the sound of the barn door creaking open roused William from his slumber. Peering over he saw Toby walking into the barn, dressed in nothing but a loose night shirt and boxers.

Will was impressed as he looked the boy up and down. Toby was a tall lad, lean and athletic with thick black curls of hair that occasionally hid his handsome face. Watching him closer Will realized that Toby was still asleep, his eyes seemingly glazed over as he walked around the barn aimlessly. This continued for a few minutes until he stopped next to some old wooden crates for a second. Breaking off he then started moving towards Andre, who had by now also woken up to watch the strange spectacle. Bending over Toby started grabbing straw from one of the hay bales and carrying it over to the crates, throwing and kicking the straw on the ground until it formed a big pile. Seemingly satisfied they watched Toby slowly lean back into the pile, resting his head against the crates, drifting off to sleep again. The two boys stayed awake for a little while longer trying to make sense of what just happened. However without anymore movement from Toby they soon settled back down, joining their visitor in restless dreams.

With the rising of the sun William awoke to face another day of hardship. Remembering what had happened last night he looked over to check on Toby, finding him still resting on the hay pile in the corner of the room. Soon enough Toby smiled and let out a long yawn as he stretched his arms and legs. Eyes snapping open he sat bolt upright when he realized he was not in his room anymore.

"Shit, how did I end up here?" he muttered to himself while looking around the barn. Getting up he spotted William and walked over, William cautiously stepping back as he approached.

"Don't worry boy I'm not going to hurt you" Toby said soothingly as he leaned against the wall of the stall, extending his arm towards William.

"Oh why not" William thought, eyeing the stranger up and down "he seems friendly enough".

"Good boy" Toby said soothingly as Will approached. Will sighed inwardly as he felt Toby's fingers trace along his head and scratch all those places that had been out of his reach ever since he had transformed. Braying softly Toby noticed Will's pleasure and smiled.

"Oh you like that don't you donkey?" Toby chuckled.

Will wanted so much to tell Toby to run for the hills while he could but he knew it was pointless. Without the ability to talk he would not be able to get the point across quickly enough before Aetos would find out and punish them all. Looking up he was not surprised to find Aetos spying on them through the window, keeping an eye on his newest addition.

"Geez he probably was watching me and Andre the whole time and we didn't even know it. Did he even watch us fuck?" William wondered.

"Well I better get on with the day" Toby said as he drew himself back up. "Lots of places to see and girls to do" he said, winking at Will. Walking a few steps Toby grimaced, rubbing his lower back.

"Man, sleeping here last night must have done a number on my back" he moaned. Will watched as Toby stood in front of him and slid his hands down to apply pressure against the small of his back. Doing so pulled his boxer shorts slightly down, letting Will take in the top of his well rounded butt. "Damm thats a nice ass, cute little paunch on him too" William thought as he admired Toby's small belly . Slowly Toby bent his body backwards, sticking his ass out more and more. Will's attention to Tobys ass soon shifted as he saw the source of Tobys discomfort. Seething underneath the skin Will could make out Tobys spine, lifting out from his butt cheeks each time Toby stretched. Grunting Toby pushed down on his back and thrusted his ass out one last time, rewarded with a loud crack as his spine realigned, now proudly jutting out between his cheeks in a large nub of flesh .

"Ahh that did it" Toby said with a sigh of relief, oblivious to his forming appendage wiggling happily between his cheeks.

"Ohhh that felt good" Toby said aloud to no one in particular, the front of Toby's boxers beginning to tent. "Mmmmm" Toby sighed, groping his growing bulge. He then eyed Will up and down and gave a curious smile. A knock on the door snapped Toby out of his reverie as Aetos entered the barn with two harnesses in hand.

"Time for work" he said cheerfully. Toby hastily pulled his boxers up and managed a weak smile before he continued on his way out the barn.

