My Boyfriend, the Werewolf

Story by lukesnowcat on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This has absolutely nothing to do with Underworld, New Moon, or any of that trendy, hokey shit that people seem to be such a fan of right now. Just thought I would get that out of the way upfront, in case anyone got their hopes up. This is an original story, not fanfiction.

Nick carefully let himself down onto a large boulder at the edge of the earthen mountain path, leaning forward to keep the heavy camping backpack rested against his body so that he wouldn't fall back. He panted heavily, his head lowered as he paused to catch his breath. The husky's copper-colored fur was damp with sweat, clinging to his clothing.

A large timber wolf bent down next to him, chuckling as he leaned his muzzle down. "Taking a break so soon, hun?"

Nick looked up, his blue eyes meeting the wolf's deep golden-brown orbs. "I'm not used to this kind of thing, Damian. You're the hiker."

The silver and brown wolf laughed, turning himself around and sitting down beside Nick. He slid an arm around the husky, hugging him gently and nuzzling his cheek. "We'll get you whipped into shape, eventually. You're the one that agreed to this, sweetie."

Nick chuckled, leaning over against Damian and resting his weight against the larger wolf. Damian gave him a firm squeeze, taking a deep breath and letting the mountain air greet his senses. The air was heavy-laden with the scent of pine sap and juniper berries, wafting gently through the thick pine forest that clung to the side of the ridge the pair was climbing.

Nick reached down to his canteen, unscrewing the lid and taking a mouthful of water, letting it roll over his tongue a few times before he swallowed. "So, how far is it to the lake, from here?"

Damian hummed softly as he pondered, his eyes following the path up until it made a sharp switchback, disappearing behind the trees above him. "Oh, I'd say maybe mile or two, maybe less. It's a pretty steep climb, though. The lake is just on the other side of this saddle that we're climbing."

Nick sighed softly, but then nodded. "How far have we walked already?"

The wolf pondered again, considering the route. "I'd say thirteen miles or so."

Nick huffed, his fingers lightly caressing up and down the wolf's sides. "No wonder I'm so beat. Good thing we left early, otherwise we'd be hitting sunset by now."

Damian stood up with a grunt, offering a paw to Nick. The husky looked up at him, then sighed lightly and took the large paw. The wolf pulled him to his feet, keeping the paw held firm until Nick had his balance.

"Are you sure it's only another mile or two?" the husky asked, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Positive, hun. I've been up this way before. We'll be at the lake in no time."

"That's what you said last time we stopped," Nick observed as the two resumed walking up the trail.

* * * * * * *

Nick grunted as he pulled himself up a short ledge at the top of the ridge, getting a helpful boost up by Damian. He ended up on his hands and knees on top of the rocky ledge, panting heavily from exertion from the last steep climb up the trail. Damian reached up and hefted himself onto the ledge in a smooth motion, standing up and brushing off his paws.

"Come on, hun. It's not much farther now," he said, offering a paw to Nick to help him to his feet.

Nick nodded, holding his paw out and pulling himself up. He wiped his cheek with a paw, slowly catching his breath. "I hope this place is worth it," he said between breaths.

The wolf smirked, leaning over the kiss Nick's cheek. The husky blushed softly, giving Damian a little nuzzle in return. The two then resumed at a slower pace, following a wide path that lead over the top of the saddle between two large peaks. The trail gently sloped downward toward a natural bowl, the glimmering finger of a lake greeting them. The sun was still hanging high enough that it glinted against the water of the lake, the surface rippling.

Nick lifted his head as the lake came into clear view, the pair of canines standing at the grassy shore. The trail disappeared, giving way to a soft shore that lead to the crystal clear water. The lake was surrounded by a lush forest of juniper trees, the trunks encircled by bare, smooth earth. The opposite end of the lake splashed lightly against a sheer cliff that overhung the shining surface, the gray-white rock holding an almost polished look. The cliff looked short enough that they could dive into the water, assuming the lake was deep enough.

Beyond the rocky cliff, the base of a mountain rose away from the lake, the tree-line clinging closely to the incline. The trees ended abruptly about one-third of the way up, giving way to broken shale and large boulders that snuffed out vegetation. The mountain was bare the rest of the way to the summit, the top of the peak overlooking the lake, and likely tall enough to provide a view of the surrounding wilderness.

Nick could only stare at his surroundings in astonishment. The only camping he had ever done was in public grounds, but never in such pristine locations. Everything looked almost untouched by civilization, with exception to the occasional heart carved into a tree, bearing the initials of previous visitors.

"Follow me," Damian said with a smile, taking the husky's head and leading him to the left. "I know a perfect place for us to pitch the tent."

The wolf lead the pair of canines along the edge of the lake, the water rippling gently against large boulders that were scattered along the edge of the lake, the granite stone glimmering. Damian surveyed their surroundings, and then pointed to a bare clearing to the left. There was a gap in the trees, wide enough to pitch a tent. Nick nodded and began to remove his pack, but Damian waved a paw at him.

"Don't remove it just yet, hun; that clearing is only where we'll be doing our cooking. We'll be pitching the tent up there."

The wolf pointed to a small pathway that sloped sharply upward at the edge of the clearing, curving around the edge of a rocky ledge. Nick groaned softly, but nodded and made his way across the smooth dirt. He carefully scrambled up the steep path, nearly slipping several times. Eventually he turned, gazing back at the wolf that was following him.

"Hun, can you help me out of my pack?" he asked sweetly.

