The hardest job in the world.

Story by satyrius on SoFurry

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"Miss Satyrius, will you please come into my office" in a voice that is both nondescript and utterly inhuman. Behind that door is her boss- the giant tentacled monster recently hired to be head of human resources. And he was very, very demanding sometimes...

Her eyes shot open, turning her head as she heard the all too familiar voice, her heart skipping a beat in her chest, she hesitantly pressed her finger on the intercom of the phone and responded. "I'll be right in" Her own voice clearly intimidated but she kept her demeanor, she took a few more breaths, inhaling deeply as she stood up, pressing one of her hoofs back and pushing the chair in under her desk, then walked to her door and locked it, making sure nobody came in unannounced, then went back to her phone and spoke over the intercom to another employee. "I'm taking my lunch early, I should be back in an hour or so." She then stepped to the "other" door in her office, opening it slowly before she walked in, then stepped in and closed it, kicking it with her hoof to make sure it was closed. "Ok I have up to an hour, what would you like today sir?"

The creature inside is huge and terrifying and mostly made of luminous softly glowing blue tissue. It gestures to a spigot on the wall, as usual an elegant, and complicated design. There's a short hose that runs to a nozzle that seems designed to fit in a place behind someone's teeth, instantly it gives her a bad feeling. The voice booms to her "I am preparing a number of new initiatives in discipline for you. I expect you to obey them to the letter. Come here and kneel before me." There's a single pillow on the ground near him, where he expects her to kneel. In front of it is one of many clusters of tentacles. Fortunatley they don't seem aroused... yet. "We need to talk, Satyrius. You've been very bad latley. I'm not sure I can retain you as my secretary..."

She walked forward, stopping in front of the pillow as she closed her eyes, her arms stiff at her sides as she hesitantly and slowly lowered her legs and bent her knees down, until she pressed her knees on the pillow, sitting her rear down on the back of her legs and the back of her hoofs, as he continued, her eyes went wide and she turned her head, pleading with the creature. "I can do more, whatever it is I'll obey, don't you want to keep me?" She continued, making sure to please him, she placed her hands on the ground and moved to all fours, her short skirt barely covering her ass as she offered herself to him, letting her stubby little tail up as it wriggled side to side a few times, placing a hand behind herself and running her fingers in her fur on the back of her thighs.

"First. I think you have forgotten your place because of the power you receive as my secretary. I think you need reminding of your degraded role. For that I have installed the fountain there." A tendril indicates the spigot she'd noticed. "It's connected to the upstairs men's urinals. You will drink from it everytime you come in here. You must not forget that you are less than a toilet to me. You are less than, and will stay less than that. You must not forget. Do it now." His voice is thick with alien satisfaction. He knew she expected a routine favor, a blowjob, a fuck, maybe a little bit of latenight work. She wasn't naive, just young. He needed her to understand he was more demanding than any boss she had ever had before.

She moved her hand off the back of her legs, reaching around and sitting up but still on her knees, she closed her eyes and kept from speaking, though it showed as she very slowly raised one of her arms up, grabbing the hose and pulling the end of it up to her face, she trembled as she put it in her mouth, then took a deep breath and put her mouth on it, parting her lips around it and sticking her tongue out, making sure she completly obeyed the male and would take every drop, her other hand making a fist on her side, forcing herself to be so submissive and degrade her own body so harshly.

He turns it on. The jet of hot urine into her mouth is reeking and strong, filling it rapidly, forcing her to swallow as quickly as she can to keep it from running down her chin. He watches her so amused by her willingness to compromise herself for the sake of power. Behind these closed doors, she is his, completly. His tentacles begin to turn purple and stiffen. Power, after all, is the best aphrodisiac. He turns up the flow a little as his body begins to encircle her with tendrils, not touching, not yet.

Her eyes keep closed tightly, other than making a whimper at first, she has little time to whine, even holding her breath for as long as she could, keeping her mouth open as the urine filled into her mouth quickly, she just sat there on her knees, the only sound she made for the long moment was quick gulps under her collar, drinking it very fast, she took dozens upon dozens of gulps down her throat, taking all that urine from so many men into her body.

Her obdeience was good but... not enough. He turned the spigot a little further, jetting the hot piss into her mouth. No way to swallow it all now. He watched in pleasure, curious to see how she dealth with it. The tank was almost empty so even if she did try to gulp it all down she wouldn't drown, well probably. It was already bubbling out around the corners of her mouth and running down her chin in yellow streams. Drips of precum from his many tendril cocks began to drip on the floor. Humiliation and power. Could things be any better?

She moved both hands on the spigot, gripping the hose as she moved it above her head, her eyes going wide as she opened her throat, the room echoing as she took large gulp after large gulp after large gulp, her throat visibly bulging underneath her collar every time she swallowed, taking so much piss into her body so much, she stopped drinking anything else during the day to make sure she could swallow it all. By now she was living off of it.