Celsius Plays House

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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For the wonderful, wonderful circutron on FA

Celsius, Empire City's friendly neighborhood ice-slinging cat hero, is on the trail of a friend in trouble, finding himself in the cozy suburbs. Can he rescue his dear friend from the mysterious Supervillain House? Or will our daring icecat find himself sharing in the domestic bliss?

Celsius plays House

By Feder

For Circutron

Celsius couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of unease as he looked over the Empire City skyline from his perch atop an office building. It wasn't that things were unusually quiet or peaceful in the metropolis, he knew that wasn't the case because of a quick brawl with Fahrenheit just yesterday. Rather, it was because of a foreboding message Nefertina left in his email inbox earlier that week:

"Just a head's up, there's something in town targeting supers, both hero and criminal. I've been taking notes and don't quote me on this Cels, but I think whoever is behind this prefers female victims. Tempest is going to meet up with you at the park to talk it over in detail. Just in case, watch your ass, kitty cat."

And since then, Celsius had visited Empire Park damn near everyday and Tempest never showed up, even when he stayed up well past closing time. He even tried getting in touch with the mouse himself, only for that effort to fall through as well. Where the hell was she? And for that matter, what was he going to do about this mess now that his only source had gone AWOL and there was a confirmed Knockout sighting in town? Celsius shuddered at the thought of going toe-to-toe with that rabbit again. He still hadn't fully recovered from that one time she knocked him out and left him as a science project for the Femme Fatales. In some alternate universe, he'd be wearing pink and robbing banks by now.

Celsius took a deep breath, concentrated, then leapt off the building, using his powers to created an icy ramp beneath his feet as he slid down to the streets below. It was a warm day, so the structure melted away close behind him. Still, this was a move he had practiced time and time and trip to the hospital again, so he lept off the icy path some ten feet off the ground, making a graceful landing on his feet as the ice ramp melted into a conspicuous damp spot on the blacktop behind him. For a moment, he wished more people were looking, just to indulge his vanity a little.

Then, his phone started ringing again. With a sigh, Celsius picked up and if it weren't for his domino mask, he'd fit in perfectly with the crowd. It was Nefertina again, her voice on the other end sounding panicked.

"Celsius! You have to go to Gilded Cage Estates ASAP... this is urgent!"

"Woah there..." Celsius said, smirking as he stepped around the crowd, keeping his brisk but casual stride. "...Where's the fire? Is it Tempest?"

"...How did you guess?!" Nefertina said, her voice taking on the more familiar 'I am so not in the mood for your shit, Celsius' tone of voice.

"Well she wasn't at our agreed rendezvous point the last oh... seven friggin' days and all of a sudden you call me sounding like there's a prison break."

Nefertina was silent for a bit, then she spoke up. "I saw her at Gilded Cage estates, she was... not right. Celsius, something is seriously wrong here!" Celsius leapt over a chain link fence, taking a shortcut through a side alley. Gilded Cage estates was on the outskirts of Empire City but he knew a shortcut that'd take him there before too long, and if Nefertina's voice was any indication... time was at a premium.

"I'm on my way, Nef-did you see anything else? If whoever it is got Tempest, I'm headed into dangerous territory!" Celsius said as he pointe down at the street beneath him, creating a path of ice for him to quickly slide on through the rarely-used back streets. He was already close to the residential district, and the suburbs weren't much farther away.

"It's this guy," Nefertina said, "they call him House, we don't know what his powers exactly are yet, but I have a hunch they-"

The phone cut out, Celsius looked down at the screen in brief bafflement. No signal, he should have known. Not only was cell reception spotty out here, he had a gut feeling fate would conspire him to go it alone. The cat grinned as the Gilded Cage Estates sign came into view; as a matter of fact, he liked going it alone.

Gilded Cage was a little suburban project on the outskirts of Empire City, and it cut a sharp contrast to the bustling metropolis, looking like it was plucked straight out of the 1950s, with stretches of tract housing as far as the eye could see, all the houses identical save for a different color, all of them some shade of cheerful pastel. White picket fences separated the well-kept verdant lawns, kids of all kinds out playing while the wives did the washing... come to think of it the wives were dressed like they escaped the 50s too. Celsius turned his head, and he couldn't see even a single one of the females wearing pants. Sundresses in a rainbow of colors and patterns, yes. Skirt and blouse combos, yes.... But modern clothing? Not a scrap of it.

