A Day at the Mystic Shoals (Short)

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#173 of Zootopia

Picture 1https://www.sofurry.com/view/1335043

Picture 2https://www.sofurry.com/view/1335045

Picture 3https://www.sofurry.com/view/1335047

This originally started as a series of blurbs for a series of commissions that ran a bit too long. So I decided I would split it from the rest of the images and cross-linking the art and story images. This one is about the sarcastic vixen Val and her new wolf-boy-toy Kodi taking a trip down to "The Mystic Shoals" for a bit of fun in the sun. The only problem is, the beach happens to be an extension of Sahara Square's most premiere nudist colony 'The Mystic Springs' and Kodi ain't exactly comfortable being around so many naked mammals. To make matters worse, with the Spring seasons in full swing the air is full of all sorts of delectable pheromones of mammals dying to mate. And with Val to tease him further, they may end up doing something they both regret.


Mystic Shoals with Kodi and Val

"Well this seems like as good a spot as any." Val said, heading the march over the sandy dunes as she and Kodi neared the water's edge. Her dutiful date was trailing slightly behind her as he carried the lone orange topped cooler with both paws. Although it wasn't because it was particularly hard to carry, in fact, it was fairly light with little more than cub soda and some of Kodi's favorite beers. No, what was causing the wolf to lag behind was the distracting sights and sound that "The Mystic Shoals" had on display. In nearly every direction the wolf could see there were mammals frolicking and playing under the blistering Sahara sun either partially or completely nude.

The wolf had expected as much. After all, Val had told him about taking him to the adjunct extension of the inner city naturalist club before paw. But just hearing about such a place was distinctly different than actually seeing one for the first time. The wolf's neck had been jerking from side to side as the pair crossed the dunes, pulled along by the power of his hungry and wandering eyes, drawn to every lithe looking gazelle, towering giraffe, or fit lioness he could spot sprawled out on the sands. Their glistening exposed fur gleaming in the light as his eyes traced each of their bodies. It was a bit too much stimulation for the young arctic wolf to take. He could already feel himself peeking out of his sheath beneath his swim shorts.

"Kodi!" Val's sudden snap drew the wolf out of his mental haze so abruptly that he immediately lost his grip on the cooler. It plopped into the sand with a dull 'pfft...' as the wolf turned his attention back to the diminutive vixen. Val craned her head, crossing her arms as she curiously as she eyed the wolf.

"You okay Creampuff?" Val said with a smirk. "Getting a little....overheated?" Val's scanned the scene with her eyes before leveling the back on the wolf, raising a suggestive brow.

The wolf let out a mixture of a sigh and some sort of strangled squeak that seemed to startle him before the wolf quickly clasped his own throat.

"N-Nu-uh!" Kodi interjected, shaking his head decisively.

This only drew a laugh from the vixen as she laid her beach towel across the sand.

"Geeze how prude was your family growing up?" Val snickered. " I mean your eyes look like they are about to pop out of your head!"

"I ju-" Kodi muttered. "I mea..." The wolf rolled his eyes as she slumped to a seat on the cooler. "Look it's spring okay!?" Kodi finally snapped. "I can smell everyone on this beach!"

Val continued laughing as she placed her bag by the side of the towel. Taking a seat, the vixen began to rifle through the tan beach bag.

"It's like I'm being assaulted on all sides by clouds of pure sex! And the fact that everyone is naked isn't helping!" Kodi muttered tersely.

Pulling out her sunglasses, the vixen quickly placed them over her eyes.

"You are such a horndog." Val shook her head. "Luckily my remnant heat was in February or who knows what you'd do?"

"Why couldn't we go to the normal beach?" Kodi whimpered, gesturing a paw toward a distant tall fence that ran along the shore. "I mean, Sharaha Shores is right there!"

Val pulled out a large brown bottle, placing it lazily on the towel before closing her bag back up.

"Because I can't get the all over shine over there without getting into trouble." Val replied, laying down on her stomach as she sprawled across the towel. Kodi's somewhat consternated demeanor almost immediately dissipated as he watched the vixen spread her legs slowly before closing them again as she stretched. Her large plush tail bobbing slightly as the vixen leaned a head on her paw and turned her gaze back toward the wolf. "Last time I went out there with Vernon and his nerd friends I got chastised by a beach cop for having my top untied." The vixen idly blew some of her hair out of her eye, only for it to fall right back into place.

