Receiving Gifts

Story by Tom_Cat on SoFurry

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#4 of Dragon's Travels

The new god-king of kobolds accepts his due, then grants a great gift to his acolyte.

Amongst the crags of the Dragon mountain range, to either side of the straightest and safest pass through those treacherous peaks, two mountains stood in a stony embrace. Both reached equally far above the valleys below, so close to the sky that one could have seen clear across the neighboring nations from their highest points.

If it were an especially clear night, an sharp-eyed climber would have be able to pick out the circles and lines of light that showed the merchant caravans crossing the eastern Hinterlands, bearing slaves and other goods. The dry land in the shadows of the mountains was uninhabited, yet stood at a crossroads between several nations of different species. Trade bustled through at a constant rate, impromptu markets springing up wherever a wagon line might make rest.

In the other direction, to the west, rainclouds came to a halt as they blew out their rage against the unyielding mountains. Here, there was a lush greenness that stood at utter contrast to the dreary Hinterlands, a wet wilderness called Gam'ju. A more dangerous place than any mountain, the jungles were filled with deadly and strange creatures seen nowhere else in the world, the homeland of the orc tribes that stalked unseen among the verdant wilds.

Finally, there was the mountains themselves, and the depths below those two twin peaks from atop which so much could be seen. In the warm depths deep inside those mated spires, there lived the scaled people endemic to all mountain ranges across the known world. Policing the pass between Gam'ju and the Hinterlands, a civilization of kobolds taxed the trade that flowed between their mountains. Worshiping the magnificent creatures that were eponymous to the cragged range in which they dwelt, they claimed a fifth of all goods and slaves moving through their lands as a holy tithe, piling up their riches in hopes of attracting a true dragon to dominate and lead them. For hundreds of years, the throne and altar of their god had stood empty, a series of married priests ruling in his stead.

Now, at long last, their hopes had prayers had finally been answered. Their god had come to claim his due, spreading blood and seed from and among his overjoyed followers.

Hunter stood proud in the huge cavern that held his offerings, overseeing the latest delivery of goods taken from a passing band of human merchants. The loaded carts approached the center of the the tremendous cave, adding their wealth to heaps of gold and jewels, the bundles of fine cloth and rare spices, all of the riches piled higher than buildings. In the flickering flames that lit the chamber, the dragon's dark scales seemed to shift and glimmer, the form of his body half-melding into the shifting shadows with each movement of the dancing fire. Only his red eyes were constant, intent upon the wagons as they were brought in, the wide pupils like that of a cat.

To his sides and slightly behind him, two diminutive females stood, attending him in his rule.

One was green and curvaceous, young enough that her bare chest was still busy filling out, with long pointed ears twitching with boredom. Sadie was a goblin, a mostly humanoid species of mammal with a prodigious appetite for breeding and other base comforts. Piercings glittered all over her body, metal decorating her dark nipples, small nose, and smooth navel. While her glazed expression blankly took in the tremendous treasure room, she fiddled with these idly, occasionally reaching up to stroke one of two tiny fairies sleeping in her short dyed hair like living ornaments.

Hunter's other attendant was tan-scaled, a kobold of particular beauty and elegance. Her pear-shaped body had wide hips and a flat chest, naked as the other two were, with a small roundness to her belly that bespoke an egg soon to come. The Priestess Vilme had been the first to welcome Hunter into his place as god, worshiping the dragon by offering her own body and life up to him. While he had yet to take the latter, the egg inside her his own, much to the Priestess's pride. Equally satisfying had been seeing each of her previous children taken for the dragon's pleasure before he had bred with her, her former husband and fellow Priest meeting his own pleasurable end by Sadie's hand. All had offered up their lives with total willingness and eager excitement, each enjoying the experience of being sacrificed to Hunter's destructive lusts. They had not been the first to do so, nor the last.

"The slave shipments have been picking up recently, great Dragon," Vilme said, timidly breaking the silence of his watching in order to share the news. "We have some of every race in our pens, though we ourselves do not use slaves. I know you have expressed a desire for more variety in your... sacrifices."

Speaking the last word in a breathy purr, Vilme's eyes closed as she once again remembered the day her family had been snuffed. Sadie snickered at the Priestess's obvious lust, glancing up at Hunter to see if he was smirking. As his apprentice, Sadie had a better understanding of the true personality behind the persona of god-king that Hunter had adopted for these kobolds. He was powerful, and greatly enjoyed the pleasures that being an object of worship allowed him... but she knew he didn't take this whole godhood thing seriously. He would use these kobolds for what they were worth, and move on. In the meantime though, she was having a lot of fun being his 'apostle'. Being here had let her quickly get lots of hands-on experience in learning how to snuff willing sluts, coming closer to her master's skill with every kobold corpse she left cold and grinning.

