A Different Kind Of Menace (A Parody)

Story by The Wizened Raconteur on SoFurry

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He was enjoying a quiet Saturday, when the peaceful atmosphere inside the house was shattered by a persistent knocking on the front door. Mr. Mitchell took a long pull on his pipe and lay down the newspaper. He was about to instinctively call out to ask why no one was answering the door when it occurred to him that the reason for that inaction was also why the house was so quiet.

"Come on in. The door isn't latched."

He heard the creak of the spring and then the groan of the hinges as the door was pulled back to the jamb. He assumed that it was one of his wife's friends over for some coffee and a gossip session, but the footfalls were almost eerily quiet. He kept his eyes on the hallway and saw the arrival before he ever heard her.

And there was a reason for that.

She was in bare feet.

"Hello Mr. Mitchell!"

"Hello Margaret."

"Is Dennis home?"

"As a matter of fact, no he is not. His mother took Joey and him to the zoo today."

Her face fell a little at the disappointing news.

"Oh. I was going to see if he wanted to go swimming. I got a new wading pool and a new bathing suit!"

She did a little pirouette.

"Do you like it?"

He eyed her somewhat critically. His wife wore a bikini suit and she looked good in it, but then, she didn't just wear it anywhere. He wasn't sure that a young female should be wearing such a thing, even if it was fashionable. On the other hand, it wasn't like she had much to show off. It would be years before that would happen.

"It's very nice Margaret."

She shifted back and forth on her feet before putting a hand on his knee. She seemed on the brink of saying or asking something, but it was obvious that she was reluctant to spit it out.

"Thank you...but you see, I've got a problem now. My suit is dry, but I happen to be very wet."

He grabbed his pipe before it hit the floor.

"I beg your pardon!"

She reached down inside her panties and was obviously fingering herself.

"Down here. I get wet all the time. I didn't used to, until my cousin Darla taught me about this spot. Does your wife ever get wet?"

His hand shook a little, sending a sprinkling of ashes onto the carpet.

"I don't think we should be having this conversation Margaret dear. It is very inappropriate for a married man to be having with another female."

"Oh I know. Darla says that boys don't ask questions, but older guys always do."

He sucked on his pipe until the smoke filled his lungs. His exhalation was a gagging, wheezing cough that nearly made him pass out. When he did regain his voice, it was a bit rough and his manner equally terse.

"And how in the name of all that is good would she know?"

"Because she likes playing with them."

"And how do you know she's telling the truth?"

"Because I sometimes play too."

He sat back in his chair and knocked the plug of half used tobacco into the ashtray. He carefully set down his pipe before turning back to her. He was appalled, and underneath that layer of morality, something darker lurked that was curious how this was going to play out.

"And what do you do when you play?"

"Geez, I thought you would know all about this."

"Let's say I do. What is it that you do?"

"Well, I take off my cloths and the boys put their willies into me, down here," she said, fingering her crotch again.

"Aren't you a little immature for those kinds of games?"

Even as she was answering, he was picturing the little freckled body minus her swimsuit. There was no breast development, and there wouldn't be for awhile he hoped, and the red hair with the tight curls was terribly cute. She would grow up to be quite the looker, but right now she was nothing more than a nymphet in his eyes. He knew that the skin hidden under those bikini bottoms was as smooth and freckled as the rest of her, and devoid of anything more than peach fuzz at best. There might even be nothing, depending. Red hair often meant no hair elsewhere.

He felt a budge forming in his boxers. He had to pull himself away from his lurid thoughts to hear what she was saying.

"...and Tommy fits inside pretty good, and he's the largest of them."

"Largest? Largest what?"

She drew in a breath.

"Willy. Dick. Tallywacker. Darla has a bunch of different names for it."

"You are referring to the penis?"

She made a face.

"That's a weird name for it."

"It's the proper name for it."

"If you say so. Darla says the same thing."

"So Margaret," he said carefully, "You've had sex with a boy?"

"Boys. But only three."

"Three at your age is too many."

She shrugged.

"Darla says I can't get pregnant for a long time and I don't have anything to worry about. I would like to have a nice chest to show off, but I will have to wait."

"Darla sounds like a lot of trouble."

"Not as much as Dennis is."

"I would say that happens to be two different kinds of trouble."

"I suppose. But we don't normally go around causing trouble like he does. We normally just keep it to ourselves."

"Except for now."

She looked at him oddly.


"Well, you did just tell me all of this."



She got a smug look on her face.

"That's easy. I wanted to cool down in the pool, but I like having company. Dennis is too young to care about big boy things, so I figured there would just be a lot of splashing and stuff. But he isn't here, and you are, so I got thinking you could take his place."