"Speaking of..." The vixen changed her tone to something more playful as she reached her arm back. It took a moment for the vixen to manage to snag the string of her camo print top from the rather awkward angle. But as soon as she managed to get a claw around it, she pulled it loose, allowing the front of her top to simply fall flat against the towel beneath her. Val let out a satisfied sigh as she reached her paw over to the brown bottle by her side.

"Here." Val said sharply, carelessly lobbing the large bottle toward the now thoroughly even more distracted wolf. The bottle had nearly smacked the wolf in the face before his reflexes kicked in, and he clumsily caught the bottle with his paws.

"Make yourself useful and get my back with that fur shine cream will ya?" Val asked, eyeing the flustered looking wolf.

Kodi simply mouthed her words for a moment before snapping into action, the wolf's tail wagging rapidly as he stumbled toward the vixen. The arctic wolf was panting now, but not just because of the heat. With the intoxicating aroma of fertile mammals surrounding him, and now with the feast for the eyes that was his mate further exposing herself to him, the wolf was only managing to get himself more and more worked up.

Kodi gulped sharply as he closed in on the vixen, doing his best to take back control from urges that were calling to him from deep within his primal mind. He was a military wolf after all. The Zootopian Reserve had invested a great deal into training him to be able to withstand letting simple urges overwhelm him. But Val was the one mammal that managed to make it so damn difficult for him, and worse yet, she was well aware of it. And nothing seemed to fill the vixen with more pleasure than pressing the wolf to his absolute limit when it came to her teasing.

Kodi opened the lid of the bottle, wiping it out with a paw pad before turning his attention back to the vixen. But as he did, he noticed a wide smile on her muzzle. One he knew all too well.

"And...." Val flashed the wolf a half-lidded stare. "Pay extra attention to my...mhh sensitive areas." The Vixen stretched again, raising her rump just enough to graze the wolf's groin before settling back down onto the towel. The gentle touch was enough to drive the wolf to half-mast almost immediately.

With that, Val turned away from the wolf, chuckling to herself as she nestled her head against her folded arms. But that confident smile only lasted for a moment before a sudden, sharp chill caused Val to jump slightly.

"Hey!" Val snapped, the vixen raised her head, but barely turned to face the wolf. "Don't go overboard alight!?" The vixen huffed before laying her head back down. "That stuff is expensive, and hard to spread out if you clump it up." The vixen let out a soft huff.

Kodi stared blankly at the white blob of cream now plastered all over the vixen's rump. For a moment he wasn't sure what happened. But as his numbed senses began to return, his eyes fell on the flattened brown bottle he was still cradling in his paws.

Apparently, Val's little tease had caused the wolf's mind to go blank, and he had simply squeezed the life out of the bottle during the hazy stupor. Kodi frowned as he shook the bottle, checking to see if any of the cream had been spared from his vice-like grip. But sadly it appeared to be completely spent. Glancing back at the gob of cream now coating the vixen's back, the wolf began to estimate just how much was left to work with based on Val's body size.

It wasn't much. Perhaps if he had been more liberal with it, and hadn't emptied the entire container on one spot he could have made it last long enough to cover her properly. But it was too late now. The genie was out of the bottle so to speak, or in the case, the fur cream, and now Kodi was left with nothing to work with but what was in front of him.

"Unless..." The wolf thought, a mischievous grin forming as he glanced down at the growing bulge in his swim trunks. It was a crazy idea, and Val would certainly give him shit for it if she found out. But if the wolf managed to pull it off, Val would have no idea that he screwed up her simple instructions. And on top of that, maybe he'd get a little relief out of it as well.

Glancing over his shoulder, the wolf did a quick scan of his surroundings. Checking to see if the coast was more or less clear in order to put his devious plan into action. Satisfied that the mammals around them were far enough away or much too distracted to notice, the arctic wolf gingerly reached a paw into his swim trunks. Running his paw up and down the length of his slick, throbbing shaft, the wolf was able to coax it all the way out of it's hiding place in a matter of moments. The pre-cum had already begun to dribble from the tip, and giving his cock a gentle squeeze he was able to force another jet of the liquid to spray into his shorts.

