
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Don't use wands that aren't yours.

Living at some addresses can become a huge pain. There was a difference between 'Street' and 'Avenue', but the postman didn't seem to notice it. It was due to this, that Jeremy and Ashley frequently got the wrong packages from someone who lived a block away. They would often just bring the boxes to that person without question, but the more packages they got that went to the person, the more temptation was getting to the pair, especially since this person they had never met ordered a ton of things online, and from strange websites.

Jeremy opened up the door, and glanced down at the small box. The box itself was no larger than the size of a loaf of bread, and once again, it had the address of the person across the block. With a sigh, Jeremy grabbed it, and brought it in. "We got another package, Ashley, and it goes to you know who."

"Again?" Ashley turned from her chair, and glanced over at Jeremy. With a sigh, she brushed the pink highlights from the hair on her head. "I'm almost beginning to think that the post office is doing this on purpose." She took a look down at the box. "Where did it come from?"

Jeremy looked down, and rubbed his modestly trimmed black beard thoughtfully. "A place called BatCo? There's no address, just the company name." Jeremy put the box up to his head, and shook it gently.

"Jeremy!" Ashley put her hands on her chubby frame. Her green eyes looked into Jeremy's brown ones. "There could be a glass figure in there for all we know, don't shake it like that!"

"What?" Jeremy frowned. He lowered it down to his own chubby frame that matched Ashley's. "We keep getting stuff that belongs to them all the time, and they order so much. Maybe we should see what they order? Maybe they're filthy stinking rich!" Jeremy paused briefly. "I mean, we'll give it to them of course."

Ashley frowned. "That's a federal offense, and you know it." She was as curious as he was, but they had to go through this what felt like every week. "Just give it to me, and I'll go over to their house right now."

"Fine, but if they're mailing severed fingers, don't come crying to me when the cops come over and ask questions." Jeremy gently tossed the box over to Ashley.

"If we don't open it, we don't- ack!" Ashley was a terrible catch. As she missed, the box fell down. While it was a gentle underhand toss, once it fell, the box opened up surprisingly easily, and a wand rolled out onto the carpeted floor.

"Huh. That was sealed pretty well." Jeremy scratched his short black hair with confusion. "At least, I'm pretty sure it was sealed up good."

"No argument here." Ashley was just as puzzled. The cardboard box was sealed up but good, but it hit the floor as if there was no tape on it at all. "At least now you have a good idea what they order a bunch online all the time, right?"

"Yeah." Jeremy picked up the dropped wand. It was a fairly stereotypical black wand with a white tip, and a gold star. "A toy wand though? Man, these things cost like a dollar at the store. Why would they order these things online?" he waved it around with a chuckle. As he watched the star, he swore he saw small gold specs trail behind it, but he passed it off as an illusion, perhaps the wand was more expensive than he first thought.

"I don't know. Some people can be weird like that, I guess." Ashley shrugged. "We should still return it. We know what it is now, it's a pretty pointless toy."

"I guess you're right." Jeremy's curiosity had been partially sated. He waved the wand around one last time, if only jokingly. As he waved the wand, he mentally wished that Ashley would change her mind and let him keep it a moment longer. Sure, it was just a wand, but it wasn't a bad looking wand. Maybe he could figure out some fun things to do with it he thought, or maybe there was something inside the wand.

Ashley reached out for the wand, but she suddenly pulled her arm back. "You know, maybe we can hold onto it for a moment longer." She said with a sudden change of heart. "There really has to be something special about that wand to get it shipped from somewhere. Is there something inside of it? Or engraving of some sort?" Ashley tried to think of a reason why it would get shipped. Come to think of it, she noticed there weren't even any packing peanuts in the box when it opened up.

Jeremy blinked a few times in surprise. The sudden change was unexpected, but not unwelcome. Jeremy took a look at the white tipped bottom. He grabbed onto it, and tried to feel for any ridges or gaps between the white tip, and the rest of the wand. "I don't think I can open it up from the bottom. I don't want to try to open it up from the top and break it." He had to remember that it wasn't his wand, even if it looked like a cheap plastic toy. He waved the wand around again, casually, and thought about checking anyways. They could always replace it if it broke, especially for how cheap it looked.

"We can replace it if you break it." Ashley said, another change in tone, with a casual shrug. "I mean, if there's no engraving or anything, it couldn't have been THAT special to them. Maybe they really are just eccentric and order dollar toys off the internet."

Jeremy was shocked at that sudden change in behavior again. He glanced down at the wand with a raised brow, and then at Ashley. He waved the wand again, and thought about Ashley with a second pair of boobs below the first. Minds were fairly difficult to control though, so when he pictured those boobs on her, he imagined the two pairs being E cup in size. He figured that the stray thought alone wouldn't mean anything. The worst case scenario is that nothing would happen.

As Ashley looked at that wand, sure enough, a second pair of tits appeared below the first. Ashley blushed heavily as she felt the sensitive nipples form, and she turned away from Jeremy. "I ah...I need a moment." She began to walk to the bathroom while the newly pair of nipples slowly pushed outward with boobs behind it. The first pair she had also slowly grew outward, yet her top didn't break.

