Glazed and Stubborn (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#72 of Short Stories

A mule stubbornly responds to an unsolicited opinion.

~ The mule set the tiny clay sheep and glaze covered brush down on the table of the ceramics workshop as he fixed the husky with a glare. "I don't recall asking your opinion.", raising his left hand into a fist between himself and the husky, "..and I'm just here to glaze decorative sheep in whatever fool colors my wife wants them in." The husky snorted, and opened his mouth to volunteer an elaboration of his opinion before the mule interrupted more forcefully.

~ "If you tell me again what that fertility goddess of yours thinks of my marriage...", turning his fist to give the husky a clear view of the plain gold wedding band, "..I'm going to see just what your chin thinks of the legitimacy of this wedding band." The mule kept up his glowering stare, finding this a worthwhile moment to indulge the stereotype of being stubborn, until the husky rumbled something softly in a tone of apology and shuffled away with the mug he had been working on.

Motel Pool (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Greg floated amicably in the motel pool, shifting position to look up at the jackalope standing alongside. "The water's fine, I swear.", the fox teased to Linda. The jackalope shrugged indecisively, "My illusions don't hold up well to standing...

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Packing and Truth (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The sun was settling into its comfortable groove of daytime while the jackalope leaned in through the rear door of his hatchback, shoving around various piles of items in his search. "No, not too much in here worth taking. So that duffle'l work fine,...

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Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

~ As the lump of yellow batter crackled along amongst the thin veneer of cooking oil in the skillet, the fox regarded the whole process dubiously. He'd luckily had the corn meal and salt on hand to attempt the hoe cakes, but the recipe he found seemed...

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