
Story by Serafine666 on SoFurry

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Ersari could swear his loins were still tingling the day after he had to bid his beloved farewell and couldn't help but smile a little at the phantom sensation. He'd never pegged his Lady as all that conversant with kinks but her falsely-innocent suggestion about feral wolves had yielded many hours of intimacy with his beautiful Elena. As he formed the small trickle of magic into a gate to his destination, he reflected on the irony of leaving his lover to deliver a message to the First.

The gate caused him to emerge on a sandy grassland plain, the tough scraggly grass bending before a stiff breeze like the rippling waves of an ocean although he'd barely had a moment to watch the soothing motion before a shadow fell over him and he sighed as he looked up... and up... and up until he could see the flat face and squarish head of a Drummer guard glaring down at him.

"Ootee ant?" It inquired in its strange and distorted version of speech.

"I am Ersari Bloodwind, favored servant of Lady Amara Drae'thul, blooded and conquering mistress of the Sixth." He replied calmly. "I come bearing a writing to put into the hands of Lady Heccate, patron witches and mistress of the First."

The guard grunted, its flesh quivering a bit as it mulled his reply. The quiver made Ersari step back to get a better look and to his immense annoyance, realized that the guard was bound in sharpened wires, chains, spikes, and other pain inducements, the grisly garb preferred by the Fourth for her guards.

"Nemmy da four? No." It growled. "Round da way." It pointed to its right.

"Drummer, do you doubt for a moment that if I was offended by your disrespect, I could slay you to the delight of my Lady?" He asked it, smiling with false pleasantness.

"Lade gray. Fass round da way." It replied, inclining its head and pointing to its right again, more insistently this time.

"Ah. Thank you." Ersari bowed back, realizing that the guard meant to say that it was faster to go around the Fourth's camp rather than through it.

"Lade gray." The Drummer repeated with a shrug before turning and tromping back towards the camp.

"I'll pass along your regards." Ersari turned and began walking around the perimeter of the gigantic encampment, a sprawling virtual city as far as he could see of temporary structures, food pits, forges, and engineer corrals. Even though he was along the outer edge, the unsettling blood-red banners with a circled skull of the Fourth, the black banners with a white cracked skull of the Fifth, and the green banner with a black serpent eating is tail of the Seventh were readily visible, the Seventh's flags towering above all others to indicate his leadership. The fact that the camps he could see were as still as death (which was hardly a coincidence, given that the Fifth and Fourth commanded the dead as soldiers) gave him a bit of a shiver, more of revulsion than fear, glad that the siege encampments were laid out in clusters rather than in a single sprawling mass that would force him to remain near to the revolting Lords and Lady who marched under the first three banners.

He didn't feel fully able to relax again until the next cluster came into view. True, there was the horned banner of the Third who was more an irritant than revolting but near it was the confused mess of brushstrokes that constituted the symbol of the Second who was somehow pleasant and interesting in the abiding madness that the Lord and his minions existed in. Beyond the two small encampments was his destination: the mingled camp of the Eighth and the First, the handsome crimson silk banner with three dragon heads of the Eighth flying in the position of honor and the slashed pentacle of the First flying just under it.

"Lord Ersari Bloodwind, what a... surprise." Unlike the Drummer guard, the silky voice which sounded a great deal like a snake contemplating its prey evoked a chuckle as Ersari glanced back to the emaciated grey human-like creature that was smirking at him in what would normally be an aggravating fashion.

"You forgot to change your flesh puppet's shape, my Lord." He replied to the creature. "It looks like a plaything for me to give my baby sister."

"Would that be the one in the midst of tearing off her clothes for your Bound sergeant of the guard, the one bilking some stupid mortal noble of a shiny trinket, or the one you've been rutting like a bitch in heat for the last three days?" Trilychi inquired, his proxy eyes twinkling with some mix of malicious glee and teasing.

"My Lord, I have known you're all-seeing since I was birthed." Ersari retorted dryly. "Bragging like a snot-nosed brat with a new plaything is getting old."