Jeremy waved his wand again to make Ashley's body turn around to show him exactly what was going on. Now, he was curious. The first two times were small minor changes mentally, but this, this was an actual physical change. When he saw the second pair of flesh mounds form though, he was convinced. "I think this wand is more than just a cheap plastic one dollar toy, Ashley." He figured the reason the top didn't rip was only because he imagined her with that top still on.

Ashley turned around, not because she wanted to, but because the wand made her do so. The way she spoke earlier, she just thought it was a change of heart from her, but a physical actual change, and being forced to stick around in front of Jeremy with not one, but two pairs of boobs now, told her there was definitely more to it. She glanced briefly at the wand, before she looked at Jeremy. "Did the wand do this, or did YOU do this?"

"I uh..." Jeremy waved the wand behind his back, and blushed heavily. "Yes?" He responded. He wished Ashley wouldn't be angry about the changes. After all, she looked so much sexier with two pairs of tits.

Ashley's glare turned into a more casual one. "Well, I guess it's not a big deal if you did this." She looked down at her chest. "I do look sexier two pairs of tits after all. But it will be hard to go out and about in the world with these, even if they DO make me look sexy."

Jeremy let out a sigh of relief. He waved the wand out from his back, and glanced at it. "Well, the wand can clearly change a person. Maybe it can change the world?"

"Can I try it this time?" Ashley held out her hand. "I mean, they are MY tits after all."

With a slight smile, Jeremy handed her the wand. "Just uh...I'm not really entirely sure how it works yet, but whenever I waved the wand and thought about something, it came true, so try that."

Ashley looked at the wand briefly, and waved it. As she waved it, she thought about the world accepting her for who she was, a girl with two pairs of tits. Nobody thought anything out of the ordinary of it. Unfortunately, while she waved the wand, she also imagined a few other things about how people would react, something in her subconscious brought it up while she waved it. When she finished waving the wand, she set it down on the table. "We might not want to hold onto it if it can detect our thoughts. I don't want to wave it around thinking of the wrong thing at the wrong time." She looked out to the window. "Still, I guess there's no harm in seeing if it worked."

Ashley stepped outside their small home, and outside to the bright warm sunny day. She immediately noticed her neighbor next door heading to work. "Hey Jim!" Ashley said with a friendly wave. She tried to be as calm as possible, despite her situation.

Jim looked back over to Ashley. He raised a brow, and stared at her for a moment. After that moment, his eyes widened, and he screamed, and raced to his car. Jim started it up, sped in reverse, and then drove off fast enough to cause the car to screech, and leave tire marks behind.

Ashley watched him, and let out a sigh when he sped off like that. She turned around, and walked back inside with her head low. "Well...I wasn't expecting that."

Jeremy couldn't hear the scream, but he could definitely hear the car from inside. "That's really weird. Like, I know that an extra pair of tits would be abnormal, but I don't know anyone that would race off like that, maybe they'd back away or something, but Jim isn't one to overreact. He's sort of neutral all the time."

"I know." Ashley took a seat on the leather recliner. "When I waved the wand, I thought about some people accepting me, but I couldn't get the idea that some people would freak out over it. Like, they'd see me and think how much a freak I am and run off screaming." She looked down at the wand. "Maybe we need to be really careful about what we think about when we use that thing. It could get dangerous."

"So... clear our mind when we use it." Jeremy picked up the wand, and took a deep breath. "I'll try it now. Let's see what happens." He tried his best to clear his thoughts of whimsy, and waved the wand. He focused on people thinking about Ashley as normal, as just another face in the crowd, but even his mind couldn't be cleared completely as he waved it.

"I am curious as to why you didn't react differently about it." Ashley said quietly when Jeremy waved the wand. "Did you think any differently than before I waved the wand, versus after?"

"Not really, no." Jeremy replied. He took a look at Jessica once he waved the wand though, and he felt a tent in his pants slowly form. He tried to think of people see Jessica as normal, but he also couldn't control his thoughts. A woman with two pairs of large tits was undoubtedly an arousing thing to see, so he imagined some people would get aroused too, including himself.

Ashley looked up and down at Jeremy, and she noticed the tent that formed between his legs. "...and now?" Ashley raised a brow up at him.

"...maybe a little." Jeremy admitted. He was aroused anyways when he saw her with those two tits, but now that arousal just felt stronger than before.

Ashley let out an angry sigh. "Wave that want, and turn me back to normal, and let's get this to that weird person. Magical or not, we obviously can't use this right."

Jeremy wondered what made Ashley change her mind once more. He thought the wand had something to do with it, but with another wave to try to make her think otherwise, he shrugged. "Come on, think of all of the things we could do with this. We could find a way to make us super rich, or we could give ourselves perfect bodies that never age or get disease."

Ashley took the wand, and gave it a quick wave herself. "Think of all of the stupid fetishes we'll be granting to each other." Part of her wanted to keep it now, but she was still tremendously annoyed. Her mind was at odds with itself in that end. In addition to the wave she made to change Jeremy, she also tried to fix herself, and think of herself as what she normally thought like, just in case Jeremy altered her as well. It was a little difficult to do that though, she didn't know what 'normal' was, she thought it was always what she was thinking of, so in reality, nothing about her mentally changed, it was just Jeremy that altered.