Damian nodded, stepping up behind Nick and supporting his pack as the husky worked himself out of the shoulder straps. The wolf then hefted the pack once it came free, lowering it to the ground. He reached up and rubbed his paws lightly over Nick's shoulders, pushing his fingers into them.

"You did good, hun," Damian said gently, leaning in and kissing Nick's cheek.

Nick smiled as he twisted around, slipping his arms around Damian and giving him a hug. The wolf rested his paws on the husky's waist as Nick cuddled in against him, nuzzling his shoulder. Damian eventually reached back to remove his own pack, groaning with satisfaction as he let it slide to the ground.

Damian chuckled as Nick pressed in close to him, giving the husky a firm squeeze before lightly pushing him back. "Save the affection for later, hun. We need to set up camp before we run out of daylight."

Nick nodded, giving a knowing smirk as he leaned up to give the taller canine a kiss on the cheek. "Sure thing, hun. Just let me know where you want the tent, and I'll get right on it."

* * * * * * *

Nick huffed as he dropped a large bundle of cut wood next to a small pit that Damian had dug out and lined with large rocks. He wiped his forehead lightly, gazing up at the dimming sky. It was starting to grow cooler outside, so he was grateful that they would have a warm fire soon enough. Damian looked over and smiled, nodding in approval at the wood that the husky had found.

"That should build a decent fire for tonight. I'll let you take care of that while I get the sleeping bags laid out."

Nick nodded as the wolf made his way up to the tent to lay out the rest of their gear, leaning down and breaking up several pieces of bark and laying them in the center of the pit. He plucked a lighter from his pocket, flicking it and holding the flame against the dry dark. It caught easily, the flame spreading and crackling. He waited for a few moments before stacking a few larger pieces of wood over it.

Within a few short minutes, Nick had a healthy fire burning in the center of the pit, illuminating the growing shadows as the sun faded. He set the remaining wood away from the fire, watching the flames dance in the cooling evening air as the wood popped noisily.

Nick jumped a little when he felt a pair of paws on his shoulders, leaning his head back. Damian smiled down at him, kneeling behind the husky and draping his arms around his waist. His paws gently slipped beneath the husky's shirt and rubbed over his belly, causing Nick to stretch out a little and sigh. The husky reached back, scratching the wolf behind the ears as he gazed up at him.

"You got awfully friendly, all of a sudden," Nick said with an amused smirk.

"Well, everything is all laid out. That means we have a little time to relax, and unwind."

The wolf followed up his reply with a lick behind the husky's ear, causing him to shift lightly and giggle. As Damian sat down on the packed earth, Nick twisted himself around so that he was facing the wolf. He leaned in close and lightly bumped noses with Damian, gazing fondly into the wolf's golden brown eyes. He then lifted his head, kissing the wolf on the forehead, where a white spot vaguely shaped light a star broke the pattern of his silvery fur.

Damian nuzzled into the husky's neck, gently licking at the cream-colored fur. Nick smiled and leaned his head back as the wolf lapped gently and nuzzled at his fluffy fur, the two embracing one another as nighttime settled over the campsite. The fire flickered brightly in the darkness, casting ominous-looking shadows around the campsite and sending glowing embers high into the air.

Nick blushed when he felt the wolf's large paws glide down his body and give his rump a firm squeeze. He lifted up just a little, leaning against Damian and smiling in the dim firelight. The wolf's paws rubbed back and forth over the curved butt, his fingers squeezing through the husky's jeans.

"Wait, won't someone hear us?" Nick asked, gazing up at the wolf as the paws continued to tease him.

Damian smirked knowingly, leaning down to kiss him between the ears. "Hun, I'd be surprised if there's anyone within five miles of us."

"Can we at least move away from the fire? My backside is starting to get a little toasty," Nick said gently, kissing the wolf's neck.

Damian laughed at the request and nodded, hugging Nick close as he worked himself back several feet away from the fire. He then rolled onto his back, pulling the husky down on top of himself and grinning. Nick perched on top of the wolf, his paws rested on Damian's chest as he smiled down at his boyfriend. He leaned down and pressed his lips gently against the wolf's, holding a passionate kiss for a long moment.

Nick pulled back after a few long moments, gazing into the wolf's eyes with a blissful smile. He shivered gently as he felt Damian's paws slide beneath the back of his shirt, caressing along his spine with gentle fingers. The wolf growled lightly, slipping a paw down and tucking it beneath the husky's jeans. He firmly squeezed the husky's rump, kneading his fingers lightly into the canine's backside.

Nick closed his eyes as he felt the other paw sneaking between the two canines, expertly snapping open the button on his jeans. He buried his muzzle in Damian's soft neck, his ears folding back as the wolf's paw eased into the front of his jeans. He felt Damian's fingers caress softly along the edges of his sheath, causing him to shiver again. His warm sheath perked up at the touch, the husky rolling his hips forward into the paw eagerly.

Damian watched Nick's expression with interest, pressing his paw flat against the warm sheath. He pushed downward until he reached the base, and then eased his paw back to the tip. Nick lightly rolled his hips with the motion, easing himself down against the paw as his warm member filled out the musky sleeve. He then gasped sharply as Damian gave him a squeeze, blushing deeply and cooing to the wolf.

"Hun, shouldn't we head to the tent for this?" the husky asked with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Damian shook his head, his paw slipping out of the back of Nick's pants. "As I said, there's nobody around for miles, sweetie. There's no need to sneak off somewhere out of sight."

"Are you sure?"

Damian nodded with a grin, giving Nick's sheath another squeeze. "Positive. Now, be a good pup and put that muzzle of yours to work."