"Who's bragging?" Trilychi's proxy looked very innocent all of the sudden. "I approve of my favorite feudals acquiring their own piece of tail for chilly evenings."

Ersari shook his head in amusement at the expected baiting; it was pleasantly diverting to duel wits with the High Lord's spymaster but he felt a sudden twinge of guilt at not getting to his business more promptly. "I have a message for the First."

"I know." The proxy became serious. "Heccate is now preparing to dismiss her sergeants and will receive you by the time you are within her sight. Bid Amara be well."

"I know that she appreciates your regards, my Lord, and I thank you in her name." Ersari bowed formally to the proxy. "I'll remember to remind Emi that it's troublesome to replace her formal robes."

The proxy laughed, a deeper and richer sound than such a sickly-looking creature should have been capable of and Ersari, smiling, turned and walked towards the center of the First's camp. The mingled camp that the minions of Trilychi and Heccate shared looked very much like the camps of the professional armies of the humans: shelter tents in neat rows organized by section, a feeding area for a certain set-aside number of tents, a headquarters in the middle with forges and construction pits surrounding it, and a rough palisade around the entirety. Just as Trilychi's proxy had said, the flap of the First's headquarters parted just as he came within view of it and the First's sergeants and advisors filed out, a mix of erinyes and succubi with a few furies, highly adept scribes, following them out talking animatedly as they consulted lists or drafted orders. As the last one left, a human-sized golem emerged and stood at the door.

"Lord Bloodwind." Despite a distinct lack of gender, the construct's voice was masculine if a bit flat and monotone. "You are bearing word?"

"I am." Ersari confirmed as he walked up to it, standing at a polite distance.

"I will..."

"No need." The voice was silky and smooth, a low smoky purr, a soft and sensual undertone and with a single graceful motion, Lady Heccate stepped around her golem guard and emerged from the tent. She was slightly taller than him, slim and beautifully-curved, swaying seductively as she came with a tongue tracing sensually over sharp predatory teeth. "Hello, Ersari."

"Lady Heccate." He bowed respectfully. "You are as beautiful as ever."

"Come now, Ersari... you may address me by my name." She purred. "You are handsome and besides that, the trusted servant of a dear friend. Do come in."

"Actually, I..."

"Regard it as a command if you must." She told him lightly, turning, the golem stepping to one side as she slipped back into her tent, the smooth supple scales of her draconian tail glinting in the sun as it slithered back and forth in time to the sway of her hips. Ersari smiled in appreciation as he followed the Lady into her headquarters tent, barely paying the golem any mind as it resumed its place in front of the flap. Inside, Heccate gestured for him to seat himself on one of the large round cushions scattered around the floor while she lounged enticingly across several of them, showing off her lightly-clad and beautiful form, propping her head up on an elbow as she regarded him with a sultry look.

"Mmm... so what is your purpose here, servant of the Sixth?" She inquired.

"My lady wished me to deliver this writing to you, Lad... I mean, Heccate." He replied, drawing the sealed scroll from a pocket of his traveling robe and offering it to her.

She chuckled as she accepted the parchment. "And she felt the need to send one of her most handsome retainers, did she?"

"I... well, thank you, milady." He smiled. "I believe her purpose was to convey respect to you by sending the message with a highly-ranked servant."

"I'm not thinking that's the entire truth, Ersari, although I'm sure that is all she said." Heccate sliced the seal open with one of her sharp but fastidiously-groomed claws and began reading, the sultry and pleased expression fading from her face.

"I... hope it is a pleasant message." Ersari ventured after a moment, well aware that despite her beauty and sensual personality, Heccate was known for having a tempestuous disposition.

"It is meant to be pleasant but it cannot be, given all that is." She tossed it aside. "Gods damned... she's like a concerned older sister so I cannot be angry."

"Would you be if it was not my Lady?" He asked.

"I would." Her smile returned. "But now that matter is done... let us move on to another."

"I was only sent with one task, Heccate." He reminded her although he had a strange feeling that he knew where the conversation was going.

