Obvious Truth: Hope and confessions

Story by Acci_grey wolf on SoFurry

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The Obvious Truth: Hope + Confessions

Hey it's me again with the second part in my first series. It may not be great but here we go. Hope you enjoy.


"Chris we've been through so much together, you can tell me anything." She looked at him worriedly.

Chris kept his head down. 'How do I tell her? She won't want to know, not after last time. 'Ugh... just say it, say it, SAY IT!' he looked over at her and he backed out, "Acci, I know we haven't been here long but can we go back to the flat. I don't wanna talk here."

She was really starting to get worried now, "Sure hun lets go."

.......................................... 30 Minutes Later..............................

Acci and Chris were sat on the sofa, neither wanting to talk. Chris had been totally silent since they left the bar as he was contemplating how to tell her what he'd wanted to for months.

"Acci..." he paused unable to continue straight the way.

"What is it hun?"

He moved closer and took her paws in his own and stared down at their joined paws; they gave him strength.

"I know how much I hurt you when I told you... I didn't love you anymore but..."

"We've talked about this, you know I'd rather be friends than lose you, you've been in my life too long to let that happen so you don't have to apolo-"

"I'M NOT APOLOGISING, will you just let me say what I need to." Chris was almost shouting; she was always trying to make him feel better, that's why he loved her but it was aggravating when he was in the wrong. She stared at him in shock. "I'm trying to say... I'm trying to tell you that I love you for Christ's sake. I love you, I never stopped loving you and I will never stop loving you. Telling you what I did all those months ago was the hardest and most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to do. When I told you that you had no idea how hard it was for me, that was true, you don't know how hard it was. I understand that I screwed everything up and your feelings have probably changed but ... it's been killing me."

Accalia had been sat in complete shock, not saying anything, unable to believe what she was hearing. She frowned in confusion "I don't understand. I mean you said... you stood right there and told me that you didn't love me anymore, if you didn't mean it then why the hell did you say it?" She was angry, never in all the years she'd known him had she been this truly angry at him. But now, she didn't know what to think. "Why would you break my heart like that if you didn't mean it? Did you sleep with someone else and feel guilty?"

"NO. How could you think that I'd do that to anyone, never mind you; the one person that I've ever truly cared about, who's ever truly cared about me and has always been in my life? I could NEVER do that to you."

"I don't know what to think Chris. You told me that you didn't love me anymore and now you tell me the opposite. What am I supposed to think?" She didn't know why she was angry. All she knew was that she was hurt and upset and confused.

Chris began to cry, he couldn't help it. He knew how much he'd hurt her from how she was talking to him and he did love her more than anything. He just made a misguided decision. He knew that he needed to explain himself but, how? He didn't even have an explanation.

"I don't know, I was scared... scared that I'd lose you completely."

"That doesn't make any sense." Accalia whispered as she became more confused.

"We had been fighting more because I'd lost my job and you'd been offered that job in New York. I thought that if things carried on as they were, you'd want to take the job and go. If that happened I'd lose you completely. The idea of us just being best friends, nothing more was much better than not having you in my life at all. I'm sorry, I was just scared."

"I didn't want to go to New York and yeah we were fighting more but that was because I was upset that you were feeling down about everything after losing your job. I couldn't take seeing you like that. I LOVED YOU! I still do love you, you stupid fool. You could never lose me. Why didn't you just talk to me? You always talk to me but you didn't that time." She no longer felt angry and she smiled slightly as she caressed his cheek with her paw. "I would have held you and kissed you and told you what a silly prat you were being."

He looked into her eyes with his tear filled ones; the tears making his gorgeous blue eyes sparkle. He couldn't help but smile back as she had the most beautiful and captivating smile he'd ever seen. He had ended it because he was scared that was all, but now he was sure that if she took him back they would make it.

He whispered quietly as he kissed the inside of her paw, "So will you take this idiot of a Husky back. I promise that I would do everything to try and make it up to you."

Another cliff hanger I'm afraid, but I want to see what you all think before I continue.

Once again, comments, votes, watches, favs and helpful, polite criticisms are completely welcome as always. Thanks for reading. x

Obvious Truth: Something to tell

Obvious Truth: Something to tell Hello my fellow furs, this is my first story submission, it's very short and it might not be great but let me know what you think. Comments, favs, watches and polite criticisms welcome....

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