Shape Shifter The Discovery

Story by Pepe on SoFurry

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#4 of Shape Shifter

The Shape Shifter The Discovery

Warning my first three stories must be read to gain story line and effect for

this edition

The past week was one that I will never forget, the frequent visits to Brenda's ranch has satisfied me like never before in my entire life it has been two weeks since my first visit and Brenda seems to be getting curious of me. Even thought she has not seen me every time I have shown up I have been over very often twice a day for two weeks needless to say she meant to see where I was

coming from. On this day I had just finished with Ralph and I decided to head for home but what I did not know was that Brenda was watching and when I started to leave for home she was following me. Not knowing that she was in hot pursuit I walked right into my home and Brenda was right behind me I spun right around and stared at her.

"So this is your place nice has a real homey quality mind if I sit down?"

I was horrified she knew where I lived and she looked like she was getting ready to wait for my master to come home but the problem was I was the master.So I sneaked out side to change back to my real form luckily she didn't notice me leave so once out side I changed back to myself and grabbed some clothes off my cloths line. Once dressed I came inside but to my horror Brenda was gone she wasn't on the chair I left her in I frantically searched around my home and I finally came to my lab down stairs and there she was looking with intrigue into the numerous beakers and vials. So I quietly cleared my throat to gain her attention she spun around and breathing heavy replied

"Oh you startled me I was just looking for your dog I followed her here from my home down the road."

"Don't worry she probably just went outside," I replied but before I could continue she interrupted.

"What are all these tubes and stuff for down here?" I was dumfounded I didn't know what to tell her I began to sweat and fidget trying to figure out what to tell her when she cut in again. "You some type of scientist or what?"

"Well yes I am I'm experimenting with genetics."

"Oh really and let me guess your testing on that poor dog out side aren't you scientists are all alike." It seemed that she was very concerned about animals or had something against scientists. Our discussion continued until she backed me into a corner literally and vocally until I caved.

I decided right then and their I would tell her everything I figured that at worst she would freak out and I would have to threaten to tell about her bestiality to everyone including the police and animal rights. Of course I started out slow and told her how I grew up then to my genetics research then I told her about the formula, from the look in her eyes I could see she didn't believe a thing I said. When I started to tell her about her and the horses and dogs she went from not believing to wondering how I know so much and that was when I shifted into my doggie form right in front of her. Well she looked with disbelief as I morphed then her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell straight back with a thud.

When she awoke I had already shifted back to my human form for it was 6 hours later and I had her in a couch under a blanket and her first words were, "How did you do that?" We from there went in to a long discussion of how I created my formula and how I learned to change my body, she was interested needless to say and then she blurted in and shouted

"I want to be like you to do what you do it has been a dream of mine since I was young." I was surprised needless to say so I asked again and again of her assurance to her request "oh yes please I beg you, I wish to share your ability" so I calmly asked her to take the night to think over her request and if she was still sure of her actions I would administer the syringe.

The next morning I awoke and started my usual daily routine and when I turned around with my cereal in hand Brenda was standing right in front of me with a large grin across her face. "Holy shit scare me why don't ya I take it you still want the injection then?"

"Oh yes, yes I do," she giggled with glee.

"Well then lets get it done so I can finish my breakfast." So she followed me down stairs and placed herself on a stool as I reached for the syringe and with a quick prick she was infected with my potion.

"Well are you going to teach me how to do it."

"Yes sure I will but can I finish my breakfast first" once I finished we began her training, surprisingly she took to it like a duck to water and changed with ease. Once she changed I inspected her and I found that she became a male German-shepherd dog but she startled me and began to lick my crotch so I took it that she was horny and with a glance to her new cock I was proved right. So I joined her in my doggie form and I gave her my approval buy exposing my rump to her which she promptly mounted I could feel her cock bouncing around hitting my rear until she connected and pushed the head inside of my puss. Her cock was inching its way into my puss stretching me wide for itself we soon were pumping in unison causing he cock to be pulled out to the head and plunging back in seven inches to the knot each time getting more and more of that big knot into my puss. The feeling of her knot getting pushed in almost to being locked and being yanked out again was causing an orgasm to build within me then her knot was forced inside of me to the point of being locked I climaxed and tightened around her knot. As we pumped together my puss lips would bulge out due to her know full sized knot within my lips I could feel her tense up and then she filled my cavity with her cream. As we rested I would clam my puss as tight as I could to retain

her to me for that much longer as she pulled out of me I could hear a satisfying plop followed by a splat of doggie cum on the floor. We took a nap soon after and when I woke and we returned to our human forms and reflected about the past few days at last I felt that my life was whole.


Soon after Brenda married me and we settled down to live out the rest of our days in peace and quiet but this was not to be for about a year later we were found out the national-guard the FBI and secret service began to discover all our secrets. For all they new was my lab and strange experiments I conducted but they new I had mad a discovery in genetics and my very recent discovery

in eternal life yes me and Brenda were now immortal. We then and their would abandon the human world and we changed to our horse form and never looked back from then we would change from dog to horse as which were more appropriate for the situations. At times would stay in one form so long that I would become pregnant I first gave birth to a happy healthy stallion which

was not gifted as were Brenda and myself he soon became quite satisfied with a shifting mother. My next birth was a mare for we usually stayed in our horse form I only gave birth to one set of puppies I would become quite aroused with a set of puppies or a foal pulling at my nipples which set in motion more fucking between Brenda and me. But unfortunately I found that my

first born stallion grew to be quite persistent with me in heat trying with every possible moment to mount me it became to be quite a chore for me to keep him at bay for I did not believe in incest. Due to our reproduction we unfortunately would have to give up our family every 3 years due to over crowding so Brenda and myself would find a lovely caring family and ask them to care for our children and not to reveal their parents or their past to others. Once in a while we would return and check on them through their lives and Brenda and myself were content with our lives.

This is a fictional story created by my self and I thank you for your


Any comments or suggestions should be wrote to [[email protected]](%5C)

Shape Shifter Expanding Resume

The Shape Shifter 3, Expanding Resume Warning! To understand the story, my first two stories should be read before this chapter. After I returned home I waited out the rest of the five hours until I could return to my human form. I set out right...

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Shape Shifter Shareing

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Shape Shifter the Begining

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