The husky nodded lightly, scooting down a little. His cheeks were still tinted a noticeable crimson beneath the copper and white fur. He rubbed his paws lower over Damian's chest, then across his belly, before unbuttoning his pants. The wolf grinned, reaching down and rubbing a paw behind Nick's ears. The husky unzipped the wolf's jeans, lightly tugging them open and down a bit. He then eased down the front of Damian's boxers, his tail wagging slowly as he was greeted by the red tip of the wolf's length. He murred with a smile, tugging down Damian's boxers until the wolf's entire sheath and musky sac were exposed.

Damian propped himself up against a large rock, resting an arm behind his head, while the other scratched between Nick's ears. He watched intently as the husky slid his muzzle in close to breathe softly over the musky fur, inhaling his scent. Nick sighed fondly and let his tongue lick along the underside of the wolf's sheath, starting at his testicles and dragging his tongue upward toward the tip of his sheath. The wolf groaned lightly when the husky's tongue continued up over the tip of his exposed flesh, causing his length to jump a little.

Nick reached up with a paw to lightly caress over the base of Damian's sheath, giving it a soft squeeze as his lips wrapped around the wolf's sensitive tip. His tongue greeted it with a tender lick as he slurped softly on the head, feeling the length pushing up against his muzzle as more of the red flesh was exposed. He licked at the tip again, suckling softly as he welcomed more of the warm, lightly pulsing member into his muzzle.

Damian pushed his hips gently upward, giving the back of Nick's head a little nudge with his paw. He growled softly at the pleasant sensation as the husky slurped over a few more inches of his length, his body tensing up for a moment. Nick sighed warmly around the pulsing flesh as his tongue cradled the underside, lapping softly over it. He then pulled his head back with a slurp, sucking a little harder as he did. He gave the wolf's balls a light knead, rolling them in his fingers. His muzzle slid back down the length, taking a few more inches this time, until half of the wolf's red shaft was tucked between his lips.

Nick began to lightly bob his head back and forth, tasting a warm dribble of salty pre-seed as the wolf grew more heavily aroused. It wasn't long before Damian's sheath was fully withdrawn, exposing the full ten inches of his erect length. The husky lightly wrapped his paw around the base, squeezing over it and stroking up and down, following the gentle bobbing motion of his muzzle. Damian grunted and leaned his head back against the rock he was propped against, enjoying the warm muzzle as it slid over his shaft.

Damian started to rock his hips against the pleasant slurping, his length pulsing a bit harder as Nick's tongue lapped over it. He let out a low growl, feeling the heat building in his loins as the sensations grew stronger. A knot began to form at the base of his length, swelling in the husky's paw. Nick smiled softly around his mouthful, bobbing his head a little farther onto the flesh until the tapered tip poked lightly against the back of his throat.

Nick squeezed gently over the growing knot, kneading it fingers around it. The gentle caress of his digits caused the wolf to squirm a little, pushing his hips harder against the husky's muzzle. Damian could feel his climax approaching quickly, gripping firmly at the back of Nick's head and holding it in place. He thrust his hips into the husky's lips, growling as his tail thumped against the smooth stone. The thick knot bumped against Nick's lips each time Damian thrust into his muzzle, but he resisted the urge to shove the thick bulb into the husky's mouth.

Nick gave the wolf's knot a squeeze, his muzzle slurping wetly over the slick length, swallowing a steady dribble of salty pre that leaked onto his tongue. He felt Damian's grip tighten on the back of his head, knowing that the wolf was drawing closer to his peak with each passing moment. The fire crackled and popped noisily as Nick doubled his efforts, sucking harder on the thick length as the wolf drove it into his muzzle again and again.

Damian let out a deep growl, then tossed his head back and howled as he firmly buried his thick shaft in the husky's muzzle. He squeezed at the back of Nick's head to prevent him from pulling away as his length throbbed, erupting with a hot burst of canine seed. The husky swallowed quickly as the salty wolf seed coated the back of his throat, his paw slipping away from the swollen knot to lightly caress and fondle Damian's twitching sac.

Damian sighed deeply as he emptied himself into the husky's throat, kneading lightly at the back of Nick's head with his fingers. He leaned his head down and smiled warmly, shivering with intense pleasure as the canine's soft tongue lapped tenderly over his throbbing flesh. Nick gave a few more licks as the flow eventually tapered off, slowly easing his muzzle off the thick length. He licked at the tip several times, causing the wolf to gasp loudly and grip at Nick's scruff to pull him away.

Nick licked his lips clean, smiling up at the wolf as he sat up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Damian eased his arms around the husky, hugging him tightly as his tail wagged slowly against the rock. He pressed his lips against Nick's, pulling him into a deep kiss that lasted several seconds. He then smiled, pulled back from the kiss to gaze into the husky's eyes.

"Wash up a bit, hun. Then you can help me cook dinner," the wolf said with a chuckle, leaning down to kiss the husky's lower lip, where a few strings of milky seed clung to his fur.

Nick giggled softly and nodded, kissing Damian's cheek before he buttoned his pants back up. He then turned and made his way down to the lake to clean himself off.

* * * * * * *

Damian grunted as he sat up in the darkness, a soft breeze blowing through the trees outside of their tent. He could hear soft snoring next to him, smiling to himself. He reached down, petting gently through Nick's fur as the husky slept. The wolf closed his eyes and took a deep breath to settle his stomach, which was gurgling noisily. He rubbed a paw over it lightly, his stomach feeling rather unsettled.

