Night of Surprises - Chapter 2

Story by Lockjaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Night of Surprises

A long couch was bathed in a low yellowish luminescence coming out of glow tubes around the arms and chest of the black leather jump suited panda. He began to move down the hallway in search of which door had been slammed. A dark colored furred paw grasped Kody's arm before even taking a single step away. "Before searching, call someone to mention what is happening. Since, I get a hunch this is one of your friends doing a Halloween joke to get back at you. After all, you do scare some of them half to death some years." Kody gave off a low chuckle before giving a single nod from his head. "You're probably right about that. I should really give someone I've done it a bit to often to in past. Just to let them know something is up if they aren't the one doing this that is." Both bears grinned at the other even in the current situation were stuck in the middle of. Kody pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number with some difficulty from that leather glove. Eventually, it was placed to side of head as Ty leaned closer to hear whoever Kody was making a call to. 'Hello?' could be heard on the other end of the line. A darkened furred paw slaps a leather arm lightly to cause the panda to chuckle unheard. He whispered into the ear opposite side of the cell phone. "You couldn't resist from speaking with him again so soon, could you?" Kody gave a unheard chuckle at the phrase spoken. He then started in a low voice in such a way that wouldn't travel through the household.

"Hey Heyoka, I doubt it's you, but any clue which one would do a pay back joke for one of my multitude of Halloween pranks? One that starts off a bit sick at that." The panda spoke with a grin over at Ty. 'You would have to be more specific then that, I mean...a counter prank is vague. Give me the details of it and I might be able to help you further.' Was the reply in which was received the duo heard. The eyes of the leather covered bear looked toward his love while continuing. "'Well not much is known so far. Lets see, someone got the key a while back to the fuse box. They locked it after I turned the power out to play one of my pranks on Ty. They appear to be in the house at this moment. A note was left in fresh blood right on the table near the TV. You know one I mean I'm sure." A brief period of silence remained on the line. "Still there?" Heyoka's voice spoke up a second later. 'Yeah I am ......I have no idea Kody....those are kind of mean.' The muzzles upon both bears' face contorted to show some concern. "Thanks anyway. Speak with you probably tomorrow..." Just as Kody was hanging the phone up a portion of Heyoka's sentence was heard. 'I'll c...' was all heard.

The black and white muzzle showed a hint of discomfort at hearing the comment through the phone. A paw is placed upon leather shoulder to knead gently. "You need to at least get your mind a bit off of it. A brief snack might be best." The panda gave a nod at the offer of filling stomach some before searching. The two bears took the couple of steps over to the fridge with Ty opening it. "Plus we don't want everything I picked up earlier to go to waste. Just in case the power doesn't turn back on for a while." A packet of plump strawberries and canister of whipped cream was withdrawn. Kody cocked a brow as spotted those items. Both moved over to the couch and sat directly next to each other. A claw of Ty's moved to trace down the leather garbed chest. The black material was sliced only about two inches wide. One strawberry was used by the darker furred bear to trace around Kody's lips extremely slow. Tongue of the panda slipped out to lick over the succulent fruit with a murr barely splitting the near silence of the night air. The red flesh was slid carefully between awaiting lips along with a finger. Canister of whipped cream was used to rub between the covered thighs. This caused a tense to run through Kody's form a few seconds. A bulge was beginning to form within the tight confines while scent of arousal began to reach Ty's nostrils a bit. Finger moved against the curling and massaging tongue. Cooled can traveled along the front region of leather to the slit up against chest. A hiss escaped the compact air as the panda's body went into a couple second long shiver. Kody's eyes closed while suckling upon the strawberry and finger gently. His body adjusted to the cold cream that had made contact to a nipple. Ty's tongue slipped out of muzzle only to begin lapping almost teasingly up that melting whipped cream. Muscle slid over fur, interior of leather that tasted partially of sweat, and flesh of nipple. Kody's response to such treatment was a low drawn out moan along with a growing bulge of the outfit between his legs. Muzzle also suckled upon the fresh fruit and digit with added gusto. Ty carefully slipped tongue from the small opening of the costume with a last lick. Single claw slowly rubbed against the wet fur and exposed flesh from the simple cut. A gentle smile remained perched on Ty's muzzle observing Kody relax from the contact.

"You are not the only which teases. So did you enjoy the start of the snack?" The brown muzzle smiled while just watching the panda finally swallow the fruit. Finger was pried from the lips just as tongue laps over the fur lovingly. The black and white head nods extremely slowly with a wide grin. His eyes still remain loosely shut. Both bears remained seated with the other. Strawberries and whipped cream was shared until all remained was two content furs, an empty plastic container, empty can, and slight mess on fur and leather. The two were just holding each other with eyes lightly closed and murring just as softly. Tongues lapping affectionately against the fur of a muzzle for what seemed like hours had conveyed. Both bears' eyes drifted closed. Arms wrapped about entangling the two together. Heads aligned with fur mingling together as relaxed. A sudden clap of thunder had brought both into senses of what had happened no more then thirty minutes earlier. The fuse box was still locked with power off. A stranger was still in the house that has the key to the box. The note that was written in blood that mentioned about 'playing'. Hearts were pumping a tad quicker when a creaking was heard from down the hallway. A belch broke the undeniable silence. Ty looked quickly at Kody and with all might kept from laughing out loud. "Well you had to have at least once today." A smirk quickly grew over the white muzzle.

Ty was the first to climb up off the couch. Kody shortly followed in standing. For the time being, the garbage was left on the table between couch and television. The pair moved down the hallway trying to pinpoint which room earlier creak had originated from. A leather covered paw rubbed against chest almost as if itching. Zero hint of fur shown in the low glow of glow tubes except of head fur. Whole outfit appeared perfect with no flaws. Eyes took in the fight of the leather panda as moved just a step ahead. Claws slip clap upon the wooden floorboards as only sounds other then occasional thunder. Kody motioned to a redwood door that remained creaked open a hint. Dark furred head nods as the two readied to find if the perpetrator was beyond the thresh hold of the woodwork. A large foot paw pushed the center of feature. It swiftly swung inward causing Kody to stumble forward a few steps right into the room. Both the bears' eyes were wide open as peered at the far end of the area.