Jeremy opened his mouth to ask what she had done with the wand, but he didn't have to wait long. His shoes pulsed and throbbed, and he groaned. He slipped them off, and watched his feet swell slowly to twice the size they once were, as did his hands. It wasn't a simple change of having bigger hands and feet, it was literally twice as large, big and wide. At the end of his normal arms were hands twice as big, and the end of his ankles were feet also twice as big. "Hey!" Jeremy pouted at Ashley, and grabbed the wand. "How is THAT a fetish?"

"Some people like super huge big feet." Ashley said with a laugh. "And you know what they say about big feet...that you need clown shoes to fill them with." She teased. "But seriously. You know how I feel now with these tits."

Jeremy took the wand with a frown. "Look. Let's be reasonable about this. This wand is still extremely powerful, and we can do a LOT with it." Jeremy waved the wand, and thought about Ashley with not one, but two more pairs of boobs, large ones that still somehow managed to stay in her shirt. He wasn't sure why imagining her without that shirt was so hard to do, but either way, he pictured her with four pairs, and a shirt. He also imagined her being casual, something that she always had. "Fetish or not."

Ashley felt her body change, and as she looked down, she actually couldn't see the changes, but she could definitely feel the weight of the extra pairs of breasts that grew below the first two. She reached down to feel them, and she could tell she had a total of four pairs of boobs, each pair as big as the last. Still amazingly covered in her shirt, though the top of her shirt showed the upper part of her first pair of tits, and the bottom part of her shirt showed off the bottom part of her last pair of tits. She wanted to complain to Jeremy, but before she could think of a complaint, she suddenly thought of her body as normal. She knew Jeremy changed something though, and that frustrated her to no end that she didn't know WHAT he did. "We're just using it to change each other though." Ashley ended up saying. "We're not using it to better our lives or anything."

"Okay." Jeremy nodded. He still had the tent in his pants at the sight of all four tits, but he tried to remain calm. "So, what should we do to better our lives with it? Do you think we can just wave it and make a huge pile of money appear?"

"I'm pretty sure the government would get suspicious if we were suddenly rich, Jeremy." Ashley said with a roll of her eyes. "Maybe it could give us skills to make money. Like, I could become a really good artist, and you could become a really good writer. We combine our efforts, and we make stuff that sells for thousands."

Jeremy thought about what else he could do. He wasn't sure why he recalled it, but he remembered the story about the goose that laid golden eggs when he waved his wand. Unfortunately, his thoughts weren't completely clear when he thought about that goose, so when he imagined Ashley laying eggs, he couldn't picture them being golden.

"What did you think about when you waved the wand that time?" Ashley asked, though she didn't have to wait long to find out. She could feel, and hear, her stomach rumble loudly. "Uhn...what?" she could feel pressure below her stomach, yet above her crotch. She winced as the pressure went down between her legs, and she felt a strange urge to push. As she pushed, her pants and panties slowly went down to her knees as an egg pushed out from her vagina. It was a slow, steady process. The egg was about the size of an ostrich egg, and just as difficult to lay. It didn't hurt though, surprisingly, it made her feel good. Once she pushed that egg fully out, it rolled onto the ground, and she panted heavily. "Uhn...uh...the hell Jeremy?!" She knew that wasn't something she normally did.

"S-sorry!" Jeremy waved the wand to try to undo it, but now he couldn't think of her doing anything BUT laying eggs, with plenty of slime coming from her vagina too, if only to help make the process of laying those eggs easier.

Ashley moaned as another egg slowly formed in her body, but it wasn't just that. Her vagina began to ooze a light green transparent liquid. It was slow at first, but it intensified the closer the egg got to her vagina. Her lower lips spread, and the other egg pushed out easier than the first, but it didn't make things better for Ashley. "Give me that!" she took the wand from him angrily, her body shaking. "This is what I...what I mean." Even with the second egg pushed out, the ooze continued to drip from her vagina, thick and slightly sticky. Her panties and pants were easily ruined by now.

Ashley wanted to relax her mind and think of herself as something more normal, but as she waved the wand, she also couldn't stop imagining herself laying egg after egg, not as rapidly as Jeremy thought, but enough that it was one every half hour. With a grimace, she tried to think for something about him when she waved the wand, and after she waved it, Jeremy began to shrink. Ashley then tossed the wand down. "I can't focus! All I can think about are these stupid...stupid eggs." She glanced down at the two she had laid. Both eggs were white, shaped like chicken eggs, but much larger. She wasn't sure if they were capable of hatching, and she hoped that, if they were, that they wouldn't anytime soon.

"Look, I can undo this, just give me a moment to..." he paused when he noticed that Ashley was now roughly a foot taller than he was. He didn't think the height difference between them was much of anything. Before he had a chance to question it, he noticed Ashley was getting taller, but so was everything else around him. No, it wasn't Ashley getting taller, he was shrinking! "Ashley!" Jeremy grabbed the wand as he reached four feet in height, and continued to shrink. Amazingly, his clothes shrank with him. "What did you think of me as?!"

