The Keyychain

Story by fuzzum111 on SoFurry

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This story is based on one of the many kitsune lore that can easily be found. This story is based on the particular one, where all kitsune have a trinket, orb, or object of great value to them. If one was to acquire said object, they have two choices. Return it to the kitsune and be granted a wish, or be killed and have the object taken back.

This will be a sexually explicit story, don't read if you're under 18 blah blah covering my ass.

Also, once again my favorite main character Mike, will be making another entrance, only this time he'll be a little older.

*small edit* I changed all of the gender identity isshues between me typeing She, and shi. Lyera is supposed to be a girl. Thanks.

The Key chain

It was, a late Saturday night. Right around, 2 in the morning. He was rather restless, and bored. He had nothing to do with weekend, and it was another late night on the computer, chatting with friends while trying to keep himself entertained with videos and games. Nothing was working.

As it was Mid April things were starting to warm up, but at night it was in the low fifties low forties as well as rather windy. Mike couldn't take it anymore. He got up, put his thick hoodie on and slipped on his boots. He unlocked the front door, and quietly shut it behind him before walking away from the house, his stir-crazy feelings already starting to fade. He took a few deep breaths, and kept on walking, the streets were dead, and no cops to be found anywhere so he took his time, and made his way from his house to the strip malls a few minuets walk from where he lived. The street lights were dim a few blinking and going out in front of him, no longer illuminating the small bike path that was started a few years ago but never finished.

The paved portion of this path was cut right into the woods not very far from the strip malls, so people on bike rides could pick up what they needed before they headed out for the day, but the project was scrapped shortly after due to lack of town funding. Mike always wondered just how far it went, and with nothing better to do, he walked towards it, the street light right above it suddenly flickering on and rather brightly before going out again. He looked around a little weirded out by it, before shaking his head and continuing forward. Most of the trees were still bare or just starting to bud, so one could see much farther into the forest than if it was late spring early summer.

There was a soft sound heard off in the distance, as her ears perked up for a moment. She scratched the back of one of her legs, before returning to her fully human state. Lyera sighed a bit, giving up on any wild catches tonight, and decided to finally go to sleep. She curled up a bit near the fire she had made, that was now only glowing coals, unaware it could be seen from a fairly good distance. This was one of her regular camping sites when she did not feel like waltzing around as feral target practice for the humans that hunted this area.

As Lyera drifted off to sleep, Mike had made his way from the paved path onto the compressed gravel portion and quickly onto dirt halfassed pathways. "Man, I really should keep track of where I'm going, I can't believe how short this path was, no wonder no one uses it" He kept on walking, not realized how far left he was going, heading further and further into the more untouched wilderness that few bothered with.

Mike kept on walking, stumbling, but never quite tripping or making a lot of noise. He eventually caught sight of a small orange glow off in the distance. He thought he was seeing things, but as he drew closer, he saw it wasn't changing so he figured, why not see what it is. As he got closer and closer, he could make out a small makesheft campsite. That was really odd, he just stopped and kinda looked everything over. No tent, no pots or pan,s but glowing coals and...something sheny. He looked around a little bit more and walked a little closer, it looked like a glinting gold chain. He squatted down and tried to pick it up, it felt a little stuck. With a little finagling the unseen force let go, and he saw, it was a golden key chain, with a small clear ball attached. He held the ball a little closer to the coals, and saw while looking in, it looked almost void of light on the inside, he kept starring it seemed like specs of light would swirl on the inside spiraling towards the center, before disappearing all together.

Mike hear something stir almost right next to him and as quickly and quietly as he could, made his way away from the small campsite, and back towards the path. It wasn't to hard to find, but before he knew it he heard the sound of a occasional car, so he knew right where he was. He made his way back to the house still holding this strange key chain. He felt oddly compelled now, to hold onto it. As he made his way back up to his room, he stripped down to his boxers, and climbed into bed, holding the key chain close as he drifted off to sleep.

Lyera, woke up the next morning with a loud yawn and stretch. She looked around a bit, and sniffed the air, there was a different scent about, not any animal in the area. She gave it no second thought, before clothing herself, and blinking. Something felt very wrong, she dug into one of her pockets and realized her key chain was gone. "Fuck! Where is it!" Lyera looked around quickly, rustling leaves, and the grass, searching for it, before standing up a fist clenching. "Someone stole my key chain..." She gave it a little more thought, during the night she almost felt like she was being tugged at, but had brushed it off to being in a twilight state. Her nostrils flared and she got a better whiff of that strange scent, and made a instant connection. It had to be the holder of this scent who stole her key chain, nothing else had come near her during the night.