When Hunter barely seemed to hear Vilme's words, Sadie frowned, following his focused red gaze. Several more wagons were trundling into the chamber from wide side corridors, lead in after being taken from merchants in the pass. Riches and slaves filled them, yet the dragon seemed to be oddly intent on the beasts pulling the carts instead of their cargo. Each one was lead by a giant salamander, imported from the nearby jungles. The tremendous black beasts were as tall as a kobold at the shoulder, wide with stocky legs. Judging by the loads they pulled, they were at least as strong as an ox, their long bodies blunt at both ends with sleek heads and short stubby tails. Studying them, Sadie realized that the huge amphibians looked almost like animal versions of Hunter himself, with the same streamlined shape and dark coloration.

It also didn't slip past her notice that one of the salamanders was clearly excited by something in front of it. A long, tapering pink cock extended from the beast's sheath, fully three feet long, as wide at the base as one of Sadie's own generous thighs. Smirking, she looked back up at Hunter, coming up a little closer behind him and reaching toward his thick rear end. Slipping a finger into his hole to catch his attention, she gazed up at him as he looked downward, flashing a cheeky grin.

"You should go for it," she encouraged, giving his prostate a teasing stroke before pulling her finger out and popping it into her mouth, skipping backward. Grunting, the dragon put on a face of regal annoyance, though she didn't miss the brief twitch of his lips into a smile.

"Vilme," Hunter spoke, drawing the Priestess out of her daydreams. The small kobold straightened, a faint flush on her scales as she gazed up at her god. Unconsciously, one of her hands went to her rounded belly, touching the bulge of his egg inside her.

"Unhitch one of those salamanders, then bring it to me." the dragon commanded, not even deigning to look at his worshipful attendant. A wry smile on his lips, he flicked his gaze towards Sadie for a brief moment. "I think I'd like to ride one."

In short order, Vilme had one of the largest beasts brought over, one of the kobold wagon drivers leading it to Hunter while the large beast curiously sniffed at the air. Seeing the brown female guiding the animal, Sadie felt a sudden spark of recognition, her memory helped along by the prominent egg-belly that the kobold displayed as she reached up to offer the reins the dragon. It was one of the very first living sacrifices that the kobolds had offered up to Hunter when he'd first arrived, one of only two females allowed to survive long enough to bear his eggs. Who she was was further evidenced by the way she blushed and squirmed in the presence of her god, clearly happy to see him again after that beautiful, bloody day.

Barely sparing the little brown kobold a glance, Hunter took the reins, approaching the huge animal with a slow, steady step. It sniffed at him, grunting deep in its chest at the sight of a creature so much like itself. It was darkly scaled and sleek, much as Hunter was, though it had yellow eyes in place of his vivid red. Of course, there were further, more obvious differences as well. Along with not being bipedal, it was also much broader than he, powerfully built where he was shaped with dangerous, almost feminine curves. Still, the resemblance between the two was evident to any that looked, and it seemed to confuse the beast slightly.

"Sadie," the dragon spoke softly, drawing the goblin's attention. "You should watch and listen closely. Considering your size and sex, you'll often be in the position of receiving from your partners before you snuff them. You should know how to properly control them." His eyes glittered as he stroked along the salamander's underside, fingers running slowly down its belly to its sheath. Wide bestial eyes regarded him with uncertainty, the creature's cock starting to slip from its hidden pocket, hardening into the Nightfury's hand.

Smiling, Hunter gripped the animal tightly by the shaft, making it let out a bellow of surprised pain and pleasure. It tried to shy away, but he had its reins in hand, controlling it with a jerk against its broad, shovel-shaped head. Making a faint whining noise, the salamander weakly continued trying to pull back, even as its cock started to throb in the Nightfury's grip.

The beast's attention was wholly upon him now, and it understood him to be both a threat and a potential mate. All its instincts were in chaotic conflict, leaving it malleable to the dragon's demands. With a simple press upward of his shoulder, he managed to guide it into a roll, the salamander slumping onto its side and then flipping onto its back. With its belly exposed it seemed much more submissive towards its new master, tail curled up and paws held close to its body.