"I don't know, something small. I can't think when I'm emotional, and I bet you're the same." She watched as Jeremy shrink proportionately downward. He wasn't becoming a short person, he was just becoming tiny.

Jeremy had to think of something to reverse his changes. He was already down another foot, down to three feet, and still shrinking. Climbing into his bed was beginning to prove to be a challenge. He waved the wand, but as he did, he looked up at Ashley. His mind trailed off as he thought of her when he waved it, and when he was done, he mumbled to himself. "Well...crap..."

"...Jeremy?" Ashley asked. She could pick up what he heard, though it was getting harder to see, and hear him, as he shrank. Now down to two feet. The eggs she laid were beginning to rival him in size. What did you just do now?" Before she could get an answer, she noticed everything else shrank around her, including her clothes. She was quick to pick up on what happened. "How tall did you make me?" she grimaced down at Jeremy, now even harder to see as he shrank, and she grew.

As Jeremy reached one foot, the wand itself was even bigger than he was. Yet, he could imagine himself waving it around regardless of whatever height he became. Still, with Ashley now eight feet, and Jeremy now less than one. He knew communication was going to become difficult, so he waved the wand again. "You ever see that old movie about the giant woman attacking the city?" he asked, his voice, strangely as clear as a bell to Ashley's ears.

"That old cheesy horror flick?" Ashley's eyes widened. "You've got to be kidding me." She could feel her clothes continue to tighten as she grew. Like Jeremy, she grew proportionately in height, but unlike Jeremy, her clothes burst at the seams. As much as she loathed the idea of going outside naked, she didn't want to destroy their house, or get crushed inside of it. She opened the door, and ducked her head so she could get out. "You'd better fix this Jeremy!" She called from outside while she continued to grow.

Jeremy finished shrinking thankfully, but now a total of six inches in height. He was thankful he could somehow still hold onto the wand despite how much larger it was. It did look a little silly when he held it with both hands up high, but at least he could still use it. He tried to think of some way he could be with her, and as he waved the wand around, he casually thought of a kangaroo. They could hop around pretty high, and if he were one, he could hop onto her with ease, no matter the height. He felt his body tingle suddenly, and glanced down at his large hands to see brown fur sprout. "Crap..." he mumbled.

Jeremy knew far too well where this was going. His spine extended outwards from above his rear and grew about half as long as his legs were. As it grew, it pushed his skin with it, and the skin swelled up into that of a kangaroo tail. The brown fur that covered his hands spread up his arms, and then down his chest, as well as up his neck. The fur was darker on his back, while lighter as it covered his chest. His big toe swelled, while his other toes fused two by two and swelled with it. His feet arched upwards when he stood, and he saw two large kangaroo feet. He still had his hands, but they were covered with fur. His ears pulled up to almost the top of his head, and nearly tripled in size, though they became pointed at the tips, and furry like the rest of his body. His face pushed out into a short muzzle, and his nose blackened.

He knew far too well what the wand had done to him, and in such a short time too. He was a micro kangaroo anthro, with huge pawed feet and hands. As silly as he looked, he held the 'giant' wand in his arms, and hopped off to Ashley. His small body made leaps and bounds many times higher than what his actual height was, and in moments, he was outside.

It wasn't difficult to spot Ashley with how big she was growing. Already, she was fifteen feet tall, and she was still getting bigger. She glanced back at the house entrance as she stood in the driveway. She covered her chest with both hands, and crossed her legs to try to hide her crotch. Her hands covered the first pair of her tits, but the others were fully exposed. "Jeremy, you'd better get out here and start trying to fix these things!" she called out again. Her voice echoed louder than before as she grew. It was then she saw something hopped out. To her, it looked like a tiny black spec, but that spec also had the wand in hand. "Jeremy?"

Jeremy hopped up onto Ashley's butt with one huge leap, and then onto her shoulders with another. Even he was astounded at how high he could jump, though he knew it came from just waving the wand. "Yeah." He said, now on her shoulder. The previous wave of the wand allowed them to speak to each other normally, regardless of size. "It's a little hard to actually concentrate though. Maybe we need to see that person across the street, and ask them how they could use the wand."

Ashley had to give that some thought. She knew they were already in huge trouble with her height, and the lack of his. "You have a point." She said quietly. She hoped that neighbor would be understanding. Plus, now she really WAS curious as to who was ordering stuff like magical wands.

Ashley hoped they wouldn't mind seeing a giant naked woman, but if the wand truly was meant for that person across the way, and that person knew what that wand was supposed to do, then hopefully they'd be nice about it. Ashley walked with Jeremy on her shoulder over to the house, just as she reached 20 feet tall. She couldn't even stand up straight inside most houses, let alone get into most buildings. She knocked on the door gently, and kneeled he head down.

A panel on the door slid open, and a pair of emerald green eyes poked out from it. Immediately, the eyes leered at Ashley. "What do you want? Are you advertising for the Giants baseball team?" The voice spoke in a feminine voice, though a deep one.

