Endangered Species, Chapter 3

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** Endangered Species, Chapter 3**

** By William W. Kelso**

Felicity woke up and stretched; she felt great and was really looking forward to the coming day. There were several very important events planned, some public, some personal, and one very special little event for her private viewing pleasure only. She gave Tad a pat on his rear, but he just swished his tail and kept on sleeping. She looked down fondly at the partially equine man, he was one of her first 'special assistants', and among the first to volunteer for partial transformation into anthro-form. In fact he had also been one of the first to request the process, with the intention of completing the transmogrification from man to stallion at a later date. His partial transformation made him a fantastic lover, the beast was insatiable. He'd done her, what, four times last night? No, five, he'd cum twice during one coupling. Poor boy, she thought, no wonder he was too tired to get up. Well, she'd let him sleep in.

She got up and went to the bathroom, took a hot shower; boy did she need it too, she smelled like horse!, and got ready for the day. She put on one of the rather plain and conservatively cut business suits; or what some called pants suits, which she preferred. She put on a minimum of makeup, double checked her appearance, and was ready to go. As she walked back through the bedroom she stopped and looked at Tad. He had rolled over on his back and lay with his legs open. No matter how many times she saw it; or had it inside of her, she never got tired of that fantastic cock of his. His penis and balls were a cross between human and equine, the main difference being that size wise they were scaled down to his body, but the thing was still quite large and strange looking with its flared mushroom like head. She couldn't help herself, and reaching between his legs gave his shiny black balls a good squeeze, and said "Rise and shine Mr. Ed!", then dodged pillows on her way out the door, giggling like a schoolgirl.

She walked briskly across the compound on her way to the main office complex, smiling and saying 'Good Mornings' to everyone she passed. Of course everyone knew who she was, and she had personally memorized the names of all her employees, right down the grounds maintenance personnel. She was not one to lord it over her fellow workers, she instead saw them as something of an extended family and team, all working for the benefit and betterment of the whole. It might have something to do with her childhood in a hippie commune, but she didn't think so as she'd hated that life. Her bitch of a mother had made her available at a very tender age for sexual purposes to the male members of their 'happy family', and being repeatedly raped as a young child had soured her opinion of hippie's somewhat. Some of those she passed were more of her 'special assistants' that had also volunteered for partial transformations into animals of their choice. But you couldn't tell it looking at them when they wore clothes. The strict rule was no showing any parts of non-human anatomy in public; the world was not ready for that yet.

It has been several years since she opened her compound and fulfilled her dream of doing her best to save the endangered species of the world through special breeding programs. The part only a few of her most trusted colleagues knew was that most of the endangered species were in fact humans that had been transformed by the use of special transmogrification virus. The virus basically infected them and then reconfigured their DNA; and bodies, into completely new forms by causing instant; and irreversible, mutations. The new 'animal' was completely indistinguishable from the real thing, even an autopsy or examination at the molecular level, would give no indication they had once been human. The main difference was that they retained their human memories and intelligence; at least to the degree their new forms were capable. A mammal would retain their human memories to a much greater degree, then say, a rare tree frog. The fact that the majority of the 'volunteers' were NOT volunteers was of no concern to Felicity. They were all the dregs of society, derelicts, drug users, runaways, etc. At least now they were serving a useful purpose. It was amazing how easy it was to get 'volunteers'. They just became one of the many that vanished every year without a trace, but at least in this case they were alive and 'well', they just weren't human anymore. However, in some cases there were actual willing volunteers. With most of those she had an agreement that they would receive partial transformations in exchange for working for her for a specified amount of time, and their final payment would be complete transformation. She didn't care what their reasons for actually wanting to be animals were, that was their own business. But there were other volunteers too, for various reasons of their own. In fact she was going to be visited with by two potential volunteers later in the day.

*Her facility, called the ""Endangered Species Conservation and Breeding Compound", had opened several years ago and immediately been a big success, but a very quiet one. She didn't like publicity, and only used it when necessary. If word of just what was really going on here ever got out she had no doubts she'd be shut down and she; and most of her staff would spend the rest of their lives in prison, or a loony bin. She nodded to her secretary; an anthro-lioness named Madeline, picked up any important mail, and proceeded on into her office. Madeline already had the PC booted up; and Felicity quickly checked the schedule. In approx. 45 minutes a small convoy of VIP scientists and scholars would be arriving to witness the unveiling of the first 'cloning' of an extinct species. In fact the 'clone' had once been a drugged out teenage girl who had been prostituting herself to pay for her habit, but was now a male ratite species of bird, Magalalapteryx didinus to be exact, more commonly known as the Upland Moa. Endemic to New Zealand they had become extinct only in the fairly recent past, and the British Museum had provided soft tissue and other remains from which viable DNA had been extracted. The 'cloning' had been a complete success, and the huge bird was now ready to reveal to the 'esteemed' guests to prove that Felicity was not a nut job. *

Many of those invited had refused to attend saying her impossible claims were a 'waste of their valuable time'. Fine, it was their loss. Those who had turned down her invitation for an all expenses paid trip to the unveiling; often rather rudely or not even bothering to respond, would never receive another invitation; for any reason, period. Felicity did not like to be snubbed. The ones at least curious enough to attend would receive red carpet treatment and be offered a chance to help 'spread the word' and partake in the future resurrection of other extinct species. With the funding that would be sure to pour in the extinct species project would take off like a rocket. She was even considering opening a new facility exclusively for that part of her projects on a remote island she was thinking about buying. She answered a few more important emails, and then looking up realized she'd have to hurry to meet the guests, and just as she was getting up Madeline called her on the intercom to remind her. Perfect timing, Felicity did like to be precise.

