Making Friends Part 5

Story by Jason X on SoFurry

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#5 of Making Friends

Making Friends Part 5

I realize this is very short. It was originally part of Part 4, but a wise otter told me to make it part 5. Thank you Myron the otter for editing this. Love you <3 Myron is © to Myron the otter and Devin is © to me.

"Devin you have to eat. Just a spoonful?" begged Myron. It had been a week since Ace left and Devin had not eaten a thing. Myron had tried to force feed him, but it just got smooshed all over the wolf's muzzle. He just laid there and stared at the wall, only moving to use the bathroom. Myron sighed and laid down on the bed beside Devin. He soon fell asleep on the bed with his muzzle pressed against the wolf's arm. Devin sighed, relieved that Myron was finally asleep. He had never slept in here with Devin before and was interrupting his usual "cry all night" thing. Tears starting to steam down his face, Devin turned into the otter and held him tight. He missed the feel of Ace's toned body and hadn't held anyone close for a long time. The heat coming from Myron's body felt nice against the crying wolf. He fell asleep with Myron still in his arms, holding him tightly.

Devin woke up and he was still embracing Myron. The otter had a smile on his face and that warmed Devin's cold heart. He let go of Myron and got up. He left the room and went down to the kitchen. He was starving and needed something to eat. He looked in the fridge for something to eat and found a bunch of different cold meats that would be good for a sandwich. He took those out and then searched for other things to put inside the sandwich. He came out of the fridge with an armful of various toppings. He closed the fridge and saw Myron standing there. He gasped and nearly dropped the items in his arms.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" asked the otter.

"Oh my god! You startled me! I had a good sleep. Pretty fing hungry though. You don't mind if I make a sandwich, do you?"

"No, go ahead." replied Myron. He was just so relieved that Devin was eating. "Mind if I join you? I'm pretty hungry myself"

"Yeah sure." Devin said with a smile on his face. He dove into making his sandwich with Myron right beside him. Devin was done first and had a sandwich that was bursting with every single thing he had pulled out of the fridge. Myron laughed as the wolf tried to stuff the whole thing in his mouth. He finished making his own sandwich which was considerably smaller than Devin's. The wolf struggled to down the sandwich before his otter friend but was having troubles since the whole thing was in his mouth. In the end, Myron finished eating his sandwich before Devin.

"That was great fun!" said Myron excitedly. To him, it was the most fun he had had for a long time.

"It sure was! But now I'm stuffed. Can we go play a game or something?" Devin asked.

"Sure. Pick anything you want" replied Myron.

In the game room, Devin had set up Resifur Evil 5 and the boys were busy battling zombie furs in some far off country. They were sitting close, arms and legs touching. Memories of last night came flooding back into Myron's head of him waking up in Devin's strong arms. He was absorbed in the memories and wasn't paying attention to the screen so he died.

"Dude! You died! What were you doing?" exclaimed Devin. They were only on the first level.

"Remember last night? You... You were holding me." Myron said.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry. I just... felt so alone. Holding you kept away the tears and bad dreams" Devin replied, afraid Myron was upset with him.

"No, it's fine. I liked it. Can you hold me again?" asked the otter.

"Of course" said the wolf, smiling. They laid on the couch and embraced each other like they would fall apart of they let go.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Comments/suggestions are welcome.
