Pet of the Tentacles Ch1

Story by whitecrow323 on SoFurry

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#1 of Pet of the Tentacles

This was the first work with sexual overtones that I posted on FA. Basic plot, lonely human goes hiking in the woods and finds himself in an unusual but not unpleasant situation. Enjoy

Posted to FA on 9/15/09


Pet of the Tentacles Ch1


Here along the path that is my life I find myself at a loss for direction. I know the past; and the present is beneath my feet, however the future is nothing but a howling dark, that shifts between being inviting or being terrifying. Perhaps this is why I wander aimlessly through an old growth forest during the twilight hours of an early summer day. What beauty I do not find in the works of mankind, I find in abundance amongst the hemlock trees that are several centuries my senior. I watch the stream flow gently down the mountain side, uninhibited by man-made barriers. I hear the birds cheerily conversing in the branches. Out here, away from the superficial nonsense of mankind, I feel truly at peace, and I am reasonably sure that there is no sentient being with in my sight to disturb my solitude. At least I think that is true.

On occasion a stray sound will demand my attention, but upon finding no sight to attach it to, my mind returns to thoughts about wether human kind is truly the best life form on this planet. While it is getting late and I should be returning to the squalor of civilization, I decide to stay a little longer since I can still find my way without a flashlight. As I continue my wanderings the sense that I'm not not alone grows more insistent. Now in addition to errant sounds the sense of touch joins the mix. I can feel random sensations on my bare arms and legs. They have the feeling of thread coated in a warm liquid, and are about as thick as cobwebs. Still these sensations are not enough to warrant a concern for my existential safety.

The feeling of a sizable mass grasping my ankle startled me from my complacency. Gathering some distance I turned around to find an olive drab tentacle retreating into the ground. I knew from the feel of it and it's appearance, that it was not an snake which I had knowledge of. While pondering this I was caught by surprise when four tentacles just like the one I had escaped seized my arms and legs. So paralyzed was I with fear, I could do nothing as the semi-solid limbs lifted me eight feet of the ground and left me spread eagle facing the sky. I looked around and realized that there was no point in calling out for help as I was many miles away civilization. As I pondered my next move, a fifth tentacle slowly glided up between my splayed legs positioning itself about a foot from my mouth. I noticed it had a small hole at the end, from which dripped a sweet smelling liquid. The tentacle slowly shifted side to side in an hypnotic manner. I found myself distracted by it's actions, until another tentacle joined in. I was shocked out of my trance like state as it groped at my behind. As I opened my mouth in surprise, the tentacle that had previously held a monopoly over my attention shot forward with lightning speed and buried its self in my open mouth. I tried to force it out, but the more I struggled the more control the tentacle gained over me. After a few seconds of struggle, the invader had my tongue and mouth completely immobilized and at it's mercy. After a short pause, I felt a sweet cherry tasting liquid flowing over my tongue and down my throat. The delicious liquid put at ease for a few seconds until I realized that a steadily increasing languor was settling over me. I was seized with panic and renewed my attempts to escape. However it was a losing battle, and slowly by inexorably I surrendered to my growing exhaustion.

Having been out cold for an indeterminate length of time I finally stirred from my enforced slumber. Before I even opened my eyes, I knew from my other senses that my surroundings had changed while I was out cold. The surface beneath me was as soft as beaver pelt but it's thickness was akin to that of a thick shag carpet. What ever was below what I guess could be called bed sheets, was by no means solid. It was certainly not a spring mattress by any stretch of the imagination. If anything the surface I was on felt like a water bed. The air around me was humid, but due to the temperature being in the high 60's, was not unpleasant. I laid there for a few minutes enjoying the soft bed beneath me before I forced my bleary eyes open to scan my new surroundings. With this action, any calm present before was instantly dispelled. The room I was in had the appearance of a mine tunnel as opposed to a natural cavern. There were no stalactites or water formed rock and the place looked like it had been dug out of the surrounding rock. The room was illuminated by several crystalline structures half buried in the wall like sconces in a hall way. With it's raised sides, sunken center, and circular shape, the bed I now occupied looked not unlike a stereotypical birds nest siting in the center of this artificial room. Having carefully observed my surroundings, I quickly took stock of my condition. Much to my chagrin, I found that what ever had taken me decided to abscond with my clothing leaving me naked and in uncertain circumstances.

