Bate night

Story by Reaping on SoFurry

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Monday night is Bate Night! At least, it's been so for many years between outgoing Brian and introverted Nick.

Oopsie! Indolent Nick forgot it was Bate Night and (damn it!) it had to be a full moon! What will happen?

Bate night

By Reaping

Being single had its perks.

Brian, identifying himself as bisexual, could hook up with guys and gals however he wanted. His five feet seven body was lithe and defined, kept good from casual workouts at the local gym. Just averagely hairy, he had a fair amount sprawled on his chest and on his abs that made his sex partners swoon. The reddish tint of his brown hair made him stand out in the crowd of lustful people on dating apps. That and the locked dick pic he used to lure himself into avid horny guys and girls. Despite approaching his thirties, he still had the young twenties look, thanks to shaving, and his sex drive was still beyond the roof.

However, with all the attention he had left and right, some things never changed. On every Monday, it was "Bate Night". Brian had met up with a guy a few years back in Finance School. They were on the same campus and what started as simple drinking and chilling nights on Mondays had eventually evolved into a lewd and perverse masturbating night: Bate Night.

While Brian was more outgoing and active on social media, his buddy Nick had never made the leap. More of an introvert, Nick preferred a good night home relaxing on his sofa playing games or jacking off. While the idea sounded like a good thought at first, it became Nick's way of living. The tall handsome guy in college had grown slobbier and lazier with each passing years living by himself in a small secluded apartment in the suburbans of the metropolis.

Still, both guys stayed in contact. Their Monday nights tradition was only rarely broken when one of them had to work late once a month or so. Since Nick wasn't fond of moving outside of his home except for work, Brian was the one to move at his place: not that it bothered him anyway. He'd do anything for his old buddy.

With a pack of beers, two bags of chips and a bottle of lube, Brian rang at the door of his friend's apartment. Nick's deep groans from the other side were heard by Brian who waited patiently. When the door was unlocked and opened, Brian was greeted with the wall of musk that was his bate buddy.

Towering over him at six feet four, Nick gestured him to enter with a dozy smirk. He idly scratched at his junk through the old boxer shorts he wore around thick fleshy thighs.

"You look like you've just woke up, man." Brian said while giving him a bro-fist.

"Yeah. Actually, I kinda forgot we were Monday today."

"Happens to everyone, big guy."

Brian gave a teasing slap at his friend's gut which stretched tautly the old ratty tank top he wore. The big soft belly peeked at the bottom of the now too small XL tank. While Brian had kept himself fit with the years, Nick had really let himself go, growing soft and messy. The irradiating musk coming from the sweaty guy drafted over the whole room like an invisible cloud. While this would have made people running away from him, it did the exact opposite with Brian.

Brian leaned in, taking the big guy in a warm sweaty hug. The tight clothes around the reeking man were slightly moist with body sweat. The lack of AC in the apartment made up for that man musk. While Brian was turned on by girls and guys, what cranked his gears in guys were those with a strong manly scent: and that was what Nick smelled like.

With his face buried into Nick's sagging pecs forest, Brian took a deep sniff of the scent emaNicking from his bate buddy. That alone was enough to give him a solid boner. The stiff member poked against Nick's leg and the bigger guy gave a friendly pat on Brian's back so that he backs off a little. Brian did as gestured and stepped back with a goofy smile stretched on his face and a throbbing tent pole deforming his shorts.

"Sorry, man. Can't get enough of your scent." Brian said with a hand grabbing at his boner to place it comfortably.

"I know." The bigger guy said with his gruff-like voice.

The fat guy walked back toward the living room. His couch was littered with cum rags, food crumbs and various stains. A pile of pizza boxes stood by the couch. Dvd and video game boxes and controllers were amid the mess that covered the living room table, along with empty beer bottles and cans.

"Still haven't clean up, huh?" Brian teased.

"Shut up, I've had a tiring week."

"A tiring month I'd say."

"Shut up."