It was at times likes this he was thankful that he had been graced with the genes of more ancient wolves when it came to just how his knot worked. The seemingly endless streams of precum that he could draw out of his cock when aroused made it easy to lube himself up, and he knew from first paw experience it was quite a hit with the ladies in both rutting and foreplay. And now, he was thankful that he might be able to use it to play off his little slip-up.

Carefully lowing his shorts enough to allow his pulsating member to pop free of his shorts, the wolf carefully hunched over his mate, doing his best to remain as quiet and inconspicuous as possible as he began to work his cock with a paw. With his other paw, the wolf began to work in the lotion he had already inadvertently dumped on the vixen, giving her rump a tight squeeze as he began to massage it into her fur. He kneaded her malleable and plush rump with the paws of a masseuse, taking pleasure in the way the vixen's muscles seemed to pulse under his grip while he continued to quietly work his cock. With another ginger squeeze, the wolf sent out a stream of pre across her tail as it lazily shifted from one side to the other.

"Ooh..." Val moaned softly, one of her ears flicking as the wolf watched a visible chill travel down her spine. The sound alone was enough to cause the wolf to spray another load onto her back, and Kodi had to bite his lip to keep from moaning himself as he continued to massage her ass. As he continued his deft ministrations, his motions grew wider and wider. He was starting to lose focus on the plan as his eyes became more and more transfixed with her rump. With each stretch of the cheeks away from her bikini strap, the wolf could see just a little bit more of those familiar and inviting pink folds slipping out from behind the fabric.

"Mhh....Ohh..." Val cooed, rolling her shoulders as she nuzzled into her own arms. "D-Don't forget to get the e-edges..."

Kodi was practically gasping now as he shot another string of pre across her back. The beach was falling away as the bikini bottom slipped aside every few moments, exposing her lips to the wolf before they were swallowed back up by the mesh fabric. The bottom was growing slightly moist now, and he could see a slight glisten shining off the vixen's mound every time it was exposed to the light despite the fact that he had yet to wipe any of the cream that close to her 'sensitive areas.'

"R-rut..." The words slipped out of the wolf's muzzle before he could stop himself.

Val turned her head before Kodi could react, and the wolf simply froze as the vixen seemed to lock eyes with him. He had been caught red-pawed with his pants down, and his mind that had once been completely fogged by sexual desire was now startlingly blank as his eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Are you serious?" Val asked, lowering her shades slightly. The arctic wolf offered a nervous smile as he internally began to panic.

"W-well I was...I me-." Kodi stammered. The wolf glanced down, only to realize that his paw was still firmly grasped around his cock.

Val chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You really are a horn dog..." The vixen rolled her eyes.

Kodi's ears drooped slightly, and the wolf quickly let go of his member before awkwardly starting to pull his trunks back up.

"V-val, I did-"

"Wait!" The wolf stopped pulling up his trunks as the vixen reached out a paw to stop him, leaving his swollen cock hanging just over the elastic rim of his shorts.

The wolf raised a curious eyebrow as he glanced back at the vixen. Despite the fact that she was still sort of facing him, her stark blue eyes were looking down and away from him. The vixen bit her lip softly as she lowered her paw.

"Y'know..." Val said softly. "You kinda got me heated up with that massage." The vixen's eyes returned to his as a small smirk crawled across her muzzle. The wolf could see a mischievous gleam in her eye as the grin slowly grew wider. "At the very least you can't leave me hanging now. This is you fault after all."

For a moment Kodi was offended, letting out a huff before he started to speak.

"Oh c'mon, I was ju-" The wolf's eyes grew wide as the realization hit him, his ears sagging sharply as he stared back at Val in surprise.

"A-are you asking...?" Kodi trailed off, unable to bring himself to finish the question.

Val chuckled, nodding her head softly as she did.

"I figure we can have a little 'fun' if we keep our voices down..." Val flashed the wolf a confident smirk.

"Here?" Kodi laughed awkwardly. "What if someone sees us?"

"Just keep your head down..." Val said softly. "And stay quiet."