Mounting it like this, Hunter kept a good hold on the beast's reins, entrancing its eyes with his burning gaze. His curvaceous ass pressed back against the huge spike of the salamander's cock, the two foot long shaft's tapered point reaching so high it almost poked him in the shoulder blades. Seeming to enjoy the sensation, the salamander let out a soft croaking sound, blinking its large yellow eyes as its head tilted back slightly.

Slowly raising up his hips, the dragon felt his pulse began to rise. His own massive cock extended as he teased and rubbed his dark asshole against the underside of the salamander's pink shaft, sliding it upward until he felt the tip press slightly into him. The salamander tried to thrust forward and impale him fully, breeding instincts driving it forward, but Hunter bared his teeth and yanked the reins in reprimand, digging his footclaws into the salamander's belly. It stopped, but he felt it trembling in fright and need. A hot droplet of precum slowly oozed out to coat the dragon's twitching hole, and he took the opportunity to sit slowly down onto the salamander's huge, lovely dick.

It was an effort not to lose control of himself as he felt himself be filled. Inch after inch of throbbing meat pushed inside, making his own cock twitch in sympathy. Knowing how good it must feel for the salamander, he made himself stay dominant, straightbacked and composed while he stretched his asshole on the huge spike of cock. Not un-used to such experiences, his body accommodated it without much effort, and soon Hunter was keeping the beast placated with pleasure as he started to ride up and down, his own cock sliding along the salamander's soft belly scales.

Nearby, the Sadie and the two kobolds all watched the amazing mating with great interest, the scent of feminine arousal quickly filling the air around them. At the moment Hunter took the huge cock down to the base for the first time, the brown kobold let out a quavering moan, falling down to her knees. Vilme ignored her, slumping up against a wall to start playing with herself, her eyes dreamily focused upon her god.

While tempted to do the same, the goblin girl was briefly distracted from the beautiful sight by noticing what was happening to the little brown kobold. Her face was contorted in pained ecstasy, muzzle open and panting as she pushed, hands over her stomach. Amazed, Sadie realized the little slut was laying her egg, getting off on it while watching her mate and god-king get fucked by her own pack animal. It was so deliciously depraved as to put a smile on her dark green lips, the slender young goblin casually sauntering towards the straining scaled female.

Putting two hands on the kobold's shoulders, Sadie got the woman's attention, the panting face turning up towards her as another moan of effort spilled out of her brown muzzle.

"Keep going," Sadie murmured soothingly, standing behind the woman and slowly rubbing her shoulders. She watched as the egg bulge start to move downward, slowly pushed towards the kobold's soaking slit. A hard, huge clit poked from the scales between the kobold's legs, twitching with each contraction. Her thin chest heaved with each deep, desperate breath she took. Both girls watched as Hunter started to violently fuck the salamander, making it jerk and whine pathetically as its cock was used for the dragon's pleasure, every inch of the huge pink shaft disappearing over and over between the Nightfury's supple black asscheeks.

The kobold girl groaned loudly, her egg beginning to crown. Her panting quickened, body shuddering as she started to put all of her effort into this final squeeze.

With a sadistic smirk, Sadie lifted a pedicured foot, pressing the top of her toes firmly up against the egg that was trying to come out, blocking it. For several seconds the kobold continued to strain and squirt, her juices soaking the goblin's foot. Eventually, she realized what was going on as she tried to reach down and pull her egg from her own pussy, finding Sadie's toes in her way instead. The goblin giggled, taking the kobold's face in her hands.

"You wanna lay it?" Sadie asked softly, making the desperate creature look up at her. The brown kobold whimpered her affirmation. Unable to stop trying to lay, her body continued to contract powerfully, pussy muscles clenching so hard they almost crushed the delicate shell. Despite it all, her egg wouldn't come out, unable to push past Sadie's small, shapely foot. Still, she seemed to enjoy the denial just as much as she was tortured by it, a flush of arousal on her scales and her clit twitching even more than before.

Bending the little kobold backward so her spine arched, Sadie snugged the scaly brown muzzle up against her pussy, balancing on the kobold's face with one foot on the ground and the other still hooked up against her crotch. "Make me cum, and maybe I'll let you," Sadie said with a happy sigh, already feeling the broad flat tongue of the slut desperately trying to get her off.

