Honeymoon: Part 1

Story by Kulkum Al Stavich on SoFurry

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#20 of The Savage Dark

Sorry for the long delay in uploading a new chapter. Life took me by the throat and severely limited my time. Good news, though. I will be updating with multiple chapters! Plus, I will also be uploading a comic project that I have been working on with TheWyvernsWeaver for some time now, so keep an eye out for that.

Thank all of those who have read and watched and commented. Comments are love! If you like it, let me know.

I now have a Patreon that I share with TheWyvernsWeaver (the artist above.) Donations are welcome. :)https://www.patreon.com/Sunderance

You can also use this Patreon to support myself and the artist of the cover art.


Case File - The Savage Dark

Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage"

Affiliation: Unknown

Current Whereabouts: Unknown

Agent Status: Unknown (Active)

Recording Continues:

"The plan to use Bunnyburrow as a buffer against outside threats worked as expected. A full week without hostile agents getting within striking distance of any of us allowed some relaxation and allowed time for our inside mammal to begin the process of finding out who was pulling the strings and why. Questioning of Muste was also underway, but up to this point, there was no progress there. As expected of a badger, he seemed as concerned with his time in solitary as others might be watching a sunset. But we'll get back to that later.

"As for the Wildes, I admit that I was pleased to be able to offer them the first real stress free week of their relationship. That is what a honeymoon is supposed to be, after all."

"Oh, God!"

The deliciously sweet, blissful sounds of her moans filled the master bedroom of the small home and caused his ears to twitch as he savored the sound. His tongue slipped out over his lips as he relished the feel of silky fur under his paws and the scent of bunny with every breath. The slow roll of his body above hers caused the bed to rock lightly as he stared down at his naked mate, taking her in with silent delight. From arms that were crossed under her head so she could use them as a pillow, down the curve of her back and to the swell of the hips he currently straddled. He decided that she was like ice cream: she was a sweet, quickly melting treat that he wanted to lick from top to bottom until his muzzle was sticky and his tongue tired. The fact that his cock was a thick outline in his pants and nestled between the cheeks of her rather amazing ass was secondary to the slow slide of his fingers through her fur. Paw pads slowly working at the muscles just below the surface until another little groan escaped her.

"If I'd know you could do this, I would have married you the moment I met you," she mumbled, her eyes closed and muzzle curved into a blissful smile.

"You've said that four times since we got here," he replied lightly, though that didn't keep his smile from spreading when she cracked open an eye to look back at him. "The last time I think was right where we are now, though I was doing more than massaging you."

"Hm," was her only reply for a moment, a contented sigh escaping her as she wiggled her hips a little to nudge her rear against the aching length of his arousal through the jeans he wore. She either did this to let him know that she was aware of it or simply wanted to enjoy the feel of it. Either way, it caused him to throb but didn't cause him to change the pace of his paws. "I used to laugh at stories of newly-weds being insatiable. Now I am a little more sympathetic. You know you could take me right now, don't you, partner? Just raise my hips a little, unzip your jeans... Oh God!"

The little outburst came as he spread his fingers out and placed his pads into the small of her back, rolling them slowly and firmly in circles. He was starting to regret not doing this for her before. The upsurge in her scent even as her muscles started to relax under his attention told him all he needed to know. She was loving the treatment, in more ways than one. It gave him a great deal more patience than his still half-savage state normally allowed.

"It can't all be about sex, you know," he said, keeping his tone teasing. She released a little laugh at that, maybe a result of the little grind of his own hips. "We may want to leave the house, sooner or later."

"I wouldn't count on it," she replied, her voice dreamy as he ran his thumbs up and down the cords of muscle around her spine. "I am fine with this. All of it. We eat, we make love. We make love, we sleep. We wake up, we make love."

"We breathe, we make love," he continued with a light chuckle as he leaned over her a bit. His fingers curled around her slender shoulders and, careful to keep his claws off her skin, he squeezed them rhythmically as his thumps circled a tense patch of muscle on either side of her neck. The shiver and moan that raced through her was far more sensually charged this time, but still held a note of deep contentment. "I massage you, we make love."

"Is that where this is leading?" she said, her voice distant and soft, her eyes closed again as she all but melted into the mattress. "Because I can find no reason to argue. Remember, just raise my hips and I'm ready at this point."

"So you've said, Carrots," he chuckled, his ears perking when she trembled a bit as he rolled his thumbs in slow circles around the base of her neck. He could see the spark of hesitance in her that followed the pleasure, a hint of uncertainty crossing her face when her eyes opened to glance back at him.