"Take his place?"

"Yeah. Take a dip. Get wet."

"Your pool would be a little small for me."

"That's not what I meant, though it still may be too small. Or you might be too big. Either way the offer is open."

"Too small? What's too small..."

Even as he asked that, he knew the answer. She was ready to give it to him anyways.

"My cunny. I hear that men's willies are really big. Darla says she took one and it really hurt for a while."

"Margaret, just how old is your cousin?"

"Four years older than I am."

"So older than you, but still not old enough."

"Sure she is, and so am I! I just haven't done it with a man yet. Boys are ok, but they seem to finish up real fast, before I can feel good."

He stood up.

"I think it's time for you to go."

"Why? I won't tell, and I know you won't, so why not try it out?"

"Margaret, there are a hundred reasons I should say no."

She got that sly look she got when she thought of something naughty.

"You could waste your time listing them off, but I doubt you will."

"Oh?" he asked with some heat. What kind of heat was debatable at the moment.

"You said should, which means you're thinking about it. Am I right?"

He sat back down. Damn that girl was astute. He paused and stared at her for a moment, saying nothing. As if to tip the scales, she undid her top and slid off her bottom and tossed them into his lap. She stood there with her usual petulant stance. She stared him down for the longest time, watching him trying to avert his gaze away. But he couldn't. He was imagining this Tommy person nailing her on a bed, or wherever it was they had done it. He doubted his cock would even fit inside, despite what she had said.

She tapped her foot impatiently.


"Dammit Margaret, you know darn well I shouldn't be considering this. I should throw you out of the house!"

"With no swimsuit? I don't think so."

"I could make you put it back on!"

She giggled.

"Sure. If you like!"

Abandoning the suit, she took off running for the stairs. He was left staring at a firm pale butt and holding the two pieces of her bathing gear in his hands. This was not how the day was supposed to have gone. He had to get her out of the house, but the more he thought about it, the less that idea appealed. True, part of him was feeling a bit horny with all of this word play, but he still felt she was too young and besides, she was a friend of his son. If a single word got out about any of this, his life and reputation were doomed.

He was slow to follow her upstairs but had absolutely no difficulty in finding her. She was in their bedroom, leaning back against the fluffy pillows, looking coy and coquettish.

"Margaret, this is not funny!"

"Nope. But It should be fun. I won't wiggle too much as you put it on me," indicating the bathing suit.

Then she had a thought.

"Or in me."

He shivered at those words.

"There'll be none of that."

She sat up, looking for a moment rather dour. It was a look all too common on her face.

"Mr. Mitchell. We can do this my way, or we can do it your way. The problem is that if we do it your way, we'll both end up frustrated and upset. If we have to do it my way, I may find it necessary to run out your front door without my suit..."

He eyeballed her questioningly.

She grinned and finished her thought.



She shrugged again.

"I suppose so. I'll tell you what. Let me feel your crotch. If you aren't hard, I'll leave."


"What? If you don't have a hard-on, then I'll believe you. If you do, then we play a little. I trust you."

"But can I trust you?"

"I think so. We can pinkie swear."

He finally found his sense of humor.

"I think when I find your pinkie, you'll be doing some swearing..."

She looked flummoxed for a moment, then his meaning sank in and she actually blushed.

"Then you'll do it?"

"Against my better judgement."

She crawled over to where he stood at the end of the bed.

"I don't even need to feel it. There is quite the bulge there."

"Just hope it isn't too much for you."

"We won't know until you get undressed, now will we?"

He stood there for a moment, running over all the possible scenarios he could think of. Even if he could pin her down and get her suit on, she would just tear it off again. But if he hurt her...intimately...there would be no excuse that could save him. It was going to be touchy, this.

He undid his bowtie and pulled off his vest, while she gave him her undivided attention. He was aware that she retained her glasses, but they were going to have to go to the nightstand eventually. He hardly needed them getting broke. For now, she was keeping a keen watch on him, so he made haste to remove everything else.

Her attention became focused on the area below his beltline as he removed his trousers. He seemed to take an agonizingly long time to undo his belt and drop his pants, and when he did, she got a look at his shorts. She was momentarily disappointed, for they now were loose and baggy and didn't show much of what was hiding behind them.

He paused at this stage, asking her one last time.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Sure I'm sure. And if I like it, maybe we'll do it again sometime."

He pulled the boxers off and tossed them on the chair with the rest of his clothing. She had taken a prone, reclining position, propped up on her elbows, but now she sat upright. She reached out as if to touch it, but then withdrew.