Lyera cracked her neck and gathered her clothes slipping on a gray tank top, to cover her fairly large breasts. Her curvacious body, looked like that of a average built 6' athlete. She was skinny and a little toned, fair skin, and piercing jet black irises that had little silver slivers strewn about them giving her a very intimidating feel. She was a kitsune, and in her human form, could ward off most other humans, she rarely interacted with them, as she preferred to stay solitary, but once in a while wold manipulate a few to get some things for her or done for her.

Today, she was going to track down the little human who decided to and successfully managed to steal her key chain, hopefully he would not know their lore, as if he or she offered it back to her, she would have to grant him or her one wish, to the best of her ability. She sighed, and took another whiff of the scent before heading in the direction it led, where Mike have doubled back it got stronger.

Mike rolled out of bed with a loud *thump* He moaned slightly, and rubbed his side before standing up, and realized he was still tightly gripping the key chain. "I wonder who this belongs to, or if and when someone dropped it, this is a really cool key chain." Mike set it down on his desk before going into the bathroom, and showering. Getting the grime and dirt off of his body from last night's trek into the woods.

Lyera huffed a bit following Mikes trail back to his house. she turned a corner and kept on walking before stopping at a driveway. "So this is where you live humm? I can't just break in, I'll draw to much attention o my self, I'll be back, just you wait" she skulked back off to her campsite until it got dark out, then she would be back for her beloved key chain.

Mike sighed happily, after redressing himself and looking in the mirror. He was a fairly average to good looking kid, standing about 5'8" at long semi curly brown hair that was, at least while wet and combed down, about halfway down his back. At 18, he had developed a wee bit of a belly on him, showing that he didn't work out much and overate every now and again, but for every other aspect was a healthy normal kid. He did however harbor one big secrete, he was a 'furrie' He enjoyed the idea of anthropomorphic animals, in both a sexual and non sexual way. They could be the best traits that animals and humans had, he was apart of this fandom for a few years now. He had found he really loved kitsune, and all the lore that goes with it.

His character was a sheny green kitsune with a few tails, and he found nothing hotter than his character with other kitsune, doing all sorts of naughty things. He sighed a bit before going back into his room and putting that key chain back into his pocket then heading downstairs, and found the house empty. Both his parents had left, but on a Sunday? He looked around and found a note on his computer explaining they had to make a emergency run to his fathers brothers house in Kentucky and that they would not be back for a few days. Mike smiled a little bit and threw the note away, sitting down and starting hi s daily rituals of chatting and gaming into the wee hours of the night.

It wouldn't be more than half past 1AM, before Lyera returned to the house she followed the scent to. Mikes computer was in the front room, the large LCD flat screen monitor giving away a rather obvious sign he was still up. She lurked a little around the property finding no other lights on, or other humans moving about the house. She walked up to the back door and with a little kitsune magic silently opened the loci and slipped inside before closing the sliding glass door and re-locking it. She creeped around into the family room, into the dining room, and finally stepped into the front room, without so much as a sound, this human has the exact same scent she had been following, and Mike was completely unaware she was standing 10ft away from him, however she was to his right and wasn't moving.

"So, where's my key chain Human" Was all she uttered before Mike nearly jumped out of his seat. "Who the..." Mike's jaw nearly dropped as he saw the tall female standing in front of him. "How did you-" He was cut off rather sharply. "I won't ask you again, where's my key chain" Mike blinked a little cut off before he could even ask any questions. He just sat there a little dumbfounded before reaching into his pocket and looking at it. "You mean this?" He asked. "Yes! Now give it back." Mike looked up into her eyes, and something quickly struck him as wrong, her facial features were rather angular, and her eyes were silver and jet black, something extremely un-natural. "Why is it so important to you" Was the first thing to come out of his mouth before he could stop it. Lyera was taken a little by surprise by this question. She quickly thought up a little lie to throw him off. "It's an heirloom passed down by my family's generations" Lyera thought it would be good enough and she could get out of this without giving him a wish, or killing him. "Really? Then how did you both find me, and get into my house with out me or anyone noticing. When I didn't even see you last night." He was just kinda thinking on his feet, but he didn't want to give this thing up unless he had to or was offered something in return. "I'll give this back to you..but it will cost you"

Lyera's face hanged a little bit, within her mind she was scrambling "shet, he made me an offer..fuck..I guess I'll have to offer him his wish in exchange for the key chain." She shefted her stance some and

spoke much more softly again. "In exchange for my key chain I will grant you 1 wish, to the best of my ability." Mike simply blinked a few times and almost did a double take. "Bullshet, why would I believe into a fairy tail like that, if you even could grant me a wish I some some form of demonstration-" Once again he was cut off, but this time by Lyera throwing a small white fireball past his head and scorching the wall behind him.