"I'm not pushing too hard, am I?" she asked, her voice taking on that softly shy tone that rarely ever surfaced. Rarely, because it only surfaced when they talked about sex. Which amused him, because as often as they made love, they didn't talk about it much when they weren't. It reminded him that she was still somewhat new to the whole relationship aspect of their relationship.

"You're wondering if the fact that you're by far the most sexually active female I've ever known, and that you have no problem saying when you want me, bothers me?" he asked, allowing the amused sarcasm to all but dribble into every word. His paws moved again, finger pads working firmly up the side of her neck until his thumbs brushed over the base of both of her ears. Her reaction to the touch was fantastic. Little whimpering mewls of pleasure, a jerk of her legs, an unconscious rise in her hips. He savored it, and quietly wondered if he could make her orgasm just with ear play as he murmured his reply, "No, no, no. Maybe someday in the distant future, when I'm much older and my fur's gone gray. In that golden age when I will be feeling the wear of time and you'll be just as ready as ever. Maybe then, when you've broken my hips and exhausted me to the brink of death, I'll regret it. But I doubt it."

Thankfully, the internet had been very informative on proper massage techniques for bunnies, though adjustments had been made simply because the instructions always assumed it would be another bunny giving said massage. The instructions also hadn't mentioned that the scent of aroused bunny would be deliciously tempting him to forego further romance in favor of her route of just grabbing her hips and rutting her. He didn't even have to question if it was his more primal state of mind that had that idea running rampant. A fox didn't have to be a savage to want what he had in his paws right now. Just male.

"Hm," she moaned, and as she relaxed again he knew the sultry tone was not entirely her fault. His wife - and he wondered if it would ever stop giving him a giddy thrill to think of her as his wife - looked as relaxed as she smelled aroused. And felt aroused. Her fur was hot under his paws, paws that spread out so his fingers could slide down the fur of her back until he reached the base of her tail. "And you've 'known' many females, have you, Mr. Wilde?"

"This fox isn't going to fall into that trap, Mrs. Wilde," he smirked, sliding off her back and hopping off the bed quickly. He ignored her sound of protest, a protest that came with a note of desperation in her voice that was almost as hard to laugh off as the aching length in his pants. Glancing back at her with a grin, he wagged his hips and tail in a full body wiggle that had the bunny watching him with narrow eyes and a twitching nose. "Come have lunch with me, now that you're 'relaxed', Fluff."

He hadn't even made it halfway through the charmingly furnished living room before he heard the stampede of aroused bunny charge him. Not bothering to dodge, he braced himself and rolled with it when she tackled him full body to the ground, an impressive feat for someone hardly more than half his size. His laugh was quick and delighted and was followed by a yelp of surprise as he rolled to flip her off only to have her roll with him, coming up straddling his thighs. Bright lavender eyes that were alight with fun and hot with need met his as she reached for the button of his jeans. This he reacted to by jumping her right back, one paw gripping her hip and throwing the very naked bunny to the side before he scrambled onto all fours with a 'fierce' growl. She shrieked lightly, then laughed as she scampered away from him to begin the chase.

They somehow managed not to knock over any of the cute furniture in their game of fox and bunny, though on more than one occasion she scrambled under a table and behind the couch to escape him. Her scent was a constant in his nose now, as the chase scratched at instincts that he couldn't deny had everything to do with the fact that he was the fox and she was his prey. The sweetness of her scent, the earthy spice of her arousal, that toned and beautiful body in motion with every twist and turn had him nearing his limit as a male and a predator. Even the way she managed to dodge him with quick motions, though it was obvious that she wanted to be caught, sparked frustrated arousal to new heights. He wasn't even sure when he managed to squirm out of his pants, but he knew the moment she realized it when her steps faltered at the sight of crimson arousal between his hind legs. Her eyes widened, nose twitching quickly, as a visible tremble raced through her. When he leapt for her this time, her attempt at escape came too late, a surprised laugh escaping her when she was taken down to the carpet on her back with a fox nestled between her thighs.