As Nick went for a non-empty beer can on the table, he slightly bended over in front of his friend. Doing so, Brian marvelled at the furry ass crack showing above the overly stretched boxer shorts and the rising tank giving a glimpse of a hairy glistening back. In a quick leap, Brian moved his hands to his friend's bulging asscheeks and slid them inside the underwear. The bigger guy gave a slightly surprised groan and pushed his fat asscheeks back into Brian's perverse hands.

Brian grinned and groped the hairy asscheeks. He started to slip down the underwear when Nick stood back up and pushed his hands away.

"Don't get me started." Nick grumbled with a slight eagerness.

"C'mon, man, it's Monday."

"You know the rules, Brian: no anal."

"Even if I wear a condom?"

"Dude, I have a... STD and I don't want you to... catch it, you know?"

Brian pouted and took in a deep breath to suppress his lust. The tall man turned and dropped his fat ass on the couch with a relieved groan. When Brian joined him on the couch, he added:

"What if I don't care risking to catch that STD? I have condoms."

A slight twitch on Nick's lips made it obvious that Nick struggled at giving a clear NO. Brian moved his hand toward his friend's lap, caressing it.

"Don't you think it's been way too long since you've had a real fuck?" He teased. "How would that feel to have my throbbing eight inches pole wedged between your ass cheeks?"

Brian felt the cloth being pulled away. His eyes followed the movement. A clear tent was beginning to form. Brian grinned and his hand slipped seductively toward the flesh pillar erecting between Nick's legs. His hand wrapped around the growing cock, feeling it pulse and grow to its formidable size.

"Or, perhaps, you'd like to top? What would you like?"

Nick gave a muffled groan and bucked his hips in a slow but long motion.

"Stop that, Brian. You know... I can't."

"You don't think what you say. That big cock of yours wants some action."

And in one last motion, the big dick confined in Nick's underwear completed it ascension to full hardness: a big eight incher equally as big as Brian's. Slowly, Brian's hand moved into Nick's boxer shorts and wrapped itself around the cock. Without hesitation, Nick let Brian jack him off.

"Should we... put some porn?" Nick gasped at the ministrations of his bate buddy.

"I'm your porn." Brian said with a horny grin.

With his second hand, Brian undid the button of his shorts and pulled out his own dick, jacking himself off as well.

The sexual tension in the air grew stronger and stronger. The musk and heat of the two horny men added up to the already heavy atmosphere of the room. Nick pushed slightly his friend away, groaning as he did so.

"Stop it, Brian. I'm getting close..."

"Go on, cum-machine, shoot a big load over me." Brian encouraged.

"Nghh... oh ffffuuuuuck!" The giant bellowed before unloading rocket after rocket of cum on his friend's t-shirt.

"Yeah! Oh yeah! Make it come! That's it!" Brian cheered, still jacking the throbbing pole as cum still spewed out.

After close to a minute of ejaculation, Nick's body grew heavier and exhausted. He let himself drop on the couch in pleased post-orgasm bliss.

"Whew, you were eager tonight, Nick! I've not even cummed yet!"

"You're just a fucking tease." Nick grumbled with a coy smile.

"Yeah, but I have to admit, I'd really love having a go at your ass." Brian said with a visual emphasis on his hard cock.

"Bud... it's not that I don't..."

Nick stopped mid-sentence. Brian looked at him with concern.

"You all right, Nick?"

"Just... give me a minute."

Nick stood up abruptly and went for the bathroom in a quick sprint.

Brian stayed on the couch, his shirt and hand covered in his friend's spunk. With a smirk, he brought his jizz covered hand to his own dick and smeared the fluids all over it, using it as lube. His other hand went for the cum splatters on his shirt and he plunged a few fingers in the murky slightly yellowish substance and brought it to his nose. The scent was incredible. Euphoria washed Brian over so much that he didn't notice or care that he licked his fingers clean. His jacking pace increased and Nick walked out of the bathroom with a panicked face.

"I'm sorry, Brian, but you'll have to go..."