*Bambi, real name once Patricia Collins, still had no idea as to what exactly had happened to her, or why. At least the pain and horror of seeing herself slowly change into what she was now was over with, but she certainly wasn't thrilled by the results. All she knew was that she was a bird now, a great big ugly bird that couldn't even fly. And it she was right she was a BOY bird, at least she had a penis of sorts, though it was weird looking. The only reason she knew for sure was she had seen the thing when she was strapped to a table, aroused, and then 'milked' for her sperm. To her embarrassment it had felt pretty good, and she'd let out a really loud squawk of pleasure when she orgasmed. But it was still so weird, if it wasn't so damn real she'd have thought she was on a really bad trip. At least she wasn't turning tricks or strung out anymore, in fact she felt great. Lifting one of her powerful legs she looked at the scaly hard skin and the wicked claws; I could really tear something up with those bad boys she thought. She looked at her grayish brown feathers; they were pretty dull with splotches of lighter and darker areas. Ugly, she thought. She thought she was an ostrich or emu or something, but she was really big, a good eight feet tall if she lifted up her head as high as possible. She poked her beak at the pile of leaves, twigs, and other stuff left in her cage for food, and getting a beak full lifted her head and swallowed the stuff. It didn't taste too bad, but she would kill for a Big Mac. She preened a little bit, easily swiveling her head around on its super long neck. She pulled out a couple of feathers and let them drop, then watched as they slowly floated to the floor. Bored, she squatted down on her legs and took a nap. *

Felicity grinned at the various 'esteemed guests' as they alighted from their limos. Most were courteous, but a couple were fairly rude to say the least. That would make what they were about to see that much better though, at least for her point of view. She loved to see self-righteous jerks humbly eat crow. Most had only attended; and a view pointed that out, because of the projects success with endangered species not yet extinct. But before the big event they were all scanned for any camera or other recording devices, one of the conditions of being invited was NO cameras or pictures other the official ones that would be provided. She gave the one scientist who claimed he'd forgotten to leave his cell phone in the car the benefit of the doubt and allowed him to attend anyway. After refreshments, a brief presentation, and some questions which she answered to everyone's satisfaction, it was off to the show.

Bambi stood up nervously as a whole bunch of people came walking into the building her cage was in. She knew she used to be human, but had new instincts and needs which seemed to be dominant and it was much harder to think now, to concentrate on one subject for more than a few minutes. So; upset by sight and scent of so many people, she paced back and forth in a somewhat agitated manner, and throwing back her head gave a deep sonorous belling call. She cocked her head to listen, but there was no answer. One thing she did know, she was lonely. As the people got closer she nervously backed into the corner of her cage.

Felicity was quite pleased with the reactions of her colleagues. Some were too stunned to speak; others were so vocal they drowned one another out. The loud noises were evidently upsetting the bird, so Felicity called for "some decorum gentlemen, please! You're scaring him!"

*Bambi wished she could tell them she wasn't really a bird, but of course she couldn't talk anymore. She knew this was wrong, but it was so hard to think straight, plus all the loud excited voices were scaring her. She could hear and understand what they were saying, but it just didn't make much sense to her anymore. Staring, she opened her beak, desperately trying to talk and ask for help, but could only hiss and give deep booming honks and squawks. She didn't want to be a bird! Honking mournfully she could only stare at the people who saw her as nothing more than a dumb animal. *

Felicity had been quite pleased with the results of the transmogrification. It had gone as flawlessly as she'd hoped. Tests showed the large avian retained approx. 40% of its human level intelligence and cognitive skills, but also had the full natural instincts of the bird the 'volunteer' had become. Even if their records were seized there would be nothing to indicate the strung-out addict and prostitute had ever existed, no records of any kind where kept on the 'volunteers' until after their transformations. She already had a 'volunteer' being prepped to become the first hen of the cock's harem for breeding purposes.

Bambi; her efforts to plea for help being ignored, found herself growing irate and upset at the loud people. When a man came up fairly close to the bars she gave an angry his, and jumping lunged out with one of her legs in a powerful kick. The man was pulled back in time, and the kick missed. He backed away as she kept trying to get at him, hissing angrily. 'Go away and leave me alone' Bambi though, 'just leave me alone! Stupid loud things! Go away!' She called again, hoping for an answer. She wanted to be with others like her.

Felicity grabbed the older scientist who had drifted a little close to the bars, and dragged him back just in time. The Moa's kick missed, and the angry bird tried to reach them with its beak, the hard beak clattering on the bars. Felicity scolded gently,

"Dr. Spence, you should know better than to get within reach of a caged animal! Those claws and that beak are dangerous; he could have broken your back easily, or torn you open. You need to be more careful."

The good doctor apologized profusely, much to the amusement of his friends and colleagues. Felicity smiled at the doctor's embarrassment, and she was relieved he hadn't been hurt. To date the specimen hadn't responded to human presence in such a violent way. She attributed it to the large number of very vocal people, plus ongoing degradation of the bird's human intelligence level. She made a note to have barriers put up around the cage to keep viewers out of range of the bird's long neck. Next she turned the group over to a couple of assistants to take them for lunch and answer the many additional questions they might have. She'd rejoin them later, for now she had something personal to tend to.

*As they all left the big bird that once been a girl named Bambi mournfully watched them go, calling one last time, and thinking. 'Oh please, help me! Don't leave me like this! I want to go home.' Then as the door closed behind them she fairly quickly forgot what she had been thinking about, and began to root around for something to eat. In time her/his new live would come to seem normal and right, but he/she would always retain enough human level intelligence to remember he/she hadn't always been like this. That was the major downside to being a 'volunteer', but of course the few who did know the Moa's real origins didn't care. If a few dregs of society had to be sacrificed to save an entire species, then so much the better. *

Felicity, turning the eggheads over to her assistants, answered a last couple of questions as politely as possible, and then snuck out a side door of the banquet hall. She'd skip lunch. She went out the back door of the office complex and headed for the TransLab were the 'volunteers' were 'processed'. She had a very special project to bring to its conclusion.