The wolf reluctantly stood up from his sleeping bag, his eyes adjusting in the dim light that filtered in through the tent. He reached up to grab the fluorescent lantern that hung from the top of the tent, though he would wait until he was outside of the tent to switch it on, so as not to disturb his boyfriend. He slowly unzipped the tent flap and stepped out into the night, blinking in surprise at how lighted his surroundings were. There was a full moon hanging high in the night sky, casting a bright glow through the trees. He could see the reflection of the moon glistening on the surface of the lake, the water rippling gently against the breeze.

Chuckling to himself, Damian carefully ducked back into the tent and hung the lantern from its designated spot. He wouldn't need the lantern after all. He zipped the tent back up, and then began walking into the trees. His stomach gave another unsettled gurgle, his tail slowly moving back and forth as he stepped through a thick layer of fallen pine needles.

Damian made his way farther into the trees, hoping that a short walk might help settle his stomach a bit. As he walked, though, the sour feeling only grew stronger. He paused for a moment to lean against a tree, breathing deeply through his nose as a wave of nausea came over him. His ears folded back as he bent down a little, closing his eyes tightly.

"I am not going to throw up," he said quietly, his stomach turning as he took another deep breath.

Damian focused on calming himself as another wave of nausea came over him, his stomach tensing just a bit. Getting sick while in the middle of nowhere was the last thing he needed. He reminded himself once more that he refused to let himself vomit, but his stomach said otherwise. Damian hunched over as his stomach suddenly contracted, retching loudly. He clutched his abdomen as he retched again, resting his paw firmly against a tree. Surrendering to nausea, he bent down again as he vomited, panting between waves as the contents of his stomach spilled onto the ground.

The wolf's stomach contracted several times after it was emptied, bringing several dry heaves that caused Damian to groan. He rubbed over his stomach, wiping his muzzle with the back of his paw and spitting several times to force the taste of bile out of his mouth. He didn't feel nearly as nauseated now, though a growing dizziness urged him to return to the tent.

Damian turned and took a few shaky steps, his eyes focusing on the ground ahead of him. He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to clear his head, and then took a few more steps forward. The wolf stumbled, falling forward and catching himself with his hands, ending up on his hands and knees in the dense layer of fallen pine needles. Damian had a moment of panic as an intense wave of dizziness rushed over him. In addition, he noticed a growing tightness in his chest.

It was then, that Damian lifted his head and gazed up into the night sky. The glistening moon caught his eye, and his blood ran cold, a sudden realization hitting him in the face.

"Oh, shit."

* * * * * * *

Nick rolled over in his sleeping bag, groping his paws around to try and find the wolf that should have been laying there. He opened his eyes tiredly and sat up, surprised to find that Damian was nowhere to be seen. The lantern was still hanging in the center of the tent, and the flap was zipped shut. He gazed around for a moment, then pushed open his sleeping bag and slid out. He began to grow nervous as he unzipped the tent, shivering a little as the cool mountain breeze caught his bare upper body. He had been sleeping in only his pants. Nick sighed and grabbed a shirt, pulling it on quickly and stepping out of the tent.

"Damian?" he called out softly, his ears perked as he listened for a reply. He didn't hear one, nor did he hear any sign that the wolf was even nearby.

"Damian!" the husky yelled, hoping that something hadn't happened.

There was a snap behind him that made Nick jump, whipping around. His heart raced from the startle as his eyes fell upon a small squirrel, scurrying quickly over the dry needles. He groaned, looking in all directions for a sign of his boyfriend.

"Dammit, Damian, where are you?" he growled softly, hoping that the wolf wasn't playing a prank on him.

* * * * * * *

Damian growled loudly as the pain in his chest intensified significantly. A similar pain tore through his head, nearly knocking the wolf flat on the ground. His mind was becoming a blur, and he could barely struggle to maintain focus. His vision was hazy, and the world seemed to be spinning around him.

The wolf let out an almost feral snarl as his muscles rippled and bulged, the fabric of his pants straining. Seams began to pop as the wolf's legs grew more defined, the muscles swelling and gaining mass. Damian lost all sense of consciousness as his body began to enlarge, grunting and growling deeply as a full transformation began to set in.

The wolf's clothing finally gave out, bursting at the seams as Damian's body structure began to rearrange itself. His hind legs became much sleeker, the digitigrade shape becoming much more pronounced. The wolf's hands enlarged, fingers giving way to enormous feral paws that bore dangerous-looking black claws. The transformation accelerated, his stomach tucking and chest becoming much deeper and more pronounced as his body grew from a healthy, muscular anthropomorphic wolf to a hulking feral beast.

Sentience was abandoned completely once the shift from bipedal to feral was complete. The wolf growled, then threw its head back and let out a howl that echoed from the surrounding mountains. Damian's true form had manifested itself, and the enormous feral wolf could smell the scent of an intruder trespassing on his territory.

* * * * * * *

Nick's ears shot up, the husky standing stone-still when the wolf howl echoed through the mountains. He'd heard Damian howl at the moon before, but this was unlike anything he had ever heard before. His heart raced as he scanned his surroundings, and a voice in his head reminded him that it would wise to seek shelter immediately.

Nick turned and began walking toward the tent quickly, hearing something rustling through the trees and moving in his direction. The sound was faint at first, but it was steadily growing louder. Whatever it was, it was definitely moving in his direction. He shuffled back to the tent and bent down, fumbling for the zipper as he began to panic. His tail flicked quickly from side to side as the heavy thudding of paws became distinct.