"Its already happening" William thought dismayed."I wonder how long he'll last?" After Toby was out of sight it was back to work. Will brayed as Aetos roughly manhandled him and Andre into their halters, pulling them out of the barn and towards the fields for another hard days toil.

With the sun hanging low in the sky the two donkey boys wearily made their way back into the barn. The work had been tough but not nearly as bad as previous days. Aetos had seemed too distracted to get angry and Will could guess why, somewhere on the island was a boy slowly changing into an animal and if anyone found out there would be utter chaos.

"He must have relied on the herb keeping us docile and hungry for more so we'd come back" William realized, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place in his mind.

"Hey Aetos" a voice called from behind causing Aetos to turn around. Will looked over Aetos shoulder to find Toby walking into the barn in his jeans and tshirt.

"Ahhh Toby" Aetos waved cheerily. "How are you my boy?"

"Not sure sir" Toby replied. "I feel kinda weird."

"Weird? How?" Aetos said.

"Well my body feels kinda sore and I feel a little bloated." Toby said.

"Hmm let me have a look at you". Aetos said. Toby stood still as he let Aetos hands sweep over his body. Toby let out a confused gasp as Aetos gripped the boys ass and played with Toby's tail nub with this fingers, then feeling around to stroke his belly. Finally Aetos finished his inspection with a good squeeze of Toby's crotch. Will could tell by the confused look in Toby's face that that he would have never let someone manhandle him in such a personal manner usually, but as had happened before Aetos's magic was clouding Toby's judgement and he was unable to object to the intrusion.

"Probably just not used to the food here boy" Aetos said soothingly. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a bag of the seeds he'd retrieved from the cabinet earlier. "Eat some more of these, it will help with your digestion." he said.

"Oh ... ok" Toby nodded, dumbly complying as he took the bag and began to eat, slowly at first but then faster until Toby was frantically shovelling the seeds into his mouth.

"I'll leave you to it then" Aetos chuckled as he left the boy in his hunger craze. It wasn 't long before Toby had finished off the whole bag.

"Man that was good" he said, now left alone in the barn again with Will and Andre. Seeing the donkeys again he gave a smile. "How was your day today boy?" he said to William, rubbing him on the top of the head. Getting no response Toby leant back against one of the load bearing posts and let out a sigh. "Mine's been a weird one. I've been getting these random erections all day but everytime I've gone to jack off I go limp." he continued, grabbing his crotch, "its infuriating!".

Toby then moaned as his stomach let out a loud gurgle. "Unnnhhhh". Pulling his shirt up Will could see that his small paunch had grown bigger since that morning, turning into a pot belly that looked odd on a boy so tall and thin. Rubbing his fattening belly with his hands Toby moaned again. \

"Damm I've really need to lay off the rich food." Will stood there for a while longer as Toby continued to talk about his day, admiring the boy for his sunny outlook on life and his passion to explore. Andre however was still wary of the boy and continued to stay in the back of the stall away and out of sight.

Relaxing a little more Toby let slid down his post a little, eliciting a gasp of unexpected pleasure.

"That .. kinda felt good" he sighed as he drew himself back up. Hesitantly Toby relaxed and let himself try it again. "Ohhh" Toby sighed as he felt pleasure again. This continued for a few times until Toby was grinding his ass up and down against the post with abandon. Eyes flinging open he looked down amazed to see the front of his jeans swelling with his growing manhood. Casually looking around and finding no one, Toby crept towards the barn door and quietly closed it. Regaining his position on the post Toby let his hands wander to his pants as he began to grind himself against the post once more. Trembling his hands reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, letting them fall around his ankles as he groped his crotch.

The scent of the boys arousal was palpable as Will looked on at the lust stricken boy, his own donkeyhood thickening at the sight. Soon Toby couldn't stand it anymore and shimmied out of his briefs too, 8 inches of thick turgid cock heaving into the cool barn air.

One hand grasping his aching member Toby sighed as he let his other hand travel around the back of him. "Oh god my ass feels so good" Toby moaned as he rubbed it with his palm, his legs spread apart. Bringing his hand back to his face he looked at it confused. Clear translucent goo covered the tips of his fingers.

