New Ventures Part 1

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#11 of Todd and, generally, Jason

Part 1 of 2. After a short break I'll start up on the second half and, with luck, it should drop in mid-December or so.

"And I think we're just about done here," Todd said happily to himself, setting down the brush he'd been using to apply the final coat of varnish to an antique Dutch side table.

One of the short, chubby wolf's favorite pass times was to hunt through flea markets and garage sales for treasures that had seen better days and take them home to the sizable apartment he shared with his partner Jason to give them the TLC they deserved, doing his best to restore them to their former glory while also bringing a touch of a modern edge to them. His eyes had latched onto this piece, the complicated floral patterns on its top and down its legs marred by scuffs and water stains, and he'd bought it immediately for a very reasonable price. After bringing it home and placing it in the small spare room he used for these projects of his he'd spent the past couple of weekends sanding it down, staining it, and repainting the flowers --he'd chosen to forgo the pattern on the legs to simplify it-- using dozens of reference pictures he'd taken.

A sudden gust of cold November air blew in the room's open window, making him shiver despise his hefty frame, his fuzzy slipper, his sweatpants and his favorite old black-and-white checkered flannel. It was very chilly in the small room, but if Todd had to chose between being chilly or getting sick from the fumes of the varnish, he was more than happy with the occasional shiver. He took a sip of his hot chia tea, taking his phone in hand and taking multiple pictures of his latest work from multiple angles. He picked his favorites and uploaded them, along with a few pics from before he started on it, to his Instagram, thinking on the caption for a few moments before typing.

'Finally finished restoring this classic 19th century Dutch side table! The pattern on top was pretty tough to do, but I think it came out ok. DM if interested in purchase. #nofilter #antiques #diy #restoration #beforeandafter'

He placed the lid back onto the metal can of odorous clear sealant and put it up on the shelf. He checked this weather app on his phone to make sure it wasn't supposed to rain so he could leave the window open. The forecast said sunny, so he slipped the device back into his pocket, left the window like it was, and opened the door into the living room. His partner Jason, a hulking polar bear, looked up from his book and smiled from his position on the huge couch at the grey-furred wolf.

"Well Sweet Thang," he asked in his deep, heavily-accented voice, "we got another masterpiece on our hands?"

"I don't know about that," he answered, looking at the bear's massive exposed paws propped up on the coffee table as he pulled his phone back out and pulled up the pictures he'd taken, handing it to Jason. He laid face down on the couch, resting his head atop the bear's tree trunk-sized thigh.

The older male whistled, thoroughly impressed by what he saw on the screen. He reached under his wolf's flannel with his spare hand and began to lightly scritch and scratch his wide, doughy back. A soft, contented, pleased growl could be heard from the back of Todd's throat as the bear's blunt claws cut shallow furrows through his silky fur.

"I swear, baby, ya never cease t'amaze me with what ya can do!"

"Mrrrf, thank you," he replied weakly, the back scratching lulling him into complete relaxation.

Jason took his book, which he'd set on his other thigh when given the phone, and set it on the hardwood floor beside the couch, then set the wolf's cell on top of it. With both hands free he made it even harder for the wolf to stay awake, adding neck rubs and headfur ruffling to the already intoxicating back scratches. The polar bear felt his own eyes began to droop in the warm air of the apartment when Todd suddenly stirred, climbing up onto his knees on the cushions and laying against his broad, white-furred chest. He stretched his short neck up and kissed him on the cheek before nuzzling up under his neck. Jason was about to mention how lovely a trip to the bedroom sounded when the smell hit him. He sniffed the wolf's head to make sure it was what he thought it was before speaking.

"Uh, baby," he said gently, "Ah'm thinking a bath might do ya some good, that varnish smell really stuck to yer fur this time."

The wolf brought his arm up to his nose and sniffed, his snout wrinkling, displeased.

"Sorry about that," he said, blushing slightly under his fur. "I'm using a new brand and the vapors seem to be worse. You're right though, I think I will get in the tub for a bit."

He slid from his partner's arms and stood on his own thick, chunky legs, but before leaving the room he cheekily leaned over and wrapped his lips around the big toe of the bear's left foot, sucking lustfully for several moments before letting the digit pop out of his mouth and giving a shy smile.

"Oops, accidentally fell and landed on your toe," he said teasingly as he sauntered to the bathroom, ample rump wiggling.

The bear reached down and squeezed the half-chub both the toe sucking and Todd's round ass wiggling down the hall had given him before shouting out, "hold up, baby, Ah'm thinkin' Ah could use some scrubbin' myself!"