Ashley's eyes leered down at the very tiny Jeremy as she picked up a snicker from him. She looked back at the door, and sighed. "Look, we've been getting your packages for a while now. We got one package that opened up on us, one thing led to another, and before we know it, the wand made me giant, and my fiancé became a tiny...I'm not sure what he is. Can you help us out here?"

Those eyes leered up at Ashley, and her many tits. "Slip the wand through here." The eyes then backed away from the door, and left only darkness in the slot.

"I got it." Jeremy hopped down off of Ashley's shoulder, and onto the sidewalk in front of the home. Just as he could jump up to extreme bounds, he could leap down from them too. With his large silly kangaroo feet, he hopped up to the peephole, and slid the wand through the door, as instructed. Curiosity was getting the better of him though, and he leered his eyes as he tried to see what was inside that darkness.

Jeremy was cut off when a brown hand pushed him away onto the ground, and the slot slid shut. "Curiosity killed the kangaroo." The voice spoke firmly.

Ashley grimaced at the sight, though she rolled her eyes when it was clear that Jeremy wanted to see what was beyond the door. "Can you fix us now?" she asked, now a good 30 feet tall. She couldn't fit into any building now, she was taller than most cars were wide too, and yet she continued to grow. She was almost as tall as an airplane from bottom, to top.

"No!" The voice barked. "You two need to mind your manners. You open packages and use what's inside them without permission. You got your comeuppance, now be gone!"

"We gave it to you though!" Jeremy shouted from the ground. He hopped back up to the slot, and tried to open it with his large hands, but to no avail. "We could have always kept the stupid thing, but we wanted to be nice and give it back to you. We're getting your stuff ALL the time!"

The slot opened, and the hand pushed him out from it. Two eyes leered up at Ashley. "What did he say? He's so tiny all I hear is squeak squeak...assuming you know what he's saying through linked communication."

"He's saying it's not fair. We returned the wand to you." Ashley reiterated. "We could have kept it and tried to change ourselves back, but it wasn't working. The least you can do is fix us."

"Oh, I'll fix you alright. Stupid humans...I knew curiosity would get the better of you two one day." The voice replied before the slot suddenly closed on them again.

"Hey!" Jeremy jumped back up, but the slot closed again. He lowered his head, and turned to Ashley "What was that even about?" he swore that person was human. They sounded human, those eyes looked human. The hand, not so much, but it was just a hand.

"I don't know..." Ashley said quietly. She suddenly winced when she felt another sensation above her crotch. "D-dammit." She mumbled quietly. Her cunt lips spread, and another egg pushed out as it landed on the ground. Unfortunately when she grew, so did the eggs. The eggs alone were bigger than most people were tall. "We need to get that wand back!"

"I can try to sneak in and take it." Jeremy suggested. "Maybe with..." he paused himself when he felt a tingling sensation in his kangaroo paw feet, and hands. He stared with wide eyes as those feet, and arms, swelled up in size, now three times larger on his tiny frame. "I don't...have the wand to do that..." he said quietly.

"I think...we need to step back..." Ashley said quietly, though with her size, it was hard to be quiet. She took a few steps back, but as she did, she had a brief sense of vertigo. She glanced down, and she noticed the ground beneath her was getting farther away. She was growing even more! She was already a whopping 40 feet in height, but now she was growing up to 50, and then beyond. "H-hey! I'm sorry! Stop!" she cried out. Her echo could be heard for almost half a mile.

There wasn't a response from the door. Her yelling, and growth, was attracting people from other houses down though. It was hard to miss her, she was big, loud, and naked.

Ashley blushed when she realized that she was actually attracting an audience with her growing size, and her growth just wouldn't halt. Before she could speak up to say no again, she gasped as she felt another sensation between her legs. "No. Not here..." she mumbled. She couldn't help herself unfortunately. With a quiet moan, her nether lips widened. A shot of clear liquid spurt out from her vagina, and another white egg pushed out from her, and onto the ground. When she grew in size, the eggs grew proportionately with her. A human could have hollowed out that egg and use it as a bedroom with how big it was.

Jeremy couldn't help but stare. The egg she laid was absolutely massive. He could feel his cock twitch when he heard her moan too, and when he felt it twitch harder than before, he looked down and quickly learned why. His cock was swelling in size, as well as his hands and feet. He was already silly looking with kangaroo hands so big he could effectively grab his entire head with it, but now with a cock that twitched and pulsed as it grew in size. The shaft shifted slightly to the left and right as it grew, as if it had a mind of its own. It quickly grew so big that it measured down to his knees, although when he was only 6 inches tall, it was only a huge cock for him, not to others.

"Stop staring and help me!" Ashley shouted. She called it out to Jeremy, although she wasn't entirely sure he was staring to begin with, he definitely wasn't moving. She could only make out Jeremy's body as some sort of ant-sized creature, if even that. Ashley herself was getting frustrated. She imagined her giant bare foot crushing the roof of that house, and she was definitely getting big enough to crush many things. At 80 feet tall, she could put a car under each foot, and ride it around like roller skates. "Well, it might be damaging property...but..." Ashley raised a foot, and held it over the house. She didn't want to shout a warning, she wanted to get into that house and take that wand back, now.

