What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 4: Nature's Angels.

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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Chapter 4

Constructive criticism always welcomed!

I do not own Start Trek, or its planets, people, or characters. I do however own my characters, so do not use without my permission. Or else... :-p

Warning! 18+ only!

I slowly walked back to my quarters from 36 straight hours of working in the sickbay. I had good medical knowledge, and they needed all the hands, paws, they could get. But i was exhausted.

Many other personnel were filing back to their quarters. A relief ship had finally arrived after hearing our distress call. Thankfully they were carrying lots of extra medical supplies to a star base, and were rerouted to give the supplies to us. The ship also beamed lots of relief personnel, engineers, security, medical, everyone they could spare so we could get some much needed rest.

I had heard some of the officers talking about the ship, said it was Starfleet's flagship, a massive Galaxy-Class starship. I forgot the name due to my exhaustion, but i didn't care. I returned to my quarters, stripping off my filthy armor and undergarments. As I did that, the computer spoke up.

"Lieutenant Matrix, Commander Neven left a message on you console."

"Computer, play message.", I said, the console beeping in response. I flopped onto the bed, not caring that the grime in my fur was rubbing off onto the bed.

"Lieutenant Matrix, the captain of the relief ship would like to talk to you and Tanya at 0900 hours in the conference room. Captain Picard is a very skilled diplomat, and a widely renown captain. His staff is very knowledgeable, and may help you return to your own world. Meet us at 0900 this evening, Neven out."

My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't really thought much about returning honestly. I was too swept up in the latest events. Tanya's injury, the tour, meeting people, m infatuation with Devin, and the attack. But i was too tired to care, and fell asleep very quickly at 0200 in the morning.

I awoke stiff, but feeling much better. I sat up in my bed, noticing i had been tossing and turning in bed, the dirt, sweat, grime, and dust had rubbed off my naked body onto the bed. I clearly needed a shower.

I got up at 0430 hours in the afternoon, deciding to finally try a sonic shower, unsure how it would work. I stepped into the shower, examining the controls. I turned on the sonic mode, hearing a low buzz, and my body vibrating as the grimed began to fall off my fur, but suddenly the shower turned up, and began squealing, hurting my sensitive ears. I screamed at the computer to turn it off, but it didn't, i fell clutching my ears and screaming as it got worse,.

Then suddenly it stopped, much to my relief. I looked up to see Devin standing over me concerned, with a hand over the controls. he was wearing his sexy black and silver swim trunks and black sleeveless shirt.

"Are you okay?! I heard you screaming!"

"That damned shower is broken, it almost blew my ears out!" I said as i got up angrily.

"Some of the systems are a bit wacko after the attack, a few other officers have complained about replicators, sonic showers, holodecks, you name it, all acting up. We will fix it once everything else is fixed. Right now, just take a regular shower." He said, the concern washing away a bit, and turning into amusement.

"At least I was the one that overided your door and came in, and not Neven or someone else."

"Why?" I asked.

"Your naked and smell aweful....." He said with an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk.

"Oh yeah." I said looking down, not bothering to cover up.

"Anyway, a bunch of us are heading down to the cavern to swim and take some much needed relaxation time. Tanya is coming and so is Ariel. You in?"

"Not really. I'm going to shower up and maybe take a walk. I need some time to think. I'll wear my swim suit though, i might join y'all later."

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything." He said. He then walked up, giving me a kiss on the lips which i returned. He then walked out, still concerned.

I stepped into the shower, and turned on the water. Gray, brown and tan dirt slid of my white and blue fur, and twirled down into the drain. I slowly scrubbed my fir, using the pine scented shampoo i loved. I rinsed it out, and the water was still a bit yellow. I scrubbed and rinsed two more times, just to make sure.

By the time it was 0500 hours, i was dressed in my swimsuit and blue shirt. I walked out of the base, down the stairs into the chasms. I walked passed the lit up cavern, barely hearing the shouts of Tanya, Devin and the others asking me to join them in their revelry and horseplay. I kept walking, and after a few miles, i came up to a long rock, about 20ft. long, jutting out into a calm part of the river.

