A tale of a Fox and her Brother: Chapter 3

Story by Raphina Flamefox on SoFurry

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I've finally finished chapter 3! Added a lil solo play just to get into writing more 'graphically'. Hope you enjoy it as much as the other chapters!

Chapter 3 - A few days later

It was dark in her room, the only light came from the computer, the screen was showing a photo of a well endowed wolf penetrating a tiny racoon girl who appeared to have her front paws cuffed behind her ears and her back paws tied to a metal bar holding her legs apart.

Raphina had been surprised at the amount of heavy bondage in her brothers files, but also intrigued. She'd also been surprised to find herself getting aroused, and at this moment, after seeing the cute racoon getting violated, she was laying on her bed with one paw under her skirt and the other pulling her shirt over her head.

Once her shirt had been thrown aside, she began running both her paws down her body, enjoying the feel of her curves. She'd been secretly pleased when her breasts started to develop, but always kept them reasonably hidden. She rarely wore a bra, only when outside and didn't want to show anything.

Now though, her nipples were exposed to the cool air breezing through her open window, one paw reached up to cup her breast and the other slid into her panties, she smiled at how wet she already was. She moved over to her desk to flick through the rest of the pictures she'd sneaked from his laptop, she needed a bit more inspiration.

The next image was of a red fox, her front paws bound to her thighs with leather straps and her face covered in cum. Her eyes were looking straight at the camera in desperation, her ears pressed dejectedly against her head. Raphina couldn't help but admire the sizable chest on the fox, she'd always been able to appreciate the female body and this red fox was beautiful.

She skipped through the photos, mainly bondage, cumshots and general female submission, her paw never leaving her crotch, when something caught her eye. A photo blurrier than the rest, definitely amateur, just a picture of the tip of a hard cock poking out of a pair of boxers. Despite the fact this was tame compared to what she'd just been viewing, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

She couldn't make out what species the cock belonged too. His fur was a deep grey, but lighter across his belly, his thighs were slightly spread and she could see his balls bulging beneath the fabric. His shaft was thick and she could just make out a drop of pre-cum on the tip.

The sight of pre was enough for her and she pushed her fingers deep into her tight wet pussy. Her other paw fumbled in a drawer until she found what she was looking for.

She pulled out a small purple vibrator and began rubbing it over her swollen clit while she thrust her paw deeper inside. She was moaning softly, her eyes closed, imagining that hard cock ramming into her, she began to moan louder the harder she pushed. She reached a sudden climax, her whole body shuddering with the force.

Raphina lay back panting softly, her cheeks with a faint blush and the vibrator had dropped on the floor. She took a last look at the photo, unsure as to why it had aroused her so much then closed the window and crawled into bed, the cool sheets feeling so good on her naked fur.

Meanwhile, Xander was on his way up to bed, he paused outside her room, considering asking her what she meant by the 'Thanks for the porn!' note she left on his laptop. He was worried, he didn't know what files she'd got, some of those pics were of him and the girls he chatted on webcam to. His face wasn't in many, but other parts of him were.

He raised his paw to knock, then quickly changed his mind. He didn't want to alert her to the fact she may have nude photos of him. If she'd found them, surely he would know. She wasn't likely to keep that fact a secret!

He decided he would have to match her sneakiness and he started to develop a plan. He would have to lower her defences and get her to tell him what she was up to.

He went to his room and undressed, he glanced into the mirror as was pretty pleased with his reflection. He was tall, but not so tall as to look awkward, and well built enough not to look scraggly. His chest and stomach were reasonably toned, but still quite soft. He liked the colour of his fur, and thought his white belly made him look cute. He smiled and got into bed, grinning at the thought of planning against his sister.

Raphina had had a very lazy morning, she got up for some breakfast at around 11am and took it straight back to her room. It was now mid afternoon and she was laying on her bed, reading a book. She was disturbed by a knock at the door.

"Go away!"

He sighed, she could be such a pain. He knocked again.

"I said, go away!"

He rolled his eyes, "Ok, fine, I just wanted to play Timesplitters with you, and maybe share this vodka," he grinned as she opened the door and bounced down the stairs past him. Knowing how to get her out of her room was the easy part. Getting her to tell him what she was doing was a different matter.

He walked into the kitchen where she was stood with her arms crossed impatiently. She'd put two glasses on the side. He swallowed nervously when he saw what she was wearing, she had on wearing a strappy vest and bottoms that looked more like panties than shorts. Maybe they were just panties, he wasn't sure.

"Couldn't you at least get dressed?"