Maybe it was the person in the house that knew Ashley's intentions, or maybe that person somehow saw what was going on. Whatever the case, Ashley would quickly lose her balance as the foot she raised was pulled back to her other leg, and both legs began to fuse, skin from both her left, and right leg, pulled together and merged from ankle, to thighs. Splitting her legs to even walk would have been impossible by now. Unknowingly to her, what bones she had in her arms were also vanishing and melding with the muscle in those arms. She could still bend and use them, but her strength would be diminished. Crushing things now was difficult, especially when she was forced to stand up straight with her fused legs.

"How am I supposed to help you out like that?" Jeremy asked. His cock grew so large that it touched the ground, while his balls grew so big that they swung down to his knees. He had hyper hands, feet, and a cock to match. Amazingly, he could still leap as high as he needed to go, and land just fine from any height He glanced back at the house, and tried to look for a small hole in the wall, but he couldn't see any way in from the front. With a grimace, he hopped on top of the roof, but he couldn't find a chimney. He figured if he couldn't help her with her massive size, maybe he could sneak in and try to take the wand that way, but he just had to find a way inside first.

Ashley couldn't even tell where Jeremy went. It became harder still as she kept growing, but she could also feel something else happen to her. She slowly fell onto her knees, and then onto her chest. She missed the house by feet, but she crushed a few cars in the process. She looked back at her feet, and she noticed that they were simplifying. She couldn't see it, but she could feel the bones inside of them vanishing away. Her kneecaps, her ankles, anything that kept the structure of her feet faded, and the muscles in both legs merged together. It no longer looked as if she had two legs, but one long snake-like appendage that ended with two feet. She couldn't even move at this point, she was stuck naked, on the ground, and still growing. "You're making me destroy things!" She cried out.

Jeremy found no hole on the roof. He hopped down behind the house, and glanced at the windows. Unfortunately, all of the windows were closed. He noticed a small pipe on the grass though. He wasn't sure where that pipe went off to, but he hopped off inside of it. He had to do whatever he could to get inside that house before Ashley got too huge.

The pipe was dark and damp inside, and it quickly went from horizontal, to vertical. The climb up would have been downright impossible for just a micro sized human, but Jeremy with his ability to jump up high could make it. He could also see in the dark, whether it was something the wand gave him while he had it, or while that person had it on the other side of the door, he could see, and he could see the metal pipe inside.

Jeremy wasn't sure where this pipe connected to, but he leapt upwards to the top of that vertical part of the pipe, and then walked along when it turned horizontal once more. He wasn't sure how high up he was, nor where it was going. He figured the worst case scenario was that it would just flush him back out from where he came. Eventually, he found a small hole in the pipe that he crawled out of, and when he glanced around, he could tell he was in the inner walls of the house.

The inner walls were made of wood, both outside, and inside. There didn't seem to be any other holes outside of the pipe that he crawled through, though thanks to Jeremy being able to see in the dark, he could make out various wooden beams, horizontal and vertical, made to help support the house. The inner walls were slim, though thanks to his small size, it didn't appear that way at all.

While Jeremy was in the inner walls, Ashley continued to grow. As she laid on her belly, she grew more horizontally than vertically. She put her arms down onto the ground to try to support herself, but with her legs now one long massive end, she just couldn't stand up. "Change me back now!" she raised up one arm, and moved it over the roof. The palm of her hand alone was large enough to cover more than half of it. "Or I'm going to find you in there somehow!" Something deep down told her that Jeremy was in there too, but if she just took the roof off, it shouldn't have harmed him.

Jeremy could hear a loud booming echo come from outside. He could hear Ashley in his head, and a booming feminine voice outside that was also her. "Just be careful out there." He said quietly. As he looked around, he froze when he noticed a mouse.

The mouse was a simple gray colored mouse with a long pink tail and black eyes. Upon seeing Jeremy, the mouse tilted its head, and stared. After its ears twitched a few times, the mouse suddenly lunged at Jeremy, and got right on top of him. The mouse was almost twice as big as Jeremy was, and easily able to overpower him through sheer size difference alone.

Jeremy couldn't react in time before he was pounced and pinned underneath the furry rodent's belly. Jeremy's kangaroo paws were larger than the rat claws, but it didn't help him escape. He could then tell that the rat was clearly a he when Jeremy felt something poking his rear. "C-crap...get off! I'm not a rat!" He shouted. He wasn't sure why, or even how, this was all happening. He thought that the person with the wand might have still been torturing Ashley, but how could that person even know what was going on with Jeremy?!

The rat ignored his pleas. It merely continued to push that long pink cock up against Jeremy. It wasn't pushing the cock into Jeremy's rear though. It pushed it into a small slit just past Jeremy's balls, but before his asshole, a small slit that Jeremy did not have before he shrank down. Jeremy was growing a vagina of all things.

Jeremy could very well feel something pushing into a new hole, a new pleasurable hole that made him blush, and his body grow with heat. He could tell that there was a new hole growing, but it was one he simply would never have been able to see with his huge cock and balls. "Come on!" Jeremy shouted in frustration. He continued to try to scrape away, but the rat was simply too big, and too heavy.