"Perhaps you were sent with others and do not yet know it." She grinned, getting to her feet and fixing him with a predatory look. "Maybe my dear friend remembered that I have had no handsome male to warm the evenings and make this damned wasteland more comfortable."

"Perhaps... so..." He allowed, finding it difficult to tear his eyes away from her shimmering blue irises as they radiated naked desire. "But... I... do have an intended, milady."

A knowing and sensual smile spread across her beautifully slender lupine features. "And if that intended told a certain seductive lady that she could sample you...?" She purred, now so close that the firm swell of her perfectly proportionate cleavage was practically pressed against his face.

"S..she did...?" Ersari gulped, feeling his sheath swelling uncomfortably in his confining armor. "I... find that hard to..."

"Hard... yes, I imagine you are." Heccate chuckled, kneeling so that her face was now level with his, their muzzles separated by a mere handbreadth. "Dear Bloodwind, do you think I would risk your trust by deceiving you?"

"I... would never accuse..."

"Ssh." She laid a claw gently against his lips. "I know you wouldn't. I'm also sure that if you worried that I was deceiving you, you wouldn't still be sitting, stumbling over your own tongue, in my tent."

He swallowed audibly, practically panting at the enticing nearness of the seductive female, the subtle sweetness of her exotic scent filling his nose and the lustful but soft hypnotic beauty of her sapphire eyes boring into his. "That is true..." He managed to choke out.

"I thought so." He had completely forgotten that Heccate was winged until he felt himself enclosed in a warm cocoon of soft leathery flesh at the same moment that his mouth was enveloped in a fiery kiss, skilled fingers going immediately to the silk ties that kept his armor on under his traveling robes. The rapid change from gazing into a pair of inviting eyes to being pressed into a heated liplock with the beautiful seductress caused him to go purely on instinct and moments later, he felt his top armor loosen and fall away and Heccate's soft warm body pressed firmly against his own, his arms wrapping around her as their heated kiss continued, drawing her tightly against him, his eyes fluttering closed from the thrilling feel of her lips and her winged embrace.

"I begin to envy your beloved, Lord Bloodwind." She murmured into his ear, giving him a moment to catch his breath as her skilled hands moved down to start on the painfully-confining lower armor. "To sink into the afterglow in strong loving arms after being sated..."

"I never cease to wonder... how it is that such a seductive beauty... does not have her own beloved." He whispered back to her, letting his tongue dart affectionately over a silky cheek.

She drew back a moment to look into his eyes with a touch of surprise and delight before smiling and pressing back against him, slipping the lower part of his armor off and evoking a relieved sigh as his throbbing maleness freely expanded to fill his pants. "Because all the males that could both sate me and love me are already mated." She replied before kissing him again, softly and briefly this time. "The same reason Amara's yearning for a mate and brood remains a painful void."

"Sadly, milady, no immortal power can satisfy the heart." This time, he kissed her and held it, slipping her single adornment off her shoulders and letting it fall away, swallowing her soft sound of pleasure as the fabric ran briefly over her arousal-sensitized breasts. He relaxed his hold, letting his paws drift admiringly over the firm softness of his lover's body until they were filled by an ass made even firmer by the exertions of a thousand lifetimes of battle, a natural effect of Heccate's immense age despite the youthful perfection of her body.

A little giggle, almost girlish, escaped their kiss and he felt practiced paws slip into his pants, a delicate touch moving up and down his throbbing wolfhood and the other kneading his ass in turn, her body rubbing invitingly against his and even the soft touch of her wings and tail caressing him. This time, the low sound of enjoyment came from him, sparks of delightful sensation feeling as if they were coming from everywhere at once as he was skillfully fondled by the extremely experienced female in his arms. Shortly, he felt himself being stripped of his pants, pushed backwards to prop himself up on his elbows, his grasp on Heccate's rear pulling her up in a position to straddle his hips although she kept her body pressed against his, her tongue lapping over his teeth and playing with his tongue.