"That is a lot bigger than Tommy's"

"No kidding. I'm probably also a lot older and taller than whoever this Tommy is."

"Right you are! Don't think that I'm giving up before I get started though."

She bounded backwards on the bed until her head was on the pillows.

"Show me what you can do!"

She was a saucily little thing, and while he had known that, he never knew it extended to matters that should well have beyond her intellectual grasp. But she grasped even more than that, for when he joined her on the bed she slid down beside him and put her hands on his cock.

"Ohh, soft. And so warm!"

"Don't you mean hard?"

She looked up at him and giggled.

"Hard and soft. Hard on the inside, but smooth and soft on the outside. And big! This takes both hands!"

Sure enough, her grip just made it around it. Of course, her hands were small anyways, so that made sense.

"And you think you can take it?"

"I don't know, now do I?"

"I don't know either. I guess we'll have to..."

His voice trailed off as her mouth engulfed the end of his cock. He was so shocked he didn't even move, and by the time he got his mind together to pull her off, he didn't want to. It was something his wife did for him only on those rare occasions like his birthday. I guess that made it only one occasion. This girl was doing it without being asked!

He eased onto his back and she followed his movements, never once letting up on her intimate embrace of his cock. She eventually maneuvered herself to lie on his stomach, putting her crotch in his face. He didn't need to be coaxed.

He pulled her a little closer and buried his face into her tight-lipped, hairless cunt, holding her ass cheeks in his hands to spread her as wide as he could. He anus was a taut little opening, and below it (from his perspective) was an equally narrow opening barely wide enough to admit a finger or two. Whoever Tommy was, he wasn't well endowed, that was for certain.

He took a tentative lick, just to see what she would do. The suction on the head of his cock increased dramatically. So, she really, truly was into this! If he had any doubts before, they vanished into thin air. He was still nervous about the whole affair, but now that he was engaged, there seemed no point in stopping.

His tongue went to work, running over her slit as rapidly as he could. He ran it from one hole to another, making sure to work over her little clit, and it didn't take long for her to react. He could feel the build up of tension in her body, and the release was quite obvious. If the vibrations echoing through her body weren't enough to make a declaration, the rush of fluids from her hole was proof positive. He got a face full, and as she pulled loose to gasp for air, he lost control and gave her a return one far more forceful than hers.

She sat up sputtering, rolling off and sitting up. He tried not to react to her look of dismay, but she looked completely appalled. There was cum dripping down her face, obscuring her freckles here in there with milky white splotches. His own face was wet, but he doubted it was as obvious as hers.

She wiped away some of it, looking for something to wipe it on. He jumped up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom.

"Here," he said handing it to her.

"Thanks," said replied as she cleaned her face. "That's a big load."

"Bigger than Tommy's?"

"Way bigger. I'm glad I didn't try swallowing that or I would have choked."

He took the towel, found a clean section, and wiped his face with it.

"I'm surprised you took as much of me as you did."

"Your willy? Yeah, but I acted like it was a popsicle, and that helped."

"Not a flavor you'll ever get from the ice cream man..."

"Nope. But then, I've never tried him..."

He decided that was enough of that. He didn't need her getting any more ideas.

"I take it you liked what I was doing?"

She shivered a little, her red curls bouncing with her movement.

"You're better at that than Darla is. We do it to each other, but the boys won't. They think it's icky."

"But you do it to the boys?"

"Well yeah. It's fun!"

"I see. And you want to do more?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure! I wanna see if your willy will fit inside. I betcha it will."

"Be careful what you wish for, Margaret."

"I'm not scared. I know you'll be careful."

He wasn't so sure of that. Having come this far down the road, he wanted to take it to its end, and that meant sticking his cock as far into her as it would go. He wasn't overly endowed, which in this instance was a good thing, but he still had plenty for such a little hole as she had. He had always considered himself rather average, but in this instance, he was going to be huge in comparison. Of course, he was going to have to get it hard again first. It was hovering in that in between stage; harder than normal but not hard enough to do any good.

She was right on that, seeming to see the need for him to take a few hard licks. Her tongue went to work, and as before, he was initially startled and pleasantly surprised that she was so willing. He let her go for a while, delighting in the feel or her flexible tongue as it wove across the head of his cock. After a prolonged amount of time, she pulled off and grinned at him.

"You're really nice and hard again. Are you ready?"

"That's a better question for you. Are you ready?"

"Sure! I wanna see how much of it will fit!"

Since it was dripping wet with salvia, he figured it was going to be slippery enough to make an attempt. He was both anxious and enticed by this girl, who he was looking at with a rather querulous eye, for she was far more advanced than she had ever let onto before. She had dropped back to the pillows again, waiting expectantly for something she might eventually regret. Actually, for something they both might regret.