Hunter's prostate was throbbing against the thickest part of the salamander's smooth shaft, riding slowly after a bout of taking the shaft as violently as he could, trying to keep the beast from cumming too quick. It croaked at him, trying to wriggle its hips and thrust into him to get that final release, riding the edge of climax. Both of them panting, Hunter bent forward, resting one hand against the salamander's throat as he held the reins taut. Trying to intimidate the beast into stillness, he gradually extended his claws, sharp pointed talons pressing threateningly against the desperate creature's throat.

Looking at him wide-eyed, the salamander froze. Its cock pulsated inside Hunter to the rapid beat of its heart. The dragon's own cock leaked copiously onto the beast's belly, fully hard and twitching. Then, the salamander jerked. One claw pricked its skin, a drop of bright blood leaking out.

Immediately, the sensation set the salamander to cumming, a deep bellow of ecstasy emanating from its chest as its hips rutted upward like a bucking bull. Hunter snarled in frustration, feeling the hot cum start to pump into him, loving it but wanting more, not ready for the beast to finish. Even as he rocked his hips back against the salamander, his bloody lust drove him to slash his talons in a slice across the animal's throat, tearing it out in a single swipe. Blood sprayed out onto him, the huge heart of the creature pumping its own life out even as its spike shaped shaft poured thick seed into the dragon's belly.

Its cries of pleasure going silent, the salamander continued to writhe, orgasming even harder as it died. The Nightfury kept hold with legs wrapped tightly around the beast, one hand gripping the reins as the death throes of hips pounding up against his ass and shaft slamming hard into his body almost, almost brought him to climax.

Belly slightly rounded with the salamander's seed, Hunter growled darkly, dropping the reins as he dismounted the creature's corpse. His gaping asshole spilled steaming hot seed down his thigh in a splatter, his twitching cock pointing towards the shuddering brown kobold as he approached where she and Sadie watched.

Recognizing the snuff-lust in her master's eyes, Sadie grinned excitedly, rocking her hips rapidly against the brown kobold's muzzle. Though she hadn't cum yet, she acquiesced to the insistent push of the egg against her foot, taking her toes away and finally letting the large ovoid pop free from the kobold's clenching pussy. Totally lost in the denial of her body and the task of eating out the sadistic goblin, the surprised kobold jerked, her egg-gaped pussy squirting as she climaxed from the large object slipping out of her. Her body was severely weakened from the torturous effort, piss spraying out as she went limp against Sadie's thighs, oblivious to her death approaching as she gasped for breath after the strenuous ordeal.

Ignoring the warm urine-soaked egg on the ground, Hunter grabbed the exhausted kobold by the throat, her eyes barely widening as she saw the magnificent dragon. Taking in his throbbing cock with a contented glance, she smiled, unable to resist. Not wanting to.

The thick cockhead slammed into her tight asshole, tearing it wide despite the juices that had dripped onto it from her pussy. Rampaging up through her guts, the cock tore through her body like paper, only a soft gurgle leaving her lips as she weakly spasmed once. With his cockhead nestled among her warm insides, his body primed from fucking the salamander to death, Hunter came almost instantly. Dark, smooth balls pulled up against his shaft as they contracted, his entire body going rigid with pleasure. While bestial cum leaked down his thighs, his own seed pumped up into the cumdump kobold's belly, making it rapidly swell, stretching and pressing against his own body. The kobold quivered in happiness and agonized pleasure, finally perishing with a pop, her stomach tearing open in a spray of guts and cum.

Even as the kobold twitched from her final orgasm, brown belly gaping messily, Sadie pressed into the action. Fingers shlicking inside her slit, she pulled her Master's cock towards her, dumping the used up breeding slut onto the ground beside her egg. Licking the shaft clean with her extremely long tongue, she looked up at Hunter with dark blue eyes, her budding breasts heaving as the arousal of watching him snuff quickly propelled her towards climax. Along with the taste of his cum and another slut's blood on his skin, she barely had time to sink the softening shaft deep into her throat before she quivered in orgasm, moans muffled by the thick meat stuffed inside her mouth. Her tongue extended from her lips as her throat flexed around him, the long pink shape wrapping around his balls, lovingly lavishing across them until they were shiny and clean.

Casually pissing into his slut of an apprentice, Hunter felt himself begin to calm. With the slow release of urine down Sadie's throat also came remembrance lesson he'd meant to teach her, though he'd somewhat botched it at the end. He hadn't accounted for the salamander being so sensitive to pain, and that had cost him his pleasure at the end. Lucky there had been that kobold around to pop, else he might've ended up breaking Vilme in his need. He was saving her for something special, and wasn't ready to give her the snuffing she so desperately wanted.