Ashley waited a moment for the person in the house to respond. She was hesitant to take drastic measures, but she could feel her body continue to grow. What's worse, she felt a second pair of boobs grow below her first, and both pairs slowly intensified in size. With a grimace, she reached down at the house again, now able to wrap her fingers around the roof, and she tried to pull the roof right off. Moments before she could however, she lost the muscles and bones in her fingers. Her fingers dangled around the house like a fingerless glove, and she stared. "No!" her shout echoed.

Jeremy continued to wrestle to pull himself free. He felt that mouse cock push in deeper in that new hole he developed between his legs. No longer could he call himself truly male, but a herm, a male-herm at that. Whether it was sheer determination, or perhaps with the wand changed him, he pulled out of the mouse, and jumped up high enough to land on an upper horizontal beam to escape the mouse. He still wasn't sure where in the house he was, but at least he was away from that mouse. He just hoped Ashley was doing okay outside while he was trying to break in and get that wand back.

Ashley's second hand changed much like her first one. Both hands slowly shrank inward into her arms. Those arms then shrank down to her elbows, then shoulders, and left her armless, and legless. Inside, her body was adjusting to allow her to crawl like a slug, but outside, she was still growing. More nipples appeared along underneath her belly, two by two downward. She still had her ass and vagina, but the nipples appeared on what used to be her legs. She fell onto the ground and tried to crawl forward, but every time her nipples slid on the ground, it caused her to moan in pleasure. Her body could slide on dirt, road, and cars alike without damaging her. Sure, the things she crawled on would get damaged, but she would be just fine. "God, I look like a slug." She mumbled to herself.

Jeremy could hear Ashley's mumble. He was worried, but he also wanted to get that wand back. He found a crack in the wall, and crawled through it to get inside the house to retake the wand. Unfortunately, his hyper cock got stuck in the crack. With a grunt and a strain, he pulled his shaft, and eventually he got it free, but only because his cock was now shrinking downwards. "H-hey!" He hated the form he was given with the giant paw feet and hands, but he was still a guy, even if he now had a vagina. The massive cock and balls he had though, now slowly shrank down until they were a more normal size, but they didn't stop at the normal size. They shrank down into his body until they were gone, and left him with nothing but a vagina between his legs. He looked up from his position, and his eyes widened. "Oh no..."

The person that was on the other side of the door was now right in front of him. The person had a black hooded robe that covered their body, and their lights were turned off. While Jeremy was able to see in the dark to get inside, for whatever reason, he wasn't able to see the house. It likely had something to do with the person having a wand in one hand. The other hand however, had a jar. With that jar, the person swiftly dropped it on top of Jeremy. "Little mouse, punishing your girlfriend doesn't teach you anything, so let's punish you instead."

Jeremy tried to use those big giant paws of his to push out of the jar, but to no luck. "We just want to get back to normal, or SOME kind of normal! We can't live an ordinary life like this! I'm tiny, and Ashley is absolutely huge!" Jeremy tried to think of a way to convince the robed being. "The police might get involved, and you don't want that to happen, do you?"

The hooded person set the wand down briefly, and moved the jar. She moved it over the counter that it was placed on, but with her other hand, she held the lid to it, and sealed Jeremy inside the jar. She then turned the Jar upright, grabbed the wand, and walked into the darkness. "You don't realize what the wand is capable of doing with a focused mind. Allow me to demonstrate..." while it was total darkness, Jeremy might still be able to see the wand brighten up a bit as it was waved.

Jeremy watched the wand get waved, and he felt his body change more. While he had no cock, and only the cunt, the rest of his body took a more feminine tone. His facial features smoothed out, while his hips widened and his ass grew. He also grew a pair of tits, and the body hair on his body shed, although he still kept the fur. He was turning into a micro kangaroo 'she' from the kangaroo ears, down to those oversized kangaroo paws, and small tail. "Hey!" she shouted, her tone increasing in pitch as her Adam's apple pushed inwards.

"A girl micro kangaroo with hyper hands and feet is much more attractive than a guy with the same stuff. Get yourself a camera and you can live off of making porn videos." The hooded person said. "As for your girlfriend though," the hooded person opened the door, and stepped outside swiftly with Jeremy. "Well, 300 foot tall slug girls can make plenty of money too. Not that she needs it."

Jeremy tried to look at the house, but she didn't get a good enough view of it before she was taken outside. She noticed Ashley easily. She was a good 100 feet tall by now, and still growing bigger. She was so large that the only thing Jeremy could really see were giant boobs, each tit larger than a house, and Ashley had a LOT of them.

Ashley's body was simplified. She had no arms, no legs, just a long slender body with multiple rows of breasts. She couldn't even see Jeremy if she tried, but she could hear what he said, and he could hear what she said. She glanced around at the various buildings beneath her, and then over at the city in the distance. She was briefly distracted when the lower-mid part of her slug body had to raise up and lay an egg. The process of laying that egg was much smoother than before, but it didn't make it any less pleasurable. As she laid the egg, juices from her nether lips dripped out onto the ground beneath her in a quick shower. Ashley could tell people were pointing, taking pictures, and some screaming. Ashley blushed heavily. She just wanted to be back to her normal self, not a giant slug girl.