Todd started the water and, once it was hot enough, plugged the drain, both he and Jason taking the time it took to fill to undress. At about the time it was half filled the chubby wolf unwrapped his favorite bath bomb, A Stroll Through Fangorn Forest --named after a location in Lord of the Rings--, and tossed it in. The water immediately took on a dark green color, the scents of oakmoss, cypress and patchouli filling the air.

"Ah sincerely hope that little bath thingy o' yer's don't stain my fur like last time," the polar bear said.

The wolf, leaning back against his partner's belly, couldn't stop the giggles that bubbled up as he thought about the last time they'd bathed together and the pinkish hue that the lower half of his white-furred body had turned.

"Oh, ya think that's funny, do ya," the bear grumbled, looking down at the top of the wolf's head. "Jus' ya wait, boy, Daddy's got plans fer you!"

The giggles stopped abruptly and the younger male's ears flattened in apprehension. He gulped in an exaggerated manner, recognizing they'd entered into a period of role play.

"T-tub's r-r-read," he stuttered, playing as though he were thoroughly intimidated and a touch scared.

The massive polar bear brushed past him and settled into the tub, the motioned for him to follow suit. Todd climbed in and settled back against the large squishy gut of the older male. The tub was built specifically for the size and stature of a bear, so while the waterline was perfectly comfortable for Jason it was almost to the upper part of the short wolf's chest.

Jason scooped water over his partner's chest and head to thoroughly wet the fur that wasn't already submerged, then grabbed his bottle of mango shampoo and squirted a healthy dollop into one gigantic paw. He began working the slick, sudsy liquid into Todd's fur, smirking to himself as the round little wolf's head sunk to his chest to allow better access to his thick, short neck. The sweet fruit scent mingled with the more earthy smells of the bath bomb wonderfully as his strong fingers gently palpated the chubby wolf's shoulders.

The wolf's pleasurable, contented moans became lusty whimpers as those huge, strong hands dipped below the surface of the water and tenderly stroked and tweaked his pink nipples. Eyes shut in ecstasy, he bit his lips to stifle them as he laid back against the large bear's gut behind him. The teasing stopped long enough for Jason to pick the far smaller male up and settle him on top of his lap, then he promptly started again, taking the sensitive nubs between thumb and forefinger. Todd's hand, seemingly with a mind of its own, crawled its way over his large belly and circled around cock, but before he could begin stroking the polar bear grabbed him gently by the wrist and brought it back up. The chubby wolf looked back and up at the bear questioningly.

"Ah ah ah," he said teasingly, the bass in his voice so deep the younger mammal could feel it rumble through his chest, "no touchin' yerself 'til Daddy says otherwise, understand?"

"Yes, Sir," the wolf said softly.

Instead of saying anything, the bear simply placed his lover's hand back onto his chest and continued the nipple stroking with one hand, going back and forth between the two at irregular intervals, while the other drifted down and began to rub and knead his soft, dough-like belly. That rubbing hand starting going lower, however, it didn't go to his needy cock like he was hoping, instead it reached far down between his legs, past his balls and settled at his taint. Jason used his own huge, powerfully-built thighs to lift and spread the wolf's legs, and he gasped loudly and whimpered as a thick finger made contact with his tailhole!

Todd squirmed in his partner's lap, his head back and mouth wide open as he moaned and panted, tongue lolling freely, as that finger teased and torment that unspeakably sensitive spot. The big bear wasn't trying to penetrate him, far from it, he wanted to just rub the unbearably tender flesh tortuously until the chubby wolf was so desperate he was begging to be fucked. However, that particular plan was not to be as, after several minutes, the younger man seemed to forget himself and reached down to grip his cock once more.

The bear stopped his ministrations, taking his arms and hands completely away from where they'd been and settled them on the sides of the tub. The wolf, still sudsy and face bright red from the heat of the tub and the touches he'd submitted to, looked back at him against as he wiped sweat away from his brow.

"What did Ah tell ya, boy?"

Todd cocked his head as if he didn't understand, then his ears dropped as he realized what he meant and that their roleplay was just beginning.

"Y-you t-t-told me n-not to t-t-t-ouch my c-cock, Sir."

"That's right, and what did ya do," the bear asked in mock severity.

"I t-touched it, Sir."

"Ya know what happens to boys that don't listen ta their Daddy, don't ya?"

Todd nodded, feigning fear. "They get p-punished, Sir!"

"That's right. Rinse yerself off, dry yerself, then go inta tha bedroom and git out a spool of rope, the blindfold, an' tha muzzle."

