The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 10

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Oaths and Promises Repaid


My head throbbed as I tried to stand. As I wearily tired to stand, a massive set of jaws clamped down on the scruff of my neck. I was lifted in the air, yet again; this time though, I righted myself in the air and landed on all fours.

"I've waited along time for this." I snarled.

"As have I." He said, chuckling to himself.

"You won't get away with what you did to Steel!" I Barked.

"Oh, but on the contrary, my little lupine friend. I intend to. For you shall lay by your friend here... not dead... yet... for you shall be killed... not by me... but by every crawling, walking creature of this earth, as you lay disabled; unable to defend yourself as you are slowly tortured to death. You will die a humiliating, slow, painful death for the shame you brought upon me."

In a flurry of rage I lunged at him. He side stepped and hit me square in the shoulder. I was still filed with an uncontrollable rage, as was he. We both lunged and jumped on each other, fighting tooth and fang, claw to claw.

After about 30 seconds of fruitless clawing and biting, he got the upper hand. He had an easy 50 pounds more weight and he easily overwhelmed me. I lay on my back, Lupo de Pura Tenebra looming over me, about to strike.

There was suddenly a loud howl of pain as I saw the Demon Wolf reel back; a ball of white fur dangling from his throat. I jumped back up, ready to come to the aid of my aider. I saw the white creature get tossed off. I was shocked when I realized the identity of my assister.

An Artic Fox, but not just any artic fox. It was Jos, a skilled fighter known for his amazing quickness and ferocity. I rushed back into the fight. Barring my teeth, I jumped. My jaws clamped down and I caught the Demon Wolf's ear and left it shredded. I believe that Lupo de Pura Tenebra knew that the end was near.

He became reckless, as he was now faced by two skilled fighters. The Black Demon came to realize that Jos an I had something he could never have back- youth.

Jos and I double teamed the demon. Jos on the right, me on the left; we flanked him. Jos feigned and I rushed, striking him in the leg. My powerful jaws crushed the bone, leaving him partially disabled.

The time was now. Again we double teamed him, taking up the same positions. Jos feigned again and I jumped at his throat. I made solid contact as my jaws clamped down on his throat. For the first time, fear replaced the joyful, sickening look in his eyes.

"It is you who will die a slow, painful, humiliating death!" quoting him through clenched teeth.

The wolf's breath became raspy and soon ceased altogether. I finally, reluctantly released my grip on the wolf's throat. The snow under and around him turned a crimson red. I turned and looked at Jos.

"Th- Thank you" I said panting.

"It was the least I could do for a friend of my now deceased father..." he replied, also short of breath.

"Wait... what?" I said surprised, "... Pross?"

"Yes." He answered

Then it hit me... Steel! I rushed to his side, he was still breathing, but he needed help or else death would befall him... It's my fault...

The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 11

**Chapter 11** # Family Ties \*Pant Pant\* "You alright?" I asked "Yeah... I think so..." Pross replied. "Well... Any ideas?" I questioned, "What do we do now?" "My den is around here, Okami. You'll stay...

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 9

A/N- First off I would Like to apologize for my extreme tardiness in posting new chapters. in the recent weeks many life ordeals have come up; that have challenged me greatly. anyways now that I'm getting back into my normal flow; i will resume...

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 8

Sorry, again, for not posting a new chapter in a while. I've had school projects all last week, and my brand new laptop's fan craped out. Needless to say, the comp overheated and the motherboard melted. Hell, the thing almost went up in flames. So, I...

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