His thoughts wandered off on that tangent as he continued to use his little goblin urinal, until the emptying of his bladder finally prompted her to pull away. Licking her lips as her tongue slithered back into her mouth, she cocked her head up at him, expression sly.

"So..." Glancing coyly to the side, Sadie idly cupped his balls in her hand as she spoke, almost shy. "Remember back when we first got here and you got those first sacrifices and knocked up that brown kobold? The one you just popped?"

Mildly surprised, Hunter glanced at the corpse, seeming to notice the egg beside it for the first time. A faint smile crossed his lips, and he nodded slowly.

"I hadn't realized it was her... but yes. I remember that all quite vividly. What of it?"

"Welllll... seeing her again made me think. You kinda promised me a reward, for doing such a good job snuffing that one I did with my kobold-cock?" Her tone raised up in a question, as if not sure if he really would remember. But the great drake nodded, seeming almost amused by her hesitance. So, she went on.

"I'd been considering and, well... given how often I've been coming to you since then with kobold dicks that I want to use for a quick fuck, wouldn't it be simpler if you just gave me one? Like, permanently?" She bit her lip, looking up at her master with a hopeful expression. "So much of how you snuff is based around your cock, if I'm gonna learn from you I should have one too, don't you think? Is that possible?"

Seeming thoughtful, Hunter stepped back from his apprentice a few steps, taking a moment to ponder. His eyes glanced toward where Vilme was directing some lesser kobolds to clean up the mess he'd made with the salamander and brown female, the Priestess masturbating even as she gave commands. After a moment's silence, he looked back towards Sadie, and she shivered with the sudden weight of the red eyes upon her.

"It is possible..." The dragon affirmed, speaking slowly in his thought. "Though I hadn't before considered giving you one permanently, it does make sense. However, melding the flesh to you as such would require a cock from one of your own species. The kobold cocks detach after a short while because they aren't compatible with you, though it also has some to do with the amount of magic used to prime it. If I had a goblin cock to give you, and used plenty of magic, it could become yours for the rest of your life." He paused, smiling back at her suddenly huge hopeful grin. Then, he raised a finger, blood-slick talon gleaming darkly at the tip. "However. For such a large reward, you must prove yourself further to me."

Sadie jumped up, eyes wide as she bounced in excitement. "Anything, oh anything master! Tell me what to do. Do you wanna hurt me? I'd trade an arm for a cock anyday, even without being a masochist. Ooh, or should I bring you a personal sacrifice? I've got sisters back in the villages that would love to get popped by your dick! My moms probably wouldn't mind either. Just ask, I'll send for them to come and-"

Cutting her off with a palm pressed over her mouth, Hunter chuckled softly, red eyes gleaming with humour. "No, my eager little ward. Tempting as some of those offers are, nothing so drastic as that is required." He nodded towards the huge salamander being dragged away, blood smearing the stones beneath its body. "All I ask is another show... a demonstration that you understand the lesson I just taught you. If you want a cock, you must claim it. Rule its owner and control them until their end. Then, you may have it."

Still exuberant, Sadie nodded, her grin suddenly turning salacious as she stroked a hand over her smooth green belly. "It's good timing, too... I just started ovulating for the very first time yesterday. Even if you weren't gonna give me a dick, I'd've gone and celebrated by finding a big green cock to knock me up."

Giving the young goblin an affectionate touch, Hunter smiled in approval at her plan, guiding her across the treasure cavern to the cave complex where his slaves were penned. Behind them, Vilme tended to a few last commands regarding the care of the snuffed kobold's egg, then quickly ran to rejoin them.

Moving among the hall-like caves of the slave quarters, Sadie perused her master's stock, each one of the chained chattel having been taken as tithe from flesh merchants making use of the kobold's pass. Some few glared back at her, though most of them seemed more bored than anything. Kobolds didn't make use of slaves in the typical fashion, usually opting to resell them in the nearby markets instead of working them. So they were kept in reserve, variously locked behind bars, chained to walls, manacled, or sometimes simply collared. The restraints seemed more a matter of convenience than anything, as none of them tried to escape. After all, each one had willingly sold themselves into this fate.

Hunter watched the goblin curiously as they walked by member after member of her own race, futa and male goblins left behind them completely unacknowledged, ignored by his apprentice as if they weren't even there. She seemed to be looking for something in particular, and not seeing it.

