Motherly Nature

Story by CalexTheNeko on SoFurry

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#13 of Transformation

Patreon reward for Frinkel on FA

He told be to surprise him and since June is Kitten Month decided to go with a kitten TF! So Frinkel is just minding his own business one day when he encountered a rather plump kitty layingon the sidewalk! Then the transformation and age regression magic happens. HUZZAH!Support on PatreonDonate a Ko-FiFollow on TwitterDiscord Server

Motherly Nature

Frinkel was just minding his own business when he met her. The blue bipedal raccoon was just on his way back from picking up groceries when he ran into a large round brown and white cat. She was for the most part a normal cat. She walked on four legs and didn't talk, making her a normal animal... Though despite that she was rather large and plump to the point she was almost half Frinkel's size. She was currently laying directly across the sidewalk unmoving completely blocking Frinkel's path.

"Um... Hello kitty!" Frinkel addressed the cat. "You know that's not a good spot to lay! Someone might step on you there! Wouldn't you rather lay in the soft cool grass instead?"

The plump cat rolled over at this remark and gave Frinkel a deadpan stare. He could swear that she was judging him. After a few seconds of just staring at him she simply responded with a low pitched "meow."

"Now there's no reason to be rude!" Frinkel felt strangely insulted by the cat. "I was just trying to be helpful!" With that the blue raccoon tried to work his way around the cat. He slowly stepped into the grass to get around her bulk when suddenly he felt his paw step down on something soft.

"MROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWL" The cat let out a loud scream as Frinkel stepped on her tail. He hadn't even noticed it trailing off the sidewalk and into the grass. "MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!"

"I'm sorry!" Frinkel shouted by instinct. Then he remembered that he had literally just been warning the cat about this happening a few moments ago. "But see this is why this is a bad spot to lay down!"

"MEOOOOOOOOOOW!" The cat gave him a loud yowl and glared at him. She shifted her position to pull her tail underneath her body while still maintaining her spot on the sidewalk.

"There's no need to have such an attitude!" Frinkel responded. "Come now I'm just trying to be nice and then that was an accident!"

"Mroooooooooooowl." The cat returned this with an irritated low pitched noise.

"Well don't expect me to apologize again!" Frinkel responded. "Maybe just don't take naps on the sidewalk!"


"But! But! But!" Frinkel at this moment became aware that he was arguing with an animal. Oh sure, he was an animal too. But there was a difference between arguing with an animal like him and arguing with an animal. "Okay fine! Fine! I'm sorry! Even though I already said it once." He reached into the grocery bag he had been carrying and dug around. Eventually he found a fish he had purchased that was going to be tonight's dinner. He would have to find something else now. "Here, it's a peace offering." He opened up the package of fish and set it on the ground.

The cat stared at the fish for a few moments then at Frinkel. She then slowly stood up and walked over to the fish. She took a few sniffs of it. "Mow." And then she began to eat.

"Well I'm glad that's settled." Frinkel responded as he rolled his eyes. With his dinner surrendered he would have to figure out something else. For now he moved past the cat and continued on the way home. He had moved a few feet away when he became aware of the fact that the cat was now following him. She didn't so much walk as she waddled as she moved after him.

"Mow." She responded as she noticed Frinkel looking at her.

"Why are you following me?" Frinkel asked. "I already said I was sorry! I gave you my fish! That was my fish! What am I supposed to eat now?"


"Well I guess I'll starve!" Frinkel rolled his eyes. The cat was just crazy. It seemed to be a common trend with most felines he encountered. He continued on trying his best to ignore the cat. Instead he focused his mind on trying to figure out what his new dinner plans were going to be. However after a few more blocks he looked over his shoulder and saw the cat was still following him.

"Mow." The cat gave him a deadpan work.

"Shoo!" Frinkel gestured at it. "I'm out of fish! Go home! I can't take you in."

"Mow." The cat moved closer to him.

"Okay, ignoring you now." Frinkel stuck out his tongue at the cat then turned away from her. "If I don't acknowledge you then you don't exist!" He continued down the sidewalk trying his best to ignore the cat. He couldn't help be hyper conscious of the fact she was still following him though. He did his best to try and not look at her or do anything that would encourage her. Instead he continued on until.


"GAAAAAAAAAAH!" Frinkel gave a shout as the cat bit down on the tip of his tail. He spun around in place to free his tail from the feline's grasp as he turned to face her. "Why do cats always do that!?"

"Mow." The cat simply stood up and walked past Frinkel... And then bit his tail again.

"Stop that!" Frinkel spun around and tried to pull his tail up into the air out of her reach. "I'm warning you!"

"Mow." The cat leaped into the air. She was far more acrobatic than any cat that size had any right to be. She bit onto Frinkel's tail in the air and pulled it back down to the ground. This time she then slammed both her forepaws atop it to pin it down. "Mow." She then lay down exactly where she was and began to lick the tip of his tail.

