Rise of Red Comet Chapter 11, Capture

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#29 of Wayward Scale

In this first adults only episode of Wayward Scale, James is kidnapped by a new figure, who has plans for him.

Thanks to Sergal Queen Arts 58 for her role as Emilia Scale, Okuda Takeo and Ceres

Yinglets are the brainchild of ValSalia

Wickerbeasts are the brainchild of Simone White

Within a week, James was able to leave the infirmary. However, he had to wear a brace at most times, so he decided to recover in the captain's seat. While he did, he made notes for two new planets. One for agriculture, and one for an urban environment.

Takeo approached James finding him hunched over some papers, stiff as a board because of the brace he wore. "So I see you can read."

James looked up at him, shook his head and asked, "Why wouldn't I?"

Takeo shrugged, and James continued, "The only Americans who can't read are hillbillies, and I'm from the suburbs."

"No people have mental problem and no can read?"

James shrugged and said, "Well, there's that. Anyway, I think the notes for the agri planet are ready."

James handed them over revealing his plans for a metropolitan and suburban world as well. At the top was the word, 'Scallpolis?' "What do you think?"

"Sounds good."

"And, the name? Is it good enough, or could it be improved?"

"It works for now."


He leaned forward and said into the PA system, "Emilia Scale, your presence is requested up in the bridge."

After a moment, they could hear thumping drawing closer. The thumping came twice per second, indicating a rush. Then, the sound stopped, and the door opened revealing Emily. James spun around and said, "I've got an idea for a third planet."

"And, that is?"

"A world of cities and their suburbs."

She nodded and said, "That sounds doable."

"How many seeds do we have?"

"One more."

"Then, we should probably use it for the agri world."

She nodded and said, "Yeah, let's do that."

James raised two fists and said, "So, who's up for some coding?"

Emily raised her hand and yipped, "Me!"

"Hey Tak, you up for learning how to code?"

"No, not really. Not after that war."


James stretched his arms and said, "Well, I'll just hang out here then."

He handed one of his notes to Emily as Tacit entered the room. James saw Tacit, pulled a notch on the dash and pushed the controls to his seat. Takeo claimed another seat while Tacit took his place in the copilot's chair. "Where to?"

Tacit opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, a planet appeared on the screen surrounded by pods. "What," muttered James, "Red Comet, what's this?"

"The home planet of the K'tann Empire."

James waved a hand and said, "Pfft, how bad can they be?"

Suddenly, some raptor looking dude showed up on screen. He had gray fur and a red tipped beak, with a bush for hair that had neon streaks. He raised a hand, wiggled his clawed fingers and said, in a high pitched screech, "Hello infidels!"

Upon seeing this, James tensed his shoulders, lowered one eyebrow in a way that made the other look like it would pop out and mouthed a profanity. Tacit stood up and shouted, "Red Comet, was zhere a television feature we didn't know about?"

"What do you mean, you rat bitch!" screeched the raptor.

James took a deep breath, raised his index finger and leaned forward with both hands on the arms of his seat. "Hang on, injured man's gotta take a minute to stand before speaking..."

"Don't tell me to hang on! No, you hang on!"

Once he was up, James raised an open hand, then raised both hands at the sides of his head, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you, and what the hell is going on here?"

"Xevog, and we are trying to make contact so you know, rude!"

Xevog quickly shut his eyes and tipped his snout up. James looked at Tacit, who shrugged, then at Takeo, with his right eyebrow up. Takeo buried his face in his hands and groaned. Xevog opened his eyes as he did and snapped, "What, you slanted eye freak?!"

"He is a human, from earth."

"And you, stinky fluff!?"

"Well, I'm an Awek who's half dragon."

Xevog waved his hand and sighed, "Still gross!"

"I have a name, by the way."

Xevog punched his own dashboard, leaned forward and shouted, "I don't care!"

All three of them jumped, and James sighed, shook his head and called, "Red Comet, can you disconnected?"

At his order, the screen shut off. James sat back down, with one hand to his forehead, and said, "Thank you. God, that was getting annoying."

Meanwhile at K'tann...

Xevog pulled one of his guards closer and asked, "Am I ugly or something?"

One of his guards quickly shook his head and said, "N-no sir!"

He shoved the one away and said, "We are taking their crew!"

"Yes sir. Admiral, can you hear me?"


"We'll need a fleet after that comet shaped ship."

"Can do!"

No sooner did the Red Comet turn around than a fleet of cylindrical, pointed pods went after the ship. James took one look and said, "Just stay calm, they might not be attacking."

Then, to everyone's surprise, the radio gave off some static before a voice engaged through it. "How dare you cut us off!"

"Oh god, not this ass again!"

"We are attacking now you ass, just couldn't talk!