"I didn't know guys could get wet like that" he remarked. Reaching back down his confusion was short lived as his fingers made contact with his anus and slid in for the first time.

"Ohhhhh!!!" Toby cried in bliss as he felt inside himself. Precum squirted from his cock as his fingers travelled deeper into his ass, his body shuddering as he felt a sexual pleasure stronger than he ever had before. Soon enough his hand had buried itself in as far as it could go, but the look on Toby's face made it clear to William that he wasn't going to stop there.

"Neeeeed morrre" Toby groaned, desperately looking around the barn for something bigger to please him. Groping around William watched on in amazement as Toby fucked himself with nearly every implement in the barn.

William's donkeyhood straining with arousal at the sight and the smell of it all, his 14 inches of drooling black blunt cock demanding attention. Toby was contemplating sitting on the large bedpost back in his room when he spotted Will's aching monster. His eyes met William's and for a moment neither of them moved. Slowly Toby stepped out of his clothes that had pooled around his feet and walked hesitantly towards William's stall. Williams heart beated faster as he watched the naked boy get closer and closer, that thick cock of his bobbing up and down with each step. Trembling fingers unlatched the door to Williams stall as Toby walked in, unsure of himself.

"Hhhey boy" Toby stammered as he gently touched Williams mane. William responded by nuzzling the boys chest, trying to reassure him that he wasn't going to harm him. This seemed to work as Toby's body visibly relaxed. Tobys gaze then worked its way down until he was staring at Will's cock.

"You're so ..... thick" Toby moaned staring at Wills throbbing member, his hand reaching out to touch it. Will didn't want to take advantage of the boy in his spellbound state but the beastly lust he had inside him now was becoming too hard to handle. Toby was so hot and horny and he looked ready for what Will knew would be coming.

"Mmmmm" Toby cooed as he grasped Will's donkey cock, causing Will to bray low and long. The fluid from Toby's ass increased with his arousal, slowly leaking down his leg as his body ached for something new and alien to him. Biting his lip Toby let go of Wills cock and stood there for a second rubbing his belly in thought, his thick member throbbing.

"Awww fuck it" he snorted, moving to the wall and leaning against it. Hiking his butt up into the air his tail nub wiggled expectantly. Turning his head around he looked William in the eyes pleadingly.

"Come on boy" Toby moaned, gripping the wall "Take me".

Wasting no time Will lunged over to Toby and buried his face into Tobys waiting ass. Toby cried out in bliss as his ass was assaulted by Wills long dextrous tongue. "Ohhh!! more! more!" he yelled with wild abandon, not caring whether he was caught anymore. Satisfied William prepared himself to mount Toby, his long phallus slapping up against Tobys buttocks as he got into position. Toby was panting hard and heavy now as he knew he was about to get what he'd been waiting for.

With a leap Will slammed his body up against Toby's, his thick flared tip pushing insistantly against the entrance to Toby's ass, making Toby curl his toes in anticipation.

"Unnnnnnhhhh!!!" Toby grunted as he felt the thick monster cock push through his anus and slide deeper and deeper into his ass, his butt cheeks spread wide to accommodate the beast. William was amazed that he was able to sink all the way to the hilt, his dark pendulous balls slapping against Toby's ass with each thrust.

Toby's grunts and whimpers soon faded away as he got over the initial shock of being fucked for the first time. Soon he could feel Toby slamming his ass backward into Will's cock with each of his thrusts, he cries and moans growing more and more frenzied.

"Oh god Fuck me, FUCK ME!!" Toby yelled, sliding down onto all fours. This encouraged Will to pick up the pace as Toby writhed in pleasure underneath him. Amazed Will could see Toby slowly shrink in height as he fucked him. Will thought about stopping but the shrinking was causing Toby's ass to get tighter and tighter, driving them both wild. Tobys breath was becoming more and more laboured as he could feel his orgasm build in his loins. Hanging his head down he realised he hadn't even touched his cock yet. His massive 8" member was throbbing between his legs, precum drooling onto the floor underneath him.