*Normally Felicity wasn't a vindictive person, but when she was it was to the extreme. Her apparent social activities were few, and it outward appearances she was a frigid introvert. Those she expressed a sexual interest in found that to be merely a façade though. In reality she was a borderline nymphomaniac who loved sex, and was very much into BDSM as a dominatrix and sometimes sub. She liked long rough sex and 'torture', and her partners never complained as she satisfied them quite well, and she trained them to satisfy her equally as well. Her interests also included group sex, gang-bangs, and bestiality, which her special projects allowed her to indulge in many interesting and unique ways. She quite often would temporarily halt the transformation process of a 'volunteer' when they were still partially human in order to indulge those interests. Due to the use of fertility and other drugs she could induce a confused terrified 'volunteer'; who normally would have no sexual interest in her, to become eager willing sexual partners. She allowed her 'special assistants' to indulge their own sexual interests as well, often while she watched as she enjoyed voyeurism very much. Her own preferences ran to reptilian and amphibian partners, and in some cases she retained a 'volunteer' as a part time lover even after the transformation was complete. One of her favorites was a Komodo Dragon; and he retained enough human intelligence to be an excellent sexual partner. She had even created a true anthro-reptilian lover using human DNA and a green Anole lizard as the basis. The large reptile was truly a new species, and loved her and she loved him. However in this case the 'special project' was very special indeed. She occasionally performed what she called "punitive transmogrifications" to punish those she felt had committed crimes against nature. However in this case the 'volunteer' had committed the crime against her, and was now paying for that affront in a very creative way. *

*Even when she was younger Felicity had not been very socially active, her traumatic experiences in the hippie commune had seen to that. Her adoptive parents had been good to her though, and for awhile she had started to come out of her shell. That is at least until her first year in college. She had only had one serious affair in her life, and had truly loved Duncan. Like her he had been a little on the nerdy side, shy and unsure of himself. Her roommate had been a girl named Veronica Towers, a very outgoing and socially active 'bombshell' blond who had been a cheerleader in High School, and who was majoring in Sociology which Felicity considered a waste of time. While Veronica was out partying and getting laid by anything with a dick Felicity had stayed in their room and studied. That was until she met Duncan in the library. They took a couple of the same courses as Duncan was also majoring in biology, so they had collaborated on writing some essays and slowly became seriously interested in one another. One thing Felicity liked about Duncan was he didn't press himself on her sexually; she was tired of every boy she was ever with alone with for more than a few minutes trying to cop a feel. She still didn't realize just how good looking she was, even in the rather plain clothes she wore all the time. *

She still wasn't sure if she'd actually been in love with Duncan, but she had been seriously interested. He was smart, funny in a non-repulsive way, good company, and a gentleman. So when she returned to her room much earlier than expected one day due to a canceled seminar she had been shocked; and then enraged, to find Duncan energetically screwing Veronica in her own bed! She hadn't said a thing at first, just turned and stormed out. She refused all of Duncan's attempts to talk to her until he finally gave up. Later when she finally confronted Veronica about it the bitch had smiled, and said,

"Oh Felicity dear, you are so naive, you really are. He came here looking for you, I was horny, and he was so easy to seduce. I flashed a little tail and he had me in bed in a flash. That's all men want you know, pussy, if you'd put out he'd probably still be your 'boyfriend'. But you didn't miss much; he had a small dick and was a lousy lay anyway."

Felicity had really lost her cool; her so-called friend had stolen her boyfriend away for just a quickie! And what made it worse was Veronica had just laughed in her face while she raved. She called Veronica every foul name she could think off; bitch being the least, and became more and more incensed as the blond kept laughing in her face. Finally she called Veronica a "snake in the grass", and the girl finally reacted.

"That's right Felicity honey, Veronica said, I'm a snake in the grass, and I still get more cock then you ever will. You need to thaw out that frigid little cunt of yours and get laid; it would do wonders for you!"

That was the last time they'd spoken, and shortly thereafter Felicity had moved into her own apartment. She hadn't seen Veronica in almost twenty years; that was until about six weeks ago. She had been eating out at a restaurant she liked in Miami while she had been there on some business. She had almost choked as she'd heard that voice again, there was no mistaking it even after so many years. Turning she had seen Veronica sitting at a table with a very handsome; younger, man. From the looks and signals she was sending the guy she might as well have had "Get it Here!" tattooed on her forehead. The woman was still very beautiful, but her face was starting to get wrinkles and stress lines. Her body was still quite firm though, and that was all the man cared about. As she talked and flirted with the man Felicity had felt all the old feelings come back, the confrontation with Veronica had hurt Felicity deeply, and she figured it was about time for some payback. As the woman and man left the restaurant Felicity had gotten the license plate of their car. When she got back she had one of her assistants hack the motor vehicle records database and find out all he could about Veronica.