The wolf did as he was told, dunking his head under the water to wash all the shampoo out, then climbed out of the huge porcelain tub and dried himself as quickly as possible on a large fluffy towel. A smirk cracked the bear's previously stern expression, lecherously watching the wolf's plump, white and grey two-toned ass jiggle as he scurried from the room. The bear stayed soaking in the fragrant water for a few more minutes, allowing the Todd time to get together the items he'd listed. It had initially surprised Jason when his partner approached him a while back requesting he be a bit more aggressive and dominate when it came to their shared kinks. He didn't necessarily want to keep it up all the time, of course, he was at heart a gentle giant, but it was fun every now and then.


Thanks to the kinky polar bear and his own burgeoning desires, Todd had found himself trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey in a dozen or two different configurations and positions over the course of their relationship, but throughout it all he'd never felt nearly as helpless nor on-display as he did at that very moment.

His vision was cut off by a padded leather blindfold, his mouth held shut by a snug leather muzzle, also padded. He was on his back positioned so his rear was at the edge of their bed, and Jason had cut two long portions of soft silk rope to bind his beefy left forearm parallel to his weighty left thigh, then did the same with his right forearm and thigh. Being on his back the way he was forced his stout limbs up into the air, while gravity did its dirty work and kept his legs spread wide. Sure, his legs below the knee were free to move as much as they pleased, but there was no way he could use them to cover his naked genitals or exposed tailhole, and even if he could, the huge, experienced polar bear could easily hold them out of the way for whatever he had planned.

Jason stood back and admired his handiwork and the gorgeous creature he'd applied said handiwork to, smirking to himself. He absentmindedly stroked his hard, black-skinned 10-inch cock, still glistening from the water of the tub, as he watched the fat bound wolf whimper and tremble with anticipation adorably. He slowly lowered himself down to his knees next to the bed, a pillow placed there for his comfort, and playfully blew a gust of air against his exposed hole. He chuckled as he was rewarded with a muffled gasp and a twitching sphincter.

The bear extended his tongue and made tender contact with his lover's shuddering hole, the gasp he got from that quickly replaced by moans as he slowly traced around the ring of muscle with tongue tip. His massive hands found their way to Todd's meaty ass cheeks, kneading them as he lightly flicked and lashed his pink mouth meat across the center of his opening, careful to avoid the nub of scar tissue right above --not out of disgust or anything of the sort, he'd gotten over that long ago, but because his wolf had told him it still occasionally hurt when touched.

The submissive wolf growled and whimpered pleasurable into his gag, his hard member leaking a tributary of precum onto his belly and down his side as his most sensitive spot was lapped and licked lustily by Jason. He felt those gigantic catcher's mitt paws sliding up his rope-encased thighs but thought nothing of it, and by the time he realized what was happening it was too late. While his mind was clouded by expert rimming The polar bear had gripped his flat, squishy paws in his strong fingers and began to scratch his dull thumb claws against the supple tender flesh right in the center of both soles!

He screamed in ticklish agony and tried his best to get away from the claws, but it was no use; the bear was simply too strong, and with the way he'd braced his own muscled forearms against Todd's bound thighs he couldn't even try to roll out of his predicament. All he could do was laugh and squirm, moan and leak. Tears and saliva slicked his blindfold and gag, respectively, making the black leather glisten in the golden afternoon sun that streaked in through the bedroom window. His muffled laughter reaching a new level of hysteria as Jason shifted his thumb claws up to scrape directly on his unbearably tender and sensitive paw pads. His cute stubby toes flailed and curled, desperately trying to dull the sensations that set his nervous system on fire, but it did absolutely nothing.

The huge older polar bear had to stifle a moan of his own as he rolled his tongue and gently began fucking his lover's loose pucker with it, his black nose almost overwhelmed by the strength of the wolf's musk. He'd been planning on keeping the cruel paw and hole teasing going for longer, but Todd's squirming, his taste, the scent of his arousal, the pleading laughter and whimpers all had him feeling as though he were on the cusp of orgasm himself. Enough was enough, it was time to give them both what they needed!

With a grunt he raised up from his knees, planting a gentle kiss on his love's tender, pink pawpads as he went, onto his feet. He lifted the wolf's ample rump up just a bit higher and slid a pillow under his lower back to allow for an easier penetration, then grabbed the bottle of their favorite lube he'd laid next to him on the bed. He popped the top and slicked his member, moaning as he spread the slippery substance along his shaft. He wiped his hand off with towel and pressed his leaking tip against the abused pucker. With one final push he began to slowly sink inside, his bulbous cockhead making an audible 'pop' as it broke through the ring of muscle.

