Special Assignments - Chapter Seven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#7 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Eight to follow soon...

I threw myself down on the bed and read over Adam's message.

A grin spread across my muzzle and my tail thumped against the bed as I typed out a message back;

Hey, I'm doing good thanks :) I'm glad you remember me

I sent the message and immediately cringed. Saying I'm glad you remember me made it sound like I was a long lost old friend.

My heart began beating faster as I saw Adam typing a message back.

Haha, of course I do. Did you make it home ok?

Yeah, I slept over in Hudson's flat

Heh, you had a busy night ;)

I couldn't help but chuckle at the last message.

Nah, I just fell asleep. You were the only guy I did anything with

A thought suddenly crossed my mind.

How did you know I was gay?

I reclined as I waited for Adam to type a message back.

The way you first looked at me. There was something in your expression. I could tell you were interested.

I chuckled to myself again. I supposed that made sense.

Your gaydar is much better than mine haha

Heh, it's a good gift to have. You up to anything right now?

Nah, just relaxing on the bed.

On the bed huh. You clothed? ;)

Don't get any ideas haha

I couldn't help but grin. We were already joking and I felt relaxed talking to him. Surely a good sign. I also wondered where Adam lived.

Do you live on campus?

I live in a student house in town, cos I got into Beldover through clearing. Halls were all gone.

Oh man, same here

I was about to add that I lived with my Aunt, but I stopped myself. Something told me it was best to mention that later.

I know the feeling bud. Where did you want to go originally?

I hesitated before typing an answer back.


Woah! You must be smart and have a posh family, and you seemed kinda preppy, but in a cute way ;)

I cringed a little, thinking that Adam had prejudged me.

Sorry man, hope that wasn't out of order? I didn't mean to sound like a douchebag, sorry if I did

Nah, it's okay. I don't live in a huge house at home, just me and my mum. My older brother lives with his girlfriend, but I'm not close to him

I sent the message and then wondered if I had told Adam too much.

Ah man, sorry to hear that

I decided to steer the conversation onto a new topic.

So what are you doing at the moment?

Adam began typing, but instead of a message, a YouTube video popped up.

I'm listening to this. Check it out :)

The video showed a song called One Love by Bob Marley. My ears perked up as I reached for my headphones and slotted them into my phone.

I clicked the link and laid down on my side as I listened to the song. My hind-paw tapped against the covers as the rhythm pulsed through me and I felt a smile spread across my muzzle.

No one had ever sent me a song before.

Once it had finished, I unplugged my headphones and sent another message to Adam.

I enjoyed that^^ thanks for sharing

Hey, no problem mate. Glad you liked :D

I grinned and was about to write out a response when Adam began typing out another message.

Heh, I've been feeling kinda horny ever since last night. I wish we could do that again ;)

The memories of last night came back to me and I felt my cock stirring in my jeans.

Bet I've got you feeling horny again too ;)

The Jaguar must have been a mind reader. I reached down and began fondling the bulge in my trousers as I remembered Adam taking my cock in his mouth. The memories of the night became more vivid as I closed my eyes.

My cock was now fully hard and I eased my jeans and underwear down, allowing it to escape from its prison.

I heard my phone vibrate again and I opened my eyes to see a third message from Adam.

Lemme guess, you're stroking yourself? ;)

The grin returned to my muzzle as I typed back Yes .

Good dawg, keep stroking for me.

I had never had a conversation this direct with anyone. Even with Hudson, it had taken a few days of getting to know each other before we reached that level, yet talking with Adam felt delightfully lewd.

I reached back down and began gently stimulating the shaft of my cock. The tip was already wet with pre and I reached down to pick it up with my paw. I licked it off my paw-pads, savouring the sweet taste and wondering if that was what Adam's would taste like.

"Yo, Malcolm!"

I almost jumped out of my fur and crammed my erect dick back into my underwear as I heard Thomas calling me.

"What is it?" I replied, struggling to keep the irritation out of my voice.

"We're having dessert, want some?"

"Uh, I'm good thanks," I called back before looking down at my phone.

My eyes widened as I saw what the Jaguar had just sent. It was a picture of his dick, fully erect and glistening with pre at the pink tip. His large, fuzzy balls also hung free. The photo was followed by a caption; You like? ;)

"Okay!" Thomas called, but I ignored him.

I dove back down on the bed and gazed open-mouthed at Adam's photo. My cock had gone a little soft after Thomas had called to me, but looking at it caused the blood to rush back instantly.

Yes, I like it very much :D

Good. Sadly I gotta go now, but keep stroking yourself to it ;)

My heart sunk as Adam said he needed to go, but a thought suddenly burst into my head.

Wanna meet up tomorrow?

Yeah, that sounds cool. I'm free tomorrow afternoon

Cool, I have a meeting with my personal tutor at 1, then can message you once it's done?

Sounds perfect :), sleep well Malcolm, hehe x

I could feel the grin plastered wide across my muzzle. A guy was actually interested in me, and not just for sex it seemed.

Without hesitating, I dialled Hudson's number. I knew the Jindo had purchased a phone after arriving in the UK, and I wanted to tell him the news.

The tone rang twice before Hudson answered.

"Hey Malc, did you make it home?" he asked.

"I did," I said as my tail thumped against the bed. "And I have exciting news."

"Go on?"

"I'm meeting Adam tomorrow after my meeting with Lachlan," I explained.

"Bloody hell, you're pimping yourself out to two guys at once!"

"Hudson!" I replied indignantly. "I mean I'm having my personal tutor meeting with Lachlan and then meeting with Adam for a date."