"Wait a minute, do we really need a fight?"

"Yes! You hurt my feelings!"

"How about this; I hand myself over, you leave my ship alone. Deal?"

A moment of silence followed before Xevog said, "Sounds good to me."

"Another term, maybe some help with my back."

"Why do you need help with that?"

"Because I'm still recovering from barely getting far enough away from a bomb."

"We can think."

As James stood up and headed toward the door, he looked back and winked at Takeo, Tacit and Emily. He looked down to see the young Wickerbeast. "Ya know, this one needs a name."

"What're we calling it?"

James shrugged and said, "I'll leave that up to you, but I'm thinking of something along the lines of little terror."

"Then, call it that! I no naming kid!"

"So, y'all know what to do, right?"

They all nodded in unison, and James said, "Alright. Red Comet, relay this message to Xevog: I'm headed to the airlock in the lower deck. I'm not armed or guarded."

"Can do."

He took a deep breath and headed down to the airlock. Meanwhile, Astar came to the bridge with a towel wrapped around his waist. Once there, he watched as a pod floated closer. He punched a button, which disengaged the airlock, to find raptors already waiting. He stepped across the rim of the airlock into the pod, then raised both hands and said, "Unarmed, just as promised. Lead the way."

He followed rhem to a cell, where he was shoved to the ground. "What the?"

He was given no answer as a forcefield was raised. He sighed and went to a corner, when a mess of slop was thrown in. He raised one eyebrow and asked, "What is that?"


He got on his hands and knees and took a whiff of it. It smelled just like liver, rancid liver. He turned away and gagged for a moment before he held his breath and licked some of it up. He forced himself to swallow and shivered.

He stood up and went to the forcefield keeping him inside. There stood a female K'tann staring at him. He stared at her wondering whether or not to say something. Finally, he pressed his hand to the force field and called, "Hey, can you hear me?"

She nodded, and he continued, "Is this how people are treated around here when they roll their eyes at that Xevog dude?"

"Sadly yes, try having him as a father."

"Wait, are you his-"

"Yes, I'm his only kid."

"How did he have you? I mean, he seems like uh, oh how do I put this nicely?"

"He only did it for a clutch, he doesn't say it but he is severely gay."

"Yeah, he comes off that way. Very much."

"You can't tell him though."

"Why not?"

"He gets kind of ravenous when you do."

"Oh. Well, what do you think he has in mind for me?"

"I don't know. I only was told to bring the slop."

He looked down at the slop and huffed fire. Then, he knelt down and tried eating it again. After one bite, he looked up and asked, "What's your name?"


"James Scale."

"Well try not to have fun here."

Then, the door opened revealing small group of warriors. One of them marched through the force field and detached James' belt. "What have we here?"

The warrior looked at James as he removed one of his injectors. "What is this?"

"A MORPH syringe."

"What are they supposed to do?"

"Change someone's DNA so that they could resemble a different race."

"Now, what would anyone be carrying something like this around for?"

The warrior took one look at the top of the injector, pressed a button and stabbed James in the arm with it. He took his bicep in his hand and grimaced. Then, he watched as his arm shrunk into a bone thin, black twig. Next came the other arm, before his fingers grew bulbous pads. Then, his two front teeth fused into one and extended into a spike. After that, his wings to began to shrink, and his ears extended. Then, his tail begun to morph, and he began to shrink.

Once the transformation had finished, he looked down at himself, then at Ceres. She only turned around and quietly vomited. The warrior looked at James, then at the belt. "I have to tell lord Xevog!"

Before any more of a response, the warrior left the room. James looked up at Ceres and said, "Somezhing tells me I'm not going to get zhat back before breakout. I still wonder what's going to happen."

As he said it, they could feel a bump, and hear a voice say, "You have reached your destination."

Then, the forcefield disengaged. "Well, best not waste time."

James took a deep breath and went to the pod airlock. Two of the ship's personnel escorted him out to where Xevog waited tapping the table impatiently with his claws. "Here he is, changed by that thing Rin showed you."

When one of the K'tanns pulled on some rubber gloves, James sarcastically asked, "Am I covered in toxic waste?"

"You smell it."

He tilted his head to the side, lifted his right arm and sniffed underneath. He looked up to find that Xevog had come closer. "Should we inject him again?"


James looked at one of the warriors, who came and stuck a needle in his bicep. He immediately lowered his view as he grew. He watched as his arms grew more meat. Then, his Yinglet shelltooth fell out giving way to a bony jaw and needle like teeth. "What did you inject me with?"

"A bit of our lord."

He looked over his shoulder at his tail watching as it grew. He also saw the tuft at the end grow. That was when he realized he was becoming a K'tann. "What do you have planned for me?"