"Huh? What? But the night's just started, man!"

"I'm sorry, but I... uhh... forgot something about tonight..."

"What's it so important to kick me out?" Brian asked, unable to stop jacking off.

"I... uhh... have a gaming tournament tonight..."

"Try another one." Brian mocked, able to see through his friend's bluff.

"Brian, please, just..."

"Come here." Brian gestured the lone seat next to him.

Like a dog with its tail between its legs, Nick followed Brian's orders and sat next to him.

"Please... I beg you..." Nick whined.

"Hush!" Brian asserted with playful dominance. "I won't leave until you make me at least cum!"


Defeated, Nick brought his hand and grasped Brian's throbbing erection. The smaller man blissfully sighed at the sensations of Nick's fat sausage fingers around his impressive member.

"You close yet?" Nick asked, his grip tightening as a spasm hit his body.

"Not if you ask aberrant things."

Nick let out a groan as a soft popping sound from his joints echoed in the room.

"You know what cranks my gear about you, Nick?"

"Ughh... no?"

"It's how different we are. Like... I'm this short outgoing stud and you're this tall fat brute... I love that."

Nick groaned again, unheard by his bate buddy. The five o'clock shadow that adorned his cheeks after a work day grew darker, more like a two days stubble.

"And your smell... I can't get enough of it, man. I always take a shower a day to keep myself clean for work and dates... but I admire how you smell and reek of testosterone and maleness."

Nick must have admitted he felt pride build within him when Brian confided these things. Actually, he didn't remember the last time he's taken a shower, probably during the previous week. He shifted a little, his joints aching more. Pinpricks hit different spots on his arms. Glancing down in horror, Nick noticed the hair on his arms was growing thicker. He couldn't keep Brian here much longer... nor keep the beast within him at bay, especially on a full moon night.

"Remember those day in college before I had my late growth spurt? You used to tower by a foot over me, bud. Gosh... I craved that, man... I loved to see you so... bi-IG..."

Brian's closed eyes opened in confusion. Since when did his voice cracked? He turned toward Nick whose intense gaze on the masturbation broke and met with Brian's. A puzzled look overtook Brian's face as he saw the thick beard on his bate buddy. However, it was mirrored by Nick when he's noticed stubble on Brian's usually bare cheeks. The masturbation slowed down a little.

A new tent stretched Nick's boxer shorts when he's noticed the stubble growing abnormally fast and thick on Brian's face. Something odd bothered Brian but he couldn't point what it was... especially when his eyes glanced downward at the tent Nick sported. He went for the boner and whipped it out of the clothes to Nick's resisting wince.

"Ready for another go?" Brian asked him with a toothy grin, looking a little... beastlier.

"Are... are you a..." Nick started to ask before Brian jumped at him and gave him a sloppy kiss.

One man on another, the two guys on the couch kissed messily. Dick frotting against dick, Brian started humping which elicited a moan from the bigger man. With one leg on the couch and the other on the floor, Nick whimpered as he felt themselves give into the change. Slowly but surely, they started inching longer and growing hairier. In proportion, his spine lengthened with them, making him grow slightly taller under Brian's lustful humps. Slowly, the tank top Nick wore grew shorter on his stretching frame. Nick broke the kiss and held Brian's head within his large hands.

"Have I ever told you... how much you're a handsome fucker?" Nick spoke.

Brian smirked and held Nick's love handles on either sides tightly as he gave a long hard thrust, wedging their big moist dicks together. With a repressed moan, Nick's beard suddenly puffed out longer, obscuring his neck. Brian stared in disbelief, awestruck. Nick whimpered as he tried to keep his beast at bay and push his friend away from him. To his surprise, Brian grasp his pushing arm and stopped him.

"How did you do that?" Brian asked with big gleaming eyes.

"I... fuck... I didn't want to tell anyone, but... I'm a werewolf, Brian."

"A... werewolf?"