Nick gripped tightly at the tent zipper and yanked it upward, hastily trying to open the tent so he could dive in. He glanced over his shoulder just in time to see a huge, dark figure lunge through the air at him. He yelped and raised his arms up in an attempt to brace himself as the huge creature dove onto him. The force of the impact was more than sufficient to knock him down, pushing him several feet away from the tent.

Nick was almost hyperventilating as he looked up at the enormous wolf that had tackled him, pinned to the ground by two enormous forepaws. The hulking timber wolf was almost the size of a miniature horse. The huge beast growled deeply and leaned its head down toward the husky, baring its glistening fangs. The husky held completely still as the huge wolf almost touched noses with him, breathing over his face with hot, damp breath. He fully expected the huge wolf to lunge at him and tear out his throat.

Nick turned his head away a bit as the wolf growled, sniffing at him. He was having a difficult time breathing with the wolf's weight bearing down on him, but he had a feeling that if he tried to slip away, those dangerous fangs would be sinking into his body. The wolf sniffed at him again, brushing its nose through Nick's fur. The husky peeked over as he felt the wolf's huge paws shift, allowing him to breathe comfortably once more as the paws rested on the bare ground.

Nick let out a startled yap when he felt the wolf's nose press firmly against his crotch, the huge creature snuffing several times and taking in the husky's scent. He almost slapped the wolf to try and deter him from rooting around his pants, but he realized that it would be a poor choice. He breathed a sigh of relief when the wolf's head ducked lower, the strangely-curious canine scooting back to nuzzle at his bare feet. The husky's paws jerked lightly at the soft touch, the wolf's whiskers tickling his sensitive feet.

Nick couldn't help but wonder what had stopped the wolf from attacking him. He was almost certain that he was going to be slaughtered as soon as the huge wolf pinned him down. He lifted his head and sat up a little to get a better look at the huge wolf, but abruptly laid flat on the ground when the wolf's hackles came up, and the huge canine growled at him.

The wolf stepped over the husky once more, gazing down at him intently, as if pondering what to do. Nick almost held his breath as his eyes met the wolf's gaze, staring deep into the feral canine's eyes. Despite how terrified he was, he couldn't help but notice a faint sense of familiarity in the wolf's eyes. The recognition seemed mutual, as the wolf leaned in closer. Nick closed his eyes at the wolf's huge jaws parted, expecting to feel the wolf's teeth sinking into his skull. He jumped a little when he felt something wet press against his cheek, opening his eyes. He immediately raised his paws to "defend" himself as the wolf lapped at his face, the huge tongue matting down his fur.

Nick was entirely baffled now as he gazed up at the huge wolf, remaining where he was on the ground. He continued to stare intently into the wolf's eyes once the creature stopped licking him, then noticed something. The wolf had a distinct while spot on its forehead. He shook his head lightly in disbelief. Surely it was coincidence.

It was unmistakable, however. The white patch of fur on the wolf's forehead was the exact shape and proportion to the one that Damian bore. As his nerves calmed a bit, Nick sniffed at the huge wolf that stood over him. The scent only further supported his suspicions. He'd heard rumors and urban legends about werewolves. Was it really true, or was this all an intricate dream in the husky's mind?

"Damian?" he asked softly.

The wolf's tail wagged back and forth, the huge creature barking at the husky. It was clear that he couldn't talk, but the reaction to his name was all the confirmation Nick needed. The wolf leaned in again, causing Nick to flinch. Once again, though, the huge wolf lapped at his face instead of attacking him. This time, however, the wolf didn't stop providing him with attention.

The wolf's muzzle dipped lower, nuzzling and sniffing across Nick's chest again, then slipped down to the husky's pajamas. Nick squirmed uncomfortably as the muzzle pressed firmly against his crotch, snuffing and nuzzling at him. Despite a conscious effort to ignore the sensation of the wolf's muzzle against his crotch, he could feel something stirring in his pants.

Nick tensed up when the wolf's jaws opened right over his crotch, his paws immediately shooting down to protect himself from being bit. The wolf growled lightly at the sudden motion, nudging his muzzle firmly against Nick's paws to push them away. Nick tried to resist the wolf's muzzle, but the wolf was clearly stronger. The wolf grabbed the top of his pajamas between its teeth, and then gave a sudden tug back. The motion dragged Nick across the ground several inches, as well as drawing a startled yelp from the husky. The wolf tugged again, but made little progress beyond soaking the front of Nick's pajamas in drool.

Nick made as soft "eep" sound when the wolf's paw pressed firmly against his stomach to keep him pinned against the ground. The jaws tugged at his pants once again, with much greater determination. This time, his pants slid clean off his hips, leaving him completely exposed. Nick almost felt violated as the wolf tugged again, not stopping until his pajamas were completely removed, leaving the husky in nothing more than a loose-fitting shirt. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Nick could feel a cool breeze greeting the tip of his shaft, which was poking out of his sheath.

The wolf's muzzle returned to his lap, sniffing loudly as the cool nose brushed over his sheath and balls. The wolf's tongue then slid out of its muzzle, slurping wetly over Nick's sac a few times, pushing his balls up each time it licked upward. The wolf then moved the attention upward to the husky's perky sheath, which caused Nick to squirm on the ground and groan quietly. He then gasped loudly when the warm tongue greeted his exposed tip, a motion that caused Nick's hips to gently press upward, as if asking for more.

The wolf lapped over the husky's emerging length a few more times, and despite how good it felt, there was something depraved about it that nagged at Nick's mind. His boyfriend had potentially transformed into this huge feral wolf, and was now nuzzling and licking at his personal regions - and he was enjoying it. He couldn't deny how nice the wolf's warm tongue felt as it lapped over his growing length, which was soon standing proudly in the air.