*It would appear Veronica was still a sordid little slut as far as Felicity could find out. Married three times, divorced twice, took her first two husbands for everything she could, and was now cheating on the third who was about thirty years her senior and crippled to boot. Supposedly Veronica made her living by selling real estate, but more like by spreading her legs. Marry a few poor unsuspecting bastards; take them for every penny you could, then do it all over again. According to her source Veronica was worth a cool million plus change, all earned by marrying some poor unsuspecting sex starved schmucks, and then taking the poor slobs to the bank for the privilege. So in a way Felicity figured she was doing the bitch's poor third husband a big favor. She arranged to have Veronica 'disappear' using her special elite snatch team, and there was no way she'd ever be traced. She'd thought about what new form to give Veronica, and then it had hit her out of the blue. It was perfect! *

*The last time they'd talked Veronica had said that "Yes, she was a snake in the grass", so it was only appropriate that she become exactly that. Instead of 'honoring' her with the form of a rare endangered species Felicity instead settled on the form of T. sirtalis, or a common garter snake. Veronica would remain female, but with a few changes. Since every dose of the transmogrification virus had to be custom 'tailored' for each 'volunteer' Felicity decided to make some rather special modifications to the basic virus. One would be to allow for a more advanced nervous system; primarily the brain, so her human memories and intelligence would remain more intact. Otherwise in smaller reptiles there was up to 90% degradation over time leaving very little of the human mind remaining. She wanted Veronica to know what she was, and why, for the rest of her life. Which would be a very long and healthy one, she increased the normal lifespan of about 6-7 years to one hundred or longer. There was one other modification as well, which took some careful work on the gene sequencing programs. But finally Felicity was satisfied. *

*As with all the 'volunteers' Veronica was given a thorough health exam to make sure she was healthy enough to survive the physical trauma of being transformed into another species. If she had any medical problems she would be cured before being injected, but she was perfectly healthy. Felicity had to admit she'd taken care of her body. Veronica had recognized her instantly when Felicity entered the preparation room where she was strapped down eagle spread and nude on an exam table. She was gagged to prevent any nasty scenes, and Felicity had no interest in wasting her time talking to the bound woman. She didn't say anything at first; just ran her hands over the woman's breasts and rubbed her mound, smiling as Veronica writhed and squealed through the gag. Then as Felicity gave her a series of injections, including several directly into her sex, she told Veronica exactly what she was doing. Told her that to ensure even distribution of the virus a 'volunteer' was injected in strategic locations to allow for maximum dispersal of the virus primarily through the circulatory system. This made the changes more even and less painful. *

*However; in order to make the transformation take as long as possible so Veronica could 'savor' it she would not be getting the regular 'booster' shots the other 'volunteers' received. Without the boosters it would take much longer for the full transformation to finish. When she was through injecting Veronica and sealing fate, at this point it was irreversible, two assistants entered and took Veronica to a cell with the label "SP-6, Animalia, Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Serpentes, Colubridae, Natricinae, Thamnophis sirtalis" on the door. She would go in as a human, but come out as a reptile. The assistants chained her to the wall by a collar around her neck, and then left her alone to contemplate what was going to happen to her. The only 'furnishings' in the cell were a sleeping pad and a sink and toilet. She was given no clothes, she wouldn't need them anymore. Her only visitors were the assistants who came to feed her and give her regular check-ups to make sure the change was progressing smoothly. *

*Felicity came and watched every day through the one-way viewing window as the increasingly terrified woman began to change. At first the changes were mainly inside as internal organs began to change and reform, some being absorbed, new ones forming. Then the scales and belly bands began to form, slowly spreading as all body hair fell out. The woman legs atrophied and drew up into her body as her spine pushed out into a long slender tail, at first limp and useless, but soon she was able to coil and use it for locomotion as her legs disappeared entirely. At this point she still had useable arms and her head was still mostly human in form despite being covered in scales and her lips being hard, a forked tongue flicking out through a tube in the bottom of her jaw on a regular basis. She could no longer speak except with great difficulty, and Felicity liked to watch recordings of her pleading with the assistants who fed and examined her, her speech becoming more and more lisping and sibilant until it was illegible. As soon as possible she was fed living food; mainly guinea pigs and other larger rodents, so she could learn to eat living prey. She resisted at first, but finally gave in to her growing hunger. Felicity would watch a recording of the snake woman eating, tears running down her face as the her struggling meal slowly disappeared into her mouth as she unhinged her jaws to swallow it, eventually moving into her throat and down to her stomach as a noticeable bulge working its way down her body. In the last stages her arms atrophied as well, pulling up into her torso as her head flattened and pushed forward into a snout, and her tail lengthened and became more rounded. At the end of six weeks the occupant of the cell was now a nearly fifteen foot 190 pound garter snake with the mind of a human. Despite the staring emotionless reptilian eyes there was no doubt the huge snake knew what it was now, and what it had been. It spent most of its time coiled in a corner, only responding when it was time to eat. It had required regular daily meals to help fuel the process, and was now fed piglets. Since it was not a constrictor it merely seized the prey in its mouth and swallowed it alive. *

*Due to its size it could be dangerous, so the huge snake was gassed before being moved to a 'mass-loss' tank room. The room was shaped like a bathtub or small pool with drains in the bottom. The unconscious snake was given an injection, and within a few hours was passing a steady flow of thick opaque semen like fluid form all its orifices. The fluid was pure protein and was collected and added to food being fed the endangered species in the breeding pens as it extremely nutritious. This last 'mass-loss' stage would take about a week to ten days as the snake slowly shrank to the normal size for that species. In this case about two feet, give or take an inch or two. Normally by then a reptile form that small would have suffered a fair amount of mental and cognitive degradation, but not in Veronica's case, she would lose some over time, but would always retain approx 40% of her human intelligence and memories. When the mass-loss stage was finished Veronica was collected, cleaned up, and put in a small terrarium which was furnished with everything a snake could desire. A nice hollow 'log' to hide in, a heated 'stone', live plants, a 'pond', and a regular supply of live mice and frogs. Felicity wanted Veronica in peak condition for the next step of her revenge. The snake stayed inside its 'hiding' place most of the time, but did emerge to eat the food offerings. It seemed to have lost its initial inhibitions concerning eating prey alive and whole. Whether or not it enjoyed it no one could tell. Felicity thought it probably didn't, but it was that or starve, and hunger can be a great motivator. *