The cat was scratching his head as he came to a house with salmon pink vinyl siding when he saw her... or rather what had become of her. There was Tempest, the mouse wonder herself in the yard tending to a neat little flower garden, using her wind powers to keep her cool as he saw her platinum blonde hair swaying in a breeze flowing around her, her white fur had conditioned fresh-out-of-the-salon look and she was wearing a bright green sundress with white polka dots, the flowy skirt came down to just above her knees where Celsius could see she was wearing a pair of sheer nylon tights and glossy white open-toed high-heels. She looked up to see Celsius approaching, her placid expression brightening as she shot him a buck-toothed smile.

"Oh Celsius! Fancy meeting you here on this gorgeous summer day!" She said, practically gliding across the lawn over to meet him. She still had her grace, but her eyes... they had a bright yet vacant look to them, a look the cat couldn't quite place.

"'Sup Tempest" Celsius said, leaning on the fence. "Where were you? I was supposed to meet you in the park but you never showed, and this is official superhero busi-"

Tempest burst into a fit of schoolgirl giggling, cutting him off. "Oh I'm sorry~" She said, "I'm out of the superhero trade, this wonderful gentleman told me it was men's work and by golly he was right! Now I just mind the house, I have so much more free time now!"

Celsius' jaw dropped. "You... you quit!? What for?"

"A lady has to settle down sometime." Tempest said, lifting up her tail to make sure it didn't drag the ground. "That's what House said!"

"This...House." Celsius said, cracking his knuckles. "What's he like?"

Tempest took in a sharp breath as her expression took on an almost euphoric sense of glee. "Oh, he is such a wonderful gentleman! House moved to the city not long ago, and he told me all about his business! He's such a hard worker and so smart, too!" She gushed, not even noticing Celsius roll his eyes. " I was skeptical, silly girl that I am, but when he explained his way of seeing things I realized he was right!"

Celsius interrupted the deluge of praise with a wave of his hand, "Woah woah... Tempest, where'd you get that ring?" He said, pointing to the golden band on Tempest's finger, bearing a flawlessly cut peridot gem that almost glowed in the sunlight. Tempest lifted her hand up to show it off, blushing as she did so. "Oh this thing? House gave it to me, we're engaged now! He let me be one of his wives, isn't that great?!"

"...Wives?" Celsius balked, he wasn't used to that word being a plural. Hell, he was pretty sure it wasn't even legal in this town. "As in... one of his wives?"

Tempest nodded, beaming with pride. "Yup! House said that being a good wife is the highest and noblest honor a woman can aspire to, isn't that right?"

The icecat stared at her in dumb silence. Tempest had become a stranger to him. Where was her sense of justice, her strength of will? "But what about your powers?" he said, his voice taking on a twinge of indignant desperation, as if grasping for the right combination of words that would snap his friend out of her domestic lifestyle.

"Oh, I found better uses for them," the mouse girl said, her vapid smile breaking into a toothy grin. " I keep my man cool in the summer with them, I blow leaves out of the yard, I help dry the laundry... House told me there's plenty of ways a lady can use her talents to make life better for her husband."

"Husband?!" Celsius couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What even happened to get you stuck playing house like this?!"

Tempest breathed a nostalgic, happy sigh as if recalling a first kiss. " It was so silly of me. I thought House was up to no good, so I followed him home from his job in the city." She took her tail in her hands, stroking it as she recounted the fateful day in the tone one would use for a honeymoon. "We got in a fight, can you imagine that? A lady fighting!" She laughed, then continued: "...Thankfully, House was able to clear up the little misunderstanding. And since he felt sorry for me, running around pretending I could do men's work, he decided to show me how happy life for a modern lady can be, isn't he generous?"

Celsius eased the gate open and stepped past the mouse girl. "Sure..." He said dismissively, "Is House around right now? I want to talk to him..." Celsius balled his fist up tight, a thin layer of frost sweeping over his knuckles. "...Just him and me."

Tempest followed behind him, her heels click-clacking on the cobblestone walkway leading up to the doorstep. "He'll be in his study, but he may be too busy right now. He does get ever so cranky when his work is interrupted!" She said, opening the door for him. Inside, Celsius couldn't believe his eyes as he saw Knockout, of all the ladies in Empire City, in the living room dusting off the fireplace mantel. At first the icecat second-guessed himself, but it was her. The bunny had the same brown fur, same red hair... same vacant-upstairs look in her eyes as Tempest.