Nick's distracted thoughts were interrupted as he felt a paw firmly nudge at his waist. He lifted his head to gaze down at the wolf, watching as the huge canine pressed a paw against the side of his hip and pushed again. The motion caused his body to roll to the side a bit, though the husky ended up flat on his back once more. The wolf, however, seemed determined to flip him over. It was then that a prominent red spire caught Nick's attention. He wasn't the only one that was aroused. The wolf's length was fully erect as well, hanging heavily between his legs.

Nick had little time to focus on the wolf's erection, however, as another shove of the huge forepaw successfully rolled him onto his stomach. He scrambled to flip himself back over, but a heavy paw thumped down on his lower back to keep him pinned in place. Nick tried to pull himself free as he felt the huge muzzle nip at his tail, and then push it out of the way.

Nick gasps in surprise as he felt a cool nose press directly against his exposed butt, sniffing deeply again. His tail flicked back and forth as he whined and attempted to wiggle himself out from under the wolf's paw, but it kept him securely in place. He then gasped again when the wolf's warm tongue licked over his rump, causing the fur to stand up. Another live found its way deeper, the end of the wolf's tongue lapping directly over his sensitive pucker. The sensation caused Nick to shiver, drawing a soft moan of pleasure from the husky.

The wolf licked several more times over his rump, matting down the fur noticeably and causing Nick to squirm against the cool dirt. As much as he was enjoying the attention, Nick had to put a stop to this. He rose up onto all-fours, scooting forward toward the tent. He was stopped abruptly by a pair of paws on his hips. The husky froze in place as he felt the huge wolf mounting him, the jaws grabbing the end of his tail and tugging it out of the way.

Nick whined in protest and tried to pull himself away as the wolf hugged his hips tightly, but a firm tug prevented him from escaping. He whimpered as he felt the heat of the wolf's erect length radiating against his backside, the huge canine growling as he leaned down and latched on to the husky's scruff. Nick knew that he wasn't going to be able to escape, so he braced himself for the inevitable. The wolf growled around the mouthful of Nick's scruff as the thick length bumped against his rump, seeking out its target. When the tapered tip bumped against his warm pucker, the wolf growled again, and then pushed his hips forward, squeezing the husky's waist tightly with his huge paws.

Nick cried out as the wolf shoved the dripping tip into his hole, spreading him open around it without hesitation. There was no time to relax, no time to allow his body to adjust to the thick wolf member. The wolf shoved forward abruptly, slamming the thick shaft into the tight rump and causing Nick to almost scream as he was stretched. He shuddered heavily, his eyes closed tightly as he attempted to block out the pain of the abrupt penetration. His back side ached with discomfort as the wolf squeezed the throbbing erection into him.

Nick tried desperately to pull himself away from the huge feral canine as the wolf's hips pushed up against him, feeling that throbbing length stretching his backside. The enormous forepaws, however, clung tightly to his hips, preventing him from escaping. The wolf growled as he drew his hips back, causing Nick to shiver again as he felt that thickness withdrawing itself from his body. Another firm shove pushed him forward, causing him to gasp loudly again.

The wolf didn't waste a moment in working himself into a steady rhythm, causing Nick to whine and cry out each time the thick, throbbing length pounded into him. The painful stretching sensation slowly subsided, and despite his objection to being mounted by the huge feral wolf, he couldn't help but enjoy it. His own erect length bobbed back and forth as the wolf thrust into him, dripping with arousal.

The wolf growled as he tugged lightly on Nick's scruff and pulled his head back a bit. He gasped, pushing his hips back against the thick length as it began to move faster. As the wolf's length shoved into his stretched opening again and again, Nick became aware of a growing knot at the base, pushing up against his anal ring. He hoped that he feral canine wouldn't tie with him, knowing that he would be pinned beneath the wolf for quite some time.

The wolf clearly had no intention of stopping, however. Surrendering himself to the moment, Nick gave in to the passion, focusing on the pleasure of that thick shaft pounding into his body, stretching him open each time it slick in. A constant stream of slick pre leaked into his body, lubricating his warm passage and creating lewd slurping noises. Nick reached down with a paw, gripping at his own erect length and stroking over it as the wolf's pace became almost unbearably fast. His body was screaming for release now, the wolf's length stabbing into his prostate each time the huge canine slammed into him.

The wolf bit down firmly on Nick's scruff as he slammed forward into the husky, the thick, swelling knot threatening to slide past the tense ring. Nick shuddered as he felt the fangs pierce his scruff, small droplets of blood forming in the wounds. He focused on the sexual high that he was enjoying as the wolf gave another strong shove, the knot pressing farther against his opening and stretching it wider. This time, however, the wolf didn't pull back. Nick braced himself, stroking rapidly over his throbbing erection as he felt the knot squeezing him open around it.

The husky let out a deep, satisfied moan as the wolf's huge knot popped inside with a wet slurp, mashing itself up against his prostate. His front limbs collapsed beneath the wolf as a wave of overwhelming pleasure surged over him, his chest falling into the dirt. The wolf growled loudly, biting down on his scruff again as Nick felt the already-thick knot suddenly engorge and swell inside of him. The pleasure was too much for him to hold back. Nick squeezed around his length, stroking over it rapidly as his erect haft throbbed in his paw. He whimpered loudly, panting heavily as his length unleashed a heavy stream of hot seed into the dirt.

