University Story - Chapter 5

Story by Tidus_Duke on SoFurry

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Chapter 5 - Caught between a Leopard and a hard place

Alex tip-toed into his room. It was pretty late, and he didn't want to wake Keith. Alex always had the impression that Keith was the kind of person that would be cranky if you woke them up at almost 4 in the morning. He didn't want to find out if he was right though, so stayed as quiet as could be.

He had been out with Jeff, Jet and Paul all night. The plan was supposed to just be to go and get something to eat, but they ended up hitting a few of the cities bars, and then just hung out at Jet's place. Jet lived in student housing, just like Ryan and Robbie, but his house was pretty packed. He didn't get much of a choice as to who he roomed with, and ended up with three bruiting, huge and messy football players. Dane, a stallion, Darius, an ape, both of whom played defense, and also a bull named Brock. They all towered over Jet. All three of them were supposed to have the place to themselves, but Jet ended up getting stuck with them. They thought that they deserved the biggest house to themselves, just because they were on the football team. Ryan and Robbie had one of the smaller houses, but Jet's house was pretty huge, almost double the size. Jet said that made up for the fact that he had to live with three of the biggest and dumbest jerks in the whole school.

Alex was careful to slip out of his clothes silently, without turning on any lights. He turned his back to Keith and began to strip out of his clothes. He didn't have any light, so he couldn't find any other clothes to put back on. He decided that sleeping in just his boxers was alright. Hell, he'd done it plenty of times already.

He sure is a good roommate, Keith thought, noticing Alex was oblivious to the fact that he was still awake. He always made sure to be quiet, not that he could bother Keith. Keith didn't care if Alex made a little noise, but he thought it was sweet that Alex was so considerate. Keith had kept himself awake all night because he was going to ask Alex if he could talk to him about something. He was going to tell Alex how he felt. He had planned out exactly what was going to happen and what he would say, and since it was Friday, they wouldn't have to worry about getting up the next day. He wanted to be able to hold and cuddle Alex all night and into the day. He had only thought in best case scenario, where Alex loved him just as much as he did, but he just couldn't bring himself to say anything. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but once the little husky pulled down his pants, flashing his gorgeous rump to him, he was speechless. He just watched Alex silently, and when he slipped into bed, Keith dozed off as well.

"There's always tomorrow..." Keith thought as he drifted into his husky-filled dreams...

* * * *

Alex stretched his legs out, letting out a long groan as he did. "What a good sleep," He thought to himself. He had come in really late and since it was the weekend, he decided to sleep in. He grabbed his watch and gasped when he saw that it was 2 in the afternoon. He knew it wasn't that late, considering when he had come in last night, but Alex never slept in this late. He felt like he was wasting the whole day! Alex jumped out of bed and grabbed his towel and fur shampoo, and bolted for the showers. He was planning on hanging out with his friends today. Jeff had said that he needed to catch Ryan, Robbie and Syd up to what had happened. No way had they had more fun than he did, Jeff said!

Alex was running down the hallway to the showers, but he was rushing so much that he yelped in surprise when he hit something and fell backwards.

"Ouch!" Alex said, and looked up. It was Shane. Alex shook his head in confusion. He really needed to start watching where he was going; this was like the third time this had happened! Alex blushed in embarrassment, and tried to get himself up, when he noticed he wasn't on the ground anymore. Shane had picked Alex up, and was holding him in his arms.

"Sorry little guy!" Shane said, with his infamous smile, warming Alex to the bone with just a look.

"No, I'm a serious klutz...sorry Shane." Alex couldn't look Shane in the eyes. He was just so hot, and Alex was still only wearing his tight boxers. No place to hide his growing member.

Shane laughed a comforting laugh, but didn't put Alex down. He's softer then I dreamed he'd be, Shane thought to himself. He had been thinking about Alex for a while now, and wasn't sure what it meant. He knew pretty well now. Alex was practically naked in his arms, and Shane had never felt so good and so scared at the same time before. His paws were holding the little pup, and rubbing his soft fur slowly. He couldn't help himself. His left paw was right under Alex's thigh and it creeped up, Shane had no control. Right when he was about to touch the husky's butt, barley covered by his tight underwear-

"Uh, Shane? What are you doing?" Alex asked, looking straight at the tall leopard, a little hint of fear and worry in his voice. Shane had been holding him like this for a while, and Alex was confused. Sure, he loved where he was, leaning against Shane's powerful chest, his equally strong hands roaming through Alex's sleek fur, but he was nervous all the same. He couldn't understand why Shane was doing this.

