The Path of Mew
Though, i thought it'd be empty," the jackalope says. \> you snuggle with the mew and sit down next to the jackalope, of course . the jackalope frowns, "you're a little too heavy, though. get off me. ugh!" kit kat giggles, "he's cute, isn't he?
Webshow Hijinx: Still Watching?
The jackalope's face had gone from red to purple within minutes and he wouldn't last much longer. even as the jackalope faded, the husky couldn't help but gloat.
Packed Flight
He grabbed hold of his roller bag, walking like a man in a daze as he grabbed hold of the jackalope's bag and slung it over his shoulder as well. waste not, want not, and the jackalope had been the same size as him roughly.
"Technology Trouble" - Story by Kaz
In the small vehicle with the jackalope.
Approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon
Posted using postybirb approach the sleeping jackalope and pokemon as you approach the jackalope, the mew opens its eyes and looks up at you, "hello."
Not a Moment Apart - Kinktober 2021, Day 3
He left the jackalope free to move, to do exactly as he wished. he stripped away all the illusions and truly gave robin the choice, and in doing so, he grinned wider than ever as he saw the crimson glow rise upon the jackalope's cheeks.
College Life Pt 1.2
"now jo gecko, roan jackalope," the teacher said to make sure he was correct. "no, no! my last name isn't jackalope," roan not jackalope corrected with an annoyed tone.
Fast Casting (Otherwise Untitled)
~ it was to the jackalope's confusion when the phoenix slid the coin back across the counter, "no payment, just one boon." ~ a nod from the jackalope, his confusion still apparent.
Door to Door
He was exhausted, but at the suggestion of more, the jackalope couldn't be any harder.
Motel Pool (Otherwise Untitled)
#71 of short stories a jackalope and fox enjoy some calm time in a motel pool, when a guest arrives. ~ greg floated amicably in the motel pool, shifting position to look up at the jackalope standing alongside.
Mutants (Chapter 2)
It caused a small shiver in the jackalope as his fur stood up from the many weak spots on his body that ryker passed over. suddenly the wolf adjusted their position, laying the jackalope on his back while he hovered over him.
Robin's Good Dog - Kinktober 2021, Day 15
The jackalope kicked and flailed, laughing wildly as blue's long and wet tongue darted out and licked at his furred face.