Tina's Story Chapter 69 The Long and Winding Road II -A Gray Muzzle Story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 69 The Long and Winding Road II

Everyone peeked out the door, as Gray and Nina walked down the hall at the DMV.

"Felicia! Into my office!' Tina ordered.

"Uh, Yes, Mrs. Goldstein?" she asked, timidly...

"Just what did I just put myself in the middle of.?"

"Uhhhhh." Felicia stammered

"I'm waiting..."

"Er, uh, helping reunite a lost love....." she replied.

"Well, it was like this. Gray, that's the guy, knew Nina a long time ago....."

Gray and Nina left the building before they spoke.

"Where should we go?' Gray asked

"There's a park across the street." Nina replied. She then took Gray's arm, and held it as they walked. They walked a while, until they found a sunlit bench somewhere in the center of the park., where they sat down. Each sat uneasily beside the other, looking down, staring at their own feet.

"I kinda felt like people were staring at me." Gray said, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Could be how you look."

It was then Gray realized that he still wore the cargo shorts, Hawaiin shiry and safari vest he left Key West with.

"Oh" Gray laughed, self consciously. Nina laughed too.

"Gray? I've got something I need to tell you."

" That I've got a son?'

Nina looked back at her feet. She nodded her head, not speaking.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Nina remained silent for a very long time, before she finally spoke.

"When.....I found out I was pregnant, the Scupper had just closed. I had no income, no friends, nothing. I heard you were doing OK, with someone else. I didn't think you wanted to hear from me."

Tears began to run down Nina's cheek, as she continued speaking....

"My parents....we...never got along. That's why I left home. But.....I had no choice! When I told them, they said to come home. It would all work out. That they wanted me back. So I came. When the baby was born, they convinced me to sign him over...they said 'till I was on my feet'. Well, they kept him! As soon as I signed the papers, they.....they....threw me out."

Nina was now sobbing. Gray's heart was filled with pain for her. Still, there was so much he wanted....needed to know.

"It's a boy....?' Gray asked, a little smile almost crossing his lips.

Nina nodded her head in the affirmative.

"Are you....sure it's ....that he's ours?"

Nina stopped crying. She nodded her head, then looked up.

"Yes. He's ours. Your name is on his birth certificate. I know. You were the only one."

It was now Gray who teared up.

"The only one?" You mean me? That night? That was it?"

Nina nodded her head.

"Your first and only?"

Again she nodded her head.

"It was....my eighteenth birthday. I didn't want to be a virgin. I decided I wanted to lose it....with you.

"But we....we only...."

"Mated, what? Two or three times? Four, if you count the farewell fuck on the kitchen table. I guess it was enough."

"Bbbbbut never again?"

Nina nodded yet again.

"At first, I didn't want to. Then, all I could think about was getting him back. Then...."

"Then, what, Nina."


Nina started sobbing again. Gray held her protectively. He held her for seemingly forever, until she stopped crying long enough to speak.

"By then, I had decided that.....I'd never feel what I felt for you.....so...."

Then se began to cry again.

"But, why didn't you tell me?'

'Well, because you" she sniffled" were doing good. I didn't want to fuck up your life."

Gray held her close, stroking her head.

"What....is his name?"

"I named him Grayson."

Gray was sobbing at this point himself. Still he went on...

"The boy...the Fennec Husky on your facebook?"

Yet again, Nina nodded.

"Can....can I see my boy?"

"He goes to daycare about twenty blocks away. We might still catch him. It's a long walk, though...."

"Not to worry. I've got a car."

Nina and Gray walked back to his Jeep. Ever the gentleman, Gray helped her inside. Once inside, Emily and Paul introduced themselves. Paul, by bolting over the seat, and pressing his cold wet nose to Nina's sex, sniffing eagerly.

"Paul!" Gray gave a stern yank on the Collie's collar "that's no way to introduce yourself!"

"That's OK, they're sweet. I always wanted dogs...." She declared, stroking the heads of the two Border Collies.

Shortly, Nina directed them to a side street.

"Here! Park here! I don't want anyone seeing us..."

The two walked down the block. Standing behind a big box truck, they peered around, at the daycare playground.

"There. By the swings. He LOVES the swing. That's him."

Gray looked. There was his son. His flesh and blood. He stared intently in the late afternoon light. A five year old Fennec/Husky, great big ears, wearing little blue overalls. Both watched silently. Way too soon, someone from inside called the children in, and he was gone.

"I do this every day." Nina said, in a matter of fact tone. "Time to go home"

"Can I.....take you to dinner or something?" Gray asked, hopefully.

"Can't eat out..that's an expensive waste. Are you hungry? I can cook for us."

Gray gratefully accepted. He drove to a little block apartment building. They parked in the lot, then walked upstairs, sneaking Paul and Emily in the back door, but not before giving them a little walk. Nina took Emily, and Gray took Paul. Paul seemed determine to give Nina a thorough sniff.

"You're giving Southern gentlemen a bad name, there boy. " Gray chastised.

Soon, they were safe and warm upstairs. Nina's apartment was small and neat. There was a living room, a bed, a bath, and an eat in kitchen. Nina clicked on the elderly TV for Gray, as she went to the kitchen. Nina looked in the freezer.

"I got....Swanson's turkey, or salbury steak....."