Her outfit, however, was completely unlike her: A low-cut crimson swing dress with a glossy black satin ribbon tied around her waist that called attention to her wide hips. She still had the lithe musculature Celsius knew her for, but it was different, her figure was curvier, her chest in particular look like it had some extra mass. She bent over to dust the coffee table, giving Celsius a view of her white lace panties, with a pair of black stockings held up by a pair of garters with heart-shaped clasps. And on her hand was Celsius' first clue: a golden ring much like Tempest's with a fiery red gemstone set into it.

"Knockout?!" Celsius said as he shuffled forward, unable to really process what he was seeing. Was this really her? The bunny stood up, her long ears twitching as she turned to face him.

"Can I help you?" She said, wearing the same wide, toothy grin Tempest greeted him with.

The icecat circled around her, noticing how her tail twitched excitedly as he looked her over. "What... happened to you?"

Knockout giggled, tickling her chin with her feather duster. "Nothing happened to me, sweetie. I just found the man of my dreams, doing a little household chores to thank him for straightening me out~"

"Knockout, this so not you-" Celsius spoke up, only for the bunny girl to gently shush him, her finger held to his lips.

"My name's Kandy now, House gave it to me."and Celsius felt whatever the exact opposite of surprise was. First Tempest, now Knockout. Were there any other victims of this House guy's charms? Celsius went over a plan of attack in his head, House was clearly a mind-control type so he'd have to be careful.

"Well, Kandy," Celsius said, his tone more sarcastic than it should, considering he was in enemy territory attempting diplomacy. "...What happened to make you... like Tempest? You were a real firebrand, a fighter!" The bunny giggled, stepping away from her dusting to face Celsius. Her expression was the same vapid doll-like smile Tempest had, except it looked all the more wrong, like a bad actor's performance.

"House happened," She said, matter of factly. " We met not long after he came to Empire City. He saw what a naughty little tart I was and..." She took a deep breath, getting misty-eyed. "... He said I could move past that, be someone respectable, be a real lady!"

"So you became his wife, what's that all about?" Celsius said, feeling a bad taste in his mouth as he didn't particularly want to know anything about this nonsense, but he had to. Such was his line of work.

"It's bliss~" Kandy said, her legs going gooey as she clasped her hands together in a sickeningly cliche swoon. " While House is in town working at his company, we girls keep his house nice and clean, we launder his suits, and when he gets home..." She said, and it was practically audible how aroused she was getting. "We have his dinner ready. Sometimes, he's hungry for something else and it's our duty as wives to pleasure him, nobody makes me feel pretty or desirable as he does when he grabs me by my ears and..."

"I've heard enough," Celsius interrupted, feeling the bile rise in his throat. One more word and he would have done something he regretted. "...Would you mind if you took me to see House? He seems like a..." He felt bile rise up in the back of his throat, "...Interesting guy."

The bunny nodded, then motioned for Tempest to come over. Suddenly, Tempest grabbed him from behind, holding his arms behind his back as he fired a panicked ice blast into the carpet, leaving a patch of ice.

"What the-What gives?!" Celsius cried out, and the last thing he saw before he blacked out was the rabbit who used to be Knockout throwing a punch right into his face.

Celsius woke up some time later feeling like he tried to french-kiss the grill of a speeding truck. He could feel shag carpet on his back, his ears flicked as he picked up the sounds of a crackling fireplace, giggling ladies...the icecat sat up, his blurred vision clearing up as his gaze fell upon the figure of a massive white-furred wolfman seated at a leather armchair in front of him, his prize fighter's physique constrained tightly within a sharply tailored black suit with a red tie. Standing beside him were Kandy and Tempest, giggling and watching as Celsius clambered to his feet slowly.

"I wasn't aware I'd be having a visitor today." The wolf said, a wry smile spreading across his muzzle, "To whom do I owe this surprise?"

"House, I presume" Celsius said, checking down at his gloved hand to see if his nose wasn't bloodied, it wasn't. "I'm here to figure out just what the hell is going on. What did you do to Tempest?"

The wolf's smile faded, then he broke into jolly laughter that would seem the most harmless thing in the world to Celsius if he weren't locked in the same room and recovering from a haymaker to the face. "Oh, I didn't hurt the darling little mouse if that's what you want to know. We had a polite little chat and she agreed to hang the spandex up and take on a more peaceful life. House raised his arm to point out the display case on the left side of the room, sure enough there was Tempest's costume; perfectly preserved next to Knockout's outfit. The way they were preserved said one thing to Celsius: Trophies.