"A-alright, I'll accept the offer of a wish for your safe return of the key chain, but how limited is the wish?" She took a step forward and scowled a little. "My key chain first." Mike looked at her quizzically before things quickly formed the obvious picture in his mind. "You're a ktisune! Now it all makes more sense..and no way not until the wish is completed, otherwise you can just run off I know how this works. I'll keep my end of the deal, but give me a moment to think of a wish I won't be to long."

Lyera sighed a little and finally sat down, how this kid figured this out so quickly was a mystery to her but he knew what she was, so now the ball was on his side of the field. Mike looked down to the female sitting on the floor. "First, may I know your name? Mine is Mike." She looked up at him and almost begrudgingly replied. "Lyera" Mike nodded and thought it out for a little bit, his first thoughts being, money, power, typical things, however his mind turned back to the fact that she was a kitsune. "You never answered me, how limited is my wish." "I can manifest many things, unless you are asking me to move a large landmass, or group of people I doubt I can't do it" Mike nodded a bit more, his smile turning into a slightly toothed grin.

"Alright, I believe I have an idea, I want you to take the form of a hybrid between your human state, and feral state, keeping all of your tails. The ability to speak, all of your female anatomy, more or less an anthropomorphic version of your feral form, and spend a few nights in bed with me, but you are free to do what you wish during the day." She blinked a little bit, her jaw nearly going slack. She was almost in shock, by his request. She fully expected a sum of money, or a car or some dumb easily crafted material good. But he ..wanted that? It fun actually.

Lyera smiled a bit while she stood up. "Alright I can do that, best wish I've heard in my past 600 years" She looked around a bit before looking back to mike. Mike stood up an started to walk upstairs. "Follow me if you would Lyera" She simply followed him up to his room, thinking about the changes she would have t make, this would be both sexy, fun and creative.

As mike shut the door behind her and flipped on the light, she was greeted by a fairly large clean room. With a queen size bed in the upper right corner. He sat down on a nearby chair and looked at her waiting for her to go about the change he requested. At this point he had slipped the key chain back into his pocket. Lyera started by stripping off all of her clothes and mikes eyes went a bit wider but he said nothing.

Lyera let out a soft grunt before a few loud pops and cracks could be heard as her skeletal frame groaned with the effort it was putting out, her feet starting to change into digi grade feet-paws, her hands restructuring to support claws. Her tailbone elongating and splitting off into 6 weird skinny segments that slowly trailed outwards. As they grew, a light green fuzz started to cover her body, that slowly grew into longer, softer much more lush deep black fox fur. Slivers of silver streamed around her form, and gave off a rather hypnotizing shemmer Her face started to elongate with the new muzzle that was forming, her ears pulling in and up until they started to expand and grow upwards into nice thin warm fleshy triangles.

As the transformation continued Mike couldn't help but reach half mast, this was simply a dream come true, here he was about to have a two.....four..six tailed kitsune in his bed with him. Lyera cracked her neck some, feeling the bones adjust to the new weight and balance of her head, her long canines sticking out from under her lips just a tiny bit. she gave her six long fluffy tails a test wag and smiled she liked the way this new form came out. "Is this what you wanted Mike?" He simple nodded and stood up and started to remove his clothes.

As he stripped down Lyera cocked a brow as the human started to strip down, and started to walk towards the bed, more sauntering than anything else. He got down to just his boxeres and followed her with a smile, that tight furred ass looked amazing in his eyes. He pulled the covered up before walking to a window and opening it, as well as turning on both the ceiling, and window fan, a chilly breeze quickly swept though the room. "I like it cooler, in the room gives me more reason to snuggle into something furred and warm:"

Lyera let out a chuckle and hoped into the bed, she had, a change of heart and was looking forward to what the night had to offer with this human. He had requested something no one else had before, and she hadn't had a good intimate partner for many many years. she looked at him as he clicked the lights off, and pulls him into her arms as he crawled into the bed. He was rather surprised and blushed profusely. "Mmmm I already know why you asked for this form, and I'm fine with that, but don't disappoint me"

Mike felt a soft warm furred paw tug his boxers off in a way he thought wasn't possible, leaving him nude and pressing up into his taller, more built frame, he could feel every muscle ripple, and every movement the fur made on his skin felt fantastic. He sighed happily wrapped his arms around Lyera, before he nearly yelped as he was rolled onto his back, the kitsune in his bed straddling him. "Lets not waste our time with snuggling and sweet talk, I know what you want and I need it just as badly."

