A Tale of Two Cubs

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Jordan pearl lay awake in his bed. The eight year old fox cub had been trying to sleep for the last few hours, but couldn't manage. He listened to the sounds that filled the large room, the monotonous hum of ceiling fans circling slowly above, the soft snores from either Kyle or Callum near the door, the soothing sound of Jules' breathing below. His upper bunk was uncomfortable, but more than large enough to accommodate his lithe frame. Jordan was a small, young furre. His slender build and height of only 4' 5" at the age of 8 made him a common a scapegoat for the larger furres' pranks or a target for bullying. It was never good to be the smallest cub for your age group, especially in this orphanage. He mewled softly, knowing that being awake so late would cause trouble for him the following day. Whenever he couldn't fall asleep at night he would be tired and slow throughout the next day, dropping plates at dinner time, forgetting chores, and often ending up before the administrator's desk.

The administrator was a tall white tiger. He was in his mid-forties, and kept his lustrous coat impeccably well-groomed. "Jordan," he would say, "Jordan, you know why you are here. You have caused a great deal of trouble today. Such poor discipline can not be tolerated. What family would want a furre that couldn't remember to make his bed in the morning? That chipped half of the dishes he cleaned? Hmm? What I do now, I do for your own good."

Jordan would often begin to whimper then, knowing what was coming just as well as he knew the futility of trying to talk his way out of it. The tiger would stand from his high backed chair and, purring softly, step around the neatly kept desk to the boy. Licking his muzzle slightly, he would reach out and lift the boy up, setting him on his stomach on the desk, pushing an ink well out of the way. Then he would pull down the boy's shorts, down to around the cub's ankles, revealing the fox's young rear and the back of his small sac. He then would place his left paw on the small of the boy's back to hold him in place.

"Lift your tail, boy. Disobedience will just make your punishment worse." By now Jordan was usually on the verge of tears, but he knew the dangers of non-compliance and would raise his tail from his rump, feeling exposed, his young tail hole clearly visible. With a drawn out 'mrrowl' the administrator would lift his right paw, and then smack it soundly against the boy, then wait a few seconds before hitting him again. Often as many as 20 or 30 blows would be delivered, and no matter how much the child whined or cried or struggled against the pressure on his back and the pain on his rump, the administrator kept his paw firmly in place and his rhythm uninterrupted. Once he was finished the administrator would release the boy. Stepping slowly back around his desk, seating himself as his tail flicked back and forth casually.

Normally a grin would flicker across his maw as he said to the boy "That will be all. I hope I do not see you here again." But whenever Jordan heard this, something in his mind thought there was something wrong in the words, a subtlety to their intonation he could not quite grasp. Even if he hadn't felt that way, he would have doubted the white tiger's sincerity.

Now, as he lay awake, knowing that the dawn would be arriving all too soon, he tried to sleep yet again. It was once again in vain. He lifted the sheets off his bare form, (No boy was given pajamas there, they were told to sleep in their fur as it was all the orphanage could afford) and sat up. He eased to the side of the bed, scooting off and landing softly on his padded foot paws. He turned to face the occupant of the lower bunk, his friend Jules. Jules was a cheetah, nine years old and standing nearly 5 feet tall. His golden fur, speckled with black spots, was visible from the shoulders up, the rest covered by the sheets he had drawn up over him. He lay on his side, turned away from Jordan, his breathing deep, slow and steady. "Jules," Jordan whispered to him, "I can't sleep again. Can I share the bed with you?" Jules stirred. He was Jordan's only friend in the orphanage, the only one who didn't laugh at the garbage put into Jordan's bed, the insults hurled at him in the showers: the only furre who cared about Jordan at all, the young fox felt.

"Sure, Jordan," said the cheetah with a yawn, pulling the covers to the side and shifting away from the center of the bed to make room for the fox. Jordan smiled and climbed in. It had become his common practice to lay with his friend whenever he found he could not sleep. Sharing the bed with the kind cheetah always lulled him to sleep long before dawn arrived.

As Jordan slid into the bed he felt the warmth under the sheets generated by his friend. He was thankful for it, as the night was chilly. "Thanks Jules," he said softly. He turned onto his side, muzzle resting against Jules' shoulder. His chest lightly touched the cheetah's back. He could hear as his friend's breathing resumed its steady pace once again, and smelled the sweet scent of his friend. The fox smiled. He pressed slightly closer to his companion, his thigh brushing against the cheetah's tail. Seemingly in response, the tail twitched, then lifted and lay on Jordan's thigh. That was when the fox felt a strange quiver in his loins. It was a feeling he'd had before. Sometimes it came when the boys played games of soccer in the orphanage's field, often wearing nothing more than their gym shorts. Jordan had missed several passes as a result of being hypnotized by the strong gait of Kyle, another 8 year old furre, a kangaroo, as he ran across the field, legs pumping hard under the sun, tail waving behind him. He'd get 'the feeling', as he'd come to refer to it in his mind, entirely missing the pass as the ball sailed beyond him. He'd received beatings as a result of his distraction, but he couldn't stop himself from paying more attention to the other cubs on the field than the game they were playing. Other times he got 'the feeling' in the shared showers, seeing other boys strip their clothes off, bare rears showing in the white light, sheaths nestled between young thighs. Now he had it again, and contemplated it, wondering why he felt this way near the other males.

