Earning Some Glory

Story by ThatStrexGuy on SoFurry

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To celebrate my graduation from college and the species change of a few of my characters,

I decided to finish writing up this little short piece I'd had sitting on my Google Drive. I wanted

to write something focused around one specific sex act, and decided to go with oral sex.

My character Beth (who is now a female cow) pays a visit to the grand opening of a set of

gloryholes at the sex shop she and her boyfriend frequent, the Cock and Bulls. She winds

up finding herself with an anonymous equine partner who winds up making quite the


As always, I'm more than open to comments and constructive criticism! Like what you read?

Didn't like what you read? Please let me know why. I'm always looking to improve my

writing. Additionally, I'm looking to get some input on what kinks/gender pairing I might

feature in my next story, so if you read this I'd appreciate it if you took the time to fill outthis Google Form to help me out.

Earning Some Glory

by ThatStrexGuy

Beth hummed softly to herself as she walked through the front door of the largest adult entertainment store in town, the Cock and Bulls. She and her boyfriend shopped here almost exclusively whenever they were looking to add to their slowly growing collection of toys, and the staff were always helpful whenever they needed recommendations. Today, however, she was here for a different reason--the grand opening of the official Cock and Bulls gloryhole. This wasn't the only adult store in the area to have a set of gloryholes, but it was the largest. She also just felt a little safer coming here alone, since the last gloryhole she'd been at (and also her first) her boyfriend had actually been with her.

She nodded at the clerk as she passed, exchanging a knowing glance with the curvy cow-girl before turning and heading down the short hallway that lead to her destination. As she approached the double doors leading to the gloryholes Beth could already hear the sounds of the room's occupants. Soft grunts reached her ears through the door, growing in intensity until she walked through the doors and found herself greeted by a row of flimsy plastic stalls not unlike those in public restrooms. Most were occupied, those inside them in various stages of pleasure and not being remotely quiet about just how much they were enjoying themselves.

After spending a few moments examining her options, Beth settled on a stall near the center of the line. The curvy cow quickly opened the plastic door and slipped inside, pulling it shut with a soft clatter of its metal hinges before pulling the lock into place, sending up a little flag both on her side and the other side that alerted anyone waiting to her presence. Before doing anything else, however, she decided to strip. When she'd visited her first gloryhole she'd kept her clothes on, and for some reason that just felt awkward. She turned her back to the hole in the far wall and quickly tugged off her purple v-neck and black yoga pants, folding them and setting them neatly in a pile by the door. She let out a soft, satisfied sigh as she tugged off her bra next, her heavy breasts jiggling free of their cloth prison as she simply let it fall to the floor.

Now mostly-nude other than her underwear, she turned around and was slightly surprised to find herself greeted by a half-erect horse cock slipping through to her side of the gloryhole. She hadn't quite been expecting to get a partner this quickly, but given just how new the Cock and Bulls Gloryholes were, she probably shouldn't have been.

"Oh, wow. That was quick. Um, I mean... hi?" A wave of awkwardness washed over Beth as she spoke. Was she really about to suck off a complete stranger?! She'd done this once before with Tristan with her and it had been fun...

"Heh, you're fine darlin'. I take it you're just checkin' this place out for the first time too?" came her partner's reply. He had a rich southern drawl, but there were obvious undertones of sophistication in his voice as well.

"Yeah, I'm a regular at the store. I figured I may as well come and check out the grand opening after I got off work today." Beth said with a little chuckle, before slowly lowering herself down onto her knees in front of the stallion's cock. He was still at half-mast, but already quite impressive being a horse! Now that she was only a few inches away from him she caught her first breath of his scent. It was warm and masculine, smelling of a mix of spices and a hint of musk and sweat underneath. All of that combined to send a little shiver rocketing down the cow's spine and a spark of lust along with it. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the side of his shaft, giving him an exploratory kiss and eliciting a soft groan from the anonymous horse.

"Nnh! There we go darlin'. Nice and easy to start things off." he grunted with approval. "I'm not normally around this part a' town, but I might have to visit more often." As he finished speaking, the horse shifted forward slightly, bumping his cock playfully against her cheek.

"The Cock and Bulls is a pretty great place. I'm sure they'd appreciate the extra visitors!" she replied. Normally Beth wasn't too great at small talk, but in situations like this it helped her relax. Building on the momentum she'd started making with those first few kisses she began to slowly work her way toward the tip of the stallion's cock, smooching and lapping at his warm length the entire way. Even his taste was enticing--each lick seemed more eager and relaxed than the last, until she was practically drooling on the head of his fat, flared cock. By now he was standing at full mast, shaft bobbing lewdly in the air whenever she bumped against it.

"Well if everyone on the other side of these stalls is as talented as you are darlin', they're gonna be drawin' in all sorts of extra business!" her anonymous partner panted, clearly enjoying the attention she was giving him. Every few licks he would let out an eager, appreciative groan, cock drooling slick precum onto her lips. Once she was sure she had him fully erect, Beth pulled back slightly. The curvy bovine gal opened her mouth wide and then moved back in, lips wrapping around the head of the stallion's blunt cock. She worked her tongue against his underside, swirling and lapping along him as she bobbed her neck to take a few inches.

