Stray, chapter 4

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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Things get worse for Mike.

I slept a drugged dreamless sleep, waking up to a foul tasting mouth, hunger, thirst, and awful horniness. My vagina ached needfully, my womb actually felt empty. I blinked a few times, sniffing the air as I looked around me.

I was chained to a metal pole on some kind of podium in a small private room. My first guess was that it was used for private dances in the back of a nightclub somewhere? But why chain me to the pole? And where was Sam?

I sniffed the air, and I could recognize his scent, and recently. Along with the scents of two dozen other people, both male and female. And I started to wonder why I was here, and where Sam was, and I was starting to get a really bad feeling about this....

And then it all started to come back: Sam giving me the potion, then telling me how much money he could make off selling me just before I passed out. And then came the realization that I had just been betrayed by one of my best criminal contacts, whom I had considered a friend....

And that I was about to be sold by him.

I whined in horror, staring around for any way out, or even some clue as to where I was. But it was just like being in a jail cell, except I was actually chained up, which made it even worse.

"No!", I shouted, and I started to howl like a lost forlorn dog. I couldn't believe this was happening! What was going to happen to me? What would I be sold for?

And then I flashed on all those male dogs breeding me, and my nipples all came erect and I whined in lust at the memory, then shook my head, trying to clear it. And then I had a real suspicion of what I would be used for once I was sold.

Completely depressed and miserable, I lay down on belly and waited to learn my fate. The cool floor did offer some relief from my burning insides, but I kept flashing on being fucked but those other male dogs! Damn I needed dick....

"Sam! Sam, you can't do this to me!", I cried out, whining and resting my muzzle in my paws. But it was happening.

It was really happening.

It was about thirty minutes later when a guy in a dark suit opened the door - a mobster I didn't recognize - and then Sam and two other people walked into the room. One was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, and the other was in saffron robes like some ranking wizards wore. Both looked like they where in their thirties, dark hair and brown eyes, but the wizard-guy had a small goatee.

"Sam, you can't do this to me! I'm a human being, not a dog!", I exclaimed, staring at him. And Sam looked at me a little sorrowfully, and said "It's nothing personal Mike. Just business", and shook his head sort of sadly....

"Nothing personal?! Jesus fuck you can't just...."

"Silence", said the man in the saffron robes, and he made a simple gesture of power, and my muzzle clamped closed, and I couldn't open it, no matter how hard I tried! So I just stood there and glared at him, making "Mmph! Mmph!", type noses in frustration.

"Gentlemen, may I present you Mike, a young man who has been transformed into a malamute bitch. We will open the bidding at $40,000 dollars", Sam announced to the other two.

I stared at Sam in horror , and then they both started to bargain on my price. And boy did they bid up the price. And while I was being auctioned, I heard them argue with each other.

"I want her for my act", the man in the jeans explained to the wizard.

"I want to mate her with my familiar", replied the wizard.

And I could only whine in horror.

Once the price reached $100,000 the wizard looked at the man in jeans and said "I have a plan". And then he made another gesture of power at me, and I instantly fell asleep.

The darkness seemed to pass quickly, and once more I awoke even more hungry, thirsty and and horny than I was before. And then I remembered what had just happened and I whined hopelessly as I wrenched my eyes open and sniffed the air, trying to figure out where I was.

I could smell a man, myself, sex, and smoke from a fire. I was laying on a wooden floor, and in front of me there was a bowl of water and a bowl of kibble.

I looked around: I was in a rather nice living-room, fully furnished, the windows all draped, with a fireplace with a fire in it. And beside me, sitting in one of the easy chairs, was that man dressed in the jeans and the long sleeve shirt. He was watching me.

"Ah, Mike is it?", he asked. "You're awake. I'm Tom, you're new owner."

I stared him. "My owner?", I asked dryly.

"Yes. You're wearing a canine Collar of Obedience. I use them to train my show-dogs. All I have to do is say the magic word and it hurts you, no matter how far away you are. So don't try to escape."