"Oh, ah, my bad dude!" Shane said, almost dropping Alex on the ground he was so desperate to end the embrace. "Uh, I-I, I'll just see ya later man!" Shane left the hallway so fast Alex had thought he must have been running.

"What was that all about?" Alex asked himself. Shane had been acting weird around him ever since he tried out for football. He would talk with Alex and stop and get dazed, just staring at Alex with his gorgeous smile. This was the longest Shane had spaced out though. Alex felt his face flush when he looked down and saw his hard cock straining his tight boxers. Alex gasped, looked back at the door Shane left through, and ran into the bathroom.

Alex had taken a long cold shower, the only thing that seemed to clear his mind. First Keith was avoiding him, and now Shane wouldn't seem to leave him alone. He didn't know which was harder to deal with. Both furs had exactly the same massive build, height, and had the same warm smile that made Alex think he was dreaming. The only difference it seemed was their species, and how they acted around Alex.

He was drying the remains of the water in his head fur, when he noticed something attached to his door. It was a piece of paper.

"That's weird..." Alex said to himself, and pulled it off his door. He unfolded it and realized it was a note:


Meet me at the football field bleachers at 6 today. Please come's important...I really need to talk to you.

It was short, but its message definitely hit Alex hard. So many questions were running through his head. Who was it from, what did they want, why did he have to come alone? He felt his chest tighten as he entered his room and saw that Keith wasn't there.

"Oh good..." Alex said, panting in fear. What if someone found out he was gay? "How could someone know? I haven't done anything!" Alex fell onto his bed, his towel falling off as he moved, leaving his damp, naked body completely open. If Keith walked in, he'd see every part of him, but Alex didn't care. His mind was rushing, and memories were flowing into his brain. It was going to be just like last time, he thought. Someone had found out he was gay, and soon everyone else was going to know. His friends would never talk to him again, he'd be forced off of the football team...he was sure the team would have better plans for him. He shivered as old wounds rushed into him, the pain being impossible to forget. He was going to be all alone again...

* * * *

Six o'clock came around, and Alex was still in the same position in his bed. Dried tears had stained the fur on his face, and he didn't want to move. He didn't want to walk willingly to the meeting that was going to ruin the wonderful life he had had at Duke. He wiped his muzzle, and sat up slightly. He looked at his watch.

"They'll only find me later..." Alex said to himself, and got out of bed, much less enthusiastically then he had earlier. He had had such a good day yesterday, and now it was all going to end. He slipped on his jeans and a t-shirt. He looked around his room and saw that Keith still hadn't returned. Where could he be? Alex thought, but brushed it off. He should get used to being avoided by the wolf, as once news of Alex's sexuality got out, the wolf would never talk to him again. Unless of course to make fun of him...

Alex grabbed his jacket and rushed out of the room before a new tear started to fall down his cheek.

* * * *

Alex had walked very slowly to the field. It wasn't very far from his dorm, but he really didn't want to go. He was thinking about all the things that were supposed to happen at Duke. He was supposed to do well in football, get good grades, make great friends...and it was all going to crash and burn in just a few minutes.

The field was just ahead of him, and he walked up to the bleachers. He saw someone sitting there alone, but had to shield his eyes to see. The sun was just setting and the glare made it impossible to see who was there. He walked towards them, and they stood up abruptly. Alex still couldn't see who it was, but he was very tall, and massive. He was exactly the size that Keith and Shane were, now that he thought of it...

"Hey Alex..." the mysterious voice said to him. The larger fur stepped forward, right in front of Alex, and he blocked the sun from Alex's eyes. He could see who it was now...

It was Shane.

"Shane?" Alex said, taking a step back. He was shocked. Shane was his friend, so what would he need to ask Alex in secret? Maybe, if he did know, he of all people wouldn't tell everyone he was gay! Alex felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"We need to talk about something Alex. I don't know how to say it. It's kind of hard and...a little uncomfortable." Shane's head turned to look away from Alex. Alex's heart sank. Oh no, he thought. Shane really did know, and he felt awkward knowing. Alex took another step back.

"About what..." Alex whispered. He knew full well what Shane had to say.

"I-I just can't." Shane was practically shaking. Alex was terrified. Did this bother Shane that much?

"Please Shane, let me explain-"

"I can't get you out of my head Alex. I don't know if you will ever feel the same about me as I do to you, but...I've never liked someone as much as I do you..." Alex couldn't believe it. It wasn't him that was the problem; Shane was worried that Alex would react the way he thought the leopard was going to. Shane was feeling all the same things Alex was. Alex took a step closer to Shane.