That was when Jules turned over, facing Jordan. In the process his thigh brushed against the fox's sheath, sending a wave of pleasure through the fox cub. The cheetah looked down to see a hint of red poking out his friend's sheath. He looked up into Jordan's eyes, and the fox returned the gaze despite feeling intensely ashamed. He didn't see condemnation in his friend's eye though; he saw a reflection of his own feelings. The cheetah spoke, saying inquisitively "Jordan...do you feel..." then let his voice trail off. Jordan thought he understood the unspoken question, though. He nodded. A smile of joy spread across the cheetah's maw, and then a similar one appeared on the fox's. They embraced one another. It began as a hug, an admittance of a mutual secret. Soon, though, it transformed into something more intimate. They drew closer, pressing tight against each other, their nude bodies pressed against one another, the tawny red fur of the fox and the yellow, black spotted cheetah fur mingling with one another. Jordan began to rub his paws along the cheetah cub's upper back, then his shoulders, finally straying up the back of his neck. Jules allowed a paw to drift down his friend's back, to the base of the fox's bushy tail. He began to stroke the tail, purring slightly.

At the sensation of his friend holding him so close Jordan felt himself grow further out of his sheath, extending to a full 3 inches. They had pushed the sheets away during their embrace, and he looked down to see the red member poking out between his legs. In the process he noticed the cheetah had also grown there, a four inch penis erect and clearly visible in the dim light from a bare electric light mounted above the door. "I'm so glad I can share this with you," the cheetah murmured, then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his friend's muzzle, lingering a moment before drawing back. Jordan was too stunned to react for a moment. He had never expected his night to be like this. Then leaned towards his friend and returned the kiss, holding it for what felt like days. He allowed his tongue to slip out of his lips and into the cheetah cub's warm, wet mouth where it met with Jules' own tongue. The two muscles pressed against one another, dancing an intimate tango within the boy's interlocked muzzles. After a time, the two parted, each smiling broadly. Then Jules began to lick the fox's neck, kissing it and nibbling it, then flicking his tongue along it, tasting the fox. Jordan trembled in pleasure.

Then the cheetah rolled the fox cub onto his back, climbing atop him and straddling him. Jordan felt the cheetah's balls on his belly, and shuddered as the cheetah's tail flicked against his own loins, brushing against the boy's small balls and running up to the base of the sheath, then drawing up further along the center of the shaft, up and over the head of his pup-cock. Then Jules leaned forward and began to tongue-bathe Jordan's chest, running his moist tongue all along the fox's soft, red and white chest fur. It played across the boy's nipples, pressing against them, flicking across them, sending pleasure shooting through Jordan's body.

The cheetah purred, then turned around, crawling to a new position, his muzzle pointed at the fox's small cock, his tail raised to present his tight tail hole to Jordan's maw. The cubs seemed to know instinctively what to do despite it being the first time for either to proceed with any endeavor of this kind. They each felt slightly guilty about it, but were unable to bring themselves to prematurely end their fun. The pleasure was too intense to stop so soon.

Jules reached out a paw to grasp the pup-cock in front of him, enveloping the short length entirely. He felt it's warmth on his paw fur, and noticed it was slightly sticky. Jordan brought his muzzle forward and sniffed at his friend's rear, smelling a musky scent he would have imagined would be unpleasant but which only excited him more. He tentatively licked it, tasting the cheetah's tight pink hole. He giggled softly then, before beginning to lick more vigorously, even pressing his muzzle against the hole and pressing his tongue in deep.

Jules moaned and pushed his rear back further, pressing against Jules' muzzle. The feeling of his friend's tongue lapping at his tail hole was incredible. He moaned again, trying to stay quiet so that he wouldn't wake any of the other cubs. It was then that he heard a cough at the foot of the bed, and looked up into the eyes of a tall white tiger; the administrator. He reached out one paw and pulled back the sheet, revealing the two cubs in a rather compromising position. The two boys could only gaze up at the white tiger in shock. Jules curled his tail around Jordan's own to try and comfort his friend.

"Boys, I am sure you are both aware of the potential consequences of your actions. Follow me, I'll need to take care of this in my office," said the white tiger, just quiet enough to keep form waking the other cubs, but still as commanding and imposing as the fiercest roar. The two boys glanced at each other, and then rose from the bed. Jordan whimpered slightly, and Jordan put one arm around his shoulders to try and soothe him as the two followed behind the administrator through the sleeping orphanage to his office, his white, black striped tail swishing back and forth animatedly behind him.