"I am dressed!" she giggled and spun around showing off her outfit "Don't you like it?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Um, you look lovely dear," he didn't want to annoy her too much.

She scowled at the sarcasm in his voice, "Guess that's cos you prefer your girls wearing less clothing, and more handcuffs?"

He was stunned. He knew for sure now that she had seen quite a bit of his 'image collection'.

"I'm going to ignore that and pour you a drink,"

She grinned, she loved it when she was winning.

They had a few vodkas, and played a few rounds, and they were both frustrated at how close it was. Both of them hated the thought of being beaten by the other. Plus, Raphina seemed far too sober for him to ask her why she had copied his files and more importantly, if she had any photos of him.

"Why don't we make this interesting?" he suggested,

"Well, considering how boring killing you gets, sure!" She smiled at him sweetly,

He smiled back, even if she was losing she would've maintained she wasn't. One of her many irritating, yet endearing qualities. Now he could focus on getting her wasted.

"Ok, end of each round, you take a sip for each time you died,"

She grinned, this could be fun, "Sounds good to me, but before we start, if you pass out, I am not helping you get to bed,"

"I cant pass out, its only 2pm!"

"Tut tut, afternoon drinking, what would our parents say?" she giggled,

"I think they'd be more pissed about the fact I'm letting my underage sister drink, never mind how early it is!" he grinned and rubbed her ears.

She purred at the rub, then batted his paw away, her ears were sensitive and the rub felt far too nice.

After an hour or so, they'd drunk over half the bottle and were quickly losing track of who should drink what and who was actually winning. Xander giggled as he snuck up on her and shot her in the head from behind.

"Headshot!" he yelled and grinned at her, she pouted,

"No fair!" she playfully bashed him on the arm with her controller,

"Hey that hurts!"

She pounced on the kitty, pinning him by his shoulders,

"You're mean and you were cheating!"

He lay beneath her grinning, his plan to get the information out of her had long been forgotten. "How could I cheat? It's not my fault you suck!"

"Hey!" She playfully nipped at his shoulder, he yelped and grabbed her arms.

"You cant just bite me cos you suck!"

"I do not!"

He tried to roll her off him, but she had all her weight on his shoulders, so he started to tickle her sides. She collapsed onto him giggling, her small body wriggling on top of him.

He pushed her off him and pinned her down, her arm behind her back, he leaned down to her ear "Go on, admit it, I win!" he flicked his tongue across the tip of her pointed ear.

"Never!" She wriggled hard, trying to escape and eventually freed her arm, rolling over to face her brother.

In the struggle, one of the straps on her top had snapped and her left breast was on full view. He looked down and saw the white fur around the small pink nipple. Before he knew what he was doing, he had bent his head down and was sucking on her exposed breast, rolling his tongue around her nipple feeling it harden in his mouth.

Her paws were running through his hair, holding his head close to her, she was purring softly at the feel of his tongue. As he reached up to rub her other breast, she arched her back and let out a mew.

He squeezed her firm breast through her top, then realised what he was doing. He sat up shocked and started to blush. Raphina mewed disappointedly then opened her eyes and looked up at him. She wrapped her arms round her chest feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Um sis, I am so sorry," he mumbled "I don't know what happened,"

She just looked at him, slowly regaining her breath. It was weird, he was her brother, but, she couldn't deny how good his tongue felt, and how nice his fur felt beneath her paws.

"Say something....please," he was close to tears, he didn't think she would ever forgive him for this.

She surprised him by sitting up and wrapping her arms round him in a big hug.

"Its ok," she whispered, and then started to nuzzle into his neck breathing in his sweet scent. "We're just a tiny bit drunk and stuff happened,"

He couldn't help but wrap his arms round her waist and pull her close, "I love you sis, but we can't do stuff like this,"

She rested her head on his chest, sighing deeply, the smell of her hair filled his nostrils. She lifted her head up and started to softly nuzzle his nose with hers. He closed his eyes and nuzzled her back. Despite what he just said, he reached up and brushed her hair out her face, his paw resting on her cheek as he kissed her gently. She murred and parted her lips.

The kissed for several minutes before she pulled away.

"You sure about that?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

He looked back at her, "We need to stop this. My minds a mess, I cant think straight."

He took hold of her paws, unwrapping them from his waist and placing them in her lap. He stood up, mumbling,

"I need some air," He looked at his sister taking in her big, beautiful eyes, her cute lil nose and her perfect legs before walking out of the room.

Raphina heard the front door close behind him and let out a sob. She didn't think he would ever speak to her again and she felt like a complete fool. She ran up to her room, slamming the door behind her and curled up sobbing on her bed.