Rainy Day

Story by Husky657 on SoFurry

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Part I: Rainy Day

Part II: [House Guest](%5C)

Rainy Day

Artist Commentary: This story contains sexual acts between male and female, thus it is written with the intent for viewership by those of ages 18 or older.

It was a bright sunny summer day in the country side. Only a few clouds lingered on the horizon and a cool soothing breeze could be felt wafting off of the nearby lake. The small town of Hank was your typical small town folk; everyone knew each other and never had a bad thing to say.

This was where Husky, a typical 19 year old black and white husky boy, grew up with his mother. His father, he was told, was a lone wolf when the two of them met at the local bar. He was just passing through town on his way to some other place. He had forgotten over the years as it was rather irrelevant to the story she told him, but as she put it, "one thing eventually led to another, and then tada, here you are."

He really did not mind that much, not having known his father, he thought, was probably better for him overall. His mother did tend to baby him in his youth and grew up with a lot of female influence, so it seemed natural for him to be somewhat fem-boyish at times. A few of the gay locals would give him winks every now and again, at times he would stop to talk with them as they typically had all kinds of fun stories to tell.

Despite his warm and caring nature, he still had difficulties making and keeping good friendships. He couldn't understand why this was. There was however, one he has been able to maintain since he was just a little cub, his best friend Skye.

Skye was herself an 18 year old wolf, something of a loner and very intelligent. She loved the nature and other animals, especially horses. Her family grew up just outside of the small town city limits on a farm where they raised cattle, sheep and horses. Her fur was a bright silky light purple, dappled with a few spots of light grey on her rear and chest, and sported a very well kept long tail, much like his own.

The two had known each other since they were just little cubs. He, being just a year older than her, would at times take advantage of this and play rough with her, always pinning her. It was a game they played a lot as cubs and at times still do to this day.

As the two grew older, she began to become more attached to him than some might call 'normal.' He cared not, she was nice and friendly and they always had fun together. She would occasionally sneak over to his house late at night and have little sleep-overs, telling tales of fantasies and ghosts until their bodies couldn't stay awake any longer. This continued until one night, her mother caught them in their little act of mischief, and told her parents.

"That was just a week ago yesterday" he thought as he strolled down the main street in town, on his way to her house. She had called him late in the morning to go for a nice horse-back ride along the lake shore. He couldn't pass up such an offer; it was, after all, a gorgeous day.

He arrived at her door step and rapped on the solid oak door several times, only to be met with a voice from around back. He trotted around to the stables where Skye was packing for their little escapade, pulling a strap tight across her favorite horse's girth. He could see she had prepped his favorite horse as well as it stood tied to the post next to hers.

"Hey Skye!" he smiled scratching the back of his head, standing just behind her.

"Husky!" she turns around and hugs him around the neck, standing on her tip-toes in doing so. She releases him soon revealing to him her small spaghetti strap tank top and short jean-shorts that fit her figure perfectly. She liked to wear small tight fitting cloths while riding, especially on such warm days. She was also sporting her usual cowgirl hat and boots, and today, a nice perfume that smelt of a mix between oranges, apples and another peculiar scent he was unsure of, but he liked it none-the-less.

"Getting packed for our little ride I see" he states the obvious, putting a paw on the rump of his mare, looking her over.

"Mhm" she remarks. "Hey, where's your shirt Hun?" asking as she went back to work putting the saddle on her horse, finishing on tightening the strap and making sure all connections were secure.

"Oh yeah" he chuckles mildly, "It is way too hot for me, especially with all this fur of mine. My large tail just doesn't cut it anymore these days." Exclaiming as he brushed his large tail around his legs.

"Well you do look hot" she giggles soon realizing what she just said could be easily misconstrued.

Skye unties her horse and quickly hops up into the saddle, clicking her heals once and leading him to turn around. Partially ignoring her comment, he takes quick action seeing as she was leaving without him. He unties his mare and hops up as well, quickly instructing her to follow close behind Skye.

"Hey wait up!" he shouts to Skye, urging his horse to quicken pace.