He grabbed her ankles and in one fluid motion, lifted her up by her feet, pushed her legs forward and spread her wide. She took over and grabbed her toes, allowing him to let go and grab the headboard. It was an obscene scene was he was staring down upon, and yet so erotically enticing that he couldn't help himself. She was looking as expectant as if she were waiting for candy, and he drew in a deep breath and let it out. Guiding the tip of his cock with his hand, he pressed it against that wet little slit and pushed ever so gently.

He was surprised when the tip went in halfway with much effort. Her pouty little bare lips were spread comfortably around it, and since she didn't make much of a peep, he pushed harder. A little more went inside, and this time she tightened up, her face tense but eager. She looked like she wanted to say something, so he stopped.

"Are you OK Margaret?"

"Yeah," she said in a hushed tone. "Your willy is pretty big. It doesn't hurt...but I feel like my hole is stretched all the way out."

"Should I stop?" he asked, knowing full well they were past that stage.

"No. Just keep going slow-like. I'd hate to feel what it would be like if you stuck it in fast and hard."

With gentle thrusts from his hips, he pressed his cock further and further into her hole, fighting back the urge to blow. Never had his cock been sunk into something this tight, not even his wife on their wedding day. He had thought that day to be supreme in his mind, but he was aware that is was about to be replaced.

All the while she clutched the sheets and pressed her eyes closed, uttering little oohs and ahhs as he sank into the depths of her body. Her knuckles were turning white, and he was having some serious misgivings, but when he stopped for a moment, her eyes cracked open.

"What? You think I can't take it?"

"I don't know. Can you?"

"We'll find out."

He mentally shrugged and pushed a little harder, finding her hole only begrudgingly opening to admit his cock. That tautness was the most erotic thing he had ever encountered in his life. While he was determined not to hurt her, he was as equally resolute to get inside as far as he could go. This was going to be a one in a lifetime experience, and he was going to go for it all.

The deeper he went, the more her hands tighten in a death grip around the sheets. That handful of cotton was the only thing keeping her from yelling out, he was sure of that. But until she stopped him, he was going to keep right on pushing in. The walls of her hole stretched and resisted his advances, but over a moment or two, he found the tip of his cock nestled snugly against the cul de sac that was the end of the road for this journey.

He hit her immature cervix.

And he still had an inch or two he could have given her.

He paused to stare at the section that couldn't make it in, knowing just how much was in. He found it hard to believe that all of that was wedged up inside her. His mind was tackling that idea; he would never have guessed she could have taken in. As he was musing over such things, the fact that he had stopped dawned on Margaret. She opened her eyes, her hand's relaxing a bit as she did.


"Wow? Is that all you can say?"

"It'll do for now."

She pushed up to look down at where their bodies met.

"I don't think Tommy is going to like my hole after today. I think you probably stretched it all out."

"It'll go back...a little. Spanx girls are elastic."

She gave him a haughty look.

"How would you know!"

He grinned stupidly.

"Because I just stuck my cock into your hole and it fit!"

She looked down again and he could feel her trying to squeeze down on him.

"Ok. You got me there."

He pushed in a little harder, making her jump.

"And here too," he said with a smile.

Her face twisted up in a half smile/half scowl.

"And there too. Is all you're going to do is sit here and talk?"

So sassy, he thought to himself. He could see why Dennis complained about her. But it was a kind of sass he could get used to. He pushed inwards again, this time hard enough to push her back against the pillows.

"Actions speak louder than words, young lady."

She gasped and clutched at the sheets.

"You're still talking," she said, through tightly pressed lips.

Such sass!

In a moment her red tresses were bouncing in time to his thrusts, and the sheets were in danger of being torn asunder from fingernails embedded into their fabric. Her eyes vacillated between being crimped shut to so wide open one might think her eyeballs would roll out. Despite this, she never uttered a complaint. He knew it had to be pretty tough on her, for his cock barely slid either direction as he moved. True, it was beginning to do so as her body kicked in and began lubricating up her hole, but it was still an incredibly snug fit.

One he could get addicted to very easily.

As the minutes passed and she loosen up, her body rocked back and forth less as his cock reamed her insides like they had never been before. Nor, he thought to himself, should they ever have been. Too late now. He was enjoying this far too much to stop, and besides, she had yet to back down from this challenge. Then again, she had put them up to this, not the other way around, and with her stubborn nature, she was likely to keep mum even if it was uncomfortable.

That made him pause; for if he was hurting her he would be inconsolable. It was time to test the matter one way or another.