A loud popping and stretching sound resounded as a spasm hit Nick's body. His sloppy and fleshy shoulders bulged outward, further and further away, already sprouting hair here and there. The round gut under Brian bucked up and swelled forward, making the smaller man temporarily lose his balance on the transforming werewolf. Brian backed away on the couch, watching the long thick leg by his side surge with size and hair.

"Holy fucking shit..." Brian blurted out, his eyes growing even bigger in astonishment.

Nick's face wrinkled in pain, the beard on his cheeks adding more inches, reaching his collar bone.

"Fuck... Please, Brian... Leave... I can't bear it... much longer..."

"That's... so sick..." Brian muttered in awe.

But as much as Nick wanted to protect his friend, Brian had unconsciously sealed his fate the moment he tasted the tainted cum splattered on his t-shirt. Already, Brian's eyes were turning yellow and his teeth morphed to take the sharpness of wolf fangs. But watching Nick changing and growing in front of him triggered something on the back of Brian's mind. What had always turned him on with guys were their size, their musk and their manliness. Hence, seeing all the hair sprout on his years-old friend turned him on like nothing ever had before.

Brian's right hand grasped at his throbbing dick and proceeded to jack off at the otherworldly sight.

"No... Brian... Stop... Le-EAve..." Nick groaned, his gruff voice cracking like a teen's and dropping back even deeper.

Brian's tongue slipped out of his mouth like a dog panting. His own stubble had taken a light-reddish hue, contrasting with his dark red hair.

"I'm your buddy, Nick! Imma not leave you!" Brian barked like a gleeful dog to his master.

Brian's eyes locked with the swollen penis between Nick's legs, precumming already. It looked even thicker than earlier and had a little darker tone to it.

"You taste so good, Nick... I want... I want more..." Brian perversely said, bending over for Nick's dick.

As a reflex, Nick pulled his growing cock away before Brian had the time to engulf it in his mouth.

"What? You had... No! You're changing! I'm... I'm so sorry..." Nick said with a retained cry, blaming himself.

"So (UGH!) big..." Brian marvelled as his own back popped, his own spine popping and stretching a little longer as a tail pushed its way out just above his shorts.

Unable to resist his friend's lusty ministrations, Nick let go of his growing now ten incher. He's tried never having sex again since a guy had transmitted him lycanthropy as a STD as a teen. It boosted up his height and frame in his late puberty years, but from staying indoors afraid of his hidden self Nick had grown soft and inactive. Now there he was, transmitting the cursed STD he blamed for ruining his life to his only friend, now ruining his life as well.

Brian slicked the fat dick with the pre and his own saliva before shoving it down his eager throat. Nick gasped and his body contorted in pleasure. So many years preventing this disaster, this transmission, and now he was destroying this imaginary barrier like it never existed. The transforming werewolf let out an appreciative howl and grabbed Brian's head in his changing hands. Nick guided the bobbing of his friend's head, increasing the pace then starting to buck his hips as well.

Nick's tongue lolled out of his mouth, losing himself in the bliss. His soft belly swelled furthermore against Brian's head and his thighs. So many years enclosing himself in this tiny apartment on every full moon. So many years indulging himself to eat junk food and jack off instead of deploying his legs in a healthy run in the woods and mating like a proper beast. All of these aspects contributed to make him the fat lone beast he now was becoming. Nick's sagging pecs swelled into moobs resting on the beachball gut his werewolf self possessed. The poor strained tank top looked comically small on the big werewolf's burgeoning belly. Thick nipples peeked by the sides and shoulders spread further outward, growing even larger than a door.

Brian's mouth filled with precum until the growing dick thrusted past his gullet at a footlong, now filling the guts directly. The changes only advanced further. With every bobs of is head on the werewolf's cock, Brian's face stretched slightly more into a muzzle. Starting with an inch, then one more inch, then another, and another... until a partly hair covered muzzle stretched beyond his face. As hair sprawled over his face and slowly took the appearance of dark red fur, pigments of facial hair spots were a bright fiery red. The changing paws holding his head in place grew larger, but mostly longer. Nick's fat fingers stretched like taffy until they simply looked gigantic, more like actual black bear paws.