"C'mon you slow poke!" she shouts back to him, clicking her heals a few times and she dashes off into the wooded outcrop just beyond her yard.

"Hey! No fair!" he bounces up and down a little, trying to remember exactly how to make his horse go faster. "Go faster" he demands in frustration and within moments, he's got his horse galloping. He soon pulled up next to Skye in the woods just as she slows to a trot.

"What was that all about?" he asked as his tail twitched a little.

She giggled a little, not giving any response.

They continued their ride together, making it to the banks of the lake where they stopped for a shot time while the horses got to play in the water. They talked, they laughed and made best of the time, reclaiming some of their more cherished cub-hood memories. Many of their stories involved their own mischief together.

After the short break and a good laugh, they saddled up once more and continued down the banks. They spoke little to one another as they rode side by side. A cool breeze lifted off the lake, pushing her scent into his nostrils, giving a good taste of her fruity perfume. He looked over to her, gently gazing over her body, watching as her breasts bounce a little in her small shirt. Catching himself staring, he quickly looked away as he blushed a little. She takes notice of his quick actions and looks over at him, seeing him blush through his fur.

"Everything okay Hun?" she asked concerning, mostly wondering what he just saw that would make him blush.

"Oh uh..." he pauses, trying to avoid eye contact "...yeah." He clears his throat, swallowing hard, "It's nothing."

Skye soon catches herself as she was gazing at his crotch, feeling a warm feeling overcome her body when she did. Just then, something hit her in the muzzle. She wipes her paw over the spot, feeling wetness on her paw. Confused, she looks up and sees a dark grey cloud loaming over them. Another drop hits her nose and she winces a bit and looks back at Husky. "I feel it's about to rain" she says with a crackle in her voice.

He sniffs the air a few times, taking in the scent of moisture in the air. Just then, he himself feels a large drop land on his left ear, causing it to twitch once. "Yeah, I do believe you're right." He stops his mare and looks behind him, "Suppose we should head back before it starts to..." Just then, a wave of water came flooding from the skies above. "...rain" he says with a look of disgust.

She laughs seeing his expression, "I suppose we should." She pulls on the reigns and turns her horse around. Clicks her heals a few times and rides off in a fast gallop. He does the same with his horse and trails close behind her, watching her long flowing body moving up and down in perfect harmony with her horse. His eyes where squinting as they both rode fast, trying to keep the rain from his eyes.

They finally made it back to the stables and quickly dismounted. Holding their own horse's reigns, they looked at one another and burst into laughter. They managed to return their horses to their proper enclosures and stood next to each other, their bodies both drenched from the rain. Husky looked down at her chest when she approached, noticing her raging nipples through her soaked tank top.

"You look cold" he remarks, "Perhaps we should get inside and warm up."

She giggles a little and wraps her arms around his wet torso, "Or we can warm up right here."

He blushes a little feeling her breasts pressing into his chest, shocked by her comment. Well, almost in shock. He had a feeling she was onto him, but never really knew for sure. 'I mean, she really is cute, and all those things she's been sayin...' he thought to himself. '...Maybe if I ask her...err...no, that won't do. Well what if I just say something like she said, that might give me a better idea of what she thinks'

"What do you mean?" he questions without thought. 'Stupid, that wasn't what I meant to say' he criticizes himself in thought.

She gazes up at him with her big beautiful blue eyes, water dripping off of her wet fur just a bit. A feeling of warm pleasure ran through his body seeing her look at him with an expression of deep affection. Without warning, another horse next to them rattled his door which caused both of them to jump in surprise, her claws gripped his sides a little tighter.

Now, he was not sure if it was his wet pants weighing down on him, or if it was his member starting to make its way from his sheath, causing the tightness in his pants. In either case, he was rather enjoying her somewhat affectionate nature.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" he questions her with a look of curiosity.

"And what's that?" she smiles warmly at him, their eyes making direct contact. His body tensed a little as he could see her true emotions flowing from her eyes, sending a wave of chills down his spine.

"Are you suggesting we become..." He pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts as it was quite a bit for him to take in, "...boyfriend and girlfriend?"