*Veronica was coiled up inside the only hiding place in the small terrarium that was apparently her home for now. She still couldn't believe what had happened to herself; that her beautiful body was gone, replaced by a limbless body covered in scales. Still, her green and yellow scales were kind of pretty. If she tried to think too much she got horrible headaches, so she pretty much just let her new instincts run things, it was easier and less painful. She knew what she was, a snake, she thought, I'm a Goddamn snake! Damn Felicity, the bitch. Just because I got humped by her stupid boyfriend in college almost twenty years ago, he wasn't even a good fuck! She froze as she felt a change in air pressure and vibration indicating the top of the terrarium was being opened, then closed. Cautiously she stuck her head out from under the 'log' and looked around, and flicking her tongue could smell something, and saw movement in one corner. A frog. With a resigned hiss she slithered out from under the cover to claim her meal. The frog; very unhappy about the situation, was not very cooperative. It made her work for her meal, but finally after several minutes of frantic hopping she struck and grabbed a hind leg, and started swallowing the still frantically struggling amphibian. As soon as both legs were in her mouth and starting down her throat the frog settled down and seemed to accept its fate with resignation. She actually felt sorry for the poor frog, but she was hungry and had to eat, plus it just didn't bother her as much as it had at first. There was almost something sensual about swallowing another living thing alive and whole. She tasted the frogs' whole body as it slipped further into her mouth and down her throat, driven by the powerful rippling contractions of her muscles. She could feel its rapid heartbeat, taste its terror, and the feeling of its wriggling body inside of her was almost sexual. Finally her mouth closed over the frogs head, it's hands gripping her lips in one last desperate attempt at living, then with a few more swallows it was gone, a wriggling lump moving down her body to her stomach. She slithered back to her 'nest', and coiled up around the bulge in her midriff, it would keep wriggling for quite some time. The frog had been delicious, and she had to admit she liked the feel of it moving around in her stomach. She settled down and fell asleep, the large meal making her lethargic. But her eyes remained open, she had no eyelids, but even so she slept quite soundly. *

*Felicity watched as the last of the frog disappeared into Veronica's mouth. Hope you're enjoying your dinner, she thought. She'd give the snake that had once been Veronica a week to digest its meal, and then on to the really fun bit she had planned. *

Veronica had to go to the bathroom really bad, so she slithered to one corner of the terrarium and relieved herself. She didn't know much about snakes genitals, but knew instinctively that she was still female. But one thing puzzled her. After she was through she rolled her lower body on its side and examined herself. She knew where her asshole was, but there was no sign of a pussy, at least not one she recognized. She assumed the fold in her belly scales was where it was hidden. OK, that made sense, but why did she have SIX identical folds above her anus? Weird. Feeling a lot better she got a drink at the little 'pond', and returned to her nest to wait for the next meal. She hoped it was another frog, she liked them better the mice. The mice always squealed and squeaked while she was eating them; and that made her feel bad. At least the frogs were fairly quiet.

Well, thought Felicity, as she opened the terrarium, time for the grand faunally. She opened the top of the small terrarium and lifted up the 'log' the snake liked to hide under. The reptile immediately started slithering around frantically, but she caught it easily, gripping it behind its head. She was in no danger, but still didn't want to get bit. Every time she handled the snake it went berserk, and she could swear she could see the hate in its eyes. It wrapped its coils around her forearm and squeezed, but Felicity felt only a slight pressure, the snake was far too small to do any damage with its powerful muscular body. She held up the snake and said,

"Hi Veronica, how's it going?"

** Veronica reacted the second the log was lifted away, and began slithering as fast as she could looking for a way to escape. She'd gotten free once and almost got away, and hoped she might be able to again. She had to find help, find someone who could change her back. She was a woman damn it, not a fucking snake! But the human grabbed her easily, and as she caught the scent she knew who it was immediately, Felicity! With an enraged hiss she struggled and wrapped her coils as tightly as she could around the woman's arm. She stared into Felicity's face as the woman lifted her up, hissing in hatred. **

"Yes, its' good to see you too", Felicity said, then made hissing sounds like the ones coming from the struggling snake. Finally the snake stopped and just stared back at her with its expressionless eyes, its tongue flicking out of its mouth every now and then. "Good girl, Felicity said, I have a special treat planned for you today. Then I'm going to let you go, that's right, set you free."

*What the Hell is she talking about? Veronica thought, but felt a stirring of hope, set me free? Then she could find help, surely someone could help her. The words were loud rumbling sounds, and unless she concentrated they just sounded like loud noise, but if she paid close attention she could understand them. Getting over her initial violent reaction to being handled she settled down, the woman's warm arm actually felt kind of nice against her cool scales. *

Felicity took a small syringe she'd already had prepared and injected the snake just behind its head, pushing the delicate needle at an angle between two scales. The snake gave a hiss of pain and wiggled.

*"Sorry about that", Felicity said. *

Still holding the snake securely Felicity carried it with her as she walked out of the room and down a corridor. By the time she reached her destination the snake was entering into full blown estrus as the powerful drug took effect. She could feel the snake starting to writhe and hiss as its lust and need to mate kicked in.

*Veronica hissed as she felt a pain behind her head, but it didn't last long. But soon she started feeling...strange, hot, and she needed something. The warm arm she was wrapped around began to feel even nicer, and she started rubbing her scales against it needing...something. *

Felicity smiled as she felt the reptile tightening and loosening its coils as it rubbed against her arm, and felt her arm growing wet nearer the base of the snake's tail. She's almost ready, Felicity thought. She entered another room and unwrapping the increasingly frantic snake from around her arm she wiped some of the its sexual fluids from her arm and rubbed her fingers against the snakes snout. The snake opened its mouth and gave a loud hiss as the powerful pheromones soaked in.