He slowly pulled out.

As the tip left her hole, she groaned and wiggled a little in place. Without opening her eyes, she said;

"I hope you plan on putting that back in."

"Just checking," he said smoothly.

"Checking what? I told you I can take it."

He shoved back in again with less diplomacy than before, making her let out a yip in surprise.

"Are you sure?" he asked with just a touch of malicious glee.

She wrinkled her nose at him.

"You play nice and I'm pretty sure."

With a much gentler touch, he finished pushing in, and then waited just a few seconds for her to adjust herself. She seemed to ease up, settling back into the pillows. It was amazing what this kid could take. Leaning down to put his hands on either side of her, she opened one eye and when his face came near, she leaned up and put a kiss on his nose.

"You're alright Mr. Mitchell."

"Thank You Margaret. You're pretty good yourself."


He pumped away on her, and she reached out and wrapped her hands around his wrists. Her nails dug in ever so slightly, and he hoped that she didn't end up leaving indentations that he would have to explain away. For the moment however, he felt that they might prove to be a good indicator of how she was handling this.

Her insides were warm and wet and, as he thought in his head but never would have uttered; she was one tight fuck. He was almost ashamed his mind went there, but not too ashamed. He didn't get the sex he used too, once Dennis had been born. Some days he thought it was something he had done, and others that she wasn't ready to have another kid if it proved to be as taxing as Dennis could be. He had no desire to fight about it and so had left it go. But now...now he might have a new place to loose his loins.

Her knees were drawn up and her legs spayed outward, with her toes curled up in anticipation of what was to come. It was obvious that she was enjoying the physical interaction despite the size of the cock working away at her insides. She was more into this than his wife was on their wedding night! That thought sobered him up a little. Here was a young thing...too young...and she was acting more adult than a lot of adults he knew. It was uncanny and strange, and it sent a thrill down his spine. It made him want her even more.

He had been holding his hips up and off of her this whole time, but as it was a tiring position to hold, he let them down to rest upon her. Her legs immediately moved and clamped around his sides, though they weren't long enough to make it all the way. It hardly mattered for she had the muscles to make him take notice.

As he plunged in and out, taking the time to savor each thrust, everything else that might have bothered him about what he was doing vanished. It was wrong and he knew it but it felt so right and she was the one who instigated it. If only he could get her to do it in the future, it would be perfect. He would have to devise a plan, assuming she was interested, for making more time for this sort of thing.

He hardly even noticed when his movements automatically took on greater speed, as the sensation grew too much for his brain to ignore. Her taut little hole was squeezing down around him and shrinking around his cock as the sensation overtook her as well. Despite having lost a load not that long ago, he had another one in the chamber and ready to fire. As the bed began to shake and rock, he did everything he could to keep from letting go, until finally his body overruled his mind. With a flood of fluids, he came and pumped her full until it was oozing out the sides.

He nearly collapsed on top of her, as his arms suddenly went rubbery. Sweat was dripping off of his brow; funny how he hadn't noticed that before. All of his attention had been on the girl. He could just now feel the pinch of her hands digging into his wrists. Her legs were no longer clamped around him, but were now on the bed, shaking like she had a palsy. Her cheeks were flushed and her curls in disarray, but there was a hint of a sensuous smile on her face. His wife, bless her heart, had never had such a look of rapture even once after they had made love. He hadn't realized that little fact until this moment. It almost made him feel inadequate.

Knowing that he was going to drop and not wishing to do so on top of her, he pulled out and rolled to the side, falling heavily on the bed. She groaned and whimpered a bit, and once he was settled in, she rolled towards him and cuddled up against his side.

"Finished already?"

"I'm afraid so."


He snorted just a bit.

"Are you serious?"

"Sure. That was incredible! It hurt for a bit, but then it was like...like... I don't know the right words to describe it."

He pulled her head close and kissed her. She returned it with remarkable passion. He felt his cock taking a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. That simply wasn't possible. He hadn't been able to recharge nearly that quickly, not that there had been a need as of late. As she climbed up on top of him, she put her hands on either side of his head, and in a moment, he felt soft feet massaging his cock, the coating of her fluids still wet and slippery from their recent encounter.

His cock woke up with a vengeance and was ready to go right then and there.

She played with it for a while, holding his head and letting her tongue slip out now and again as she kissed him. She finally pulled away and looked at him.

"I like you Mr. Mitchell. I like Dennis too, but he won't be much fun until he grows up. So I have you for now, while I'm young."

He found this hardly a time for words, but managed to scrape a few up.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom says that she wishes she did things differently when she was my age."

"I don't think she meant this sort of thing."