With that, the vixen pushed herself slightly off her towel, allowing herself to reach an arm down between her legs. Carefully, the fox pulled the thin thread of the bikini bottom aside, revealing her eager mound to the looming white wolf. The streams of sunlight that managed to filter around Kodi shone off the moisture that was now coating her slick sex.

Kodi inadvertently licked his maw as he eyed the warm and inviting sight, his head tilting slightly. This was so wrong, and probably illegal. The wolf was certain that even though it was a nude beach there were certainly rules about rutting on it. But the other part of his brain was finding the idea of rutting in public strangely titillating. The taboo and raw primal nature of it making it that much more exciting and enticing.

"C'mon Kodi..." Val cooed, drawing his attention back to her as suggestively shook her rump. "This foxhole needs a soldier."

Glancing over his shoulder the wolf made a quick scan of the beach to see just how many mammals were looking their way. Thankfully the few mammals that were close enough to spot the pair were thoroughly invested in other, more wholesome beach activities despite the lack of clothing. Despite this, Kodi couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched as he lined up his slick, throbbing member right against Val's vixenhood. Her folds twitching in response to the mere grazing of the wolf's tip. Val slipped down on her shoulders as the wolf made contact, the vixen clasping the beach towel with one of her paws and twisting it slightly.

"J-just be quick!" Val spoke in a hushed tone as she glanced back at the wolf. "And don't knot me. O-otherwise there's no way we won't get caught."

Kodi gave a brisk, obedient nod as he licked his lips again. The wolf attempted to shoo away the lingering fears of being seen as he began to guide his member into her sex, chalking up the nervous inkling to nothing more than an overwhelming fear of getting caught more than anything else. As the wolf slipped the head between her folds, he could hear the fox let out a muffled moan.

Kodi glanced over to find that Val had buried her muzzle against the towel in an effort to keep the sound from being largely audible.

"I'm barely in yet." Kodi chuckled.

Val rolled her eyes, lifting her muzzle just long enough to bark an order.

"Then you a-aren't being quick enough!" Val hissed.

Kodi shook his head, letting out another soft, albeit nervous chuckle before shoving the rest of his cock deep into the vixen without so much as a warning.

"AH-" The vixen slammed her muzzle back into the towel below in an effort to stifle the moan that had taken her by surprise. He could feel the vixen's muscles squeeze tightly around his shaft while watching the rest of her body tense under the sudden thrust. Her tail had practically doubled in size now that her fur was standing on end.

It felt like heaven, and for a moment the wolf lost himself in the dreamlike state that had overtaken him from the fox's warm, inviting folds. The way she was already tugging on his shaft, her hungry sex seemingly desperate for every last bit of the wolf she could hold on to told Kodi that he wasn't the only one who had already been turned on by the pheromones in the air. The best part was the wolf hadn't even begun to move, and it was that realization that drew Kodi back out of his stupor.

"That 'fast' enough for you?" The wolf asked.

Looking at his mate still pressed against the blanket, her sudden burst of arousal had turned into clear annoyance if her expression was anything to go by. Val lifted her head, opening her muzzle in what Kodi was sure would be yet another witty comeback to disguise just how much she was loving this treatment, but the wolf was done listening to anything but his 'little smore's' muffled and plaintive moans as he began to pump his hips.

Kodi leapt right into a steady rhythm, slapping his knot against her entrance with each thrust as the vixen quickly threw herself back against the towel. Each short, sharp burst of thrust an effort to try and hide the couple's actions from the wandering eye's of the various other mammals on the beach. But with each pump the wolf found himself starting to forget about his surroundings. The enticing heat and snug comfort of Val's yearning folds driving the thought of prying eyes away from his mind as he began to lose himself in the act. Each of his thrusts growing longer and more drawn out as he began to focus more on toying with the vixen and prolonging his own pleasure.

Beneath him he could see Val squirming. Her face a mixture of irritation and adoration as she struggled to get a word out.

"Ko-AH-!" She buried her face again as the wolf gave her another sharp thrust with his lance.

"You nee-EEE!" The vixen bit down on her finger to stop the squeal from escaping as Kodi slowly dragged his staff out of her burning sex. He had nearly pulled it free before slamming it back into the vixen full force only to get a low, throaty groan from the vixen as she rubbed her face into the towel below.