"That's right dear Veronica, Felicity said, you're in heat, just smell those pheromones. She tapped the snake on the snout; its mouth open and its tongue flicking rapidly, to make sure she had its attention. Then speaking slowly to allow for the snake's different kind of hearing, she said, "I know you flunked biology, but do you remember what a 'mating ball' is? Your species of snake mate in large groups, with many males per female. Up to one hundred males will try to mate with one female; and quite a few of them succeed. The scent of a female in heat drives them wild with lust, and your heat is even more intense as you are putting out six times as much and its super concentrated. You see my dear you are not an ordinary snake, you have some very interesting...modifications the males will find irresistible. For one thing you have six cloacae instead of one; that's a female snake's pussy in case you don't know the term, and your cloacae had been further modified to allow penetration by both the male's hemipenes instead of just one at a time; those are the male's penises in case you don't know that term either. You'll be able to couple with six mates all at one time; it should be a fascinating experience.

Veronica gave a loud hiss as Felicity rubbed her fingers against her snout, and intense chemical signals flashed through her brain. It was her scent, but it was different something, much stronger and... arousing. She felt the strange feeling of needing something; increasingly intense, grow stronger, and realized, Oh God, I'm horny! Incredibly so. When Felicity snapped a finger against her snout she hissed angrily, but listened as the human spoke loudly and slowly and was able to understand most of what she heard. Mating ball? Males? SIX pussies! TWO penises each!? She suddenly realized what Felicity had in mind. NO! Oh Please NO! Desperately she tried to talk, hissing loudly, to plead with her eyes. Please, oh please, NO! Not like this, not as a snake! I'm sorry I was mean to you, please don't do this, please change me back! But all she could do was hiss and flick her tongue in and out frantically. And she could smell something else, something that...excited her.

*Felicity walked over to a much large terrarium, it was filled with male garter snakes. They had already scented the female in estrus and were starting to frantically look for her. She held Veronica over the terrarium where she could see; and scent, the excited males, the female snake writhing desperately in her grip. *

*"Well, what do you think? Felicity said, I think they're looking forward to meeting you. They've all been injected with the same drug to induce their own rut and are quite...aroused. You owe my staff a big thanks, it took them days to round up a hundred mates for you. My, aren't they a handsome bunch of studs! They can hardly wait to make your...acquantence." *

*Veronica writhed desperately, part of her terrified, but another part of her responded to the heady scents with...eagerness and desire. *

Felicity took the snake by the tip of its tail and held up to look it in the eyes as it tried to coil up and reach her arm again. Its lower belly bands glistened with its sexual fluids, its six cloacae soft and swollen. She shook the snake until it calmed down a little, and as it raised its head to look her in the eye, Felicity said,

"One more thing dear, the process used to turn you into snake is reversible; if I wanted to I could make you human again." The snake raised its head higher, its attention riveted on her face. "That is, until you've mated successfully." Felicity said as she let the snake go. The snake gave a loud terrified sounding hiss as in fell into the terrarium full of males. "Hope you enjoy the gang-bang bitch, Felicity said, it will take about two days for the drugs to wear off."

Veronica tried to scream as she fell towards the heaving mound of male snakes, but opening her mouth wide could only give a loud hiss. After she landed she frantically she tried to reach the side of the tank, but instantly the males found her, their bodies coiling around her, dozens of them stroking their scaled bodies against hers. And oh God, it felt so good! Their scales rasped across hers as they caressed the object of their love, she was the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen, their love and need for her total. She tried to fight, to resist, and opening her mouth hissed in pain and pleasure as the first male found the right position and penetrated one of her cloacae with his double penises. She became frantic from the unwanted; but incredible pleasure, writhing and coiling under a growing mound of males desperate to mount her. Then, another, and another penetrated her locking them together with their strange barbed penises. Overwhelmed by the incredible feeling of being penetrated multiple times she went rigid, her mouth open making no sound as she gasped for breathe. So...much...pleasure! Soon six males were grinding their bands against her, hissing their lust and pleasure. She was totally helpless to do anything but, enjoy it. She stared at nothing, her eyes blank from the sheer overwhelming lust and sexual ecstasy she was drowning in. When she heard a loud tapping sound she slowly, dazedly, turned her head towards the glass side of the tank. Felicity stared back at her, a big grin on her face.

"Wow, they sure didn't waste any time, did they? Felicity said, was my boyfriend that anxious to fuck you? Well, I'll give you lovers some privacy for the next couple of days. But don't worry; I'm recording this for prosperity. I'll make sure the recording is used on a lot of nature shows. People will just love a 'mutant' snake with six pussies!"

No, please don't leave me like this! Veronica gasped; writhing and thrashing weakly in the tight embrace of the mating males and the others eagerly awaiting their turns. On God, it was fantastic! Plleeaaasseeee! She wailed in her mind as she heard the door shut. So...much...pleasure. The hisses in the tank slowly got louder as the numerous males, and single female, approached their first orgasms.

Normally Felicity wasn't a vindictive person, but as she turned down the lights and left the 'lovers' on their 'honeymoon' she felt a great deal of personal satisfaction. Bitch is probably enjoying it, she thought.