He slid himself into her without hesitation and enjoyed the way her eyes widened in surprise when he did. An incredible feeling of wet heat surrounded his length one inch at a time as he pressed his hips into her, savage eyes watching her muzzle drop open as a series of sharp huffs for breath escaped her. Still, even as ready as they both were, there was some effort in squeezing his full length into the bunny below him. The difference would always be there, he knew. It was something he delighted in, savored as she clenched around him like a silky fist until crimson flesh ached to drive into her. He didn't, though he could have. He didn't rut her like a feral Todd, even when she wrapped her arms around his torso and gripped the fur of his back to drag him closer as a moan of pure delight escaped her muzzle. Even after the chase, or maybe because of the chase and his deeply predatory reaction to her, he wanted it to last.

"W-when did those come off?" she whimpered breathily, her face the picture of surprised pleasure when she tilted her head back to meet his eyes.

"I have no idea," he replied, arching his back as his hips rolled back and forward again in a single fluid motion that had her arching hers to meet him. The tip of his narrow muzzle settled between her folded ears, the heady growl that escaped him causing her to shiver as he nipped at the base of one. "I just know that you feel amazing, Carrots."

"You're the one that teased all morning," she replied, moaning and breathing hotly into his chest fur when he braced himself on both paws to rise up over her as he thrust again. "I was about to club you and drag you back to bed by the tail."

He noticed that she didn't try to change the pace, even as clearly eager as she was. The touch of her paws slid down his back and over his rear, gripping his butt to urge him deeper rather than faster. He gave her what she wanted, pressing deeper until he almost felt that he shouldn't be able to go further before her body relaxed enough to accept his full length. The cost was a sudden, almost painful squeeze on the tapered tip of his already sensitive cock when her body rippled around him in reaction. This illusion and resulting tightness was a part of the difference that made her so perfect for him. That and the fact that she released a shuddering moan of pleasure, her legs tightening to keep him from doing more than grinding the fur of his sheath wetly into her. The stimulation directly to her clit had her squeezing around him again, which in turn caused his back to arch as another growl escaped him.

"You say the sweetest things," he rumbled, his voice throaty as his muzzle pulled back into a snarl of pleasure and concentration as he looked down at her. The steady rock and grind of his hips against hers had little moans escaping her, nearly drowning out the slick sound of his flesh sliding into hers.

"You're the one who insisted on lunch, Wilde," she said, a pleasure-dazed grin on her muzzle as she rolled her hips slowly to meet his pace.

"Yes, but you were going to be lunch," he growled, taking the moment of surprised pleasure that came into her expression to yank his hips back and drive full length into her again. The surprise changed to glassy-eyed pleasure as a cry was torn from her muzzle when he stretched her again, not even pausing to let their hips rest before he pulled back to the tip and thrust into her again. "I was going to take you on the table, spread out like a feast. Then I was going to spend the better part of the afternoon enjoying the taste of a very horny bunny."

Said horny bunny was beyond words now, her eyes still locked on his as she gave up her grip on his rear to grip his back as he took her. Sharp cries filled the little house, mingled with the muffled slap of furred hips on furred hips and the wet sound of his damp sac slapping against her ass every time he filled her.

"Then I was going to roll you onto your belly on the tabletop, your ass sticking out towards me," he continued, causing her eyes to widen and her sex to clench tight around him, "and because I spent all that time with my tongue coated in delicious bunny, you would be too weak from the orgasms to do more than lie there and cum again and again while I took you until the table broke."

His plans alone, which really had been his true plans for that afternoon, were enough for his mate. The bunny's paws tightened painfully in his chest fur even as her sex clenched, deliciously tight around him. He lowered his muzzle to her ear as he felt her ripple around him eagerly. "Think about that, little bunny, the next time you wonder if you're being too forward."

The groan that escaped her was muffled into his chest fur when she pressed her face into his ruff where hot, rapid-fire breaths told of her overstimulation only a second before he felt her body convulse sharply. She came harder than he expected, bucking under him as every muscle under silky fur tightened and strained against him and her sex squeezed around his next thrust like a vice. Whether the strength of the climax came from the hour-long massage or his open expression of his plans he couldn't say. And soon didn't care. It was hard to avoid, seeing that beautiful body alive with pleasure under him, hearing her cries and feeling her hot pants into his chest. He wasn't far behind her, feeling the rushing build of pleasure in his gut as he drove into the swollen heat of her sex just as his knot started to thicken.

