Crossing Roads - Side Story: A Fan Girl's Dream

Story by sirwtfmate on SoFurry

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Crossing Roads


A Fan Girl's Dream

"Oh Mary! I can't believe you were able to see the rock star, Rage! I'm so jealous of you!" Two young women around the age of 16 were gossiping in the park, both were dressed in their high school's uniform. One young girl was human with brown medium wavy hair, her eyes were in daze as she looked at Mary, eager for a story. "Please tell me what happened?!"

The succubus being known as Mary had dark purple long hair, her skin tone was a light purple color and her eyes were red as blood. Mary quickly took out her journal with sketches inside them, these sketches were merely stick figures due to her lacked skills in drawing. As Mary began to open her book, she spoke in a devilish tone to her friend. "Alright Fae, but I caught him doing something hot so don't bleed out your nose too much..."

"Really Mary! Hurry up and tell it already!"

"Heh, ok Fae... it all happened like this... I was simply walking down the restaurant allies to grab something to eat. As I did, I heard people yelling at the top of their lungs."

"What were they yelling about Mary?!"

"Don't interrupt me Fae!... plus... I think it was something about food... anyways that is not the point! The point is:after about 10minutes of epic argumentation, this male cat comes flying, no bursting out the wall of this one Mexican restaurant!"

"What did he look like?!"

"I was getting there Fae! No more interruptions?!"

Fae looked away slightly disappointed by her actions, "...Yes Mary... I promise."

Mary crossed her arms and looked down at Fae, glaring at her for a moment then sighed and patted the girl on the head. "Heh, it's alright Fae."

Fae smiled and looked up to Mary, "Really?! Thanks!"

Mary nodded, "Now may I continue?"

Fae gave a thumbs up, "Yes please!"

Mary then turned the page of her journal to show the next stick figure scene of the story she is telling, "Ok so this cat man had silver white fur and medium shaggy hair. His eyes glistened but each eye was a different color. One was red and the other blue, but both shined in the light and he had black cat ears and long thin tail. He wore fancy clothing that showed he was part of the high society and he was lightly on the lean side but you can tell he was athletic, you know like a toned thin swimmer is built. The cat just sat there rubbing his head as he smirked a wicked smile. I turn my head to see where this cat man was looking at and through the hole the feline had made i see Rage Redemption! That black furred rock star wolf came out holding his famous psychic guitar, his body was very defined and built as usual. Next thing I know people all crowd around and of coarse I force myself through the crowd the get a closer view"

Mary then turned the page of her journal to show the stick figure of Rage dodging the attack of Thirteen, who Mary knew as the high class cat man. "The fancy cat man suddenly dashed at Rage at clawed at his biceps! Rage then smirked and sucker punched the cat man in the stomach. This battle continued on with Rage using his awesome wave blasts and the cat man doing some weird dark shadow moves! Then finally, the cat man jumps into the air where the sun was shining in order to blind everyone who looked up. Rage too was blinded by looking into the sunlight and next thing I know the cat man pounces onto Rage and the earth trembles with fear as dust is kicked into the air! We all waited for the dust to settle and everyone was silent until we are able to see a hot sight!"

The next page Mary turns to shows the stick figure of Thirteen on Rage. "The cat man was laying on Rage's body! And Rage looked up at the cat man, both their eyes locked in a romantic way! Rage's strong paw reached around the cat man head and he pushed the cat man so that they kissed full of passion in front of the crowd! The muzzles locked in as the cat man began to knead onto Rage's muscular body. The cat man's claws began to rip apart Rage's clothing until that paw reached Rage's sheath."

"Oh my god really Mary?!?"

"Yes Fae now let me continue! So the cat man's paw worked Rage's sheath, rubbing it and made the pink cock exit the sheath and grow in size. Rage's member was so thick and juicy when it was fully hard, it pulsed in the cat man's grip. Rage then tore off the cat man's clothing with eagerness in order to bite and lick at the cat man's lean athletic body. The cat man squirmed and purred as he began to grind his bum onto Rage's member, making it twitch more with pleasure. Rage then gripped the cat man's hard feline cock to stroke at it harshly and then Rage thrusted his hard canine cock into the cat man's bum hole!."

"All this in front of the crowd Mary?"

"Yup! Next Rage began to thrust in and out of the cat man's tail hole. Rage's muzzle licked and bit at the cat man's nipples to tease them harshly and make them both hard. It was hot passionate sex in the making! Rage panted and mur-murred as he humped the cat man forcefully, you could he the slap of Rage's hips onto the cat man's butt cheeks. The cat man purred deeply and moaned as he was being thrusted in while his own cock was being stroked out of pure lust from Rage. You could see every inch of muscle on both the cat man and Rage move in order to fit the motions of what they were doing. Then Rage's knot fully formed and with one last thrust the knot forced its way deep into the cat man's rear end and you could hear the loud -"

"Gun shots duck!" Fae pushed Mary down as gun shots grazed past them.

Mary furiously glared at Fae, "Fae why did you do that?!"

Fae, being too scared to talk, pointed behind Mary. As Mary Turned around in confusion she blushed deeply as her eyes opened largely to see two huge breasts in front of her.

"The story did not go that way young succubus!" Vice-Captain Jane stood firm and tall toward the two girls as she reloaded her gun and pointed to them. "And what are you two doing out of school?! Ditching?!"

The two girls instantly clung to each other in panic and ran off. "We were just on lunch and heading back to school!!!!" The two yelled as they ran off to their high school.

"That was very rude of you Mrs. Holiday. I was enjoying the story greatly" A young child voice appeared behind the vice-captain as she instantly turned around and shot at the small female child vampire known as Jinx. The vampire's eyes simply glowed as the gun shots teleported away.

"Don't mock me vampire! We both know the story line did not progress in that way!" Jane spoke with her guns pointed at Jinx.

The child vampire simply laughed as illusionary creatures began to surround her, "Your weapons can do nothing here to me. Besides, what is your problem with this side story? Are you perhaps a man hating lesbian? and wanted girl on girl action?"

Jane shot two more bullets at Jinx, who simply simple vanished to dodge the bullets then reappeared. "Look you stupid vampire! I am not a man hater! I was just forcing those law breaking teens to return to school. Plus, I do believe I have your cat in custody of the S.T.T and he will be put on trail!" She then reached into her breasts and took out a picture of a black feline fur who looked miserable.

Jinx laughed, "You stupid girl, you captured another character. You took the one known as Thirteen. Are your brains lacking due to your enormous breasts?"

Jane instantly shot at Jinx, who once again vanished to dodge the bullets. "Shut up vampire! I have aced all my exams and i'm on the course of becoming a captain! And now your giving the readers insight on the next story!"

Jinx sighed and waved off Jane as a dark door appeared and opened. "...Stupid woman, you have broken many rules today: interrupting a side story, acting like you know me when we have not officially met in the main story line, and now you acknowledge that what I have said will be the plot of the next chapter. I do hope when you tell this story it won't bore me to death... good day." Jinx walked into the door and vanished, the door dissolving as well.