*Her next item on her schedule for the day was an appointment in her office to interview two potential 'volunteers'. One of her special assistants had approached her about the matter a few days ago. One of the jobs of her totally dedicated followers was to find 'volunteers', it was so easy to lure them out to the facility with promises of drugs and/or sex. Thus a steady supply of 'volunteers' was guaranteed. However in this case the assistant felt the two people involved might volunteer willingly. Both were teenagers, a young man and a young woman. They were in love and had recently found out that they both had Aids, and the woman was entering into the first stages of full-blown Stage 1, and was already sick. They were both poor; no families that cared, and the assistant had told them she knew someone who might could help. One benefit of the transmogrification virus was it eliminated all foreign biological life forms in a hosts body, including other viruses. All 'volunteers' became extremely healthy animals with greatly increased and more efficient immune systems. So the AIDS virus would be destroyed. *

Felicity greeted the two when they arrived, and looked at them when they sat down in front of her desk. The young man was good looking in a pimply kind of way, and he held the hand of the obviously sick; very skinny, young girl in a tight grip. They both looked back at Felicity, hope bright in their eyes. Even before she asked them a few questions Felicity already knew she would make the offer, and explain how she could 'help' them. Once she did that they would already be 'volunteers' anyway as they couldn't be allowed to leave afterwards. There were already several assistants waiting in the outer office with sedatives, if needed.

Felicity told them about the process, how it would make them perfectly healthy, but at the cost of losing their humanity, for good. Of course they were quite skeptical at first, even a little angry. With a smile, Felicity pushed the intercom button, and said.

"Bruce dear, come in here please, our guests want proof"

She smiled as a lithe trim dark complexioned man entered the room. Bruce was one of her older assistants, and a human/animal hybrid, an anthro. She introduced him to Tim and Jill, the asked him to take his clothes off. Bruce just grinned, and started stripping. The two teenagers just gaped at what was revealed.

Bruce had the tail and genitals of a black panther, as well a fine black fur on his rump, back, belly, and thighs. He also had to wear human contacts to hide his feline pupils. He wasn't embarrassed at being nude in front of strangers either, that inhibition was a human trait he no longer had. In fact he preferred to go in the nude as much as possible, only wearing clothes in public. He grinned when the girl hesitantly asked if she could touch his tail, and purred as she ran its soft, warm fur through her hands in wonder. She whispered to her boyfriend,

"Tim, it's real! She's telling the truth!"

"But honey, animals??" Tim replied.

"At least we'll be together. Jill said, and then turning to Felicity asked, we will be together, you promise? Please."

Felicity nodded her head, "Yes, you'll be a mated pair. And don't worry, you'll still know who you are, your human memories will remain intact. That I can guarantee. And you'll never want for anything."

Still stroking the purring Bruce's tail, Jill asked, "Can we be panthers too?"

Felicity grinned, "No, I'm afraid not. We have need of volunteers for a very special project though. Have you ever heard of a Tasmanian Tiger, or Wolf? It's really not a wolf or tiger, but a carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania and parts of Australia. It's been extinct since 1936. It looks more like a dog than anything else, but is pretty unique. You'd become the first ones to exist since 1936, and would help to restore the population. In your own way you'd be quite famous, genuine celebrities."

Felicity was quite delighted when the two agreed to undergo the transformation process. She made arrangements to have them quartered until the virus could be prepared. They'd be closely watched in case they changed their minds, but she doubted they would. They'd actually seemed fascinated by the concept, and had wanted to start 'right away'. Kids, so impatient nowadays! It took about a week to custom tailor the virus to a volunteers system, and to produce it. It had never been done before, but she would allow them to remain together in the same cell during their transformations. As promised she would keep them together as a pair after the process was completed. They would be the second extinct species the facility would return to life. But she had many more planned. They; and the Moa; whose mate was also almost ready to begin the process, were just the start.

As they left the office; under the escort of several assistants, Felicity got to her feet with a sigh. The fun time was over, time to pay attention to her esteemed guests. It turned out better then she'd hoped. A couple of them made impromptu speeches praising her work, and one older gentleman made some very intriguing suggestions. She decided to see if he might be interested in a new job, and to her delight he was. Two of the scientists who had ridiculed her most rudely at first had humbly apologized, very contrite and embarrassed they had doubted her. She was in a good mood, and accepted their apologies graciously since they were sincere. She was not one to hold grudges; well, not usually she thought, thinking of a certain snake currently enjoying the reptilian version of a gang-bang. As she bid goodbye to the small crowd of new admirer's spontaneous applause broke out, and she had a huge smile on her face as she left the conference room. The resulting publicity and outcry in the scientific community would result if millions of 'condition free' donations for her to use as she saw fit.

Two days later Felicity returned to the 'mating tank' to check on Veronica. The drug had worn off and most of the exhausted; but quite happy, males were coiled up resting, but six were still leisurely coupling with Veronica, their coils wrapped lovingly around her body, while some others awaited their next turn. The female snake lay still in a puddle of snake cum; her body almost entirely coated with the thick gooey fluid, seemingly almost comatose, her body quivering every now and then as a male climaxed and she experienced another orgasm of her own. As Felicity watched one male dismounted, only to be replaced instantly by another. She didn't seem to notice Felicity, her mouth wide and gasping, her eyes glazed. Felicity reached in and gently stroked the female's head.

*"Hello Veronica, looks like things have calmed down a little. How are you doing? Well, since it looks like the boys aren't all finished yet I'll give you another day." *

As turned to leave the female snake raised its head and looked after her, then let its head fall back down in exhaustion. Then it hissed in agonizing pleasure as another orgasm washed over it, one of hundreds over the last two terrifying, incredible days of excruciating sexual pain and pleasure.

When Felicity returned the next day the mating frenzy had wound down and only one male was still fucking Veronica, his belly bands grinding against hers. Felicity waited until he finished, then picked up the limp unresponsive female. She grimaced in distaste; the snake was almost completely covered in a thick semi-dried crust of sticky cum and other sexual fluids. She gently washed it off with warm water, and the snake slowly coiled around her arm as if grateful for the warmth. She took Veronica back to her terrarium, and left her there with three frogs for company.