"Please understand Alex. Even if there is just a small chance, I had to take it..." Shane was really shook up, and Alex got closer and put his small paw on Shane's arm.

"Alex?" Shane breathed in fast. Alex moved in right up to Shane, his face leaning against Shane's chest. He was looking up at Shane, his normally blue eyes looked red. Had Alex been crying? Shane thought. Did Alex get the wrong idea from his message?

"Oh, Alex. I'm sorry if I worried you...maybe I shouldn't have left you that note..." Shane wrapped his arms around Alex, trying his best to comfort the clearly troubled dog.

"No. I'm glad you did..." Alex stood up as tall as he could, wrapping his arms around Shane's neck, and he kissed his cheek softly. Alex could taste the tears that had dried on Shane's cheeks, just as they were on Alex's. "It means a lot that it was you..."

Shane took a deep breath and leaned down and kissed Alex. He lifted the little fur up into his arms. They were in the same position they were in when Shane picked Alex up earlier. This time meant so much more though. It wasn't an awkward encounter, but a loving embrace, and the two made out slowly, exploring the new sensation. Shane broke the kiss, and leaned into Alex's ear.

"I'm so happy Alex...I could only think of the worst that could happen..."

"I thought someone had found out I was gay...I thought they were gonna tell everyone..."

"I'd never do anything that would hurt you can trust me." Shane meant this. All of this had hit him so fast, but he didn't care. All that mattered was how he felt, and that Alex felt the same. Nothing else in the world mattered to him while he was holding the little husky tight in his arms.

"Alex? Do you wanna go somewhere, a little more...comfortable?" Shane asked Alex, his gorgeous smile returning to his face. Alex could never say no to a face that made him feel so happy.

"Anywhere with you is comfortable already..." Alex whispered to Shane, holding his muzzle in both of his paws. He leaned in and kissed Shane again.

Shane actually blushed when Alex ended the kiss. Both of the boy's hearts were beating like crazy, and they could feel it as they lay against each other. Shane started walking down out of the bleachers, still cradling Alex tightly to him. He never wanted to let go. He had been so afraid that Alex would reject him that he never even considered something so wonderful happening. It was all going so well.

Shane carried Alex with ease, and he walked all the way to the parking lot. Shane drove a small black Jeep, and it was parked right up to the field, between the massive bleachers. The back of the car was open, and a blanket was spread out. Alex wondered if Shane had prepared it for him, but the smell of female furs told him he wasn't the first. It didn't matter though. All that mattered was that it was just them, alone and happy.

Shane laid the little fur on his back in his car. The jeep had the back seat taken out, so there was plenty of room for the two. Shane had pillows laid all over. It was warm and comfy...perfect. Shane lay on top of Alex and looked him in his eyes.

"I never thought I could feel like just came into my life, and I feel like I could have never lived without you. I don't know how I ever slept at night knowing someone like you was out there, without my arms around you..." Shane's voice was so smooth in Alex's ear, but still kept its deep and rough hum. Alex melted at the sound of the leopard, and at the warm breath that was right next to his face.

Shane maneuvered himself so as to make sure they were both comfy, and laid a pillow behind Alex's head.

"I want you to feel comfortable...I want you to be happy..."

"...I already am Shane..." Alex couldn't believe what was happening. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to have gone to the football field and someone was supposed to threaten to out him to everyone...Alex had stopped expecting the happy route in his life. It just never came before, and Shane was just more than Alex could take.

Shane leaned up over Alex, his legs straddling the sides of Alex's. He was so much bigger then Alex and it made the little husky feel safe. Shane lifted his shirt up, and Alex couldn't help but run a paw through the short, soft fur on Shane's chest. Shane purred in pleasure and threw his shirt to the front seat. He proceeded to lift Alex up, and took his shirt off as well. Alex's fur felt just as smooth as it did earlier, but now he was free to feel every part of him. Shane kissed Alex forcefully, and leaned the two back down, Shane's body on top of Alex's. Their tongues were exploring every part of each other's muzzles, and Alex heard a belt buckle being fumbled with. Shane had taken his shorts and underwear off in one quick movement. He couldn't wait any longer, he wanted Alex too much. His 9 inch dick was rock hard and dripping. Alex took a quick breath when he saw it and gasped just as fast when Shane went for Alex's jeans. Shane was making sure he wasn't the only one naked in that jeep.

Shane did everything. He undid Alex's belt and lifted the boy so as to pull his jeans off. Alex's smaller dick was just as hard as Shane's, and the two boys spent a few seconds just staring at each other.