"Maybe. But Darla opened my eyes. I won't be young forever. I'll grow up and be an adult and I don't want to regret the things I could have done."

"Like this?"

"Among others. I like playing with dolls and doing make believe, but I like this sort of thing a lot too. I suppose that makes me weird, but I can deal with that."

"Not weird. I think the word might be precocious."

"Pre-co-cious? I don't know what it means, but I like the sound of it."

"It means advanced for your age."

"Then that's what I am."

Her feet were still stroking his cock vigorously.

"Indeed you are. And before we go again, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What?"

"Can we do this at other times in the future?"

"I thought you'd never ask. But it won't be that easy, will it?"

He mused over that.

"No. Schedules around here are pretty mixed up."

She smiled.

"We'll think of something."

He smiled back, his heart racing at the idea.

"Yes we will."

"Good," she said, as she withdrew her feet and slipped backward down his torso. She slid past his cock, sat up and took it in her hands. With a careful movement, she held it upright, raised up, and lowered herself back down upon it. He watched in fascination as her body swallowed it inch by inch. When she was over it as far as she could go, she found herself sitting with that same inch or two that refused to fit in.

"God you feel good..." she murmured to the air.

"And so do you..." he said dreamily.

She leaned down and dug her fingers into his chest as she moved her hips, lifting up and down on his cock. He shivered at her preternatural expertise. Then again, maybe his wife just wasn't that erotic. He was in not position to say just now. This girl rose and dropped, pushing down hard as though she were trying to claim his entire cock for her own. It took him a while, being distracted as he was, to realize that she was rubbing his nipples between her deft little fingers. They were hard and almost painful, but the electricity running through them made his hair stand on end.

All he could think of was wow!

She rode him for fifteen minutes or more, her face still flushed and her hair even more disorderly than before. Her face had gone from one of angelic pleasure to something more determined and slightly more impish. Her movements became measured and methodical, as though there was some spot she was concentrating on for her own ends. He knew that her immature cervix was taking a pounding, and he was glad she was the one doing it, for he knew she wasn't likely to go so far as to damage herself.'

At least that was his thought.

She was soon pounding down with such force that he found himself on the brink of wincing, if not for his sake, then for hers. She had some deeply imbedded needs, and she was going far to satisfy them. He was all for it, though he was going to likely allow her to have her fun, for he doubted he had enough in him to cum again.

He watched the pale butt bouncing like a jalopy on a bad road, and he naughtily wondered if she had tried taking it through the back door. His wife had once, for about thirty seconds, and that had been the end of that. If she could take all of him in the front, that just might mean she could in the rear. But not today. He would need to buy some lubricant for that.

If she were willing.

His mind came back to the sound of her uttering a constrained cry, and her grip on his nipples became nearly unbearable. She was slamming into so roughly that he knew his cock was going to be sore, and he had to wonder if she was even going to be able to walk again. All at once she let out something akin to a screech, went into overtime with the pounding, and after a moment, fell exhausted on top of him, twitching and convulsing with a paroxysm of pleasant contractions around his cock.

He ran his fingers through her tangled hair, amazed at her tenacity and vivacity in such a mature interaction as this. He still had plenty of misgivings, but it was too late to worry about them now. What was done was done.

Except for him.

He was still rock hard inside her.

He was far from finished.

Grabbing her thighs, just under her butt, he got a solid grip on her and began repeating her motions, only this time powering them himself. She was almost like a Raggedy-Ann doll, being limp with pleasurable exhaustion, but with a grunt and a start, she came around. He felt her fingers kneading his skin but her head remained prone across his chest.

He slowly moved his hands under his fingers could reach her butthole, and with a rhythmic movement worked it open from either side. Then, moving one closer, he rubbed across it until it relaxed. All the better. He was still resolute not to try anything today, but the fact that she could loosen up was a good sign. It made him even harder; painfully so. Going just one step further, he slid the finger a little lower and found plenty of slipperiness, and using that, worked his finger inside. She stiffened as he did, but no protest followed his intrusion, so he carefully worked it in more.

With his finger an inch inside, he redoubled his movements until she clamped down tightly, and with her head snapping up (nearly cracking into his nose), she grunted like an animal as her hands dug into his shoulders. She was panting and growling slightly as both of her holes were occupied, until with a feral cry, she shook all over and fell back, this time out cold.

He slipped his finger out, readjusted his grip and let loose with a torrent of jackhammering that would have never been tolerated by his wife. By the time he came for the third time that day, his balls were wondering what the occasion was. He spilled forth inside her with just as much ferocity as the previous two ejaculations had been ejected, and more fluids dripped out of her and down onto his skin.