The wolf ground against Nick almost desperately now, forcing the knot back and forth over the climaxing husky's prostate. Nick almost screamed in pleasure as the wolf made several rapid, short thrusts, the knot tugging against his tail ring. It was firmly trapped inside, however. The wolf finally let go of Nick's scruff, throwing his head back and unleashing a deep, resounding howl as his knot throbbed almost violently.

Nick gasped as he felt a rush of hot seed spray into his bowels, the wolf's entire length throbbing and pushing against his hot passage. He continued to stroke over his length, milking out his own climax, his paw slick with his own spunk. The wolf's muzzle returned to his scruff, but this time the wolf didn't bite down. Nick sighed deeply as the wolf began to affectionate lick at the bleeding pelt, cleaning the crimson-stained fur as he emptied his seed into his husky lover.

Several minutes passed before the wolf's flow subsided, Nick's bowels almost straining to contain the sticky load. The thick, swollen knot prevented any from escaping, however. The wolf continued to nuzzle and lap at his neck and the back of his head, relaxing against Nick as the two canines, feral and sentient, sank into a deep, blissful afterglow.

Nick wasn't sure how much time had passed since he'd first seen the wolf, but things seemed to slow to a crawl now as the wolf nuzzled him between the ears, growling quietly to the husky. Nick felt the wolf's jaws lightly part around his ear and slurp over it, causing him to shiver. His entire body seemed to be hypersensitive now, the slightest touch causing him to gasp and squirm in the dirt. He tried to keep as still as possible, though. The slightest movement caused the wolf's swollen length to shift inside of him, causing him to gasp loudly with jolts of unexpected pleasure.

Several quiet minutes passed as the wolf nuzzled down along Nick's neck, which had long since stopped bleeding. The wolf nuzzled between his shoulders, sniffing softly at the husky's scent. Nick's pelt was stained with the smell of sex, his fur rich with musk. He wanted to roll himself over and cuddle up to the wolf, but the wolf still maintained a firm grip on his body.

Nick gasped loudly when he felt the wolf tug against his tail ring, the knot straining against the tense muscle. He shuddered, reaching back and grabbing the wolf's flanks, trying to prevent the enormous canine from moving. The stimulation from the knot tugging against his entrance was almost overwhelming. The wolf didn't stop, however. Another tug caused Nick to grunt and attempt to push back against the wolf, resisting the motions.

The wolf growled, leaning down and snapping lightly at the back of Nick's neck, causing the husky to jump a little. He felt that dominant bite return to his scruff as the wolf pulled back firmly again, knowing that the wolf was determined to separate himself. Nick attempted to relax as much as possible, his entrance stretching uncomfortably to try and allow the huge knot free. With another growl and a determine pull, the wolf's knot strained against the tense flesh, then suddenly popped free with a wet slurp. Nick cried out as he was stretched painfully to allow the knot free, his backside almost throbbing as the thick length slid out from his body.

I'm not going to be able to sit properly for a week, Nick thought to himself, panting with the rush of endorphins as the wolf's paws finally let go of his hips.

The enormous canine leaned down, gently lapping at Nick's tired rump which was leaking slippery white seed from the gaping entrance. The husky groaned softly as the wolf licked him, tenderly cleaning his rump, leaving the fur glistening with drool, but clean. He tried not to pull himself away, despite the fact that the wolf's soft tongue was getting him aroused again.

The wolf eventually stopped licking, the husky's sore pucker closing, preserving a large portion of the wolf's sticky load in his body. Nick panted softly, blushing as he felt the wolf's hot breath over his rump, turning back to gaze at the huge canine. The wolf gave a small "ruff" to him as they made eye contact, and then circled around him.

Nick lifted himself and moved into his knees, kneeling before the huge wolf as the canine stood before him. They gazed into one-another's eyes for a few long moments, before the wolf padded closer to him and gave a long, wet lick over his cheek. Nick closed his eyes as he felt that tongue make several more passes over his fur, the wolf's hot breath tainted with the smell of sex.

Nick didn't think to worry when he felt a particularly strong rush of humid breath over his face, the wolf's tongue slurping softly at his chin. He cooed quietly, his bushy red tail wagging back and forth as the canine allowed his chin to rest against the soft tongue now. A soft, but distinctly close "woof" around his ears made Nick's eyes peek open to investigate. He gasped at the sight, his vision greeted by the inside of the wolf's gaping muzzle. The glistening flesh dripped with slick drool, rippling lightly around his face.

Nick tried to pull back to free himself from the wolf's jaws, but the wolf threw a paw over his back and tugged him tightly. Nick reached up, pressing his paws against the wolf's chest to attempt to pry himself out of those hot jaws, but the huge canine easily overpowered him. He could scarcely hinder the motion as the wolf hunched over him, taking the husky's entire head into his jaws, pressing Nick's ears flat against his head.

Nick shoved against the wolf's chest again, the canine growling deeply around him and causing him to shiver with fear. He could only watch as the slick, rippling flesh at the back of the wolf's jaws rushed up to greet him, his muzzle pressed into the slick passage. The wolf's tongue lapped at his neck and collarbone as he felt the slick throat ease over his muzzle. Nick's heart raced as another lunge forced his shoulders into the wolf's jaws, partially restricting his arms. In that moment, Nick had a horrifying realization.

This wolf is determined to eat me. I'm going to be eaten alive.

Nick's fear was only compounded as the slick throat suddenly squeezed powerfully against his muzzle, jerking the canine sharply inward. As the wolf swallowed, Nick felt the huge canine's head bob over him again, the dripping jaws sliding over his chest. His entire head was squeezed into the tight passage, the muscles tugging against his body in waves to slide him farther into the huge canine.