"I've never done this before, so just tell me if something happens that you don't like. Ok?" Shane looked at Alex with his green eyes, and all Alex could do was nod. He thought his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. He was so nervous, but he couldn't deny just how much he wanted this to happen. Alex put one paw on the shaft of Shane's dick, and Shane let a low, but lustful purr escape him. He grabbed Alex by the waist and flipped him over onto his chest. Shane lay back against the front seats, and spread his legs so Alex could get a perfect view of all of the leopard.

"Wow..." Alex whispered. He was panting in anticipation, and let his paws run through Shane's rock-hard abs. His rubbing slowly fell south and now both of his paws were wrapped around Shane's cock. Shane put one paw on the back of Alex's head and slowly guided Alex to the head of his dick. The mushroom head was swollen and spasmed at the touch of Alex's tongue. Shane's dick head was covered in pre-cum, and Alex made sure to lick it all up. It tasted delicious, and Alex started to lower his muzzle onto the leopards cock.

"Oh ya Alex...ya, suck my dick..." Shane was moaning in ecstasy as Alex began to bob his head up and down slowly. Both furs were exploring every part of each other with their paws. Every place they could reach would get caressed, and groped. Alex ran his fingers through Shane's golden fur, and his white chest. One of Shane's paws was rustling through Alex's head fur as he helped Alex move up and down his dick, while the other was rubbing the little furs back, and shoulders. He scratched Alex's back slowly with his retractable claws, eliciting a moan of pain and pleasure from Alex. Shane moved his hand down to Alex's ass, and groped one cheek in his large paw. Alex whimpered with Shane's dick smothering his yelp of pleasure as Shane put one finger into Alex's tail hole-

"Wait, Shane." Alex lifted his muzzle off of Shane's dick. He sounded desperate and scared and Shane didn't know what was wrong. Clearly Alex wanted him just as much as he did, so why did he stop?

"What's wrong little guy?" Shane asked, moving his paws back up to Alex's shoulders. Obviously something was wrong.

" one's touched me there since..." Alex drifted off, and he felt tears forming in the sides of his eyes. He really wanted to, but it brought up horrible memories when someone touched him there...last time had not been the comfortable, warm night it was now...

"What's wrong Alex? If it's something I did, just tell me." Shane sounded really sad. It wasn't him at all. It's all my fault, Alex thought...He wasn't ready to tell Shane that yet though...

"No, no, it's nothing...I'm just, not ready for that yet...sorry." Alex prayed Shane wouldn't be mad. He didn't want to ruin this wonderful night just because he was too afraid and ashamed.

"I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to rush you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Shane lifted Alex into his chest, and Alex's legs wrapped around him, and he lay silently on the leopard. Shane sounded sad, and Alex wished things had gone differently.

Shane looked Alex in his eyes, and could see the sorrow behind them. Alex wasn't telling him everything, but he could see it wasn't his place to ask. He would talk to him when he was ready, and Shane would be sure to be there for him. He kissed Alex on his cheek, and laid Alex back onto the sheets, keeping himself right on top of him.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to Alex...but I still wanna make you feel good. Can I?" Shane looked down to Alex's dick, which was still just as hard as Shane's, and then looked back at Alex.

Alex nodded, and Shane smiled. Alex felt better already, just seeing Shane smile again. The big cat moved slowly down Alex's chest, kissing and teasing his nipples as he did. When he reached Alex's dick, he grabbed it in his right paw, engulfing the whole thing in his massive, firm grip. He began stroking the little dog slowly, and Alex couldn't help but groan. He had never felt so good, that is until Shane's rough and long tongue stretched out to Alex's dick.

"Ohhhh man, Shane!" Shane had never sucked cock before, but it sounded like he was doing a good job. Alex's dick wasn't nearly as big or as thick as Shane's, and the leopard's large muzzle was able to take the whole thing in one go. It felt weird to have something stuff his muzzle like that, but he loved the feeling of making Alex moan like that. As Shane moved up and down the smaller cock, he began to jerk himself furiously. His purrs were resonating in his throat, making the tip of Alex's dick feel amazing.

"Oh God Shane, that feels s-so good! I don't know how l-long I can last..." Alex was gasping frantically for breath, but everything was cut short when Shane took his dick straight to the hilt. All Shane could smell was Alex, his natural, beautiful smell. One of his paws was gripping Alex's balls tightly, and his mouth and tongue were working Alex's dick as best he could. He moved his muzzle as far down as he could and sucked and ran his tongue along the underside of Alex's shaft. Sweat clung to both of their fur, as Alex moaned loudly.