Feeling her wrap herself around him, arms and legs tightening until moving literally meant taking her with him, was almost as perfectly intimate as the way her body stretched around him as he knotted her. Harsh, panting growls escaped him as sensation and emotion robbed him of rational thought, the steady pace of his hips replaced with quick, rapid humps as the need to breed what was his overcame. The jerking throbs of her sex around him as his quickly thickening arousal stretched her to the very edge of her limit only quickened his climax as his thrusts dragged them both across the carpet. Almost frustrated, his paws snapped down and around her hips to raise them up, holding her still as he pumped himself into her quickly, desperate to fall over the edge that his mind had already crossed. The sharp cries and almost reluctant clench of her inner muscles around him dragged him into the blissful release as his hips slammed into her and held still. Two thick throbs, two sharp whimpers from her and he was pumping her eagerly receptive body full.

Some part of him always wondered what caused her to cum when he did. The stretching caused by their different sizes and the fact that his fully swollen cock in climax filled every possible inch of her hungry body? Or simply the feeling as his seed erupted into her, as his twitching sac pumping jet-after-fertile-jet of seed into her waiting womb? Whatever it was, which she could never explain herself, it seemed to happen without fail. It was a pleasure that bordered on pain, a sweetly desired torment that drove him wild enough to buck his hips against her even as he continued to spill into her. His world was blind for a few moments, leaving him only with the scent of their mingled lust and the taste of her in the air, saturating the back of his tongue with every gasped breath.

He knew the world was gray when he opened his eyes, a change that wasn't as entirely significant as it once would have been. A week where his mindset was balanced between the savage and the norm had followed the more recent week after his snap at the bar. His mind was much closer to feral now in many ways, much more aware and that brought him a great deal of understanding of how exactly it worked as time passed. As far as he could tell, there was really no difference between 'Savage Nick' and 'Calm Nick' anymore. There was more of a middle ground, which he was coping with well enough, in his mind.

And when it came to his wife, it seemed to work very well. Green eyes turned down to the bunny under him as her arms relaxed and she went limp. The pleased grin on her muzzle was more than a little dreamy, interrupted by little whimpers of pleasure when his continued orgasm caused him to throb thickly inside of her. She didn't only seem to be taking the constant state of half savagery well, she seemed to be thriving on it. Enjoying it, even. He had to admit, the chances that he would have been so rough with her so early in their relationship would have been zero if the feral side of him hadn't driven him to do so. Not that he wasn't capable, but the same fear of hurting her on a physical level had always existed for him. Knowing what he knew now, that idea proved that he was still a dumb fox sometimes. The contented eyes that turned to meet his were not the eyes of exhausted satisfaction. They were the eyes of a bunny who would have been perfectly happy to stay where she was for a while, and just as happy if he'd flipped her around and taken her again on the spot.

"You know, I think I might be in love with you," he said, lowering himself to his elbows, arching his back, and arranging their position slightly so he could nuzzle his lips against hers.

"I think you might be, too," she said, and he could feel her grin grow against his lips before he deepened the kiss. Slowly sensual, tongues played across each other intimately as he savored the taste of her. He was always gentle in this respect, aware of his teeth and the size of his tongue compared to hers. It was she who suckled on the tip of his tongue and increased the passion of the kiss as her paws cupped both sides of his muzzle, shivering against him when the vibration of a silent growl hummed into the kiss when he felt her hips roll. The steady squeeze and quiver of her sex had him breaking the kiss.

"You're about to cum again, aren't you?" he muttered against her lips, grinning when she whimpered with a quick nod, prompting him to turn his muzzle up and trail little nibbles along the sensitive rim of her ear. He felt her body heat up all over again, if it could even be said that she'd started to cool. "Did a little massage get you that worked up, Carrots?"

"I was just thinking that this is our honeymoon," she moaned, not resisting at all when he bathed the base of her ears in attention with his tongue. "Married to my partner. My sexy, amazing fox. It's been really... Fast!"

The last word jumped when he nipped her ear and bucked his hips forward again, the small series of motions seeming to be enough to drive her over the edge into another orgasm. He savored the whimpering bunny, a bunny that jolted in pleasure and bucked under him when he sucked firmly on the edges of her ear before pressing his sharp canines into the sensitive skin it caused. She was right, of course. There was a special vibration between them now that they were married. A different feeling of connection, closeness. A feeling that he had never expected to even get close to with her only a few weeks ago.

"Moving too fast for you, Carrots?" he murmured, his tone more a sensual tease than an actual question as he reached down to grip her hips with one paw while the other slipped under her back to drag her up against him as he sat on his haunches. She released a weak gasp when he settled her into his lap, causing him to sink even deeper if it were even possible. At least that was how it felt when her plush ass was settled against his thighs and her sex clenched around him. The dazed look in her eyes held a question, which he answered by pressing her hips down as he rocked his hips up in time with a thick throb from the length still firmly knotted inside her. "Let's see how many orgasms this honeymoon daze can drag out of you."