"Delightful how quickly a reluctant male will abandon his hesitation when properly... persuaded..." She whispered, her tongue tracing over the rim of one of his ears, the purr in her voice so deep and powerful that it was almost a growl of sexual hunger. "Now, be a good boy and... OOOH!"

Ersari grinned fiercely up at her as, with a sudden motion, he used his grip on her tush to pull her hips down, impaling her on his throbbing length. "And... do what, Heccate...?" He inquired after a moment, panting slightly at the delight of feeling the tight depths of a female wrapped around him.

She panted a few times, her breasts heaving as she licked her lips and then she looked down at him with a feral grin. "Oh... bold doggie..."

"Mmm, no." He moved a paw up her back to cradle the back of her head. "THIS is a bold doggie." With that, he pulled her down and tilting his head, carefully latched onto her throat with his teeth, just barely closing his jaws, enough that she could feel the sharp points without it being painful.

He felt her twitch with surprise for a brief instant before her eyelids fluttered closed and she make a sound of deep hungry desire. "Gods... damned..." She panted. "Your... pretty sister... NEVER told me... about this..."

With her throat held gently in his jaws, he could do nothing but give her a playful look before he arched a little, pushing himself deeper into her and falling back against the bed, pulling out slightly. The little hint was all it took before he found himself suddenly being ridden like he'd never experienced before, the deceptively delicate-looking Heccate driving her hips down on his like an anvil, wrapping her legs slightly around his hips to give herself leverage... yet, incredibly barely moving her upper body, letting him keep his intimate grip on her as she pounded him into the cushions under them. He could do nothing but concentrate on not biting any deeper, trying to arch his hips against hers, respond to the sudden assault, but gradually surrendering to the feral lust of his companion.

It felt like a minor eternity filled with the lustful snarling of the wolfess above him, her breasts bouncing nearly as wildly as her hips, her buttocks flexing with the power of an ageless warrior under his instinctively fondling paw while in amazingly and stark contrast to the frenzied movements of her hips, her paws caressed him. Over his arms, his muzzle, playing with an ear, admiringly running over his chest and down his sides and then up to his face to continue the sensual caress that seemed out of place in the wild moment of passion. And then, at the very brink of his release, she suddenly slipped her throat from the grip of his teeth and he found himself engaged in a muzzlelock of pure feral sexual hunger, Heccate pressing her body strongly against his, hugging him tightly to her as her sex spasmed in orgasm, his seed firing into her in a hot sticky stream of whiteness and their mutual howls of fulfillment lost in the hungry kiss.

It felt to Ersari as if he blacked out for a moment and when he returned to full awareness, he was cradling the warm body of Heccate against him, her slim form trembling in afterglow and her wings resting over them like a soft warm blanket. After a long moment, she separated her lips from his and opened her eyes, panting a little as she looked down at him.

"I don't care... what you say, Ersari." She licked her lips and grinned widely. "I know that... wicked little girl... sent me a gift..."

"My sister... or my Lady...?" He inquired, grinning right back.

She laughed at that, a soft and musical sound laced with the sultry purr that was omnipresent. "A conspiracy, my sweet... of two very naughty... little things."

"I'll thank my sister if you'll thank my Lady." He suggested slyly.

"Ersari, when I get home from this silly little catfight... I think we'll thank them both together." She replied, smiling at him. "Would you believe that in so many years that a mortal mind can barely comprehend... I've never had a jeikitsu male in my bed?"

"No, I admit that I probably wouldn't believe that." He admitted, smiling, moving a paw up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm going to have to ask Elena for permission to use you again." She laid down, her cheek resting in the hollow of his neck.

"And I, my dear Heccate, will ask her to join in."

Heccate sat up again and looked at him and grinned with a feral delight. "Oh, how I'm going to thank Amara..." She purred. "Stay with me a bit?"

"Is that a command, milady?" He asked, smiling.

"Don't tempt me to find my ropes and leathers, cutie." She warned him, albeit playfully.

He opened his eyes in wide innocence. "Who am I to deprive the honored lady of her fun?"

Heccate blinked, smiled, and once again, a fiery kiss ensued.