"You brainwashed her." Celsius snarled. "Don't try to make excuses, we both know exactly what you did."

The wolf chuckled in bemusement. "My darling kitten, I don't believe you ought to take that tone with me." He stood up, and Celsius readied an ice blast, razor-sharp icicles sprouting from the knuckles of his gloves. House rose from his chair and made a move towards the cat. Celsiush lashed out with both hands firing the blast, icicles skewering the leather chair as the wolf dodged out of the way with uncanny speed. He was big, but he moved as if Celsius was in slow motion, circling around and teasingly running a finger along the icecat's blue mask, sending an electric tingle through his body as the mask turned a brighter cerulean blue, with white lace sprouting along the edges.

"What the..." Celsius felt of his mask. It was different in texture, smoother and softer. And were his eyelashes a little bit longer? He blinked once, then twice his lashes growing out longer and thicker as if treated with a permanent coat of mascara. While he was distracted by this sudden change, House crouched down and grabbed the icecat's shoes, prompting a change from blue sneakers to glossy white high-heeled pumps. Celsius wheeled around and threw a clumsy punch, only to stumble forward into the wolf's arms, entirely unused to his new footwear.

House took the opportunity to run his hands down his captive's shirt and puffy down vest, the tail of the shit dipping down and fluttering as if caught on an unseen breeze, the cotton blend becoming smooth, shiny blue satin, white polka dots breaking out as the shirt became a knee-length 50s style dress, the short sleeves melting away into thin straps holding the dress to the cat's lanky frame. The down vest melted into a nondescript blob of white cloth and traveled down Celsius' waist, becoming a simple apron that aggressively looped its straps around his waist and tied itself tight with a girlish bow, pulling his waist tighter and forcing his hips to flare outward into a pair of unmistakably child-bearing hips. The icecat blushed, mewling impotently as his butt filled out into a perfect peach-shape.

"Stop it!" He yelled, throwing a hopelessly poorly-aimed ice blast in the general direction of House, who dodged it effortlessly even at such a close range. The wolf playfully spanked the icecat's butt, sending his khaki pants rippling as the fabric pulled tighter, thinning out as the cuffs flowed down over his socks, the two articles of clothing melding together into a pair of shiny tan pantyhose that perfectly accentuated the new womanly shape of his legs. Celsius wasn't just losing, he was being humiliated in the most deliberate way. Any further combat would just open him up to more of House's alterations so the icecat formulated a quick plan B: run like hell, tail firmly between legs.

So he turned... and ran... and then fell forward on his face after taking all of ten steps. "Stupid friggin' heels!" He groaned through a mouth full of shag carpet, crawling towards the door. He was right there, reaching up for the knob when House grabbed him from behind, scooping him up in his arms like the two were posing for the cover of a trashy romance novel. The wolf traced a clawed finger tip over Celsius lips, watching with a smile as they plumped up into a pair of lush, pillowy kissers that bore a glossy ice blue color, like a permanent coat of lipstick.

"Get off of me! I'll ki-" Celsius's cries of protest were silenced as House pulled the icecat into a deep, passionate kiss; and to the feline's dismay he found himself giving into it, his will starting to melt away. House deepened the kiss, tracing circles over the cat's chest, prompting an eruption of pleasure as his chest filled out into a pair of blossoming handfuls, rapidly gaining cup size after cup size, until he was left with a pair of C cup breasts, naturally perky and hefty, the front of the icecat's dress cradling them.

Then, Celsius let out a pitiful little mewl as he watched the wolf run his hand down between his legs and felt as he ceased to become a male, his manhood vanishing into a moist and very sensitive pair of puffy lips nestled inside a pair of cotton candy pink panties with a little teal heart on the crotch.

"What did you do to me?!" Celsius said, her voice now breathy and feminine. She was a girl now, Celsius the icekitten. Celsius the transformed bimbo.

"Oh, you silly girl." House chuckled. "Don't you think you're not cut out for superheroics? I mean, it's a man's job!"

The icecat wanted to argue, wanted it more than anything in fact, but the words 'man's job' echoed and rippled through her mind like waves of smooth, cool water. Well, she did screw up massively in her rescue mission of Tempest and.... Come to think of it, Tempest was perfectly happy just watching Celsius get her ass kicked. Maybe House had a point that... No. No, she had to fight it!

"It's not... " Celsius spoke up, only to be gently shushed by House, who gently held her lips shut.