"Doesn't matter to me; I haven't eaten since, uh....breakfast yesterday."

"Gray! That's not good! Here, eat something."

She offered a bag of Cape Cod chips, which Gray accepted gladly.

"They're expensive, but it's my one indulgence."

While the dinners heated, Nina sat on the green naugahide sofa beside him.

"Now, is it my turn?" Nina asked. Now, Gray nodded.

"How did you know?"

"I got a call. "

"From who?"

"Don't know. No idea."

"Well, what did they say, then?"

"It was a woman. Said 'Nina needs you'. I asked again. She says the same thing. I ask again, and she says 'You have a son. Nina and your son need you."I ask where you are. She says 'Check the DMV.' Then nothing."

"What then?"

"Well, I went on the computer. Racked my brain for any clue; anything you ever said about yourself. I Googled for hours. Finally, I found you on Facebook. "

"Gray/ Did you ever...think of me?" Nina looked at Gray, hope burning in her eyes.

Gray gazed intently into the little Husky's eyes.

"I never forgot that night. Not a day passed, when I didn't think of you." He paused.

"When I got the messge, I got in the Jeep and drove. Here I am."

Nina smiled., then the oven buzzer went off.


Nina put down placemats on the fomica table, and lit a candle, and turned off the lights for atmosphere.

"Our first dinner together."

Gray smiled. Nina smiled more, too.

They didn't talk much over dinner. They ate, stared into each other's eyes, then ate and stared again. When they finished, Gray helped clean up.

"Where are you staying, Gray?"

It was then that Gray realized that he had no idea where he would go. His thinking stopped with meeting Nina, and seeing his son.

"Uh, I dunno. I kinda didn't think about that. I guess some hotel."

"Hotels don't take dogs, genious."

"I guess that's a problem. Maybe I'll sneak them in the fire door."

"Or you can stay here. I'll get some blankets."

Nina went to the closet, and threw Gray a blanket and pillow. She then handed him a towel and wash cloth.

"You may want to clean up....."

Gray looked down. He'd worn the same clothes for almost four days.

'That might be a plan"

With that, he went to take a shower. Nina went to the car, and grabbed my bag, as well as Emily and Paul. Next thing, Nina was back. She opened the bathroom door, to find a very naked Gray, who quickly covered in a towel.

"Sorry; I didn't bring a robe."

"I noticed; try these."

She handed Gray a tiny pair of leopard bikini briefs.

"Yes, ma'am.

So Gray gathered his things, and lay the blanket on the couch. Before he could lay down, Nina grabbed it.

"Indian giver! I'll need that!" Gray protested.

"Don't be a baby. You can have it. In here"

With that, Nina threw the blanket over her shoulder, gave Gray a look. And headed for the bedroom.

The lights were off in the bedroom, but there was enough light from the hall to see. As Gray stood in the doorway, Nina threw the blanket on the bed. Nina wore a turtleneck sweater, underneath a blue denim jumper. It was plain and non -descript, other than it was really short. In the jumper, Nina hardly looked fourteen, much less the twenty four year old mother she was. Nina groped for her zipper, when Gray stepped up to help. With the zipper handled, Nina dropped the jumper to the floor. Gray helped pull the sweater over her head. She wore no bra, but big mom panties.

"Don't look, and, for God's sake, don't laugh."

Nina held up a warning finger. She slipped the big panties off, and they fell to the floor.

"Gray? One promise. No talk. There's been enough talk for tonight. I've waited all these years.....just give me tonight."

Gray said nothing. He took Nina in his arms, and laid her tenderly on the bed, laying down next to her.

"Gray....." Nina touched his face, lingering with her glance. She pulled him close, taking him in; his looks, his touch, his smell.

"Hold me, Gray.' Nina shivered as she said it. Gray embraced her tenderly. Nina put her head on Gray's shoulder. Nina's hand ran over Gray's hard pecs. She toyed with his nipples. Tired of merely toying with them, she leaned over and sucked one. Gray lay back, eyes closed. It wasn't long before she began toying with his sheath. Gray was a gentleman, and he never failed to salute a pretty lady. He was at full attention in minutes.

"Gray...do you remember? What it was like that night?"

Gray smiled, and nodded. Deliberately, Nina pushed the covers aside, and got astride him. Reaching down, she pulled her labia apart, allowing the Fennec's eager sex easy access to her girl parts. He slid in easily. Nina lay on Gray's chest, toying and kneeding with his manly chest. She humped him slowly, relishing each moment together. With time, her thrusts increased in speed and intensity. As Nina began to get to that last, desperate, needy phase of fucking, pumping hard and fast, eyes closed, Gray had a realization

"Nina...are you...in heat?"

Nina was lost to the world. Digging her claws in the fennec's hard chest, she was fucking him as hard as he'd ever been fucked.


"Shhhhh! You promised!"

The thought that he was being wildly fucked by the love of his life was too much. When she grabbed him and held, Gray let go, pumping his seed wildly inside of her. Nina collapsed on top, wimpering and shivering, holding on to Gray with all her strength.


"What, Hon?"

"I lied about something."


"I never minded when you grabbed my ass at the 'Scupper. I used to go home and masturbate, thinking about you"

"You did?

She smiled, and nodded her head.

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