Unmellow Yellow
The first time that I met her, the circumstances were far from ideal. However, to say then that our chance encounter was a disaster would have been doing it a severe disfavor. Sometimes wonderful things evolve from seemingly inexplicable and...
The Girl in the Crystal Blue Water
Every since I was young, I adored all things that made up the natural world. I liked taking walks, exploring, and seeing what the world around me held within its hidden realms. When I grew up I went to college, and by the time I graduated I had two...
Laid Down in Black and White
The two teens quietly stole away from the celebration to explore the grounds of the estate. Everyone at the school had been invited to the birthday party of Colette, the lovely striped lass that all the upper classmen were head over heels for. That...
Steeling a Different Heart
Stilkur (aka Steel) was in a quandary. His great aunt had finally died, bless her horny old soul. Of course, he had killed her, in the only way he knew how. And she had died with a smile on her scaly face. But her death both provided him with renewed...
Bilingual and More
Edward pulled Maggie aside. "Mags, what are you doing?" "What? I thought you might be interested in having some fun! Who knows where our travels with take us, and it's not likely we can take them with us!" "Maggie dear, I love you more than you can...
Dragon Be-Were!
This story is a gift commission for steel6666dragon ([https://steel6666dragon.sofurry.com/](https://steel6666dragon.sofurry.com/)). It may be considered as being the third in a series, starting with...
Playing a Game of Old Maid (Commission for Steel)
Stilkur (Steel) was pacing outside the caves that made up the council chambers of the ruling dragons. While there wasn't much of anything they could do to him for his constant breaking of the rules, he was still rather nervous about this subpoena. His...
Love Stinks! Right to the End
Zorilla made a decision. She already knew she couldn't stay with this human, but the thought of getting rid of such a wonderful lover was repugnant to her. She opted to wander around a little, as time and food permitted, until they came to a proper...
Love Stinks! Uncommon Scents
It didn't take long for her to appreciate that no one, not a single person, had ever had the audacity to get down on her in such a manner. Other skunks were included in that, because she had encountered so few. She had never considered a human, though...
Love Stinks! Introduction
Jon-Tom's occasional wanderings took him far and wide, though he normally never stayed away from the tree for very long. One of these journeys took him to the town of Sechtelly, along the river Logaro. It was a distance from the Bellwoods, and he came...
Never a Bettor Be (commission for Steel)
It was time for the annual games of skill and daring in the Northern Reaches. These were not human games, but those of the Winged Folk. They were those who took to the sky; those whose wings rode the air; those whose tails touched the clouds. To the...
Fur and Feather
Worthless was wandering loose, sans the mountain man who normally occupied the spot on his back. Amos was down in the Sioux camp, discussing human things. Equines had more sense and fewer inhibitions in doing what was necessary. Humans talked and...