The prince's bride preview

Story by Duskydingo on SoFurry

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She was very elegant. A mare beyond words is what Prince Dusky saw that day, gazing at her from a distance. Her name was Whinny. She was visiting the castle today from a distant village on the outskirts of Woofingshire. He wanted to introduce himself, but he knew that his father would never approve of her. He would say that a lowly peasant girl has no place among royalty. The day came and went as night fell. Taking a leisurely stroll through the garden, the conflicted dingo prince happened upon the young mare once more. There was no debating now. He walked over to her and bowed his head. "Greetings and salutations, I am Prince Dusky of Woofingshire." he said in great confidence.

"Oh forgive me my Prince. My name is Whinny, Whinny Mare" She replied. "I was taking a walk and admiring your grace's luxurious garden."

"I must admit that tonight it is especially beautiful, because you're here." Said Dusky with a little hesitation in his voice. The words of the young prince made her blush as she looked away, trying to hide her face. "Would you like to walk with me and see the rest of the garden?" He asked.

"Indeed my prince, I would love..." She started to answer but was suddenly stopped by the prince's paw lightly touching her muzzle. "I thought you might." he said slowly pulling his paw away. They walked and talked all night and into the crack of dawn. She was smart and inquisitive. He was playful and funny. However, when the sun rose, the two of them knew they had to part ways. "Will I ever see you again?" he asked. "How about tonight? I will be in the garden again after midnight." She replied. "I had a wonderful time and we got to know so much about each other. I must confess though, that if my dad found out i'm in love with a "peasant", there is no telling what he would do." said the prince worriedly.