She giggles softly and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. A surge of warm feelings filled his whole body just then, confirming his suspicions. He then slowly wrapped his large paws around her waist and pulled her in closer, diving in for another longer kiss, parting their lips and taking in each other.

Skye turned them slightly and pushed into him, backing him against a large wooden pillar support, their wet fur making a slight squishing sound as they were stopped. She murred softly through their deep kiss as her own passion for him was finally being released. She had been waiting for this for months now, to feel him in ways she could only dream of.

Husky was thoroughly enjoying this long embrace. He never did admit directly to her, but as they grew older together, he had begun to have strange feelings for her. Those of which he figured were too inappropriate to share with anyone, until now. Breaking off the kisses and licking his maw, still tasting her, he muttered to her with a loving smile, "I've been dreaming of this for a long time."

"Oh Husky!" she said as she held him tighter, digging her claws into his back further and submerging her muzzle into his soft chest. She pressed her hips into his trying to get as close to him as possible. She was finally able to express herself fully with him.

Feeling her actions gave him chills all along his body, feeling his now enlarged member being compressed tightly between them. He blushed a little in feeling this and looked down at her, not really caring anymore. He knew she felt it too as she looked up at him with a smile and a look in her eyes that read, 'I want you so much.'

She took his paw and quickly gave him a tug to follow. Dragging him to a ladder that was just a few short hops away from where they were, she stopped and whispered to him softly, "Come with me" she smiled, blushing a little as if she was hiding something she didn't want anyone to see. Skye climbed the ladder slowly, wiggling her cute little butt from side to side as she went, giving Husky a descent view from below.

'Oh wow' he thought as he gazed up at her, seeing her long flowing tail, her cute tight little butt in those short wet pants of hers. He stood at the foot of the ladder for a few moments, enjoying the view until she disappeared over the ledge above. Coming to his senses once more, he follows her up the ladder, his wet and muddy feet were slipping a little with every step. Just as his head poked above the top, he gazed around in the lofted area, seeing nothing but a bunch of dried out straw and hay used for feeding the horses. "Skye?" he calls out to her softly, anxious to know where she had gone.

From behind a couple of large bundles of hay came the response "over here Hun!" Following the voice of temptation, he made his way to the location in the dim, dreary light, the prickles of straw tickling his feet as he moved. He comes around the corner of the tall stack to find her shirt, pants and boots piled together in a corner. The scent of wet musky dog smell, mixed with a stronger arousing odor he has smelt earlier. He looked quickly to Skye to see her lying in something of a seductive pose on a blanket, wearing nothing more than her cowgirl hat and a pair of her small white panties with one red rose printed on the front. He stood there before her mostly naked body, feeling the bulge in his pants become very tight. She giggled lightly at the sight of his expression, and then made the remark in a somewhat seductive tone, "I think you need to do the same, get yourself out of those wet pants, we wouldn't want you catchin hypothermia now would we?"

He nods in agreement, blushing a little as he begins to undo his pants, letting them fall to the straw covered floor, his large erect cock now fully visible to her. Seeing his yummy package before her, she shifts uneasily in anticipation, patting the blanket, motioning him to join her. He crawls over and lies facing her, smiling warmly as he imagined what she was planning, or rather, thinking this was what she had wanted from the start. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in close to her, feeling his whole damp body against hers. She murred softly at the feeling of his cock against her. She leaned in closer to him, giving him a long passionate kiss.

The warm sensation filled his body once again when she kissed him. That strong arousing odor filled his nostrils as he took in a deep breath. He slowly reached around her, grabbing a hold of her cute rear and pulling it closer to him, squeezing his member against them even more. They lay there together, eyes closed, entranced deeply by one another as they embraced with so much passion for the first time. Her damp paws began to wander down his back; her claws dragging a bit under his wet fur, giving him chills through is body, ultimately ending around his own naked rear where she mimicked his actions.

Pausing for a moment, she breaks from their passion and gazes into his eyes once more. "I have a secret for you" she spoke in a soft tone.