"Atta girl, there's a good slut!" the horse practically cheered, his cock pulsing and throbbing in her mouth as she began to work him over. Every inch she took brought her closer to his fat medial ring. The cow could feel his cock drooling sticky precum down her throat as she continued her descent down the spire of horsecock before her. Just inches before hitting his medial ring, however, her gag reflex kicked in. The muscles in her throat squeezed, clenching down tight around the invading dick as she gagged and sputtered, pulling herself completely off her partner's cock in order to catch her breath.

"Aahk! S-sorry about that. Haven't sucked a horse before and I think I got a little over-entheusiastic." Beth said, her cheeks flushing bright red as she took a few more deep breaths.

"No need to apologize, darlin'. I could help train you a bit sometime, if you wanted..." came the horse's reply, his rich voice trailing off at the end of his sentence as she once again wrapped her lips around his cock and went back to work. Soon she was back to eagerly slurping along his shaft, not quite trying to take as much of him as she possibly could this time. It didn't take her long to settle into a steady rhythm of sucking and slurping, the lewd noises of her eagerly worshiping the horse's cock with her mouth joining in with those of the other patrons. The minutes ticked by, and it became pretty clear to Beth that her equine partner was getting close to his climax. Each time she dipped down on his cock the whole thing throbbed, and she could see his balls drawing closer to his body through the hole each time that happened.

Without warning the curvy bovine pushed herself further, taking him past the medial ring in one smooth stroke downwards. Her muscles clenched, squeezing tight around the invading horsecock but she managed to stave off her gag reflex long enough to hold herself there for a moment before pulling back to where she could safely breathe through her nose again. All that sudden extra pressure and warmth from Beth taking several more inches of his cock all at once was enough to push her equine partner over the edge. She heard his hands roughly slam up against the thin plastic separating them followed by a low, stangled grunt. His cock throbbed, hips bucked, and balls pulled up to his body...


"Nngh! F-fuckin' hell! Atta slut." the horse groaned, his fist thumping up against the wall again as a rope of hot, sticky spunk erupted down her throat, followed quickly by several more as he finally hit his climax. Every inch of his cock throbbed as she tried her best to keep up with the flow of semen as he rode out his orgasm. Suddenly he pulled back, freeing his cock from her throat and blowing the a few final blasts of musky spunk across her face and chest, splattering her with seed that proceeded to drip and dribble down her fur.

"Hah, wow. That... was a mess. Glad I took my clothes off." Beth chuckled, panting a little bit herself as she caught her breath. Sucking the horse off had proved a bit more involved than she'd been expecting, but it had definitely been fun! While she waited for her equine partner to catch his breath she idly cleaned her face, wiping some of his spunk off and flicking it onto the wall before giving her finger a light lick, cleaning the rest off.

"Guess I should have warned ya about the mess, darlin'." came his response a moment later, followed by a rustling sound and what sounded like a pen tapping against the wall. Back through the hole came a little scrap of paper with a phone number scrawled neatly across it. "Why don't you shoot me a text next time you're thinkin' about paying the gloryholes a visit? I'd love to get a feel for your other holes some time. Name's Dominik, by the way, but you can just call me Dom if ya like." As he finished speaking she could hear him getting dressed, tugging his clothes on across from her.

"I'll keep that in mind!" Beth replied with a little chuckle, her cheeks flushing red at the thought of actually getting fucked by a stranger (or near-stranger, in Dom's case) at a gloryhole. Still... it did sound at least a little exciting! "I'm Beth. It was, ah, nice sucking your cock?" It didn't feel right to say it had been nice meeting him, since she hadn't actually met the horse.

"Heh, I can tell you it was nice to have a mouth like yours around my dick, that's for sure. I'll see you around, darlin'. Lookin' forward to sinking my cock into another one of your holes soon!" With that, she heard the door across from her open, swinging shut with a soft clatter before suddenly swinging back open again. Before Beth even had the chance to say anything a rock hard canine cock slipped through the hole, precum drooling from the tip down onto the floor below. She was supposed to be meeting a friend for dinner in an hour, but after quickly working out how long it would take her to get back to the apartment and shower... well, she figured she'd have time for one more round!

Without saying anything further she leaned in and wrapped her lips around the next cock presented to her, much to its owner's delight. While the curvy cow hadn't exactly been expecting to suck another cock this afternoon, she didn't mind a bit more fun...

[V] She Took the Gators on, Two by Two

She Took the Gators on, Two by Two by ThatStrexGuy Bass-heavy EDM rattled the walls of the darkened nightclub as what looked like a sea of bodies gyrated and swayed in unison. Beth normally wasn't one to spend much time in a nightclub if she...

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[V] A Frosty Treat

A Frosty Treat by ThatStrexGuy "Nhh! Shit. It's too cold, babe." Beth panted, biting her lower lip as the tip of a chilled metal dildo kissed her already-slick folds. That first touch alone was enough to send a shiver rocketing down her spine,...

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