"S-say somethin' babe?" Kodi panted, doing his best to keep from sounding flustered despite how tightly Val's pussy was tugging on his cock.

The vixen flashed the white wolf a glare, trying once again to open her mouth to speak.

"Y-you are going too AHH-!" The vixen bit her finger again as Kodi slammed his knot against her entrance. The partial squeak was so high it reminded him of his brief affair with the tiny mouse named Moira he had been with some months before Val. Fun times for sure, but at least now he was with a mammal he could actually fit inside of. A mammal that was more than just an experimental fling.

The vixen seemed to be lost in a daze of pleasure now, the last of her resistance faltering as Kodi continued to pound against her tight little pussy. Kodi could almost swear he saw little hearts floating above her head with each little moan and squeal she did her damnedest to silence. Biting her finger, twisting the towel into little, gnarled stalks, Val was doing everything in her power to resist simply shouting to the heavens as the wolf worked her over. Kodi would have laughed at how cute it was, if not for the fact that he had to devote what little focus he had left to keeping his own groans under control.

Val's entrance was squeezing him like a vice grip, pulling him in with each thrust and suckling at him desperately with each retreat. Her body was clearly screaming at the wolf to simply knot her right there, and it was taking everything in the wolf's power to keep from doing so. He was getting close now, so very close. And based on how tightly the vixen's inner muscles were starting to spasm around his shaft he knew she was riding just as close to the edge.

Suddenly, as Kodi drew back for another thrust, the vixen's ass slammed into his hips so hard she managed to knock the wolf down. Kodi landed on his rump, but somehow Val managed to remain attached to him, slamming down on his lap as she nestled her back into his chest.

"V-Val wh-?"

"Knot me." Val growled, nuzzling the top of her head under the wolf's chin.

Kodi could barely speak, the wolf managing little more of a squeak before finally getting the words out.

"W-what?" The wolf sputtered.

"Knot me Cremepuff!" Val said loudly. The vixen didn't seem to care about being quiet anymore, her facade completely dropped now that she had shifted herself into the power position. The vixen caressed the wolf's cheek with her paw, letting out a low, seductive growl.

"V-Val w-we're..." He wanted it, he really did. But part of him was still aware of where they were, and just how difficult the clean-up would be. "We c-can't."

"RUuuuuuuT!" Val cursed, raising her rump and allowing the wolf to slip most of the way out of her dripping sex and holding it there for a few moments.

"Damn it Kodi, you started this!" Val hissed.

"You egged m-me on!" Kodi sucked air between his teeth as the vixen slipped back down to the hilt of his cock, teasing his knot by rubbing her lips against the surface. "B-babe we're outside, we-."

"Then fill me up with cum..." Val moaned, sliding her paws down his neck and back to her side. "I need to get off! I'm so close!" The vixen whined.

"Me too babe." Kodi huffed, nibbling on the vixen's ear affectionately.

Val let out a loud groan, as she leaned up on his cock again. To Kodi it sounded like a mixture of irritation and primal desire, the vixen's frustrations with being so hot and horny yet being denied her ultimate prize. The wolf was about to speak when she suddenly thrust herself back onto his lap so harshly that if Kodi hadn't quickly slipped his paw over his knot he was sure it would have slipped right in.

"Make me cum." she whispered as she ground into his lap. "R-Rut, make me cum!"

Eager to oblige, the wolf placed his paws on the vixen's shoulders and began thrusting in and out of her again. Losing himself in her hot, moist interior as he pounded away at the little vixen sitting on his lap.

It was over now. Any attempt at hiding their activities from the rest of the beachgoers had completely fallen away now. Between Val's loud moans, and the very visible ride she was giving him he could only assume that everyone was watching them now. But he was beyond caring, too lost in the lurid haze of his mate's embrace. Her spasms were going quicker now, and the pressure building in his groin was growing close to the breaking point.

He wanted to knot her so badly, to fill her with his seed and lock himself tightly in her embrace for however long his throbbing shaft would hold them there. But after all this was said and done, the wolf was certain they would need to make the quickest getaway possible.