He was heaving from the exertion and perspiring from the effort but internally he was as radiantly ecstatic as he had ever felt. Margaret was not moving, except for her chest, which like his, was sucking in air as fast as possible. As the minutes ticked by, his breathing returned to normal, and as he lay there running his hands over her head, tucking back the wild tresses, he felt incredibly relaxed.

So relaxed in fact that he fell asleep.

He was awaked by a rather perturbed and anxious redhead slapping him.

"Good! You're awake!"

"I'm awake. What's wrong?"

"We fell asleep!"

"Yeah, I know."

"No stupid! For an hour! Dennis is home. Mrs. Mitchell just pulled into the drive!"

He felt his heart drop to his toes.

"Dammit! I need to get cleaned up. And you too. And you need to get dressed. And I need to get dressed!"

He knew he was in so much trouble!

Grabbing his clothing, right down to his shoes and socks, he beelined for the master bedroom's bathroom and closed the door. He hastily tried putting on his clothing, all the while washing up and combing his hair. He was a fast dresser, thanks to all of those morning rushes, but he doubted he was going to be presentable prior to his wife coming upstairs.

Washing up his crotch and drying it halfway seemed to take forever, and as he slipped on his boxers and pulled on his pants, he knew he wasn't going to get all of this done before she opened the door. He threw on his shirt and his vest, but forwent the bowtie because he knew his hands were too shaky to get it on properly. As he hurried, he heard her voice coming up the stairs, and his heart raced as his throat tightened up.

He was screwed.

That was when he heard Margaret's voice.

"I think he's changing or something. He said he would be nice and play in the pool with me, but maybe he doesn't have to now that Dennis is home."

When his wife knocked lightly, he asked, stupidly;

"Who is it?"

"It's me dear. Is it safe to come in?"

"Sure," he said, not at all feeling that it was safe.

She opened it to find him sitting on the toilet, seat down, his shoes and socks on the floor. He was rolling up the cuffs of his trousers.

"Oh! Look at you! Margaret said you were going to go to her and play in the pool. How unlike you!"

He went to talk and found his voice to be a mere crackle. He cleared his throat.

"She came looking for Dennis, and when he wasn't here, seemed pretty sad. I thought it might make her day if I went instead. She does tend to like him a lot."

"And he proclaims not to like her just as emphatically. As it turns out, he and Joey took off already, and I could use some time off of my feet, so if you still want to be chivalrous, you are welcome to go."

His heart rate was beginning to return to normal.

"I did say I would, though I think the extent of my participation will be in putting my feet into the water."

She kissed him on the cheek.

"That's very sweet of you darling. Taking time out of your day to take a dip with the neighbor girl."

He choked a little before speaking.

"You don't think it will look too out of place?"

"Maybe a little, but then, we all know each other around here. No one will think badly of you."

He grabbed his shoes and socks.

"If you think it'll be alright, who am I to argue?"

He glanced in the doorway and there was Margaret, dressed in her suit and looking as expectant as she could for him to come with her. Damn, that girl was quite the actress! He kissed his wife, looked at the girl and said;

"Lead on, mistress of mischief!"

She giggled and started down the stairs, though she nearly lost her footing. He grabbed her shoulder to steady her.

"See! I told you a person should always wear shoes."

She turned.

"You're not," she said audibly. In a sotto voce she whispered, "That's not why I slipped. My legs are still like wet noodles."

"True. Maybe I should put mine on before I go."

"If you must."

He stopped, looked back at his wife and asked;

"What do you think?"

"I think you can do what you want. I'm going to take a bath and then read for a bit."

She headed back into the bedroom.

The other two slipped quietly down the stairs. Once on the sidewalk, they quickly fell into hushed conversation.

"I owe you big time Margaret!"

She smiled as her walking gait went from self-assured to a waddle.

"You already paid me big time. I feel like I had a baby!"

"I mean for running interference for me. I thought my goose was cooked."

"And I feel like that goose, fully cooked and stuffed for Christmas!"

He stopped and looked at her.

"Are you going to tell anyone about this?"

"To get you into trouble? No way! I want to do it again...but not real soon. I know how those cowboys on television feel after they get off of a horse. No wonder they walk funny."

"I would like to do it again too. I just can't say when or where that would be."

"I get it. You have adult things to do, and I have all the time in the world, according to my mom."

"She would understand. So, are we going to use your pool or not?" he asked, looking towards her house down the street.

"Uh, no. That would be weird. I just said that for your wife's benefit. If you sat out in my yard people would think it was creepy."

"So what do I do now?"

"I don't know. Put your shoes and socks on and take a walk?"