"That's right, Celia, it's not your job to get yourself into dangerous situations like that. Why, if you had gotten hurt, I'd be worried to death about you!" House said with such perfectly convincing concern in his voice that Celia...Celsius could feel herself almost being fooled... almost.

"You're concerned?" The icecat said, feeling her resistance, her will to fight back slipping out from beneath her. She tried to hold onto it, even as her willpower bled out of her. But she was losing more and more despite her efforts, and she felt so safe in this alpha male's strong arms.

"Of course~" House said, patting her on the head, prompting her brown hair to sprout perfectly styled curls and grow out down around her shoulders. "I'd be positively distraught if one of my dear wives were to hurt herself!"

Wives, dear wives. Celia liked the sound of that, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, to just be a grinning little domestic toy for this guy. It'd sure beat chasing supervillains and robbers down, having to fight for what amounted to not much pay or recognition but a housewife...

She shook her head. Cels... Celia was supposed to be fighting it, dammit! She let out a cute little 'Eep!' as he carried her to the faux-velvet loveseat on the other side of the study, laying her down on one end while taking his place beside her.

"Why don't you just relax, kitten. " House said. "Relax and listen to your new husband, the alpha male of the house."

"Alpha male..." Celia said, her voice turning gooey as she parsed what he meant. He was in charge, and she would be the next in a line of happy, eager little housewives. No more heroics, no more danger, just empty-headed bliss as another member of the harem serving under her husband and master.

"Okay..." Celia said, her mouth betraying what little resistance thundered around in a back corner of her mind.

"What was that, honey?" House teased, stroking her cheek.

"Yes dear." Celia said, feeling relief upon saying such a thing; like a weight had been taken off her back.

She watched, gasping silently as he fetched a familiar looking ring from his pocket. It was a brilliantly shiny golden ring with a deep ocean blue multifaceted sapphire set into the top. The sight of it inspired both desperate fear and insatiable desire in Celia, and she couldn't quite figure out which one she was supposed to be feeling.

"Say the word..." House said lovingly. "And you'll be mine."

Celia's mind was distracted by a glint from the sapphire and a rushed "I do." escaped her lips. And before she could realize the error she had made, her burly suitor slipped the ring on her finger and she felt a flash of cold, refreshing pleasure flash through her body.

Her resistance was gone, her fighting spirit was gone. Celsius was now Celia, proudly retired from crime fighting. She held her hand out, admiring how the ring looked on her. "I love you so much, honey..." She said, and she meant it.

"I know you do," House said, grinning hungrily as he undid the fly of his suit trousers. "Now... let's consummate this union. Then, you'll really be mine."

Celia gasped as he saw his massive rod bob out, already fully erect. She gazed upon it in awe, taking in its potent musk. Celia was already rolling her underwear and pantyhose down as he lifted up her dress skirt, lining himself up with her needy folds. Then, he speared himself into her and she let out a yowl of pure mind-melting ecstasy, her vision full of stars. He positioned himself over her, lifting her nylon-clad legs up as he built up a brisk rhythm, not too rough for his latest catch. Celia hooked her arms around his waist, bucking and grinding against him with equal force as her two fellow wives watched in approval. She viced herself shut around his cock and he pistoned into her, both of them locked in perfect harmony back and forth, in and out. All awareness of the world around them melting into nothing, nothing else but this mattered.

She felt his loins surge, a split fraction of a second of stillness, then he came messily, pumping a massive load of his hot, potent seed deep into Celia. At the very same instant, she cried out. Her whole body alight with electric bliss as she cried out in orgasm with him. This was the very start of Celia's new life, everything that came before it rendered no more real or relevant to her than a passing daydream. With some reluctance, she felt him slide out of her. Celia's belly felt warm, and she knew at that moment she would bear his spawn. "You've done a damn good job for your first night here, kitten." House said, stroking her ear. Never before had Celia heard anything more kind said of her.

Nefertina arrived at Gilded Cage estates in the early evening, having followed Celsius' scent to the house. The front door was unlocked, but the jackal knew better. After making a stealthy entrance through a first-story window, she found herself in the kitchen, facing an oddly... familiar looking brown cat dressed in blue, her panty-hose clad legs crossed as she sat at the kitchen table, humming to herself as she enjoyed a glass of lemonade.

She looked up at Nefertina, not in shock but in warm greeting. "Hello there!" she said to the jackal woman, looking past her as Tempest and Kandy snuck up on her from behind. "Won't you stay for dinner?"

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