"Kodi! I'm, I'm-!" The vixen gasped as she wrapped an arm around his neck, trying to clutch his fur with a writhing paw.

"Me too!"

Timing himself with his next thrust, the wolf squeezed his knot tightly with the paw he was using to keep himself from slipping within the vixen. The rush of pleasure making his head spin before he felt the hot, white fluid firing into the fox's honeypot.

"RUUUUUUUuuuuuutttttTTTTT!" Val froze, her entire body tensing up as her vixenhood squeezed tightly around his member. Each hot blast earning the wolf another mind erasing squeeze from her delectable inner walls. Her hungry sex suckling and slurping every drop it could milk from the white wolf.

Kodi's mind had practically gone blank as wave after blinding wave of pleasure shot through him. Between her grip and the pulse of each load the desire to knot her was skyrocketing. So close, so close and yet so far. But the sudden, nearly inescapable renewed urge was enough to send a sudden wave of panic through the wolf. A fear that if he didn't pull out now he was sure to slip all the way into the vixen just for a few more seconds of pleasure.

With a sudden jerk, more instinctual rather than planned, Kodi pulled the vixen on his lap back into him allowing his cock to quickly slip out of her hot sex.

"AahhAhhh..." The both spoke almost simultaneously as his lance slipped free of her dripping mound, bobbing slightly before sending another hot load onto the vixen's chest. Exposed to the open and comparably frigid air, another wave of pleasure shuddered through the wolf, causing his throbbing cock to send another two ropes of semen onto the vixen's muzzle and chest before it finally subsided, leaving the two mammals breathless as they reeled in the blissful aftershocks.

The pair remained silent for a few moments, both seemingly trying to catch their breath as the air was left to be filled with the quiet squawk of distant seagulls and crashing waves. To Kodi it was like some sort of dream. The atmosphere of the open beach coupled with the bliss of making love to his mate was almost unreal to take in all at once. He had rutted with his mate outside, in the open, like the wolves of old. He knew it was wrong, something he was surely getting judgmental and disgusted stares from onlookers for partaking in. But he'd also be lying if he told himself he hadn't enjoyed it.

"Looks like you finished the job..." Val said with a sigh, drawing Kodi's attention back to her. The vixen lapped the dribble of cum hanging off the side of her muzzle, trying to get as much with her tongue as she could before drawing it back into her maw. "Although I don't really think this is gonna make my fur any shinier."

Kodi let out a pleasant sigh.

"Just stickier?" The wolf said with a chuckle.

"And harder to wash out." The vixen said, running a paw up to caress the side of the wolf's muzzle as she returned to lapping at her maw.

"You know you love it..." Kodi teased, only for the vixen to give him a soft slap with her paw before dragging it back down her chest. The vixen idly massaged a breast before slipping her paw down to her side.

"Well it may not taste as sweet as your nickname implies," Val replied. "But It's growing on me Cremepuff."


The sudden interjection startled the couple, causing the pair to jump. In a flash, Val had scrambled off the wolf and had quickly thrown herself back against the towel as the wolf's attention quickly snapped to the source of the noise. Standing just to their side was a fox with a pelt very similar to Val's and a bite mark in his left ear. The tod stood with his arms crossed as he seemed to be eyeing the couple from behind dark aviator sunglasses. But the more worrying issue, was the fact that he was clad from head to toe in ZPD police gear.

The fox reached up a paw to his glasses, sliding them down as he threw the couple a half-lidded, bemused stare.

"Looks like you two were having fun..." The fox said.

Kodi's ears sagged sharply, his eyes darting between the vixen now crumpled on the ground and the officer looming by his side.

"We were just foolin' around officer." Val chirped, the vixen trying her best to maintain a vague sense of normalcy. As if there was any possible way to play off what they had just done.

"Foolin' around huh?" The fox continued with a chuckle. "I'd call that a bit of an understatement."

"You do know it is against Zootopian Law to partake in any acts of mating in public correct?" That was a distinctly feminine voice, but Kodi wasn't sure where it had come from.

The wolf swiveled his head, looking around for a moment before catching sight of the edge of a somewhat smaller figure almost hiding behind the fox. It was another officer, a rabbit. And despite her defiant and proud stance, she was facing away from everyone.