I walked to the tip, looking down into the river. It was crystal clear, i could see way down to the bottom of the river, where in was covered in river grass, and flourished with fish and other kinds of water animals. I sat down on the edge of the jutting rock, crossing my legs, and resting my palms on my knees.

I was never one for the mediation, or centering ones energy, but the meditation technique Tanya showed me helped me sort my thoughts out. As i sat, legs crossed, the trickle of the water, the calls of the animals and birds disappeared. I began to sing a bit, just some notes, no words or meaning, just plain simple notes. My voice could carry a pitch, and i could sing many notes in almost perfect key.

As i sat and sang, with my eyes closed, my thoughts and emotions erupted and began to swirl in color. Red pictures of Tanya wounded, and other injured innocents, the cardassians attacking, portrayed my fury. Yellow happy pictures of home and family also swirled, portraying the homesickness i felt, but joy at good memories. Blue was the sadness, the recent military funeral of my younger sister, an attack helicopter pilot, who was shot down in the war. She was only 23, just graduated out of the academy, and was on her second mission. He navigator reported they were shot down, and survived, but her legs were crushed. They were surrounded by the enemy soldiers, and she held them off with the still working nose gun of the chopper, while her partner fled. Green was of the recent memories and events, the confusion of being teleported here, and not knowing what had happened. Than a few pictures of me and Devin showed up, in full color. We were in the holodeck, eating lunch in the cafeteria, and making love.

As the emotions and memories swirled as i tried to sort them out, i heard singing accompanying mine, Matching the notes well, but in a softer, more feminine voice. Than more and more voices joined in, all feminine, soft, and almost childlike. The horrible memories washed away. My sister's funeral replaced by her first day at high school, nervously following her big brother, who was a senior, as i gave her the tour. Me and her playing as kids on the beach of Galveston, TX. Me teaching her how to drive, our mother wincing as my sister nearly drover the car into a mailbox. The memories of anger, replaced by the beautiful gorge and chasms, the smell of the cavern waters, the hustle bustle of the picuresque market and colony. Tanya's wounded form laying bleeding beneath me replaced by me and her meeting for the first time, and spending much time and jokes as we went on missions for the elite squad. Than the confusion, despair, and uncertainty of the future was replaced by hope, optimism, and happiness.

I continued to sing with the angelic voices, opening my eyes as life's burdens washed away. I saw something unbelievable. In front of me, on the other side of the river was a large group of young women. They had pale green skin, and wore laves and flowers as clothes, and their dark green, almost black hair was tied up with vines. They were strange, but beautiful, and they sang with me. I sang with them, not frightened of them at all, I felt no danger, only peace with them. Soon the song hit a crescendo, and stopped.

I sat and watched as the nymphs parted down the middle, and a taller nymph stepped out. She too was green, and wore plants for clothes. But her hair was down in dark green curls, and a crown of orange, iridescent flowers sat on top. She looked at me with lime green eyes, and began walking on the water towards me. She took graceful, but purposeful steps. I waited sitting, still cross legged. She came up to me, and stopped, She leaned over, and whispered into my ear,

"It will all work out soon. You will find your purpose not on your Earth, but elsewhere. Trust in yourself, and those around you, and you will live in peace and love."

I heard a twig snap, and others approaching. The Nymph Queen stood back upright, and laughed in joy, the other nymphs laughed as well, in the happiest, girly giggles you had ever heard. I laughed to, i didn't know why but i just felt happy, the laughs were contagious. The nymphs than swirled into the wind, swirling into a cloud of flowers and leaves, up over the trees and away, still giggling.

I smiled, looking at where the nymphs had disappeared. Then I felt strong arms wrap lightly around me, I smelled Devin's spicy musk, and leaned into him.

"You look happy." He said in thought. "Work everything out?"

"Yes. Like you would never believe." I said.

"Good, now come on. Lets join the others."

"Sounds great!" I said, kissing Devin on the cheek, and holding his hand.

As we walked back to the caverns, i looked into the woods, hearing a giggle. I saw the green Nymph Queen, standing among the tall water grasses on the shore, her orange flower crown glowing. She smiled, nodding her head and giggling.

I didn't stop smiling for quite awhile.