"Oh, don't you know?"

James shook his head and said, "No, I don't."

Xevog took the still shorter James by the chin and said, "You are going to be my partner."

"Partner? What kind of partner?"

Xevog gave a sinister grin as he said, "You know what kind."

Then, James felt a push and staggered closer to Xevog. He felt Xevog's hand on his crotch as their noses connected. He lifted his tail as Xevog said, "Hope you like you sheath stretched!" "Actually, I don't quite have one."

"Yes, you do!"

James felt a stinging tug and squinted. "Ow!"

Xevog stroked James' snout and said, "Oh, don't you like it?"

"It hurts!"

" Well, I don't care, it turns me on!"

"My lord," said one of the warriors,"should we use a device?"

"Yes let's do that! And marry of Ceres!"

"Wait, what?"

Before James could say more, a mask was attached to his head, and buds stuck in his ears. Then, he heard something, a cacophony of voices drowning out everything else. He could pick out voices within the jumble of noises. The louder and clearer they became, the more perverted they became. With that, he did not need to work on what happened downstairs.

He looked at the crowd for assistance, despite the fact that the only emotion the screen of the mask showed was joy. Suddenly, he could feel something wet touching his cheek. "What the?"

Once he put two and two together, he came to a conclusion for what was happening "Oh no, no no-"

He leaned back and fell over. Xevog and another climbed on top of him. He looked down between Xevog's legs as Xevog went into his anus. When James squawked, one of the warriors asked, "Sir, should we gag him with an extension to the mask?"


With that, the warrior went away for a moment and came back with a muzzle as long as one of theirs. They grabbed James and fixed it to his snout. When he grunted, the muzzle altered it to sound sensual. There were all kinds of things happening. Too many to keep up with.

Eventually, he was taken back to the cell. There, he laid down unable to show the true look on his face. He sat up and attempted to remove the mask, which easily snapped off. "Hello?"

No answer. He sighed and scooted closer to the wall. He lowered his head and closed his eyes. He did not know how long he was asleep, but he awoke to pounding on the wall. He stood up and went to the force field. He rubbed his eyes as a familiar voice said, "Come on, I'm getting you outta here."


Ceres grabbed him by the wrist and said, "I'm getting you out of here, now."

"Are there any guards out?"

"I knocked them out."

"Oh, good, good!"

"Now, let's go!"

James nodded and took a quick look in the immediate area for his things. They were nowhere to be found; Xevog must've had them. He looked at Ceres and asked, "Do you think Xevog could be trusted with a belt full of vials meant to change the race someone is?"

"I wouldn't trust him with anything, but like I said, we need to get out, now!"

"Right. All replaceable."

She pushed him through the hall, both of them remaining as quiet as possible. Once they reached the hangar, he asked, "Should I call the Red Comet, or are we stealing a ship?"

"Call Red Comet! We only have escape pods."

"Got it. Uh, do you have a communication device?"

"In the pod."

He went into the only open escape pod and saw two bags, and a wall of bunks surrounding a single holocom. Ceres jumped in allowing the door to shut. He pointed at the holocom and asked, "How does this thing work?"

She strutted closer and said, "Like this."

She swept a clawed hand over the light, which immediately lit up. He leaned forward and said, "Bring up the ship Red Comet."

An image of the ship came up, then the bridge. He could see Tacit jumping from his seat with Emily next to him. "Easy, Tac. We're making a break for it. Can you guys meet us in K'tann space?"

Emily nodded and said, "We can do that."

"Okay. Ceres, do you know the ID of this pod?"


"Did you guys hear that?"



Immediately, Tacit began typing. Finally, after about a minute, Tacit squeaked, "Done!"

"How long should it take," asked James.

"A few hours," said Emily, "Be there soon as we can."

"And, I've got you guys on radar," added Tacit.

"Okay, good."

Emily waved, and with that, they disconnected.

Rise of Red Comet, chapter 10, Explosion

James looked over his shoulder for a second before looking back down at the bomb. He pulled knots out of the wire to curb complications before he connected them. Once he saw the light turn red, he balled up and rolled away from the bomb. He unrolled...

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Rise of Red Comet Chapter 9, New Brother

While James and Emily were investigating a Dasite crime syndicate, on the Red Comet, Tacit awoke with thumping in his ears. He rubbed his head before jumping out of bed and picking up a shirt and some shorts from the floor. He slowly stuck both legs in...

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Rise of Red Comet Chapter 8, A Spherical Infiltration

James saw a Dasite carrying boxes of iron on its back into the ship. Following them came a Sergal with a stack in their arms. He traveled up the stairs to the lab and said to the scientist passenger, "Ya know, I'm thinking we could probably give them...

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