"My tail does not need to be cleaned!" Frinkel objected. He tried to pull his tail loose again but this time the cat had a much stronger grip on it. She continued to hold his tail prisoner as she groomed it. Frinkel looked down at the tail in annoyance then froze. He noticed... That his tail was starting to look a bit thinner. It also looked a tad... Longer? What was going on?

"Mow." The cat suddenly let Frinkel's tail go... But then she leaped into the air pouncing him. She slammed into the raccoon's chest knocking him onto his back as she laid down on his chest and stomach. She was heavy! She had to weigh at least twenty pounds! She then began to lick Frinkel's face and occasionally paw at his muzzle and ears.

"Stop! Stop!" Frinkel squirmed and tried to push the cat off. He also couldn't help but giggle. The cat's sandpaper-like tongue tickled him as it moved over his fur. He squirmed and tried to escape but she wouldn't let him up! And he felt like she was getting even heavier as she worked. After a couple of minutes passed he went limp and resigned himself to his fate.

"Mow." The cat eventually stood up and stepped off of Frinkel. Frinkel tried to stand up, but he fumbled a bit and fell onto all fours. As he landed he saw that he was now face to face eye level with the cat. How had she gotten so big!? Just a couple minutes ago she had been half his size! He didn't have time to figure it out before the cat nimbly leaped over him and landed on his back. He was forced to the ground again as she held him there and began to groom his backside.

"This is really embarrassing!" Frinkel whined in an unusually high pitched voice. He couldn't believe he had been wrestled to the ground by a common cat. He again squirmed and tried to free himself but the cat simply put more pressure down on his back. He had thought she must have been 20 pounds earlier... Now he thought she had to weigh at least fifty! He could barely move underneath the cat's weight.

"MOOOOOOOW!" The cat gave a slow long lick down Frinkel's back. He felt a shiver run down his spine as it did. Something felt off... As soon as the cat moved and let him up Frinkel squirmed away from her. He spun around and tried to stand up... But he couldn't balance on two legs. He kept falling down onto all fours when he tried to stand.

"Meow!?" Frinkel gave a shout as tried to express his annoyance. His eyes then grew as wide as saucers as he heard the noise that escaped his mouth. He threw up his paws over his muzzle and fell over backwards in the process. His paws were different! They looked like little feline paws! He looked at the cat. She was now more than twice his size. "Mew?" Frinkel managed to squeak.

"Mow." The cat responded. She towered over Frinkel as a giant and slowly pressed a paw down on his distinctly feline shaped tail. Frinkel knew what was going on now! He was a cat! No, judging by the size difference... A kitten! What had just happened!?

"Meeeew!" Frinkel objected and tried to run. The older kitten held him firmly down by the tail though. She then bent down and began to lick the top of his head. The last trace of him being a raccoon slowly faced as his ears became cat shaped. Then she continued to lick him. With each individual lick Frinkel shrunk smaller. He flailed and tried to object but she continued to hold him down.

"Mow." After several minutes the older cat finally released Frinkel.

"Meeeeew." The blue kitten struggled and tried to walk away from her. It was difficult. He was little older than a newborn at this point. He was barely old enough to even be able to open his eyes. He could walk... But it was a slow arduous task. "Mroooowl!" Frinkel started to panic. He had no idea what had happened... And now he was so small and everything was giant and confusing.

"Mooooow." The older cat walked behind Frinkel then curled around him. She wrapped her tail around his body warming him.

"Mewwww." Frinkel at first wanted to object and squirm out. She had been the one to do this but... The warmth coming from her body was nice. He found himself relaxing and starting to purr as she looked after him. After a few moments of this he had completely calmed down and forgotten why he had been panicking.

"Mow." Sensing her kitten had calmed down Frinkel's new mom uncurled around him. She then bent down and picked him up by the scruff.

"Meeeew?" Frinkel asked as his eyes grew wide. Lifted up into his mother's mouth he stared at the ground as it flew away from his feet.

"Mrrrr." That was the best his mother could give as a response without opening her mouth. Then holding Frinkel aloft she trotted back down the sidewalk in the direction he had originally found her. After several minutes they arrived back at the spot Frinkel had placed the fish on the ground. Mother then dropped Frinkel on the ground next to the fish that was still standing there.

"Mew?" Frinkel asked. That was his fish? Wasn't it? He had offered it to her... His brain was so young. It made it hard to focus.

"Moooow." Mother nudged Frinkel towards the fish.

"Mrewwww!" Frinkel didn't need much more nudging. He realized he was hungry. And... Of course it was his fish! His mommy was giving it to him! Why would he ever think of anything else? He happily ate his fill of fish before stumbling back to his mother. It had been a long day doing... Something. It was hard to remember. But he was glad his mommy was close by to keep him safe and warm.

"Mow." Frinkel's mother curled up next to him again. She kept her kitten nice and warm so he'd feel safe. Frinkel looked at her questioningly for a few moments as if trying to remember something. Then he let out a big kitten yawn before falling asleep.

The End

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