Flicking his tail once, he raises a brow of curiosity, "Oh yeah?"

"Mhm, but you have to guess it." She giggles giving him a quick lick on the nose.

Husky began to concentrate on what it was she could possibly have to tell him. 'Was it that she had always felt this way? Nah, that much seems just too obvious. Or how about she secretly wanted to have a child? WHOA, now there's crossing some lines!' he thought to himself.

Skye saw his intense thinking and giggled at his silly expressions that shown through. "Here, I'll give you a hint" she whispers into his ear. She reaches up with one paw and places is square on his shoulder, pressing hard with the tips of her claws, laying him on his back, effectively removing him from her warm damp body.

Lying on his back in somewhat of disbelief, he ponders her course of actions, watching her every move inquiring her motives. Looking up, he sees her sitting up in front of him, her perfect looking breasts, the matted fur glistening in what light that shown through the rafters, her soft luscious body, now towering over him as she stood on her knees, was such a wonder of beauty, his mind went blank of all thought. She moved her hands seductively over her top coat of fur, pressing lightly over her chest and slowly sliding them down her body, droplets of water running off the tips of the mattered fur. His eyes gazed at her paws in fascination, watching them slowly slide their way under the lip of her panties. He began to pant lightly, opening his maw and letting his tongue droop out, watching her paws dance beneath the soft fabric.

He propped himself up on his elbows, getting a better view of her actions, seeing her slowly remove those wet panties of hers. She kept her legs clinched together as she pulled on the fabric, keeping only part of them in place between her legs. Soon, the last obstruction upon her body, with the exception to her cute little cowgirl hat, was removed, revealing to him her wonderful body.

Skye held her panties in one claw, letting it dangle just before him with a look of mischief upon her maw.

"Uh, what are you thinking of doing?" he asks taking notice to her expression.

"Guess" she says teasingly, swinging the panties on her claw.

Husky starts in on thinking once more. Just before he could finish a thought, Skye tosses her soaked panties over his maw. That wonderful, mysterious scent hit him just then like a brick wall. His body shivered with pleasure; that scent making his mind spin in a whirlwind of ecstasy.

Just as he removed her panties from his nose, taking in one last breath of that amazing smell, Skye was quickly straddling him, her weight sitting on his hard throbbing cock. Tossing the panties aside and looking up at her in utter astonishment, he was almost confused by her actions. She was hiding something from him, but he wasn't fully sure what it was. 'Could it be she just got new panties? But I've seen these before. Gah! I'm so confused!' he shouted to himself in thought.

"I really don't know Skye" he retorts, shaking a little as she had begun to work herself over his cock, sliding her vag up and down his length.

"Hehe" she giggled at him and slowly leaning over him, placing her paws on his chest, forcing him back down onto his back. She pressed her body over his, flicking her tail once to the side, and placing her muzzle into his ear. She spoke softly, her warm breath tickling the fur inside, "I'm in heat. And I want you." She pulled away, sitting up slightly, her paws supporting her up upon his chest, looking into his eyes with such love and passion.

His ear twitched a little just as she pulled away. He looked back at her, like a deer in headlights. He had heard the expression 'in heat' before but no one was ever really willing to fully tell him what this meant or what it really was. Soon, putting two and two together, he realized what this 'heat' was. His expression soon turned to lust, gazing back into Skye's eyes. He placed his own paws on her hips, feeling the fur between his fingers.

"I see" he replies in a mischievous tone, "and what do you suppose we do about that?"

Skye smiled and kissed him with such passion. He breathed in one long breath and arched his back, feeling their maws connect together again, and his pleasure for her growing intensely. He could feel her body moving slight on top of him, her hips grinding into his, causing him to murr slightly from the sensation. Husky raised his hips, pressing his cock into her soft wet fur, and feeling a warmer, slicker bit of moisture that slowly made its way along his member.