"Fuck!", I exclaimed. "Look, I'm not going to be your God-damned fucking show dog!"

"Look at it this way", Tom said. "Here you have a home, food, water, and even treats and medical care. Say, I've noticed you're in heat. Have you mated?", he asked.

I stared at him for a long time.

"Ah, I see. I can tell by your silence that you have. I suggest you have some food and water. Use the doggy door if you have to, it's in the kitchen. I need to get to bed", he said, and then he got up and walked out of the room.

I stood up and yawned and stretched. I could smell the water, and the dry kibble actually smelled like some kind of seasoned steak to my new doggy nose, and it made my mouth water. But mostly I was hideously thirsty, so I walked up to the water bowl and began to drink, lapping up the water like a dog would, nearly draining the bowl.

What the hell am I going to do? I was supposed to spend the rest of my life as a fucking show dog?!

My stomach grumbled and I sighed. I turned to the bowl of kibble and began to eat, and was surprised to find it delicious! I had no idea what they used for artificial flavors these days in dog food, but it tasted like steak with some kind of meat sauce and spices.

I ate my fill, and realized that I had to pee. Okay, use the doggy door, like he said. I didn't want to get punished. So I walked into the hallway, found the kitchen and walked outside.

It was dark out back, and the yard was huge, although fenced in. There was a small barn, a bunch of dog-show equipment, plenty of trees and grass, and I could smell other dogs, about a half dozen. I assumed they where in the kennel?

It took me second to figure how to pee as a female dog, but I managed it. But everything smelled like pee now.

Then suddenly I heard barking coming from the side of the house, and a small pack of malamutes wolf-dogs like me came around the corner. I saw two obviously pregnant females, two females that where clearly nursing pups judging by their dangling teats, and a pair of males. And I couldn't help but to whine lustfully as my gaze went straight to the guy dogs genitals.

"Oh no not again", I whined as I once more felt that tingling warmth wash through me. And then they where all around me, licking my face in greeting and rubbing against my flank, and the contact just made me giggle and my tail wag by itself. But of course the males tried to mount me, and that's when the real howling, barking dog fight began, because I wasn't going to let that happen, no matter how much I really wanted or needed it...

So we circled and growled and fought and made a lot of noise, and then the kitchen door opened, spilling light into the backyard, and Tom was standing there in his night-clothes, staring down at our little melee. And that distraction was just enough for one of the males to climb onto me. "No! Stop!", I screamed and then I felt him penetrate with his warm hard erect doggy penis and push it all the way up into me until his balls and sheath where pressed against my cunt....

I moaned in sexual relief as he filled the aching emptiness of my insides, eyes open wide in horror as I realized it was happening again. "Not again!", I cried out, and as he started to hump me I turned to look up at Tom. "Please... help... me...", I begged, my words coming out between my small cries of female doggy pleasure.

"Sure", he said, and he made this weird gesture and incanted something. "A simple charm spell should help you out a lot."

And that's when I realized how much my new master really loved me, and if he wanted to breed me to his other dogs then I would do it. For him.

Then the dog on my back really started to pick up his pace as he fucked me, and the pleasure his thrusting penis sent through me made me clench my nails into the Earth and cry out in ecstasy.

"What's his name, master?", I cried out, panting between yelps and whines as Tom's malamute fucked me. "He's Thor", Tom said. "And I want you to have as many puppies as you can with both my dogs. The other guys name is Lucifer."

"Yes master", I mumbled, smiling as Thor gave it to me. I looked over at Lucifer, standing there grinning at me, and I managed "Tom wants me to have your pups too!", as Thor kept pounding into me. But by now I was really crying out loudly and soon I came. Thor finally spent himself inside me, and then we where locked together for awhile, but finally he dismounted me.

And then it was Lucifer's turn.

God I loved being fucked, and master wanted puppies, and I would do anything for him.

I whined lustfully as I realized they where going to share me. But hey, more puppies for the master.

The two dogs fucked me for hours until we where all exhausted and all three of us finally passed out.