It turned out to be seven.

She came another seven times under his gentle, and sometimes not so gentle, attention. Halfway through, he became so aroused himself that even as his knot finally started to shrink, he had just taken her again. This time from behind over the kitchen table as he had planned to begin with, which led to her last three orgasms before she was actually begging for a break. By that point, they were a sticky mess that smelled of sex, cum, and exhaustion. It was on wobbling legs that they managed to make it to the shower, wash each other until they felt somewhat civilized again and then decided to take a bath. A bath which she ran, because her legs were the weakest, while he went into the kitchen to make a quick, much-needed meal.

Not that their position changed much in the bath, aside from the reality of physical limitations. Which meant that, even while she was sitting in the large tub with her legs straddling his hips and their bodies remained close together, neither of them did more than simply soak in the hot water while letting the light scent of apples she had added to the bath ease their addled minds.

"What do you think Wolford is doing while we're here?" she questioned, taking a big bite of the cucumber sandwich triangle he held in front of her muzzle. They could both hear the angry rumble of her stomach even as she fed it, but neither commented. His was doing the same as his other paw shoved half of a cricket burger into his muzzle, after all.

"Don't know," he shrugged, releasing a contented sigh as he reached for another piece of the sandwich. "Don't care. As far as I'm concerned right now, until someone knocks on that door, they don't exist."

"Honeymoon seclusion? Or honeymoon fever?" she said with a grin up at him before he nudged her to eat some more.

"I think we've just seen the beginning of that particular fever," he chuckled, his now free paw smoothing down the wet fur over her back and rear under the water slowly. "We've been this exhausted before..."

"No we haven't," she disagreed, causing him to laugh softly.

"...I've been this exhausted before," he amended. "Remember, I survived your being in heat. And worn out as I was after The Night of Endless Humpings, as I have named it, I was mostly recovered the next day."

"You caught the tail end of that heat," she laughed, causing him to raise one eyebrow as she sat up in his lap to look at him with her paws combing through the thicker fur of his chest. He had to admit, he almost wished he had another round in him right then and there, seeing her wet body settled in his lap with an amused little smile on her muzzle. She looked entirely too appealing, especially when she lowered her ears in a way that had him wondering if bunnies found it as sexy as he did. "I was in full 'Take me, you dumb fox' mode for almost a week before that. You, my handsome fox, haven't seen anything yet."

"Riiiight," he murmured, ears twitching sideways while he found himself half wondering if he was delighted or terrified by the idea. Maybe a little - or a lot - of both. "I'll be sure to stock up on energy drinks and vitamins. And protein shakes. And emergency fluid IVs. Come to think of it, I wonder if they've perfected cloning yet. Might not hurt to have another me to tag in when... Ow!"

"Don't put the idea of two Nicks in my head, especially not when I go into heat," she said after the light punch to his shoulder, sniffing and raising her nose as he grinned a little wickedly.

"Not even married two days and you're already abusing me."

"Well then, don't tempt a bunny with two of you," she murmured as she leaned in to touch her mouth to his lightly. He tasted cucumbers and bunny. "I don't think Zootopia could handle more than one Nick Wilde."

"I don't think Judy Hopps could handle more than one Nick Wilde," he replied, chuckling softly as a smirk crossed her muzzle before she nestled into his chest again. "At least not in a physical capacity sense."

"Nick!" she cried with a bubble of laughter escaping her, lightly smacking his shoulder without moving the rest of her. "Though I can't really argue there, Slick. I think it's pretty amazing, after all."

"Hm? What is?" he asked, the lazy grin not leaving his face as he closed his eyes and leaned his head against the edge of the bath. He was content right down to the tips of his toes.

"That you fit at all," she replied, her tone not teasing or joking in the slightest. "I've done the research. You are not inconsiderable in that department."

"Them's fancy words for saying that I'm not Tiny Nicky?" he commented, humor ever present in his own as he looked down at her. It dawned on him. "Oh, so that's why you seemed so curious the first time you gave me a blowjob?"

"In part," she admitted and he could tell by the little squirm of her hips and the heat in her ears as he ran his paw over them gently that she was blushing. Strong willed and active as they were sexually, it seemed that just talking about sex in a frank way was an easy route to making her blush still. "A very small part. Mostly I was curious and wanted to make you feel good, because you always seem very eager to do it for me."