From his sitting position, Nick's bare left foot already hit the opposite armrest of the couch. While his feet weren't exactly small at a size 14 to begin with, they were not spared from the transformation. They mostly lengthened at first, surpassing sizes after sizes. The left foot toes curled around the couch armrest as claws slowly made their way out. A slight buckle of his leg muscles hinted they were not done stretching longer. And so, Nick actually saw his knee bend upward from his left leg while the heel of his right foot slipped further away on the ground.

A panic from Brian brought him out of the blissful blowjob he was given. Nick removed his mitt-like hand-paws from Brian's head and his smaller friend jerked backward with heavy breathing. Brian's head completed its wolfish transformation as two large furry ears migrated on top of his head. An odd sensation of vertigo hit Nick as he realized who much he had to look down at his friend, even from their both seating positions. While Brian didn't seem to have grown much bigger until now except from a slightly bloated tummy of precum, Nick towered even more over his friend, most probably over seven feet tall.

"Wow..." Brian gasped at his enormous friend.

"Heh... you're a smol boy, Brian..." Nick chuckled.

While they weren't done changing, they looked more wolfish than human by now, especially Brian with his animal-like head and half-grown tail. However, Nick didn't seem far behind. His ears had already changed and pointed upward above his head. A bushy beard that would put Hagrid's to shame covered his ample and sagging chest. While his shoulders stuck out as massively, they were still covered in hair and not yet fur. The tank top Nick wore looked ridiculously small, barely covering the set of moobs that dropped on his beachball gut. Nick was not only tall: he was a tank.

A slight deformation of Nick's jaw implied a muzzle had started to grow. Claws already jutted out of his hands and massive feet and the once snug boxer shorts looked like an ill-fitting pair of kid's boxer briefs on a sumo tank. The underwear had already split at the sides and in the middle, showcasing the orange-sized furry balls that hung under a thirteen inches dark cock. If Nick had been six feet four at the beginning of the night, he had to be at least a foot taller now, probably even more than that.

Brian looked down at the werewolf's legs, the hair almost as thick as fur and their size rivalling with tree trunks. He couldn't help but feel small and vulnerable at five feet seven in front of such an enormous guy... or a beast for that matter. And still, that size difference turned him. True to his desires, his erect cock stood proudly, bigger than ever at nine inches and at least twice as thick as before, rivalling with Nick's improved thickness.

"I think I like being the smaller one." Brian grinned, using both of his hands to masturbate, now.

"Well, you think you could handle this bone at that size?" Nick asked, pointing his changing dick at his friend.

"No more afraid of giving STD, huh?"

"Well, it seems you've already contracted lycanthropy, now."

"That's not an STD."

"It's like one."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Brian thought of climbing his friend's beard like Rapunzel's knight did with her hair, but Nick was faster. The fat werewolf loomed over his smaller friend and went in for a kiss, which proved to be difficult considering Brian's new muzzle and Nick's growing one. As they kissed, more of Nick's undersized boxer shorts tore from around his expansive rump and growing tail. Mildly crushing his smaller friend to his eager pleasure.

"Oh fuck... oh shit... you're so big, Nick! You're so... so... so hot!" Brian exclaimed, unable to keep in his happiness.

Under Nick's embrace, Brian gasped as he felt his shoes growing tight.

"Crap! Why didn't I think of taking them off before?" He thought.

Soon, Brian's hurting feet relieved a little. Claws punctured through the leather and forced their way out. Nick heard the breaking shoes and pushed back a little so that his friend could see his new paws. Brian brought one to his hairier hands, growing claws as well. Like an erection but oddly as pleasurable, Brian felt and saw his feet morph furthermore and grow longer and longer, a bit wider and definitely furry, forming strong digitigrade paws.

