What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 5: New Discovery.

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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Hey readers! Here is chapter 5. It is a bit longer than the others, but i hope you enjoy!

I do nt own Star Trek, or any of its people, characters, planets etc. But I do own my own characters. So do not use without my permission.

Adults content. 18+ only.

Chapter 5

Devin and I walked back to the cavern, hand in hand, enjoying the warm summer breeze. It was still warm outside, despite it being in the evening. We joined the others, letting go of each others hands, not ready for people to know about us.

"JAMES!!!! Long time no see!" Tanya said, racing up to me. Her red, black and white foxes fur was matted wet to her body, and short black head fur was slicked back away from her bright green eyes.

"Yeah, I was just doing some of your meditation techniques, they worked really well." I said.

"I am glad, you look much happier. I am glad you decided to join us, we all need some time off after what happened this week, and all the stuff afterward." Tanya said.

"Yeah, I am very glad we can take some time off. Neven is very fair with leave time. It seems." I said.

"Hey James, think fast!" Ariel said, throwing a water football at me. It smacked me in the chest before i could catch it, putting a wet spot on my white T shirt.

"Hey!" I said, picking up the ball, fainting to throwing it at Ariel, but instead "accidently" hitting Devin, who was standing net to Ariel. I took of my shirt, and dove into the water. I swam quickly up to Ariel's feet while she was laughing, as everyone was now throwing and splashing each other. I grabbed her Ankles, and she screamed as I pulled her under. We bother popped back up, her yelling at me, and all of us laughing. She quickly started laughing as well, and everyone began dunking each other. Devin tried to pounce on me when i was talking to Tanya, but i saw him and sidestepped, instead tackling Tanya. She jokingly punched Devin as he got off, profusely apologizing. We continued to horse around, me and Devin got into a wrestling match, showing off our different moves and styles. Than when we were tired, we rested on the shore, looking at the blue reflected light dancing on the ceiling. I popped up in realization,

"What time is it?" I asked, suddenly worried since it was now dark.

"O shit!" Tanya exclaimed, "I have to be somewhere!"

"it is 0815. Why?" Devin asked us.

"I have a meeting with Neven and that captain whose ship responded to our distress call." I said.

"Me too! I guess he wants to meet the new furs in town." Tanya said, making me chuckle.

"I guess we gotta go, need to shower and get dressed. Can't meet a captain in a swim suit." I said getting up, not drying off, just grabbing my stuff.

"Alright. But just so you know, at 2200 hours, we are all heading out to the club. It just finished its repairs and is having a reopening night for all Federation personnel and their guests, you guys should come!" Ariel said, and the others agreed, Devin looking hopeful.

"Yeah! We'd love too!" Tanya said, me nodding in agreement.

"Cool! See ya then!" Ariel said, the others saying bye as well.

Tanya and I hurried back to the base, and to our quarters. We both took showers, me using the pine scented soap i loved, the kind Devin thought smelled good on me. I dressed in my regular police uniform, but with the empty holster since Nven made us put our weapons back after the attack, since we still weren't authorized to carry them on base. I met Tanya outside, she too was in her uniform.

We hurried to the conference room. When we were outside the doors, we were one minute early. So we collected ourselves and entered. We looked at the table, where Neven was sitting, along with several other officers i had not seen, most likely the ones from the ship. Sitting at one end, across from Neven, was a completely bald ,older human man, probably in his late forties, or early fifties, wearing a red uniform, his insignia on the color indicated he was a captain. Picard i guessed. Next to him was another human man, with dark brown hair, and brown beard. His insignia identified him as a commander, same as Neven. Than a pale human, a lieutenant commander, with an emotionless face, and bright yellow eyes, he was odd looking. Than there was a dark skinned human, another Lt. Com. in a yellow uniform with a silver visor over his eyes. Than the red haired Lt. Com, the doctor, who i had briefly talked to, than a Lt. Human female, in a blue uniform. Lastly a big scary guy, dark skinned, with long hair, ridges on his forehead, and a silver sash or band over his shoulder to his his belt, a Lt.

I didn't know who they were, but besides the very subtle curious looks, they seemed quite calm.

"Please sit." The captain said, pointing to the two vacant chairs. These were the only two unoccupied seats around the table, and the seats were spread out evenly. I sat next to commander Neven, and Tanya next to the visor guy, all the others were spread around, with the captain and commander across from me and Tanya.