Full panic set in as Nick felt the canine's paw slide farther down his back, preventing him from pulling away with a firm grip. His was nearly hyperventilating as the slick throat contracted powerfully again, sliding his shoulders into the wolf's throat. Nick's arms were now fully pinned to his sides, and he knew that escape would be nearly impossible. His tail lashed back and forth through the air as the wolf's paw moved to his rump, giving a firm push that stuffed his body smoothly deeper.

Another wet gulp coaxed Nick's waist into the wolf's muzzle, causing the husky to suddenly squirm and let out a gasp. The wolf's tongue slid out to greet his erect member, still rigid from the earlier licking. Nick could do nothing to resist as the wolf greedily lapped at his erection, his feet weakly scrambling against the dirt, leaving deep scratch marks in the cool earth.

Nick yelped in surprise as his body was suddenly jerked upward, the wolf lifting its head and throwing the rest of the husky into the air above himself. Nick whined pitifully as his body slid abruptly downward with another strong swallow, his muzzle mashing against a particularly tight ring of muscle. There was a momentary pause as the wolf licked over his thighs, and then the tense muscle stretched open to allow him to continue.

Nick's muzzle wrinkled, nearly gagging as a wave of hot gastric juices rushed up to meet him. He tried not to breathe too deeply as another abrupt swallow shoved his head smoothly down into the empty stomach. He could feel the wolf's jaws gliding swiftly down his legs, pinning his bushy tail down as the canine worked to devour the rest of his meal. Nick grunted as he was forced face-first into the wet pouch, his slick body entering smoothly. The tip of his tail flicked fearfully, his feet kicking in the air as his paws met the sharp canine teeth.

Nick gasped again deeply when the canine's tongue lapped over his sensitive paws, causing him to squirm and wiggle. The motion drew a deep growl from the wolf, a sensation that caused Nick's entire body to vibrate. His lungs burned from the acrid juices around him, a wave of intense claustrophobia rushing over the husky. He kept his eyes closed tightly as the wolf gulped deeply over him, the slick throat rippling over him and squeezing his body farther into the slick gut.

Nick began to curl up against himself as the wolf's jaws closed completely over his feet, sealing the husky completely from view now. The only indication left was a bulging outline that wiggled as the wolf set to finish his living meal. The canine tipped his head back and gave a deep, satisfying gulp that squeezed Nick's feet back into the wolf's throat. The swallow was followed by a deep, reverberating growl of satisfaction as the husky's body slid smoothly into the wolf's expanding gut.

Nick whined in protest as he felt the throat ripple to push him the rest of the way down, his body curling into a fetal position as he was finally encased in slick flesh. His was panting uncontrollably fast, his heart racing as intense heat and stagnant air pressed in against him. The slick walls of the belly squeezed in against him, outlining his helpless body. Satisfied with his meal, the huge wolf sprawled out onto the ground, rolling onto his side with contentment. The belly sagged against the dirt, shifting and wiggling as the husky inside tried to find a way out.

Nick pressed his paws firmly against the walls of the wolf's gut, his mind racing as his body surged with adrenaline. He tried to find a way out, but as the stomach squeezed firmly against him, he was finding it increasingly difficult. It was quickly becoming almost impossible to move. A sudden, rippling squeeze compressed around him as the wolf let out a deep, satisfied belch, further restricting Nick's ability to even move.

The husky's skin began to tingle intensely as the stomach juices soaked into his pelt, his breaths coming in short, rapid patterns. His heart pounded uncontrollably fast in his chest as he began sobbing, doomed to his fate in the feral beast's gut. His arms pressed tightly against his chest, his knees forced against himself as the tingling sensation soon progressed to burning.

I'm going to die in here. I'm nothing more than food to this wolf.

Nick didn't have long to dwell on this thought, however. The shock and horror of being eaten alive by the wolf finally took its toll, the husky's consciousness slipping away quite abruptly. Nick's body went completely limp as he fell away, his body succumbing to the intensely hot, restricting confines of the wolf's gut.

The wolf yawned widely as he felt his meal's struggles finally give out, stretching his paws out and resting his head on them. The wolf licked his lips, flicking away the last traces of the husky's flavor as he sighed blissfully, his stomach full. It wasn't long before the hulking canine was snoring peacefully, his stomach gurgling as digestion began to set in. The husky wouldn't be waking up ever again.

* * * * * * *

Damian's eyes fluttered open as a beam of sunlight peeked over the mountains, beaming down on his face. He groaned softly and pushed a paw over his face, trying to block out the intense rays. The wolf grumbled as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, letting out a deep, satisfied yawn. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, slowly pushing himself up.

Damian groaned as he felt unusually strong sagging weighing down his gut. As he opened his eyes fully, he gazed down at himself, and then he froze. The last thing he remembered was vomiting in the middle of the forest, and then blacking out. How had he ended up with such an enormous stomach? And how had we wandered back to camp?

The wolf gazed around for a moment in utter confusion, but then spotted a familiar pair of pajamas lying not far from him in the dirt. As he licked at his lips, he tasted a familiar scent on his breath. It tasted like...

"Oh God, Nick...I'm so sorry," he wolf said softly, wrapping both arms around his gut and hugging tightly.

Everything pieced itself together, in one horrifying moment. He'd experienced this before; the nausea, the headaches, the blackouts. They always happened during a full moon. Another boyfriend had been lost to his uncontrollable transformation. The wolf cradled his gut as he curled up around it, petting softly over the indistinct outline of his former lover.

"I love you, sweetie," he said softly as he nuzzled against the soft fur. "I'm so sorry this happened..."