"Keep going ... keep going I'm gonnnna cummmmm!" Toby screamed, already having lost a foot in height. Will brayed in response as he felt his own climax near. Toby's screams of pleasure mixed with Will's brays as Will unloaded his donkey seed inside of Toby in three powerful spurts. Toby gasped as he felt his insides flood with Wills cum, groaning as his belly swelled even larger until he looked like he was pregnant. The feeling was enough to send him over the edge as his whole body and mind shuddered with the orgasm that had been so elusive to him that day.

"Shhhhitttttt!" Toby screamed as his cock blew like a firehose, blasting the ground beneath him with his seed. His sex riddled mind had trouble comprehending what was happening as squirt after squirt shot from his cock, spewing more cum than he thought ever was possible. He remained on all fours with Will still mounted on his back helpless as he continued to orgasm uncontrollably. This was no ordinary climax Toby soon realised when he saw that his cock had shrank and was continuing to shrink with each of his ejaculations.

"Unnnghhh! Nooooo!" Toby screamed as he watched his balls collapse into his body until they were non existant. All that was left of his manhood now was a small nub but that too was on its way out. With a final grunt Toby came for the last time, his cock vanishing into his body, leaving behind a smooth patch of skin where his genetalia used to be.

"Whh. what have I done!" moaned Toby as he tried to squirm out from under Will. Sated from his lust Will shuffled backward to try and let Toby up. Stumbling to his feet Toby looked bug eyed at his crotch, now as anatomically correct as a Ken Doll.

"This can't be happening!" Toby cried out, feeling his smooth crotch. "I've got to .... Urrrrrrrgghhhh!". Toby's sentence was cut short as he bowed his head and gripped his bloated stomach in pain.

"Ohhh man... it hurrts!" he yelled as his stomach churned loudly. Toby's tail nub went into hyper action as Will watched it grow further out of Toby's backside. But something was different this time. The tail that was forming was not that of a donkey Will soon realised. It was too short ... too wide.

Staggering forward Toby grimaced as the bones in his feet cracked. With a sickening rip three yellow talons sliced out of the front of his feet, his former toes falling uselessly onto the floor. Looking behind him Toby screeched as he saw his tail for the first time, becoming so wide and stubby now that it had consumed his buttocks with it, his anus now open to the world to see. Unbalanced with his new claws Toby started to fall backward when his new hind claws erupted from the balls of his feet, keeping him steady. But all this was not enough to keep Toby distracted from the growing pressure in his belly.

Sobbing Toby staggered toward the pile of straw he had made that morning, each step stretching and raising his heels off the floor further and further until they were as long as his shins. Squatting over what Will now recognised as a nest Toby cried out in pain as he pushed, grunting and puffing as his face turned red with the effort.

"Unnnngh" he groaned as he pushed again. Will could see Toby's anus throbbing with each push, translucent goo cascading out of him until finally the tip of something white and hard poked out from Tobys ass. His eyes wide Toby trembled as he felt down and touched the thing. Another contraction and Toby screeched, pushing harder still as the object painfully stretched his anus wider and wider until it was the circumference of a watermelon.

"I'mmm Unnnngh ... I'm laying an egg!" Toby yelled bug eyed as the final contraction assailed him. With one last push his anus stretched to its zenith, up and over the halfway point. Groaning Toby reached below and clasped the egg with his hands, feeling its smooth wet texture. It was real alright as he pulled on the rest of the egg, feeling it slowly slide out of his tortured anus, falling wetly in the nest below.

Wearily he looked himself over. There was no mistaking it now, he was turning into a chicken. In fact from the waist down he looked exactly like a 4 foot chicken except for the feathers, remaining relatively unchanged above. the The sudden weariness brought on by the change soon assailed his body while he wondered what to do next.