"I am Captain Jean Luc Picard, of the Federation Star Ship U.S.S. Enterprise. This is my second in command, Commander RIeker, Lieutenant Commander Data, Lieutenant Commander LaForge, Doctor Crusher, Lieutenant Worfe, my head of security, and Lieutenant Commander Dianna Troy, our ships counselor. And you are?" Extending his hand.

I am Lieutenant James Matrix, and this is my partner, Sergeant Tanya Bonedarenko, we are of the elite police squad in our country." I said, taking his hand in a shake, and then Tanya then took Picard's hand as well, shaking it. We also then shook and greeted all of Picard's senoir staff.

"Good to meet you Lieutenant and Sergeant. So where are you from?" He asked, clasping his hands together on the table.

"The planet Earth, from a country called the Alliance of the Americas. It contains what used to be Canada, the USA, and all of central and South America."

"Really? So why are all the Americas united? And not the entire world?" He asked kindly, but firmly.

"War. About a hundred years ago, a virus spread throughout the world. It infected EVERYONE, and incubated for a few years, building up. Soon, people started collapsing suddenly, and changing. At first it was only a few hundred. Protocols were taken to "Isolate" the infected and stop its spread, and find a cure. Within the week, everyone had suddenly lost consciousness, and collapsed, Right where they were, driving, vacuuming, shopping, and even flying. Everyone suddenly woke up again, and started waling about. Mass panic spread. A whole two weeks had gone by, and everyone was suddenly an anthro of some sort, a fox or husky, dragon, bear, otter, you name it, Most people had died during the shifting process since it exhausted the body. With a whole two weeks of unconsciousness, the word was a mess. Jet liners, cars, all sorts of vehicles had crashed into the ground. Some buildings caught fire with the crashes, and neglect.

Most of the denser cities completely caught fire and burned with no one to stop it. The governments tried to reorganize, but since capitols are usually dense cities, most government officials were either dead from the virus, fled the fires, or killed by them. Only a few states in the US had working governments and organized their remaining National Guard and police. These states banned together, absorbing the government-less states and took control of the lawless streets.

After about a year, the newly christened Allied States of North America, which had just annexed the nearly wiped out Canada, was attacked by the new USSR. Communists in Russia had used the chaos to take hold of the government and army, with the intent of taking over the world. China allied itself with the new Russia and attacked the European Union, allies of the ASNA, and a world war broke out. It was not much of a war, considering half the world was still devastated and lawless, and the original population of 7.5 billion had been reduced to just under one billion. The war, which was just a lot of small battles and skirmishes of essentially ruins, went on for 10 years, without much loss on either side, since everyone was tired, and just wanted to get reorganized from the chaos the previous year. A truce was called, and for 93 years the countries rebuilt, the ASNA annexed South America as well, and wiped out the drug cartel and began rebuilding the lawless, dictator and warlord filled lands.

But 8 years ago, the USSR and China attacked the Americas and EU again, starting a much more heated and dangerous war. My sister was killed in the assault on New Moscow, and though we took it after a 2 week battle, she and many others had been killed.

Research done on the virus the last 75 years by labs who had collected samples of blood from the dead, in various stages, has not turned up a "cure" but a source, and how it worked. Doctors looked at blood samples from the dead at various stages, just dead after falling unconscious, 15% mutated when they died, 30%, 45%, 60%, 70%, 85, and 95%, and finally 100% mutated. They turned up that the virus caused the victims to suddenly go unconscious, and fall down. Than the virus would change the DNA of the human, forcing the body to re-grow into various creatures. We could never figure out why some people changed into certain forms, but not others. anyway, the virus mutated along with the person. At first the human body tried to fight it off, but as mutation became stronger, the virus became part of the body. Now it is part of our immune system, making us nearly invulnerable to disease and infection, STDs are gone, common cold, flu, etc. The variation that still lives in our bodies is perfectly harmless, i told hte doctor about it, I didn't want any humans suddenly changing as Earth's humans did. Our anthro scientist never really bothered to study that further, since there weren't any humans left, and almost no human DNA existed after the chaos. It isn't even that similar, its more of an antibody now.

We guessed it was somehow from space. One of our exploration vehicles came back with organic matter, the first ever found by our Earth on another planet. We found out it was laying in the matter that had been found.

So thats our story, and our Earths history summed up in a few minutes." I said, catching my breath a bit,

"Well, that explains the anthro appearance and DNA. So, how did you end up here?" Picard asked.