It was with this that my thoughts returned to the entity that had so suddenly taken me. What ever it was, its' shape did not look like anything known to modern biology. The creature had no discernible head and from what I had seen, did not have the lateral symmetry present in most complex life. While pondering this, I heard a light chuckle coming from the direction of the small entrance way to the room I occupied. I turned to the doorway, expecting several tentacles to come slithering in. To my surprise, saw nothing and instead heard an almost hypnotic voice coming form all directions. "I see your finally awake, little one." I called out for this entity to show itself, and in return got a cryptic answer that made no sense. "I'm all around you, but if you want to see me look over the sides of what your would call your 'bed'."

Slightly Disturbed that my captor had probably been reading my thoughts, I Cautiously peered over the edge of the bed I had awoken in. Surrounding my 'nest' in the same manner as a moat surrounds a castle, there was a circular pool of water with a six inch wide tributary leading towards the door way. I slowly inched closer to the water surface until an all too familiar tentacle emerged from the small moat. My curiosity at my new surroundings quickly changed to fear as I back from the edge quickly falling flat on my ass.

My captor chuckles lightly as the tentacle which startled me rises above the raised edges of my bed. He continues with a conciliatory tone, "Sorry if I startled you, it has just been so long since I last had a fellow sentient in my company." I next ask my captor what his name is, to which he responds "I have no name, I am a synthesis of the offspring of however many ancestors formed me, however I wouldn't mind if you call me master." I indulge his request for the time being, if only to learn more about a potential enemy. My captor informs me that his kind has existed for about the same length of time as mine. This is known because every 'individual' is 'born' with the memories of its ancestors. As such, my captor has seen, if indirectly, the entirety of human history. He explains that his current form came into existence roughly 150 years ago when the offspring of his seven ancestors, which were the size of snakes, combined into his present form. With some knowledge of my captor I ask the obvious question, why is he keeping me here. With a light chuckle, my captor replies, "I am keeping you for three reasons little one. Firstly, it gets quite lonely down here and the companionship of someone who is capable of complex thought and emotion is most welcome." The first reason make sense, although he could have asked politely. "Secondly," he continues "When the time comes for me to send my offspring into the world I will need you help incubating them." Sensing my fear at his last statement he continues with a comforting tone, "Don't worry little one, you will live through the entire process and I will make it as painless as possible. I aim to keep you for a long time." I ask of the final reason, somewhat nervous of what it will be. My captor chuckles lightly again and if he had a face it would no doubt have a mischievous grin. " The third reason is that I aim to spoil my pet with pleasure" he responds with a seductive tone.

With this four new tentacles surge up with lightening speed and before I can react, secure my limbs spread eagle. The fear I felt at being taken the first time returns in full force as I am lifted from the soft bed which I awoke on. With as much confidence as I can muster, I demand to know what my captor is doing. To this he responds "Giving you pleasure. I can, if I so desire experience the emotions that you are experiencing. In lay man's terms, if you climax, I climax."

Immediately following this a new tentacle comes up between my legs and rather than going for my closed mouth, latches on to my partially erect shaft. The tentacle continues down, enveloping my testicles in a cool protective covering. After a few gently strokes over my shaft is brought to its full length and sensitivity. "I think I'll hold you here for a while, I want to draw out my pets pleasure for as long as possible" My captor replies with a seductive tone. He continues "Already you are experiencing such exquisite pleasure, but this is nothing compared to the climax which we shall share." The tentacle on my shaft continues its gentle ministrations and I hold back moans in a desperate attempt to hide how turned on I am.