"And you?"

"I am going to soak in the pool until everything feels halfway normal again. And don't think I didn't feel your finger in my butt. Darla said some guys are into that."

"And how would Darla know?"

Margaret put her hands on her hips in that all-too-familiar pose.

"Because she's taken it up the butt before."

He felt his cock start to stir.


"She says so. I wouldn't know one way or another."

"I see. Well thank you for the interesting afternoon. I can honestly say I will be looking at you in a different light from now on."

She wrinkled her nose up in an impish, sassy sort of way.

"You have a funny way of saying that you like me."

"I suppose I do at that," he nodded as he waved. "Goodbye Margaret."

"Goodbye Mr. Mitchell. See you around."

"Yes, I'm sure you will."

He leaned against a tree and put on his footwear, looking up and down the street to see if anyone was about. There was no one, and so to kill time before heading back home, he put his hands in his pockets and walked around the block. He was ill at ease, despite the fact that she had just walked away as though what had happened was nothing whatsoever. Her gait said otherwise, but she had an air of laissez faire. He doubted she would tell anyone...except that cousin of hers...but that alone could come back to bite him. He had to clear his head before he went back home.

He was on his third lap when a voice called out his name. He was so wrapped up in his conundrum that he jumped slightly.


"Oh, hello George."

"You seem deep in thought. I don't think I've ever seen you take a walk on a Saturday afternoon."

"Just getting some fresh air and clearing my head."

"I see. Dennis causing more trouble for you?"

"For once no."

His neighbor raised his eyebrows.

"That would be a change."

"Wouldn't it though. No, I just found myself deep in a situation, and I'm working through the details in my mind."

Mr. Wilson smiled.

"Then I'll let you go. It wouldn't have anything to do with Margaret would it?"

Mr. Mitchell stiffened ever so slightly.

"Now why would you ask that?"

"No reason. She's as much of a menace as Dennis, though she would never admit it. She has a cousin that comes around occasionally, and I've heard them talk. I don't eavesdrop, but when they're on the other side of the hedge, it's hard not to hear. Girls seem to grow up fast these days. Of course, it's none of my business."

"Times change, don't they Mr. Wilson?"

"They do, and we have to change with it, or so I'm told. I'm too old for change. I like to enjoy retirement and dabble and be left alone. This new generation is too much for the likes of me."

"You mean with their daddy-o and their rock and roll?"

"Yep. You might be young enough to enjoy that sort of thing, but not me."

"I might at that. It's just hard fitting it in."

"Fitting what in Henry?"

He paused to get a grip on his sense of humor.

"All of it. It can be really, really hard trying to fit it all in. Kids these days!"

George smiled.

"We were all kids once. I think sometimes I could get into being a kid again. Then I look back on my life and know I wouldn't want to go through all of hat again."

Henry smiled and replied in a quiet voice.

"I know I could get into a kid again."

"What was that?"

He looked at his neighbor and smiled.

"I meant to say that I could get into being a kid again. Well George, it was nice talking to you. I think I'm going to do a few more laps and call it a day."

He walked away with a smile on his face.

It was a few weeks later, and having seen only a little of the girl in that time, he was feeling a bit anxious. She had seemed interested, but when she was around the house she was blowing him off in preference to antagonizing Dennis, as was her habit. It made sense, not making a scene, but her steadfastness in this case was driving him crazy. Today, it was eerily like before, as it happened to be a Saturday, and the house was again quiet as a church. His wife had taken Dennis to her parents for the day, and he was left sitting in his chair angrily puffing away on his pipe. The newspaper held no interest for him.

The ring of the doorbell nearly made him leap from the chair. He was about to call out, but decided it would be better to answer it in person. He collected himself, walked to the hallway and turned the handle. With a flourish he opened it, but was immediately disappointed. Well, that wasn't quite true. It wasn't Margaret, but it was a girl. He let out a sigh.

"Can I help you?"

"Hello! I'm selling cookies for the scouts. Would you be interested in any?"

She was cute, with dark hair, and wearing the official organization uniform.

"I'm not really interested in cookies. Thanks anyways."

"That's OK. I might have something else you might be interested in."

"No, I don't think so."

She lifted her skirt just enough to show she wasn't wearing any panties. She never even looked to see if anyone was around to witness it. Her eyes were locked on his.

"I'm Darla. I've heard a lot about you."

His cock jumped to attention. He slowly opened the screen door, scanning the houses to see if anyone was out.

"Come on in Darla. I've heard things about you too."

She smiled knowingly and cooed.

"Maybe I should have come in...the back door?"

His cock was paying full attention at those words.