Once they reached the final few cages, Sadie began to perk up. These were larger than the others, as the previous slaves had all been members of the lesser races. Here there were a few humans and elves, but Sadie continued on past them as she had the kobolds and goblins. There weren't as many of these, as the so called 'higher races' were far less predisposed to giving up their free will and going into slavery. Still, there were a fair amount, and the goblin girl looked into each cage with hope, though Hunter hadn't an inkling what she hoped to find at this point.

Finally, Sadie's eyes widened as she saw what she wanted, briefly glancing up at Hunter with a huge grin before dashing down the hall and stopping in front of a large barred off sub-cave.

Inside, three orcs shifted at the attention, one standing up from her cot where she had been resting. They looked down at the eagerly grinning goblin, each one fully six feet tall, their leaf-green skin covering athletic bodies. Their builds were much the same, modestly curved with moderately sized breasts. All of them sported impressive manhoods, smooth balls and uncircumcised shafts hanging soft from hairless crotches, the skin of their genitals a slightly darker shade than that of the rest of their bodies. On their handsome faces they wore puzzled expressions, clearly not having expected any visitors - especially not a naked goblin girl, a dangerous dragon god, and a pregnant Priestess.

"Perfect!" Sadie exclaimed, gushing excitedly over the three slave orcs, eagerly gesturing for Vilme to take them out from their cage. "Oh my god, look at those dicks, mmmmmnff... No offense master, but there's just something about a good green cock. I can hardly wait!"

The little slut was practically salivating as her chosen victims approached, eyes glued onto their swaying shafts. Dragging her gaze away, Hunter put a clawed hand on her shoulder, turning Sadie towards him. His red eyes were curious, not seeming to understand the goblin's motives.

"The cock has to be from your own species, if you recall..." The dragon glanced at the trio of orcs, who seemed to be enjoying the opportunity to stretch their legs and check out Sadie's ass. One was already hard, a foot of green shaft proudly erect and bobbing in the air. "I understand why you'd want to choose these, but it'd be a waste of time and magic. Besides - can an orc even interbreed with a goblin?"

Sadie rolled her eyes at her master, dismissing his concerns with an insolent wave of her hand. "It'll work fine on both counts. Orcs are closely related to goblins, practically a subspecies. They're just bigger, as well as exclusively hermaphroditic. Goblins are smaller and can be male and female too. Aside from that, there's basically no difference. There's also plenty of precedent for goblins getting knocked up from fucking them, so the cock thing should work."

Finishing her biology lesson, Sadie turned from her slightly bemused master, giving the three orcs an eager smile. "Now, if you please... I'm looking for whichever of you would be willing to give me your cock, get snuffed, and knock me up. Not necessarily in that order. Any volunteers?"

The orcs exchanged glances, seeming surprised by the offer. Still, two of them stepped closer without any discussion, the third leaning back against the cage to watch curiously.

"Excellent," Sadie purred, striding up to her two new pets. Tall as they were, she was at the perfect height to inspect their shafts, cupping their balls in her hands as the two orcs stood hip to hip before her. The one that had been soft began to harden, its cock stretching out in front of it parallel to that of her companion. Its length quickly surpassed the other, eventually topping out at a foot and a half of thick green dick throbbing beside Sadie's face.

Giving the shorter cock a consolation kiss, she wrapped a hand around the better-endowed orc, pulling her forward. "Looks like you're the lucky winner, big girl," she giggled, beginning to stroke the thick shaft as she smiled upward toward her victim. The orc's lips were parted, large canines showing as she panted in pleasure and excitement. Still, Sadie winked over at the other orc. "Don't worry though, I'll be taking you home later."

With that, the sadistic goblin wrapped her small hand around the orc's loaded balls, squeezing tightly as she yanked downward. The orcs legs buckled immediately, Sadie taking the handsome slut down onto her knees, making the two of them about the same height. Letting out a howl of pure ecstasy, the orc shuddered as she slammed down onto the ground, cock twitching madly even after Sadie let go.

Surprised, Sadie frowned slightly, looking at the orc as the futa's breasts heaved with heavy, pleasured breaths. Even for a masochist, such a reaction had been extreme. The painslut had nearly cum from a little ball torture, her eyes glazed as she looked at her goblin mistress.

"Well... you're certainly eager," Sadie murmured, stepping closer to the orc so the herm's long shaft pressed between her thighs. Reaching outward, she gave one of the nipples an experimental twist. The cock trapped against her thighs started to twitch, and she felt precum leaking from it as the orc shivered and grunted in ecstasy. "Did they drug you or something? This is almost too easy..."