Me and Tanya gave our accounts of the events leading up to the explosion and transportation. Lt. Com. Data and LaForge guessed the type of crystal and the shields of our cop car, had somehow reacted to the environment and caused a rip in the time space continuum, sending us to an alternate, but different universe. We then discussed options of how we could get back, etc. I was not sure if i wanted to go back, I did, but i also wanted to stay. I of course dropped no hint of that in the meeting. We were then authorized by the Captain to get our sidearms back, and carry them in the base, and outside, but not in restricted areas.

As we got up to leave, at 02130hr, i tried to follow the flow of officers leaving, but Picard, still seated, addressed me.

"Lieutenant Matrix, will you stay a moment?" He said.

I turned back around, sighing. I wanted to leave and go to the club. Picard, Counselor Troy, and Neven were still seated.

"Yes sir?" I said, sitting down.

"I don't think you know this, but I am a Beta Zoid." The counselor said to me. "I am telepathic. Meaning i can sense emotions and thought patterns, or if someone is lying. You were telling the truth in the meeting, but i sensed a feeling of uncertainty, and a feeling like you were hiding something." She said in a calm, kind, but straightforward voice.

"James, have you ever heard of the mythical beings, thought to live on this planet, called the Endarii?" The Captain said.

"No? Why?" I said. The counselor looked at Picard, but gave no sign of anything,

"Well, ancient ruins are scattered all over this planet, and some of the texts talk a great deal about the Endarii. The civilization that lived here thousands of years ago was very advanced, in some ways more than ours. They explored the space close to them, but not much further. Their ruins are scattered all over the planet, and despite the high technology, most are nearly completely decayed.

Except for one city, This city is still completely intact, powered down, and over grown, but intact. The forest has grown up around it, and in it, concealing it, but doing no damaged like the others. In the center of this city is a massive, but not very tall, temple. The temple of the Endarii. We do not know the name of the species that lived here, or what they looked like, but all we know is they worshipped the Endarii, and saw them as goddesses. They called themselves the Chosen, but htey had a more general name for themselves we cannot find It is as if the whole city was wiped away of any remnant of the people that lived there, except for the Archives in the temple.

The archives are basic, names, families, trade, etc. but no mention of a species name, like ours, human, or anything, they just called themselves the caretakers. We have only gotten so far into the temple, only to the basic archives, and the whole place is locked up tight, No one seems to find a way in, and we certainly can't blast our way in, the caliber of explosives to blast through the walls would do extensive damage. So the archaeological project was canceled."

"Why are you telling me this now?" I said.

"The Endarii were described as green, beautiful and part of nature, Like nymphs. Only the females are rumored to have been seen, according to archive reports. They are led by a queen, the Regina Endarii." The Captain continued.

"Why is this important to you? I am going to leave, I am a guest, not a Federation Officer." I said, angrily getting up.

"You saw them didn't you?" Troy said. I sighed, knowing i was caught.

"Yes. I was meditating by the river, singing. about a dozen Endarii joined in, helping me sort my thoughts and fears. Than they stopped, and the Regina Endarii walked across the water towards me, and told me something. Do you want to know that as well?" I said, very angry at the near interrogation they gave me.

"We were sorry to have upset you, but there was something different i sensed about you, and than in the meeting i felt you were hiding something, Picard, an archaeologist, thought it may have to do with the mysterious Endarii, which seem to real and reveared by the Chosen. " She sad. "YOu are definitely telling the truth about your encounter with them."

"I would like you to help us in a second expedition to the city, to find out more about these Chosen, their ways, beliefs, and the Endarii. You have encountered, although briefly, and may see something, with your detail oriented senses, that we missed. We would not harm anyone or anything, we just want to figure this mystery out, it could be a fascinating and important discovery." Picard said.

Still standing in the doorway, but facing the group, I responded to Picard.

"I do NOT appreciate the way you suckered me into an answer. Although i am ticked off, I will think about your proposition. I will get to you whenever I feel like it, Jean Luc." I said, annoyed.

I walked out, annoying the stares from Neven. She was probably pissed i had called the captain by his first name. I didn't care, he wasn't MY superior officer, hell, I am from a different universe for Pete's sake. I went back to my room, hoping that i could catch up to the others and go to the club.

I went into my room to find Devin laying on my bed, reading, dressed for the club.

"Hey babe." He said, sitting up. "How was the meeting? Tanya came back almost ten minutes before you did."

"I was okay. Lets talk about it later. I could use some dancing to let off some steam."

"Thats what i was hoping you'd say. The others left a minute or two ago, but we can meet them there."

"Okay! What should I wear?" I asked.


I will upload the next chapter tomorrow, I just have to finish editing it. There will be some yiff in it, and of course an epic club scene! So it'll have some romance and fun stuff in it.