Taken out of his odd admiration, Brian's legs were pulled apart by the bigger wolf. He gasped as his short were sliced opened by the giant's claws, freeing his cock and balls. Brian looked at his friend with his gleamy eyes. After so many years without having sex, Nick shivered with eagerness. He aligned his fat fourteen incher with his friend's furry hole. The cock was not looking human anymore. It was, like his body, a hybridized version of a human and wolf dick.

"Go on. Shove it in me." Brian urged to.

Nick gave a few thrusts, smearing precum all over Brian's shivering pucker.

"I want to... but I don't want to hurt you either." Nick hesitated, despite having the beast urging him to fuck senselessly.

"I... I'll be okay... Just be gentle, please..."

With a needful groan, Nick aligned the slightly pointier tip of his cock with his friend's hole... and pushed... and pushed... and pushed...

The first inch pierced throat Brian like he was sticking a spear inside him. Even if he's fucked with a handful of guys and taken dicks in his ass more than once, this one felt horrifyingly big. Past the first four inches, the pain ebbed away and gave place to pleasure... but this painless intrusion was only short-lived. Brian gasped and clawed at the couch as he took more than eight inches. He's never tried fisting before but it felt like he was shoving an arm in there. Past ten inches, it started to hurt. A footlong into Brian and a bulge poked from inside his bloated abs. Nick wanted to shove the remaining inches, but the dazed expression on Brian's face held him back from going balls deep.

And thus, they fucked.

Brian's moans and retorted howls made Nick fuck him all the better, his big belly shaking up and down with its own momentum with each thrust. Nick's muzzle pushed further outward and his claws grew even bigger. The two bulging asscheeks counterbalanced the weight his tremendous gut pulled toward the front. Brian brought his shaking clawed hands to the giant sphere that bounced up and down in front of his, feeling the hairy flesh growing a thick coat of black fur. It firmed and swelled a little under his hands, growing into a humongous taut beergut.

"I'm... I'm gonna cum again, Brian..." Nick moaned.

"Go... go... OH SHIT!"

Something within Brian snapped. He felt the monster cock within him getting more intrusive, like it was growing again... His hips cracked as the fucking pace increased. Brian looked down in fear that he might have broken up something from taking suck a massive organ, but the only sight he was rewarded with was his own cock growing even bigger. Still wearing his t-shirt, Brian gasped as he unloaded himself a massive load of cum all over the last clothing article he wore. Brian howled as he fired his seed and he felt Nick nutting inside his ass at the same time. His ass felt suddenly tighter and his abs bloated further.

If anything, Nick seemed to grow even bigger for an instant. The big werewolf howled himself, sounding deeper in pitch than Brian's. His muzzle completed its extension and his head reached further upward. His spine kept on stretching and growing as his own very tail grew behind him, swaying left and right happily as it grew a few feet long. His feet-paws cracked and grew from a flat stance to a digitigrade one. As the orgasm ebbed away and Nick could see more clearly, he gasped looking down at Brian. He couldn't see the man with the vast expanse of his taut belly now. He pulled out his dick and a river of cum seeped down his legs. Brian was bloated like an inflatable, cum gushing slightly from the now loose hole.

"Oh fuck, Brian..."

Slowly, cum left the panting smaller werewolf, slowly returning to normal size.

"You okay, buddy?" Nick asked him with concern.

"More than ever..." Brian happily said.

Nick grabbed his friend in his arms and hugged him until realization hit him.

"Uhh... I don't want to break it up to you, Brian, but you might want to upgrade some of your wardrobe after that."

"What... what do you mean?"

"You... how do I put that... uhh... you've grown."

The two friends broke the embrace and Brian looked down at himself and blushed. He had grown a couple inches in height, probably standing around six feet tall now, but what hit him, literally, was down below. His dick, even standing at a good two feet shorter than Nick, stood as thick as a wine-bottle and had a length of a foot and a half.

"Holy fucking shit! What the hell!"

"I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen!"

"That's... sick!"

"I know, I know... look I'm not gonna judge you if you don't ever want to talk to me anymore..."