The orc shook her head, struggling to keep control of herself. Her eyes were on Sadie's face, expression filled with lust and intense arousal. "I am Bannok-bride, little cousin," she grunted, breathless. "One of the wives of the god of war. Sometimes, an orc is born feeling all pain as pleasure. We notice them as children, and train them to be great warriors. I am such a one. In combat, I feel each blade as my husband's caress, and never hold back for fear of death, for I lust for my painful demise. Often our battlefields are soaked with as much seed as they are blood..." The orc swallowed, pushing her chest forward for more torture. "To be hurt by such a small one as you is even more intoxicating. Please... let me feel your blade. Hurt me, my mistress."

Absorbing the new knowledge with a slow, surprised blink, Sadie glanced back at her watching master, the dragon seeming similarly interested. Smirking wryly, the goblin commented, "Well... I guess we're all learning lots of new things today." With that, she reached out a hand for a dagger, Vilme obligingly pressing one into her fingers. Sliding her slit slowly down the orc's cock until they were chest to chest, Sadie kissed the tall green beauty, her small tongue twining with the orc's. Her dagger slid up into one leaf-green breast, and she felt her orc's nipple harden as her flesh was stabbed, tasted the moan that spilled from her victim's lips.

Smiling, she pushed the orc down flat onto the cavern floor, blood running down her belly from the cut on the bottom of the orc's breast. Already the cock between her thighs was throbbing non-stop, and her own slit was soaked as it pressed against the hot green skin of the shaft. Suddenly needy, she gripped the cock by the base, guiding it up and into her. It was huge, but not as big as Hunter, so she was able to take it without too much pain, sliding inch after inch into her increasingly stuffed pussy. Huffing with the effort and ache of pushing herself onto the cock, she eventually got most of it inside, though it bulged out her belly from how much it pressed up against her womb.

Starting to slowly bounce on the beautiful dick, Sadie felt the pleasure start to fill her, warm washes of ecstasy making her tremble each time the shaft dragged out or pushed into her. "Cum fast, baby," she panted, picking up the pace, not even minding how her insides twinged with pain each time she slammed her hips down. "Knock me up... fucking put a baby in me, then I'm taking that cock." Her dagger flashed out, her nails digging into one of the orc's breasts as she used it like a handle. Savagely stabbing the blade into the orc's other tit, she sliced the fatty meat apart, watching the orc's expression of pure pleasure as her body was mutilated. Inside Sadie, the huge dick seemed to swell with each cut, responding to the agony. The goblin reveled in the sensation, some part of her physiology recognizing this dick as the same species as her, flooding her body with hormones that enhanced her arousal and sensitivity, making her ready to receive its seed.

Finally, the orc cried out, "Now, mistress! Take it!" Arching her long spine, the warrior futa pushed her hips upward, her balls pulling up as began to orgasm. Sadie didn't hesitate, tugging her blood-soaked blade from the orc's chest and slashing it downward, starting to slice the base of the twitching cock inside her. The orc screamed happily, a warm gout of cum pumping through her shaft with a powerful throb, pouring into the goblin girl's waiting womb. Her shaft throbbed as it was severed, balls unloading everything they had, until Sadie's belly was bulging and her grip on the dagger was slick from cum spurting down from her pussy. With a final ragged cry, she sliced through the flesh connecting the orc's shaft and balls to her body, falling back and dropping her knife. The hard cock was still inside her, separated from its owner. Her pussy clenched around it, cumming from the final twitches of the castrated dick. Sadie's mind went blank as she quivered in climax, her thoughts wholly focused on the potent seed bloating her fertile womb.

After a moment, the panting goblin pulled herself together, sitting up to regard her victim. The orc warrior was spasming, her slit squirting nonstop as the continual agony of her wounds kept her cumming. Smiling, Sadie looked down at the cock she held in her clenched cunt, reaching down and pulling it out with a grunt. Cum poured from her gaping hole, warm and thick. It'd do its job, she thought happily, already looking forward to her first pregnancy.

Still, there were more immediate pleasures to enjoy. Standing on shaky legs, Sadie approached her master, trying and failing to saunter smoothly up to him before casually holding up the severed cock. "Would you please put this on me, great Dragon?" she cooed sweetly, batting her eyelashes as she pushed her hips forward, offering up her smooth pubic mound.