Wobbling on his feet Toby took care not to damage the egg as he sat back down on it, an act that brought him surprisingly a lot of comfort. Nestling in his whole body slumped, knocked out cold from the transformation.

Steeling his breath Will listened intently to see if Aetos was nearby. Sure enough he could make out someone breathing just outside the barnyard window. After a couple of minutes Aetos poked his head through the window to see Toby slumbering. Seemingly satisfied he disappeared again. Listening again Will could here Aetos walking back to the house followed by the sound of the front door opening then closing.

Looking up into the full moon Will cursed Aetos name and the evil that had been done to him and his friend. Seeing him transform yet another innocent victim was making him sick to his stomach. William stopped himself.

Actually he was feeling a little sick. Looking over to Andre he could tell that something was bothering him too. Before Will could think any further on the matter an intense pressure struck his face as though someone had punched him there. He brayed as he felt his face implode, his long donkey muzzle drawing back in itself while his ears sucked back into his head. Looking over at Andre he could see him undergoing the same changes. Ribs cracked and contracted while their fur fell from their mutating bodies. Will watched his hooves shatter into a thousand black shards as he stamped the ground, finding pink human fingers underneath struggled to emerge.

"Willlllheeeeeiam?" Andre brayed/spoke as his vocal chords realigned themselves. Wasting not time Will grabbed Andre and put his new fingers to Andre's lips, beckoning him to remain silent so as not to alert Aetos. With a muffled groan both boys hips snapped back allowing a digitgrade posture while their tails snaked there way back into their butts. Next to change were there genetalia, shrinking back to more human proportions as their sheaths thinned and detatched from their bellies while their tips blossomed back into mushroom shapes, eliciting a moan from both boys.

Rising to their feet they looked at each other amazed. They were human again. Both boys grabbed each others naked bodies pulled each other into a passionate kiss under the moonlight, rejoicing in the return of their humanity. As they rolled around in the hay William caught sight of the full moon. Another piece of the puzzle in his mind clicked.

"I think the spell only works when theres a full moon" William whispered to Andre. "It was full when we changed too".

"Why did we change back though?" Andre replied.

"I'm not sure" Will said. "But I'm certain that Aetos wasn't expecting us to. Something must have happened to break the spell."

Looking each other over they could see that the transformation had not left them completely untouched. There ears retained a slight point to them while William spotted a short mane of hair travelling down Andre's neck to the middle of his shoulder blades. Andre grinned as he played with his cock, realising that it had remained larger and thicker too.

"It kinda feels nice being uncut" Andre cooed, now no longer circumsized. Sliding his hands up and down his dark sleeping member soon woke it from its slumber. Williams nose flared as he smelt Andre's musk waft into his nose; he smelled like donkey and his own member was beginning to rise in response.

"Dude, not now!" William whispered horsely, grabbing Andre's hands as he prevented him from jacking off. "We're still in danger". The idea of Aetos turning them back into donkeys was like cold ice down Andre's neck as he soon forgot about sex and paid attention to Will.

"So what do we do now?" Andre whispered into Will's ear. "Do we run?"

"No" Will replied. "I have an idea".

To Be Continued

Beasts of Burden (Chapter 3)

Note this story is strongly gay minded and graphic but hey, thats why you're here. This should not be read by persons under 18 years of age. Beasts of Burden Chapter 3 By Dogwood "NOOO!!" William screamed, suddenly bursting...

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Beasts of Burden (Chapter 2)

Note this story is strongly gay minded and graphic but hey, thats why you're here. This should not be read by persons under 18 years of age. Beasts of Burden Chapter 2 By Dogwood The quad bike had slown to a crawl by the...

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Beasts of Burden (Chapter 1)

Note this story is strongly gay minded and graphic but hey, thats why you're here. This should not be read by persons under 18 years of age. Beasts of Burden Chapter 1 By Dogwood William lounged on the deck of the old...

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