"What? No! I mean... sick in a good way! Look! Who could brag having a big dick like that!"

"You... you're not mad... at me?"

"What? Why would I be mad at you, man?"

"I dunno... for cursing you into a werewolf maybe?"

"Well... minus the paws, claws and wolf head, it's like being a really really hairy guy, right?"

"I... guess... but you can't risk having sex with anyone ever..."

"Ah... well... I usually put condoms anyway so..."

"I don't think condoms are going to fit you anymore..."

"What? You mean... it's going to stay that size?"

"No, but... it's gonna be bigger than it were earlier when you revert back."

"I... could live with that, I guess."

Nick lowered his head in shame. Nonetheless, his tail wagged happily behind him and his glistening hardon never softened. Brian smiled at his troubled friend.

"Plus... that means we can have sex together, right? Whenever we want?"

Nick's tail wagged faster.

"I... I guess..."

"Then, how about we change Bate Night for Fuck Nights?"

"Still on Mondays?"

"How about everyday?"

Nick would have blushed if it weren't for the fur covering his face.

"Would that mean we'd be... like... boyfriends?"

"I didn't say that... but other than your gigantic ass, what will I shove my meat into, now huh?"

Nick squeezed and wiggled his butt in lust upon hearing that. Brian grinned further, his still hard dick giving a few twitches that made the bigger guy stifle a soft moan.

"Say... why don't you bend over and show me a piece of that hot ass of yours?" Brian teased, grasping erect cock.

Nick made a coy smile, looking at the much smaller werewolf with the oversized dick. Lazily, he slipped off the couch to stand but hit his head against the ceiling with a surprised yelp. Plaster rained down on his shoulder, giving him a salt and pepper look.

Brian barked a lusty groan at the enormous werewolf. Already, he was rubbing his dick again with both of his hands.

"Oops... fuck... I tend to forget how big I get..."

"I love how big you got! You gotta be, like, eight feet tall!"

"Heh. I'm bigger than that if you must know." Nick teased, dropping on all fours next to the living room, in the middle of the corridor leading to the bedroom.

In this position, the bigger werewolf's ass stood almost as tall as Brian's crotch. Still, Brian dropped on his knees and wedged his face between the two globe-like furry cheeks, giving a sloppy rimjob. With his longer and improved tongue, Brian used it to his advantage and loosened up the large deep asshole. The sweaty musk he used to smell on Nick was stronger than ever. It was explosive, earthy and, above all, manly.

"C'mon, Brian, shove it in me already... please..." Nick begged, wiggling his rump.

Brian stood back up licking the drool off his lips. He aimed his monster cock for the giant's hole and shoved his cock inside in quick short thrusts, digging a little deeper with every thrusts in. Bringing both clawed hands to the bottom's hips, Brian held himself and went full trot in the big werewolf's ass.

"Fuck... you're still quite tight!" Brian barked happily.

"You... you're just inhumanly huge, bud..."

"Hmm... I like that... So big even a giant's ass feels small!"

"Fuck yeah, buddy!"

The pace quickened and the thrusts grew harsh. Even on all fours, Nick's taut spherical gut almost touched the floor. His back was so spread out his shoulders almost brushed the opposite walls of the corridor.

"Ughh... I swear... I'm getting bigger... every time I change..." Nick groaned.

"Fuck, that'd be hot! Fatter or taller?"


"Hmm..." Brian moaned, bucking faster. "Gonna have a growth spurt for me, man?"

"You... you'd like that?"

"I told you, man... I love seeing how big you are! And if you grow even bigger, sometime, perhaps my dick will fit in better!"

"Hmm... yeah, I like the sound of that... you're making me leak all over the floor, bud..."

"Heh, it just adds up to your mess!"

"Shu- shut up... OH FUCK!"


A wave of POPS of CRACKS echoed in the apartment. The floor creaked a little under both guys' weight and Brian gasped in bliss as he witnessed Nick's back spread wider until both of his shoulders were stuck between the wall.