Snorting, Hunter turned the detached manhood in his hands, inspecting it. "Hmn... good idea to take the balls too. You'll be able to cum, now." Turning the raw flesh of the bottom part towards himself and lifting it up to his mouth, the dragon puffed a small, bright flame against the severed flesh. The place where it had been cut away began to glow like burning embers, though no smoke or scent of cooked meat came from it, magic filling the raw flesh. Three more times he puffed, though each flame was slightly smaller than the one before, until the base of the severed cock was practically shining with a brilliant light.

Without further ceremony, he flipped the cock around and pressed its base against Sadie's body, firmly pressing both the balls and shaft into their proper place. Slowly, the light that had infused the ragged flesh at the base of the severed genitals started to fade, magic making the whole assembly start to meld with the goblin, becoming a permanent part of her. Holding it firmly until the process was finished, he watched as his apprentice shook and shuddered, a smile on her face as the sensations of the cock began to fill her.

Seconds later, Sadie stepped away, sporting her massive new cock and smiling with the thrill of magic and triumph. Fully erect, her cockhead bobbed just beneath her chin, the foot and a half of length seeming almost comically oversized on her diminutive body. One hand gripped it, stroking slowly while the other played with her balls. She shivered, unsure if she enjoyed the feeling she got when she squeezed her new sack. "Wow... these things are weird... but worth it. Thank you, master."

Used to how to use a shaft after taking so many kobold cocks during her short stay in the mountain, Sadie immediately turned back to the masochistic orc, taking up her dagger from where she'd dropped it. Kneeling between the athletic green thighs, she immediately plunged her blade one-handed into the orc's tight belly, sheathing it inside her slut. The convulsions it sent the orc into almost made the warrior faint, and Sadie felt the reward of hot piss dribbling onto her cock as she pushed it inside the orc's soaking slit. The orc's pussy was tight, clenching constantly around her, but it seemed able to take a dick its own size without too much effort. Urine continued to splatter and coat Sadie's belly and crotch as she began to thrust into the nearly mindbroken orc, a grin of delight covering her face while her victim came constantly from being fucked by her own huge cock.

It didn't take long for pleasure to start to build in the newly endowed goblin, her sadism spiking as her second climax approached. She grabbed the knife and slashed at the orc's body, severing a breast while the warrior begged for more, strong legs wrapped around her tiny waist while the once-proud, once-futa lost herself to the bliss of destruction. Sadie's dagger plunged again into the toned, flexing abs of the slave, slicing them apart and exposing the glistening guts within. Burying her hands in them, she felt the throbbing of the orc's fading life, her gleaming gaze locked onto that handsome female face as it contorted in pure pain lust.

Cumming, Sadie slammed her hips hard against the orc's slit, shoving her blade up inside their chest cavity and finding the fluttering heart. Eyes going wide, the orc shuddered, her clenching pussy feeling the warmth of cum pouring inside. Sadie relished the sensation, never having known until now how satisfying it was to pump load after load of her own virile seed into a hot, ready hole.

Finally, the orc slumped, thoroughly and blissfully snuffed. Sadie felt her climax lessen, the ropes of cum trailing off and stopping as her cock ceased throbbing and began to soften.

Sighing in contentment, the little goblin waited, having one last thing she wanted to do. It took a minute, but as her erection shrunk the pressures of her body made themselves known. Her bladder began to feel tight and full, and with herself still buried balls deep inside the dead orc, she let herself release.

At first, the piss blasted from her cock and pussy both, making a further mess of her thighs and somewhat soaking her huge new balls. It wasn't unpleasant, but with a little effort she found she could focus the flow to let it only go through her cock, happily filling up the tight orc pussy with her urine.

Once she was done, she pulled herself out, cock making an obscenely wet sound as seed and piss began to pour out of the stretched slit. With cum warm inside her womb and piss covering her lower half, the young goblin happily skipped over to her master, grabbing his hips in a hug and giving his cock a grateful kiss.

"Thank you, master." she said sincerely. "This is the best gift I've ever gotten." Her eyes sparkled with joy as she began to stroke him, getting him hard so she could thank him properly. She spared a glance for her remaining orc, curtly gesturing for the futa to come closer. The sheepish green woman had covered her own face in her cum, having gotten off to watching her companion get snuffed. "Clean me up," Sadie ordered, indicating her piss-covered skin and creampied cunt.

As the orc went to work, the goblin wrapped her lips around Hunter's cock. The dragon placed a hand against the back of her head, sighing in pleasure as let his shaft harden, extending down her throat. He was impressed with his apprentice's work today, and planned to show her just how much he appreciated her attentiveness to his lessons.