A small grunt was heard as Lyera took Mikes half hard cock and positioned it laying flat up on his belly. Her tight walls already starting to heat up and get rather wet, she then started to slide her hips up and down his shaft, encouraging him to harden up while lubricating him at the same time. Sh e had a backdoor fetish and weather he wanted to or not he was going to sate the burning need that was building in her rectal regions. she leaned down with a soft almost feral growl and nipped at his neck trying to get the human to submit to her growing, and slowly blinding lustful needs.

Mike closed his eyes come before opening them and instinctively showing his neck to her, letting out a soft long moan as she bit at his neck, while grinding his cock in between the lips of her increasingly wet cunt. she pulls her hips up and with a skilled paw, aimed him at her cunny before plunging down onto his erect length. He was a good size more than thick enough to clench down on, and long enough to reach deep inside her. She rode his cock a few times white nibbling on his soft neck flesh before pulling off both with a sweet almost demonic giggle. "If you were a virgin you are no more,but with the way you are acting you seem fairly well versed, so if you don't mind I'm going to resume my fun" she repositioned her self still straddling him, but this time reverse cowgirl position. her tails flagged high, her rump exposed and a sweet, puffy black tail hole. Winking and waiting to be abused. With her paw on his cock, she lined him up and looked back into his eyes. He seemed a little curious before they glazed over with pleasure as she sunk all the way down onto his cock with her tighter rectal walls, the warmth milking and squeezing him.

Mike reaches out and gripped her firm rump cheeks as she let out small yips and moans of lust as she rode his cock, slowly and deeply, a finger rubbing at her clit, another at her breast. "Goddess in heaven did I never need this it's been much to long" Lyera managed to utter while still impaling herself with Mikes rod of wonders. She quickly picked up the pace with all of her ministrations and self pleasuring acts.

Her cunt juices started to seep out onto Mike's legs as she rode him, her moans getting louder and a bit more feral in nature, Lyera lost herself in her own pleasure, un-aware or really caring how much fun mike was having. Her many tails wagged about lazily, while Mike grunted and squeezed at her ass all the much more. He has had his fair share of anal encounters but nothing like this, it was as if all of her walls were squeezing down at different times but synced just right to get him to cum as fast as possible. He started to buck in time with her sinking himself that much deeper into her tight ass, feeling his orgasmic release starting to build.

Lyera huffed a bit louder before letting out a long scream of pleasure, thick gushes of her hot gooey fem-cum splashed and thoroughly coated Mike's legs. Lyera's whole body was shaking as she came, everything starting to fade to black, everything going deathly quiet before sound, and life returned to her. All the while mike kept bucking and once Lyera hit her peak, her walls clenched down all the much harder, finally setting him off and making him shoot his thick gooey load all over the insides of her skilled rump. The orgasmic bliss washed over both of them and before he knew it he had a kitsune laying on top of her panting and radiating tons of heat.

"That...was amazing..thank you" They both managed to sputter out at the same time. Lyera eventually moved off to one side as to not crush Mike. she wrapped her paws around him and snuggled in close the endorphins coursing though both of them, neither could think straight. Mike gave Lyera a soft kiss on the lips and she gladly returned it without so much as thinking. She held mike close and closed her eyes quickly drifting off to sleep.

Both slept soundly, but at the first crack of down Lyera woke up and blinked. Her mind barely registered " What the..why..oh god.." she looked at herself, and at mike before quickly slipping out of the bed making sure not to wake him. "Where..the pants" she quietly rifled though his pants and found her beloved key chain. With that finally safely back into her possession, she transformed back to her human state, and redressed herself. She looked back at mike and sighed, "Sorry I can't get attached" And with that, she opened his window and jumped out, sprinting back towards the forest.

Mike awoke many hours later, it was already midday if not later. He looked around for Lyera, and sighed. She was gone, but everything from last night still remained fresh in his mind. He did not expect her to stay though it would have been nice. He got up, once again showered and redressed, before resuming his computer activity. The day went by without any problems, making his own meals when he hungered.

Once again the clock struck midnight, and he grew tired. He slowly made his way upstairs, and to his room. After closing the door, and not bothering to turn the lights on, he stripped down and got ready for bed. As he made his way in, he found the covered to already be pulled away for him. He looked onto his bed, and who should he find, that shemmering black and silver kitsune girl waiting for him. "What took you so long"

End of part 1

Foot note, don't expect a 2nd part I dunno this was done on the fly, however please enjoy.