Jeremy put her giant hands up against the glass. At least, the hands were giant to her. She was tiny compared to humans, and especially compared to Ashley. "Fix her! Please! We've obviously learned our lesson. Don't you think you're going a little overboard?"

"You're right." The hooded person said. "She does need fixing." The person ignored the rest of what Jeremy said, and simply waved the wand. "She's not nearly enough of a slug."

Ashley felt a tingling sensation behind her eyes. Suddenly, her eyes bulged outward, and then slowly grew up with stalks behind them. Her eyes grew up above her very head, and she found she could turn the stalks in any direction she so pleased. It made looking around incredibly awkward. As she continued growing, the people beneath her became harder to see. She tried to identify where Jeremy even was, but she was so large by now, that she just couldn't make out his location.

Jeremy could just barely see the eye stalks appear on Ashley. She hit the glass with her large hands, and then turned back to the hooded person. "How long are you going to keep doing this?" She felt so powerless to help Ashley. Here Ashley was, a giant slug creature, while Jeremy was a tiny kangaroo girl.

"Until I'm done being amused." The hooded person set the jar on the ground, and walked back into their house. "By the way, you break into my house again, you're going to get knocked up with mice." They added. They then shut the door, and the lid opened up for Jeremy to hop back out. Unfortunately, Ashley continued to change.

Ashley didn't want to be in the suburbs with her giant size. She thought maybe there was some place she could go that was emptier. She shuffled her backside forward, and then crawled forward like a slug. As she crawled forward, her nipples leaked a light transparent slime behind her. With her size, the trail was obvious, and as she continued to grow, the trail she left behind measured as wide as a highway. The slime smelled foul as well, like weeks old garbage. To Ashley, she didn't mind the odor, but the many houses, cars, and people she crawled on top of while she crawled away from the city, definitely did mind it. It was a foul enough odor to cause the people staring at her, to run away instead.

Jeremy glared back at the person as they went inside the house. She wanted to chase them in, but she knew things could always get much worse. She picked up the odor from Ashley as she crawled away, but thanks to Jeremy's jumping capabilities, she was able to jump onto Ashley's rear before she got too far. "Ashley." Jeremy said, when he hopped onto her rear. Their mental connection still allowed them to speak, even if Jeremy's voice was different. "I couldn't get a hold of the wand..."

Ashley turned her eyes completely around behind her head. She could sense that Jeremy was on her, but she couldn't tell where. She could also tell Jeremy's voice was different. Jeremy's voice sounded much more feminine. "It's okay." She said quietly, though even quietly, her voice was still loud enough to echo. She continued to crawl away, leaving a trail of slime behind, and only pausing briefly to grunt and lay an additional egg. "W-we'll get by."

Jeremy looked up at those massive eyestalks. Even as Jeremy sat on Ashley's behind, it was like a giant landscape to his size. He could literally live on one ass cheek of hers if she so desired. "Well, it can't get any worse."

Unfortunately, such a statement always made things worse. Ashley's back, including her rear, developed purple hide. The texture felt like leather. Flaps appeared along the sides of her body where the purple ended, and the human skin began, and the flaps were large enough to drag on the ground, and cover even more slime. Ashley had just became more of a slug girl, now with an inhuman back. Yet still, she was continuing to grow bigger and bigger. It just made getting away from the city easier, but at the same time, easier to see from afar. By now, she measured well over 150 feet wide, and taller than most apartment complexes, and yet, she was still growing. Ashley was indifferent to the sudden change though. She had already changed so much, any minor change was simply insignificant now. "I wonder how long I'll stay like this."

Jeremy shrugged. She hugged Ashley's rear as Ashley crawled along. Any movement that Ashley made was only barely felt by Jeremy where he was. "I'm not sure, but you're still as sexy as ever."

Ashley blushed when she heard that. "Hehe...if I could only see you." Of course, at this point even making out individual people that were ten times taller than Jeremy was difficult. Ashley crawled over to empty plains, and just figured she'd stay there until she got back to normal, if ever.

As time passed, Ashley grew to a whopping 300 feet tall. She still had her eye stalks, and many rows of tits. She didn't need to eat thankfully, but she did lay egg after egg from her cunt, each egg was absolutely giant by normal standards, and she continuously laid them into a wet, sticky pile that added up. With each egg came a pile of goo, though her nipples continuously leaked that transparent green slime onto the ground beneath her.

Jeremy was still the micro kangaroo girl. Thankfully, their minds hadn't been tampered with, though as a micro kangaroo, there was only so much she could do. She couldn't clean Ashley well at all, but she could easily live on any spot of her without Ashley noticing. There were nights when Jeremy spent the night sleeping near Ashley's vagina, on her breasts, just about anywhere. Her massive jumping ability allowed her to get anywhere on Ashley easily, unfortunately cleaning her was a much bigger problem. The rain helped, but Jeremy had to hide underneath Ashley when it did.

Eventually, the two would be turned back to normal. Until that day though, they were stuck as a giant 300 foot egg laying slime eye-stalked slug girl, and a mini girl kangaroo with hyper paws.

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