"What... what's happen- UGHHH!" Nick growled.

Right in front of Brian, Nick's head inched further away. The werewolf on all fours had to maneuver his stance awkwardly. Both of his shoulders dug into the walls, cracking them as he had to move his arms further forward. At the same time, Nick's ass inched higher a little while his huge pawed feet slipped further backward in the living room. Even the tail wagging in front of Brian stretched longer and thicker. The ass pressed against Brian, taking more of the monster cock in the meantime. Brian's eyes rolled back as he made one with pleasure itself.

"You... YOU'RE GROWING AGAIN, NICK! FUUUUCK!" Brian howled as he unleashed a torrent of cum his swollen ball manufactured continuously.

A splotching sound resounded as Nick enormous gut swelled further and touched the ground, gaining bulk but also filling in with Brian's seemingly endless orgasm. Brian's hands on Nick's hips were pulled further apart as it felt like he was fucking a four-wheeler. Or filling its tank for that matter. Once the orgasm ebbed away, Brian tried pulling out but something prevented him from. Lodged inside Nick's tremendous ass was stuck a large fat knot.

"Huh... Nick? I think I'm stuck..."

"Well... I'm stuck here too..." Nick said, trapped between the walls of the narrow corridor.

The noise made by moving trucks on this hot 1st of July was heard at almost every street. When Brian and Nick moved in their new house, in the outskirts of the suburban town, they planned on making it as close as possible from the woods.

Ever since that fateful night where Brian became a werewolf, his height stabilized at five feet ten, three inches taller than his initial height. True to Nick's words, he had to buy a new wardrobe, especially to hide his now seven inches softy, but also new footwear. Growing wolf paws seemed to have given a little extra boost to his feet, settling them at a size 12 instead of a size 10.

Nick on the other end seemed to have grown fond of showing himself. While he's always tried hiding himself since he's become a werewolf, Brian encouraged him in showing off his body and growing his own beard and hair. While Brian's hair now reached his shoulders, Nick's dropped halfway down his back. Even Nick's black beard reached chest while Brian's red beard only partly covered his neck. Hair seemed to grow so fast as a werewolf that it was a pain to shave every day and go to the barber every two weeks.

As the movers finished their job and went back on the road, sweaty and musky Nick and Brian laid down and kissed on the couch where everything began. Both in moist tank tops from their sweat and wearing swim-trunks for the new pool later on, their bare shoulders and calves did nothing to hide the slick skin covered in dense hair they displayed even in their human forms.

"I'm so glad, Brian. This is our first home!" Nat gleefully exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, we couldn't keep having neighbours complaining of your moans and howls."

"You're the one howling."

"Hush." Brian kissed back.

"There's a full moon next Monday. I can't wait to celebrate!"

"We don't need a full moon in the sky to celebrate." Brian said, his hands groping both of Nick's asscheeks. "We've got two moons here."

"Ha! You think you're funny!" Nick playfully mocked, turning around and dropping his shorts, exposing his hairy asscheeks to Brian. "C'mon, lover boy. Fuck me."

Brian grinned at Nick's eagerness. After so many years keeping himself from have proper sex Nick looked like trying to catch up all the time lost. Brian went for a quick rimjob, then he relieved the eleven inches boner trapped in his shorts, leaking already like a broken hose. He pressed the tip with his taller boyfriend's hole, then pushed it in, inch by inch.

"Ahhh... So big... I can't get enough of your dick, Brian..." Nick groaned, pushing back at him.

"Heh. I sure have a lot of dick to brag about!" Brian grinned and moaned, at feeling the warm walls of Nick's backdoor. "And it's only for my ten feet tall werewolf boyfriend!"

Being single had its perks. You could experiment all you like, left and right, with guys and gals alike. But when you found your soulmate, the one you want to spend your life with, the one you can't sleep without, the one who really knows you and who's always there for you, you can come to that conclusion:

Being mates had its perks too.