He felt her paws slowly work their way from on top of his chest and down his sides, her claws scratching at his skin beneath his dense fur. His body was quivering, his heart racing, these feelings of intense passion for her was enough to drive anyone crazy, but he kept to it, repositioning his paws upon her rear. He gripped her rear tightly, digging his own claws into her fur, down to the skin, causing a soft sound of moaning from her. The sounds of pleasure beckoning him to continue, he pulled her up his body more, her back arching into his as he did so, feeling her wet soaked folds travel along his member. He could feel her body tremble upon him, her moaning through their intense kiss growing loader every second.

Skye broke from their interlocked jaws for a second and spoke lustfully, "Oh Husky, just fuck me already." She rocked her hips a few times, forcing his aching member into her tight vaginal folds. She lifted her head back upon the feeling, letting out a cry of pain mixed with passion. She slid herself down his hard cock, pressing until she could not press any further.

Husky was in an elevated state of euphoria. Never had he felt anything of this intensity before. Especially knowing she was his best and only friend, not to mention that she almost seemed like a sister to him. But at the moment, all that mattered right now was her, and pleasing her was his number one concern. His thoughts ran wild in his head as he tried to think on what course of action to take. He was practically clueless given he was a virgin. 'Well, not anymore, but still, what the hell am I to do?' He contemplated.

Skye seemed to take the situation pretty well. As he could see, she was already working him in and out of her increasingly wet vag. By this point, she was sitting up now, putting her weight onto him as much as she could. Seeing her ride him like one of her horses was quite a site to see. She had one paw on his chest, clenching the fur between her fingers while the other held onto her cowgirl hat. Taking quick note of her position, Husky decided to play along and began to thrust his hips upwards, feeling her body slam down until his knot prevented any further action.

The two were getting pretty far into it. She was panting and moaning between breaths, her body starting to shake with pleasure. He was not too far off with the same situation, panting with her, trying to give her a ride of her life. But it wasn't too far in when Husky could feel the tension building, his orgasm coming sooner than he had hoped. He slowly stopped his thrusting, trying anything he can to hold it off.

Skye, being rather observant, panted out lustfully, "Oh baby, don't stop. I want you to cum inside me. Knot me. Knot me hard!" crying out in pleasure as she pounded on his knot, the lips of her vag spreading open as she tried hard to take him in.

"What!?" he panted out in shock. He wasn't about ready to have pups.

"Don't worry baby" was all she could muster out as she worked against him, finally forcing the rest of his cock, knot and all, into her body. Her body shook and the walls of her vag contracted, her own orgasm erupting, flooding her crevice with her own cum.

It was just too much for him to handle, especially feeling her orgasm around him. His orgasm gushing into her body, adding to her cum as both their bodies unleashed a fury of sexual tension upon each other.

Breathing heavily, Skye began to relax from their little adventure. She opened her eyes and gazed down at Husky, smiling with content at him. She laid herself down against his body, placing her head against his chest. Her cute little cowgirl hat, rolled off her head and off to the side as she lay there all peacefully. Husky's cock was still embedded deep into her body, unable to remove it from her clutches. He could feel his juices slowly working their way out, just constantly adding to what was already there. His mind was running wild at the current situation. He really liked Skye, heck probably even love this wolf for all that she is, yet he was not ready to be a father.

Skye was slowly drifting off to sleep on top of him, smiling happy as she gently caressed his chest with her paw, twirling little bits of fur around her claw. "Don't worry hunny" she spoke softly "I know you'll make an excellent dad."

Just then, his mind went blank and all that remained was her. He smiled contently and wrapped his arms around her body. He gave her a little lick on the top of her head and rested back, perfectly happy that she wanted this.

"Skye" he said softly through the chilled air of the hayloft space.

"Hmm" she replied.

He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, images of all their wonderful times together, including this one. He held his breath for a moment and spoke with a slightly horse voice, "I love you."

Skye huffed a little in a soft laughter and smiled bigger. "Oh Husky, you're so silly. I've always loved you." She shifted her hips a little, feeling a slight tingle of his cock between her legs, perfectly content as he continued to slowly fill her. Skye drifted off to sleep finally to the sound of Husky's heart beating. Husky on the other hand, laid on his back and staring up at the ceiling, thoughts of a bright future together with Skye danced around in his head.

The End?