"Oh, right," Hudson said with an audible chuckle. "A date you say? That was quick."

"Well, I assume it's a date. I asked to meet and he said yes," I explained.

"Nice, and then you can tell me about the marriage proposal after your date," Hudson teased.

"Hudson!" I sighed. "I was just excited, so I thought I'd call you, plus I needed to let you know I got back safely."

"Sorry dude, I was being silly, but I'm happy for you," Hudson replied, before letting out a yawn. "If you don't mind me, I'm going to hit the hay. I gotta get up for class tomorrow morning and my head is still aching."

"That's okay mate, sleep well."

"You too man, g'night," the Jindo said before hanging up.

I glanced outside and saw it was still light, but I decided I would settle down too and get an early night.

Hudson's class on Monday morning was a module I hadn't chosen. It was called The History of Shopping and Consumption I'd thought the title sounded like something I wasn't interested in, but the professor who took it was a Border Collie called Dr Plunkett. I'd heard Hudson and some of my other classmates describing how amusing and eccentric he was, so I wished I had taken the class and felt somewhat left out.

Why worry about that? You're meeting a cute guy tomorrow. That's so much better than class!

My tail wagged as the thought entered my mind and I began skipping to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Well, I say began skipping, it was more I jumped two steps and then walked calmly in case Thomas or Aunt Ruth appeared.

I had my own shelf in the bathroom cabinet, not that I had many bathroom possessions beyond shower gel and toothpaste. The toothpaste tube was nearly empty, but I gritted my teeth and managed to squeeze a glob out.

As I began brushing, a thought pushed its way into my mind.

You've also got your meeting with Lachlan tomorrow.

"Enough of that, no more," I said quietly to myself, although the words came out garbled together and I almost swallowed the toothpaste.

As soon as my teeth were brushed, I raced back to my room, undressed and threw myself back down on the bed. My eyes felt heavy, but there was something I wanted to do before I slept.

I grabbed my headphones from the desk and slotted them into my phone. Once again, the grin returned to my muzzle as I clicked on the link Adam had sent. The sound of One Love filled my ears and I slowly drifted away.

I knew I must have fallen asleep with the song playing as I woke up to find I was laying on top of the covers rather than under them and my headphones chord was tangled around my arm.

It was dark outside, but the moon was shining in through the window. I disentangled myself from my headphones and placed them on the desk. Part of me wanted to listen to the song again, but my brain was telling me to sleep. The digital clock beside my bed told me it was midnight.

"Fuck it," I sighed out loud. "You've gone to bed later than that."

I scooped my phone up again and played the song. The beat reverberated softly through me as I danced quietly around the room.

I wonder if Adam likes dancing?

The song came to an end and I put my phone back down and crawled under the covers. Sleep soon came to me, but the smile on my muzzle remained.

I continued sleeping until dawn arrived.

The sun streamed in and I stirred before stretching and yawning.

I could feel the idiot grin spreading across my muzzle as I sat up and checked the clock beside my bed; it was nine.

Aunt Ruth and Thomas would have left the house for work; all the better for me to dance around my room without disturbing anyone.

Waking up in the morning often took me a while, but I jumped out of bed and grabbed a clean pair of briefs from the chest of drawers.

I knew what I wanted to do now that everyone was out of the house.

Instead of using my headphones, I brought up One Love on my laptop and got ready to dance. Part of me felt self-conscious.

Go on, you're alone.

I began dancing, gyrating my hips and perking my butt out, wondering if Adam would find such a dance sexy.

I probably look a right twat.

The thought made me stop dancing and sit down on the bed for the duration of the song.

Once it was finished, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and returned to sit on the bed. I knew I had a few hours before my meeting with Lachlan and my date with Adam. Hudson was at class, so I wondered what to do to pass the time.

I sat down at my computer and browsed the web for a bit.

Other than a few silly YouTube videos, there was nothing online that held my interest for very long.

I realised that I hadn't arranged a place to meet Adam, but as my paw hovered over my phone I wondered what kind of place he would like to meet at.

My ears quivered as I typed out a message.

Hey, hope you slept well. Where should we meet?

I placed my phone down on the desk and waited. There was no vibrating sound to herald an incoming message. I started to wonder if Adam had class too, however my heart leapt as my phone buzzed. I glanced down at the screen.

I dunno, wanna meet on campus?

Sure, I have my meeting a 1pm, then I'll message you

You said that last night lol

Sorry haha, can't wait to see you :)

I wondered if the last message seemed too forward, but then again, he had shared a dick pic before I'd fallen asleep. My tail thumped again as I scrolled back up to look at it.

My briefs grew tighter as a bulge formed in the front.

I smiled and sat back down on the bed, idly thumbing the waistband of my underwear. I was wearing a black Andrew Christian pair I had purchased online. I wondered if Adam liked sexy underwear too and if he would get aroused by seeing me in them.

The thought caused my cock to get harder, but I resisted the urge to stroke it again. I wanted to save that for later.

Instead, I got up and paced around my room.

One o'clock was still a few hours off, but I knew I would be too restless if I just sat in my room.

I had taken a shower before bed, but I decided to take another, at least to look presentable for Adam.

My towel was still a little damp, but I grabbed it anyway, glanced out of the door to check the coast was indeed clear and made for the bathroom.

I set my towel on the rail, shed my underwear and turned the shower on.

As I stepped under the jet of water, I began planning my day in my head; go to campus, mooch about for a bit, maybe find Hudson if I have time, have my meeting with Lachlan and feel good that I don't have to worry about him anymore, and then go for my date with Adam.

All in all, I felt it would be a good day.