Veronica was hardly even aware as Felicity picked her up. It was over at last, the unending pain, the intense pleasure. Part of her was disappointed, it was the most mind blowing sex she'd ever had. She thought she'd go insane from the agonizing ecstasy every time she had six orgasms at the same time, but fortunately that hadn't happened very often, though two or three at the same time was the norm. The males had been relentless, and she thought they'd never stop. She recovered some as the warm water washed her sticky gunky body clean, the warmth lovely. Too tired to try to bite or protest she coiled around Felicity's arm. And now she was hungry, starving, and eagerly swallowed the last of the three frogs, their croaks and struggles no longer causing her to feel the slightest sympathy. Then she slithered into her hiding place and coiled around the wriggling squirming bulges in her stomach and fell into a deep sleep lasting several days, amazingly content, all things considered. And she dreamed of the males, the feel of their slick scales against her own body as they wrapped their coils around her and made love to her, the feel of so many of them inside her at the same time as they ground their bodies against her unbearable, and without evening knowing it had several orgasms as a result of the incredibly erotic dreams, hissing and shuddering in lust. She only woke up when Felicity took her out of her terrarium and put her in a small portable box. It had holes for air, but no way to see out. She didn't like it, but dozed again after the box stopped moving and it got warmer inside.

Felicity sat in the bow of the large punt as two of her assistant poled through the narrow channel between the reeds. Her facility was deep in the everglades and since it was the wet season there was plenty of water so travel by boat was easy. She had a specific destination in mind, a small island many miles from any trace of human civilization. She'd promised to set Veronica free, and so she would, in a snake's paradise. Veronica might not see it that way however. When the punt grounded on the shore of the small island Felicity jumped ashore, and picking up the small box carried it deep into the interior of the island. Her feet squelched on the damp soil, and she was careful to avoid any potential spots of quicksand. She reached a small clearing and decided it was as good a spot as any. She put the box down, opened it, and lifted the snake out. Then she held it up so it could get a good look at its surroundings.

Veronica woke up again as the box started moving, and the air coming in through the breathing holes contained many new, and interesting, scents. The box stopped again, and Felicity reached in and picked her up, and Veronica looked around at the jungle like clearing they were in.

*"Well, said Felicity, as I promised I'm setting you free. This is a great place for a snake, plenty of frogs and other good things to eat, lots of great places to hide. And I'd recommend you don't leave the island, the surrounding waters are full of alligators who love nice juicy snakes." Then she bent over and let Veronica go. "Oh, and by the way, you're pregnant." *

Veronica instinctively coiled as Felicity set her down on the moist ground. She raised her head and looked around in curiosity and fear, her nostrils sucking in the air, her tongue rapidly flicking in and out. So many new smells, some nice, some scary. She felt the ground vibrating and suddenly realized that Felicity was leaving. She raised her hear higher and hissed in distress. No, she thought, please don't leave me here! Please, I don't want to be alone! She was terrified, it was one thing to live in a nice warm terrarium and be provided with everything she needed; and her needs were quite simple now, but it was another thing to be left out in the middle of a swamp! She may be a snake now, but her human awareness was very much intact and it was utterly terrified at the idea of having to live as a snake in the wild. Uncoiling she followed Felicity as fast as she could. She was amazed at how fast she could move, but Felicity stayed a short distance ahead no matter how fast she tried to catch up.

Felicity didn't look back as she turned and left the clearing, as far as she was concerned the whole incident was over with. The small snake was on its own. It would be OK, this was an excellent habitat and it had all the natural survival instincts of its new form. She didn't notice the garter snake desperately trying to catch up with her, or hear its hisses of distress. She paused as she prepared to get in the punt, and suddenly felt something on an ankle. Looking down she was surprised to find the garter snake coiled tightly around her ankle and lower leg. Irritated she reached down and peeled the snake off, and holding it up said,

"Look Veronica, this is your new home. It's perfect for you, just let your instincts take over and you'll live a long healthy life having lots of baby snakes."

No, no, please! Veronica thought, please don't leave me here! I'm so scared! She stared at Felicity, pleading with her eyes.

Felicity realized the snake was actually trembling as it coiled around her arm, and it stared at her intensely, hissing softly. It's scared, she suddenly realized, and felt the stirring of pity. Maybe she had over reacted, but it had been like lancing a festering boil deep in her psyche. But to condemn Veronica to spending the rest of her life as a snake in the wild, maybe that was a little too much as she'd always have some human awareness. She was a snake for good, there was no changing that, no going back to human form, but she could make the terrified reptiles life a little easier. She held up the frantic snake to eye level, and said,

"Look Veronica, you're a snake for good, period. No going back, not ever. If I take you back you'll live in a terrarium the rest of your life. Out here you'll be free to live the natural life of your new species, and I'm sure you'd come to enjoy it. Well, should I take you back with me? If I do will you be a good little snake?"

As she said the last choice the snake rubbed its head against her arm almost adoringly, hissing in relief. Yes, oh yes! Veronica thought, I promise I'll be the best pet snake in the world! I'll be good and happy! Thank you, thank you!

Veronica came to enjoy her new life. There were no more worries or stress, just simple living. Her loving owner put her in a very nice large terrarium with other garter snakes so she had company. She loved to coil up with several other snakes for their company and it made her feel at home. At night they'd coil up together in a big heap on the heated stone. She gave birth to about twenty-five cute little baby snakes some time later, and her human part was distressed when they were taken away, but she realized it was best as the other snakes might eat them. Her level of human intelligence and awareness continued to degrade for several months, but enough remained for her to remember who she had been, but she also accepted what she was now and decided she liked it. Sometimes her owner let her out to run around the office, but she didn't dare venture too far. She really looked forward to the mating season too, her owner always made sure she had plenty of mates. In time she came to love the human who took such good care of her, at least as much as a snake was capable of loving.

** The End of Chapter 3**

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