"While this may be a nude beach, you can't go around having sex on it like no one else is here!" The rabbit continued. "Public decency laws are still in effect even here!"

"And at this time of year..." The fox continued. "You could have ended up causing a rutting frenzy." The tod chuckled. "Especially in a place that encourages mammals not to use pheramone dampeners for the 'full natural experience.'"

"See then!" Val interjected. "Not our fault. Clearly, it's the guy who runs the place's fault."

"Oh please." the rabbit scoffed.

"Nah, she has a point Carrots." The tod replied. "Clearly Yax is the one at fault. I'm surprised more mammals aren't just rutting on the beach like wild animals."

"Sweet cheese and crackers Nick!" The rabbit replied, her voice sounding flustered. "Do you have to be that vulgar about it?!"

"What's a matter Jude?" Nick replied, leaning over his partner slightly. "Embarrassed?"

"You know I hate these places!" Judy replied. "Can we just get them dressed and get this over with already!?"

Nick chuckled at his diminutive partner before turning his attention back to the couple and assuming his original, more authoritative stance.

"Well, regardless, I think you two both know what's going to happen next." Nick said.

Kodi looked to Val, letting out a nervous whine as the vixen haphazardly wrapped her bra around her chest, doing her best to tie it as quickly as possible.

"Yeah, yeah..." Val muttered, the vixen letting out an indifferent shrug. It was the kind of reaction that let Kodi to believe this was far from Val's first altercation with the ZPD. "Mind if I just run down to the water and clean up before we go?"

Nick gave a simple nod. "Go on."

Val rose to her feet, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly as she rolled her eyes.

"Mam', Dad is gonna be pissed." Val said with a chuckle.

With that the vixen stood up and casually strolled down toward the water's edge, leaving Kodi in stunned, nervous silence with the two officers. The wolf winced as he turned his attention back to fox officer. Kodi had never been in trouble with the law before. And he was growing increasingly fearful of just how a criminal record might affect his job in the Zootopian Reserve.

"A-are we going to jail?" Kodi muttered weakly.

The tod rolled his eyes.

"Oh, now you are worried about jail huh big fella?" Nick replied.

Kodi let out a soft whine.

"You should." The rabbit said, spinning on her heels to finally face the group. She was visibly blushing, but the tone of her voice and her puffed up cheeks showed that she was clearly annoyed.

"We'll have to take you in, but I'm sure the city will just fine you fo-SWEET CHEESE AND CRACKERS!" The rabbit's muzzle flushed crimson as she slapped her paws tightly over her eyes and turned away from the group again. Kodi raised a curious eyebrow before glancing back at the doe's partner. The fox collapsed his sunglasses, taking them in a paw before pointing them toward the wolf's crotch.

"Uh, you might wanna take care of that too buddy."

The wolf quickly looked down to find his cock was still hanging out of his shorts, throbbing in time with the gentle gusts of the ambient breeze.

The wolf developed a fierce blush of his own. Snapping to his feet, the wolf clumsily pulled at his swim trunks. Nearly stumbling back to the sand as he struggled to pull them up.

"I'm so sorry! Really!" The wolf sputtered. "I've never done anything like this before, and I'm so sorry you had to see my-" He was pleading more at the rabbit officer, but the fox held up a paw to stop his rambling.

"Relax, relax..." Nick chuckled. "It's not the first canine cock she's seen, and I can assure you it won't be her last." The fox said, a shit-eating grin plastered across his muzzle.


A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:39

**Chapter Thirty-Nine: Where do we go?** "Vernon?" Dawn shrunk in her shoulders as the crestfallen looking wolf glanced her way. The ewe already felt bad enough having eavesdropped on the conversation between the wolf and his father for multiple...

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:38

**Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Omega** Vernon rested a palm against the center of the oaken door to his father's office, taking a moment to brace himself for the argument that he knew lie ahead of him. The scuffle with Yuri, for all the trouble it had...

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:37

**Chapter Thirty-Seven: Barbeque Brawl** "Vernon?" Dawn pulled away from the wolf's chest, taking a moment to lift her glasses and lamely swab at the steady stream of tears that were still pouring from her reddened eyes. The ewe had mostly exhausted...

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