The wolf threw his head back as he grunted and moaned fiercely into his leather gag, eyes rolling back as the polar bear's thick shaft slid all the way in to the hilt; a new spurt of precum was squeezed out of him as his prostate was pummeled by Jason's cock. Todd wrapped his chunky, unrestrained lower legs as far around his love's waist as he could in his current predicament, knowing he had to be only moments away from orgasm as the older male dispensed with all subtleties and got right down to pounding his welcoming ass. He was right; it only took another minute or so before his balls tightened against his body and a muffled howl filled the room as he shot a torrent of semen all over his jiggling chest and belly.

The sight of creamy wolf cum splattering hot across the large belly under him, not to mention the sudden tightening of his sphincter at the moment of climax, pushed Jason over the cliff he'd been trying to dance on the edge of. With a huge, aggressive growl he slammed into Todd one last time, painting his insides white as he emptied his pendulous balls. Shudders ran up his spine as the last drop was squeezed from him, and, panting heavily, reached up and unbuckled the muzzle, lifting it off his snout.

He playfully scooped some of Todd's cum up onto his fingers and brought them up to the exhausted wolf's face. The submissive younger male easily identified the scent of his own jizz and obediently licked Jason's fingers clean, blushing as his Daddy chuckled throatily at his willingness. He whimpered as the bear slowly pulled out of him, leaving him feeling empty and oddly cold despite the warmth of the room.

Jason, meanwhile, stepped to his side table and removed a pair of scissors from the shallow drawer. He very, very carefully slid the sharp metal between the rope and the wolf's limbs, cutting them as quickly and safely as he could. Todd gasped a loud sigh of relief as his arms and legs straightened out for the first time in roughly an hour; the position he was in had just about started to hurt. He was momentarily blind as the leather covering his eyes was removed, but he quickly recovered to the light in the room. He just laid there and relaxed for the time being as Jason went about his aftercare routine, using a towel to clean up their fluids before gently rubbing and massaging the spent wolf's flabby limbs.


"Have you seen my phone," Todd asked loudly from their spare room as he looked for the electronic device in question.

"Oh yeah," the bear responded from the kitchen, "Ah set it on tha floor next ta my side of tha couch! Ya want a sandwich, I'm making one fer myself in here."

The chubby wolf found it right where he said it was. "No thanks," he said as he sat on his end of the couch and unlocked it.


"What's up, babe," questioned as he sat next to his partner, sandwich in hand.

"I have, like, 34 messages from people wanting that table I finished earlier!"

"Well o'course! Why're y'always surprised, yer amazin' at what ya do."

"I'm not that good," the wolf said, blushing.

"Clearly y'are, every time ya post somethin' ya get a ton of messages about buyin' it. In fact, y'ever think about maybe startin' yer own business?"

Todd looked down, rubbing his hands together nervously. "I don't know, I might think about it every now and then. But there's no way I could ever do that. I'd need a good sized place for bigger pieces, there's a ton of equipment I'd need, it's just not possible."

The wolf looked at Jason and saw he had a big smile on his face.


"What if Ah told ya Ah jus' got a new client lookin' ta sell his antique restoration business AND all tha 'quipment as one lot, an' he's askin' a very reasonable price?"

"Really? Where?"

"It's a place on tha corner o' 30th an' Main, called McKenzie's."

"Mr. McKenzie is selling his shop," Todd exclaimed.

"Yeah," Jason said, a bit taken aback, "ya know 'im?"

"Of course! We do restorations for him all the time! Do you know why he's selling?"

The bear shrugged. "Accordin' ta him he's jus' gettin' too old."

Todd snuggled up to his bear's warm flank, propping his slipper-encased paws up beside him on the couch. "That makes sense, he starting outsourcing to us 'cause he said he wasn't able to do all that lifting and stuff anymore. Still it sucks to loose him, his shop is an institution in this city."

"Ah know," the polar bear said, wrapping his free, non-sandwich-bearing arm around his adorable chubby hubby, "but look on tha bright side, since ya know each other an' done business together, Ah bet he'd be willin' ta offer an ever better deal! Besides, Ah know y'ave got tha money, my cute little spend-thrift."

It was true, practically ever penny Todd earned that didn't go to bill, food, or materials for his work, or things for Jason went right into a savings account he kept to the side in case of emergencies. He didn't like to brag, but he'd saved up a nice little bundle of cash.

"You know what? You're right! I've always dreamed about owning my own little shop, and it's never gonna happen unless I take opportunities as they come!"

Jason leaned over and gave the round wolf a peck on the top of his head, right in the center of his always messy headfur. "That's tha spirit, Sweet Thang! Should Ah give'im a call and tell 'im Ah got someone interested?"

"I think you should!"