"I-I'm gonna cum Shane!" Alex let out almost a howl of pleasure, and came straight into the leopard's muzzle. Shane hadn't expected to swallow the cum that flowed out of the dog's dick, but once the first wave hit the back of his throat, he didn't have much of a choice. He swallowed the second wave, and then pulled his muzzle off Alex's cock. Alex shot a third and a fourth rope of cum, all landing on Shane's chest and face, the rest dribbled down his now sensitive shaft.

Alex couldn't say anything, it had felt so good. Shane lifted Alex's paw and began to rub it through his cum-stained pecs.

"You gonna help me clean off little guy?" Shane said, in such a seductive way, Alex felt his body lift up on its own. He began to lap up the still warm cum that covered Shane. He started with the little pools of jizz on the leopard's abs and chest, and moved up to Shane's face. Shane purred softly as Alex's tongue worked into every part of his face until Shane was completely clean of all cum. Shane was jacking his still hard dick the entire time, and his moans meant he was getting close. Alex grabbed Shane's dick and stopped him from finishing.

"I can't let you make me feel so good and not do the same, can I?" Alex was still flushed from cumming, and he put on the most flirtatious grin he could. Shane smiled back and he groaned loudly as Shane's cock returned to Alex's mouth.

It wasn't going to take much, and Alex could tell, so he wanted it to be as good as possible. He let Shane's dick go as far down as it could. Alex gagged a little, but forced himself to keep going, his tongue furiously working the throbbing shaft. Shane's whole body twitched in pleasure as Alex gagged his whole cock down his throat, a feat that very few were able to do.

"Oh god Alex...I'm so close..." Shane's eyes were shut tight, in pure bliss. He was rubbing Alex's head, encouraging him as much as he could.

Alex wanted to hear Shane moan and groan in pleasure. He wanted to year him yiff, and he wanted to swallow all of his cum. His mind wandered as he sucked the hard cat dick. He thought of just how wrong he was about that message, and how much better it turned out! He was afraid that someone like Keith was going to show up...well, afraid, and a little excited, but Shane was a much appreciated surprise! He let the big wolf slip out of his mind, and focused on the leopard in front of him.

Shane was bucking his hips like mad, and had to control himself from openly fucking Alex's brains out. He was humping Alex's muzzle slowly, but he couldn't hold back, and rammed his cock as far down Alex's throat as he could.

"OHHHH FUCK!!!" Shane screamed, every muscle in his body tensing up as he came straight down Alex's throat. Alex gagged, and was grabbing Shane's ass trying to keep from drowning in the flood of jizz that went into his muzzle. This only made Shane's yiff that much more intense, and he fell back against the front seat, panting in pleasure. Alex's muzzle left Shane's dick with a pop, as the remaining cum began dripping out the sides of his mouth. Both furs were smiling ear to ear, and completely out of breath.

"Oh fuck Alex! That was the best ever!" Shane grabbed Alex and pulled him up close to him. Alex's paws lay on the bigger fur's chest, and he was licking the cum that was still on his muzzle. Shane kissed Alex with so much passion and force that Alex nearly yelped in surprise, but soon fell into the kiss. Both of them were in heaven, tasting their own cum in each other's muzzles. It was incredible, and words escaped them as Shane ended the long, loving kiss.

"Thank you Alex. Thank you for the best night ever." Shane knew how he felt, but had never said it out loud. He thought of no reason to hold back, "I love you Alex. I want every night to be just like this..."

Alex smiled up at his new lover and got lost in his eyes. Shane really cared about him, and Alex knew he would always be there for him. "I...I love you too..." Alex had never said that to anyone, but it fit. Shane loved him, and Alex loved being with him.

Shane kissed Alex softly, and they both lay across the back of the jeep. Shane was holding Alex close, and he fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

Alex let his mind drift..."God...Keith's fur is so soft and warm...wait, what?!" Alex nearly jumped out of the embrace when he realized what he had thought. "No, no. What I meant was Shane's soft and warm fur...didn't I?" Alex's head filled with questions again, and he didn't know why Keith was the first image that appeared in his mind...He had been with Shane tonight, not Keith. Keith didn't even like him, but Shane loved Alex, and he loved him least, that's what he thought. He tried to block the image out of his mind, and focused hard on the beautiful fur that was holding him, but nothing helped. His mind was racing, and he felt like he could cry.

His dreams overflowed with the big wolf and nothing else...