"The fox that I am loves the taste of a certain bunny," he confirmed, then grew silent so she could continue.

"I was worried, at first. As insistent as I was - you know, during our first time together - I think in part I was that way because I wasn't sure it would work at all. I don't like to think that I can't do anything, and once you were inside of me," she said, trailing off with a slow shrug of her shoulders as she ran her paws up and down his arms slowly, "Give a bunny an inch and she takes a mile."

"And you very nearly hurt yourself in the process," he muttered as he remembered her whimpers of pain and the lengthy period of stillness where he had desperately wished his knot would go down to give her relief. "If I had lost control then..."

"You didn't. I wouldn't change a thing about that night," she interrupted, tilted her head up to slide her nose through the fur of his neck slowly. Every whisper of breath that caressed his skin was a forerunner to the fact that he felt her hips squirm a moment later. Felt the different type of warmth as her sex slid up to grind against his sheath slowly. "Do you think this is what normal couples do, Nick? Sit in the bath, talking about clones and physical limitations of the female anatomy?"

"I doubt I'll ever care what 'normal couples' do," he murmured, both of his paws vanishing under the water to mold over the cheeks of her rear. He saw the water ripple when her tail twitched, felt compelled to wrap one paw around the base of the wet patch of fluff. Doing so only caused her hips to rock forward again, though neither of them was in a rush to move things forward this time. "When this case is over, I see us going back to the ZPD. We'll go on patrols, chase down the bad guys to make the city a better place, get dressed down by Bogo now and then. Sometimes we'll go out to dinner or get a drink afterward, just the two of us like we used to. I'll tell excellent jokes while you try not to laugh at them."

"Hmm," she mumbled softly, her voice heavy with desire but still managing to sound interested as she slipped her paws between their bodies to cup his already swelling sheath.

"We'll talk about work, we'll talk about family, we'll buddy around the city," he said, arching his hips up into her silky wet touch as he grew into paws that rubbed up and down the increasingly exposed length of vulpine arousal. "Then at the end of the day, we'll go home. The difference being, of course, knowing that we love each other. And that it will be our home we go home to. Where we can do things like this."

The last part came breathlessly when she rubbed the satiny fur of her palm around the tip, causing pleasure to sing through him for a moment before she released him and stood. He stayed where he was as the water cascaded over her fur, giving her a very sleek, wet and much too appealing look. She placed her paws on the edge of the tub on either side of him as she stood over him, the scent of sweet earth and musky female arousal far more interesting than the apples when she placed her lips against his ear.

"As often as we want, where we want," she hummed, this time making it clear that it was her turn to play the seducer when she grazed her tongue along the rim of his ear. Not as sensitive as hers, maybe, but it still sent a little electric shock down his spine and out to the tip of his tail. "Anywhere, like right here for example. If I were to turn around, brace my paws on the wall, stick out my hips and..."

She trailed off as she followed through with the first part of her description, turning to face away from him. The only part of him that moved was his throbbing arousal, which was just as eager as his eyes to drink in the view when she braced her paws against the wall, took a step back, and shoved out her hips. The last stage of this, which she had neglected to speak aloud, was the spreading of her feet as wide as the tub would allow and raising her hips with a twitching tail. This afforded him a delicious and damned-near-obscene view of flushed, wet, and aroused pink bunny that had his mouth watering and his already hard length aching. He stood out of the water, watching her as she looked at the erect crimson with much the same hunger as he looked at her outthrust rear. Large paws gripped those hips tightly, making her grin and then yelp.

I really love this bunny, he thought when he dragged her back into a single hard thrust that had the sound of wet fur slapping into wet fur filling the room.

Honeymoon Part 2: Skye

Report: Case File - The Savage Dark Reporting Agent: Code Name - Jack "Savage" Affiliation: Unknown Current Whereabouts: Unknown Agent Status: Unknown (Active) Recording Continues: "It is often referred to as 'The Honeymoon Period.' Simply put,...

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Nick's Captive Christmas: Second Year

It was cold. The temperature outside was hovering just below freezing, allowing the world beyond the windows to remain blanketed in the pristine white that only existed on days when no one had anywhere to go. Unmarked by the passage of tires or feet,...

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Nick's Captive Christmas

Everywhere outside of the city, a layer of freshly fallen snow three feet deep coated the ground in shimmering piles - soft, fluffy mounds of white. She knew this because of the weather reports, her parents calling to let her know to expect snow for...

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