Through this haze of shame and pleasure, I hear my captors sultry voice again commenting on my situation. "Hmmm your genitals seem excited, but you two other orifices seem neglected." Instantly knowing what my captor is referring to I open my eyes with shock. A second tentacle slips past the first, which continues it's soft strokes, and heads towards my mouth. Knowing what's coming I keep my mouth firmly closed, but my captor knows my weaknesses. Another tentacle comes up and starts to rim my anus. LIke earlier I open my mouth and this time emit a soft moan of pleasure. This momentary distraction is enough for my captor to enter and fill my mouth.

With my mouth filled, the tentacle attending to my tail hole resumes its work. My captor attempts to penetrate, but always finds resistance. Idly commenting on my situation, my captor states is a bemused tone "Hmmm, Judging by how tense you are, I'd say your tail hole is virgin." Hearing this embarrassing observation I renewed my efforts to escape, but to no avail. In an attempt to assuage my fears, my captor responds "Relax little one, while I am going to take your anal virginity, I am going to do it as gently as possible." With this the tentacle that was attempting to take my tail hole backs off a few inches and begins spraying a sweet smelling liquid all over my exposed posterior. Sensing my befuddlement, my captor explains "I've covered you tail hole with a numbing agent that I cooked up in my body, it will prevent you from feeling any pain, while still experiencing the exquisite pleasure of having your tail hole taken." He continues "I might as well give you a little aphrodisiac I cooked up as well, for your pleasure and mine."

Having finished his explanation, a new sensation joins the arousing massage that encompasses my genitalia. From the tentacle in my mouth flows a sweet strawberry tasting liquid which I eagerly swallow in large gulps. "Don't worry there is no sedative in the mixture I am giving you, I want you to be awake for all of this." says my captor disrupting my sensory enjoyment. He continues "Of course, whether you will be able to form a conscious thought over the next few minutes is another matter entirely." The feed of sweet liquid stops and I find my self suckling on the tentacle filling my mouth like a young cub, desperate for more. Replying with a slightly chiding tone my captor says "Now Now my pet, you have had quite enough, and its effects should start in three two one."

Almost as soon as he sent the last word to the calm air of the cave, a surge of pleasure washes over me. True to his earlier statement, it is a herculean task to merely process the sensations washing over me, let alone forming a coherent thought. Finally giving all of my futile attempts to maintain my composure, I happily moan into the tentacle filling my mouth and spasm like like a wild beast in my captors bounds. My muffled sounds reach my captor and he comments in a seductive tone "Yes, thats it, give in to the pleasure I give to you. Soon you will experience a climax that is beyond description."

With his seductive bit of motivation complete my captor hilts the tentacle that had previously been covering my anus in muscle relaxant deep with in my tail hole. The invader quickly finds my untouched prostate and sends strong vibrations to my deep seated pleasure center.

With this, all conscious thoughts on my part end, as I struggle against my captors bounds out of lust rather than a desire to escape. My captor continues to encourage me in a seductive tone, but none of it passes through the fog of pleasure in which I dwell. Time drags on for what seems like an eternity, until I realize that I am getting very close to the edge. In the final seconds my captor plugs my mouth and nostrils, bringing additional struggles as I under go the culmination of the best blow job ever given to me.

Basking in the glorious after glow, I noticed an increasing exhaustion settling over me. My captor noticed my situation and commented in a tone that showed a similar lassitude, "Judging by how close you are to falling a sleep I'd guess that you enjoyed that as much as I did." As consciousness slowly slipped away from me I hear my keeper, who I'm beginning to consider calling master, give a few parting words for what passes for night down here. "I know you still have many questions but for now you must rest, tomorrow I will answer all of your question, for now sleep my good pet." With little energy to resist I follow his advice with out so much as a silent protest.