
Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#61 of Commissions

Another for Montiga!

Snakes are naturally attracted to snake pheromones, right? So if you were to, say, bottle them up and apply them to yourself, they'll pretty much do whatever you say. That's what Kensjo is banking on as he marks down the house with a potent scent before his naga roommate returns home. He's got plans for him.

Contains: Scent-based mind-control/domination, oral worship, plenty of cum, cock vore, and cum digestion.

Of course they hadn't given a specific delivery time, resulting in Kensjo sitting around all day just waiting for the doorbell to ring. Anywhere from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon, they said. And obviously, the moment he went out for anything or took a nap, his package was going to arrive. Then they would think he wasn't home when he didn't answer the door within five seconds, and take it back to the warehouse or wherever. He wasn't about to let that happen. Not with something so important. So he was sitting back, just relaxing, or trying his best to do so at least. It was difficult to keep still when he couldn't stop his internal plotting.

The dragonsnake kept his feet up, unfurling his wings, basking in the summer heat. A reptile like him didn't mind at all. But it did bring out certain scents to the air. It was so much easier to think of sex in such an atmosphere, so much easier to lose himself to fantasies and desires. And as soon as that package arrived, he was going to make good use of it. His anticipation was so strong he all but lunged at the door when someone finally knocked. The delivery guy, a canine, had a knowing smirk on his face.

"Package for you," The dog mumbled, his voice concealing what he knew about its contents.

Ken just narrowed his eyes some and did his best to look nonplussed by its arrival. "Oh, good," he flatly said.

"Careful with that." The canine gave a wink, and Ken returned an unamused expression. He really didn't have time for teasing. He had a mission/[i/].

One signature later, and he was closing the door behind him, eagerly tearing through the paper and box alike with his claws. No time to waste plucking at tape and carefully opening the thing. He was all about getting at his prize faster. It was little more than a small glass bottle sealed tightly with a cork, one whose purpose was advertise in as unsubtle of ways as possible with the image of a blushing cartoon snake on the label. But really, there was no mistaking why anyone would buy something marked "pure snake pheromones."

He had to be careful. He was part snake himself, and too deep a whiff was liable to send him into a state of drooling, cross-eyed intoxication. All the waiting had already made him horny enough. He was throbbing up tight in his pants, forming a slick spot on his boxers as he bulged beneath his belt. It was making him squirm, making him curl his toes, clawing deep into the floor, not caring if he left marks. This was a special evening. One that was all about his own indulgences.

Once he popped the cork, he got right to work. He made sure to lean well away from the escaping mist. Even still, he caught some of that scent. It was so potent, that even that slight whiff was working through his senses. Making it harder to focus, making his head bob slowly back and forth as he felt himself losing control of his own inhibitions. It was incredibly tempting to just start humping the nearest piece of furniture until he came all over it. He didn't care about the potential mess. Such was the increasingly eager state of him, only amplified by that tempting aroma.

But it wasn't for him. Ken only had a few minutes left until his roommate returned home, so he was going to have to work fast. As much as he wanted to just sit and sniff the contents of that bottle while jerking off, if was going to be even more effective on someone who was fully snake. So he ignored his own throbbing bulge, his instead got a small dropper to draw up tiny amounts of the substance at a time. Wandering around the room, he squirted it on the curtains, on the couch, on the walls. On everything his roommate might wander near when he returned.

When he was done marking up the place in that intoxicating scent, he stopped and just wavered on his feet a while. For a moment, he almost lost his focus and forgot what he was doing. But his own pulsing is what snapped him back to attention. That heartbeat thumping in his ears, that sharpness of breath as he got more worked up even more for every moment he spent dwelling in that snake-musked home. Before he could lose track of what he was doing again, he went rushing upstairs and sprawled out on his roommate's bed, stripping down to his scales while he did.

He didn't get completely naked. Instead, he left his boxers tightly hugged around the slick outline of his cock. Every single throb was visible through the increasingly damp fabric. Even every vein, bulging with his arousal while he leaked a steady stream of pre. Thick and potent, but paling in comparison to the scent of horny snake wafting all around him. Just to put the finishing touch on the perfect setup, he lifted his underwear and poured the last few remaining drops right over his cock. Soaking it up until it was lubed in serpent musk, then feeling it getting absorbed right into his skin. Nobody was going to be able to resist that sexy warmth. Whether they were a snake or not. He could barely help but lean down and start sucking his own cock.

But the next step was to have patience. Even if it meant basking in his lust, feeling it soaking into his skin until he smelled like a snake himself. Giving it off like it was his natural aroma. His dragon side was hardly even noticeable anymore, replaced by pure serpent, broadcasting thickly throughout the entire house. There was a clear trail for his roommate to follow. And it wasn't long after he finally heard the door open that he heard a sultry hiss from downstairs, letting him know his little experiment was having exactly the intended results.

"Hey Ken, I'm ho - nngh. What is that? That .... mmf. Something smells so ... so ..." That was all Montiga managed to get out, not even finishing his sentences before he'd fallen into a state of rapidly flicking his tongue in and out, wetly hissing to the point he sounded almost aggressive.

Ken had heard that hiss before. Whether it was times when his naga roommate had company in his bedroom next to his, or just got a little worked up at night, it was a certain sound reserved for when he was in a particularly worked up mood. Ken couldn't help but grin while he listened to Montiga slithering about the house. Those hisses only grew more intense, until the naga was making noises the dragonsnake had never heard before. Some new level of arousal he didn't even know Montiga could experience.

And of course the trail was clear. He heard those coils coming up the stairs. The snake was moving oddly, surely so intoxicated that he could hardly even slither right. Ken remained in place, grinding two fingers against his bulge, massaging it and making sure he kept himself at that engorged, dripping state. Squeezing out his juices with his generous throbs, only adding to heat and scent wafting through that bedroom.

When Montiga finally entered, Ken could immediately tell the stuff was working exactly how it was supposed to. There was a look in eye like he'd been charmed, leaving him appearing stupefied. He was flicking his tongue wetly, flinging a bit of drool out as he did so. And he didn't seem to care how drunk he looked. Ken simply grinned at him, tracing a single finger around the curves of his cock, trapped there in his boxers. Neither of them felt the need to say anything right away, simply maintaining eye contact, the both of them unblinking for several seconds straight.

Maybe it was some sort of predatory challenge, a silent duel to see who was the more dominant. But Montiga finally faltered, finally dipped his head, as if confessing that he was the weaker one. Ken broke into a broad grin, licking over his lips as he beckoned the serpent over.

"Hey Monty. It's been too long, you know. All this time spent living together, and we've never even done this. So I worked out a little surprise for you. Something for the both of us to indulge what we both know we've felt all along."

He gave an extended pause, just for effect.

"What do you say?"

The naga didn't so much lunge at him as simply flop onto the bed, crawling between his legs. He didn't bother to say anything. Instead, he answered that question by swiftly devoting himself to the bearer of that scent without an instant of hesitation. He flicked his tongue curiously along the dragonsnake's bulge at first, just sampling it and its flavour at first. Then he was licking in smooth, wet strokes, up and down until that damp spot on his boxers were soaking instead. The snake's saliva was flowing freely, and his hisses remained deeply, sultry as he bobbed back and forth, indulging himself on that musk.

"Mmm, that's good. Drool for me, snake boy ..." Kensjo teased, testing his boundaries, to see if the naga would object to a little playful mocking. He didn't even get a reaction. Montiga was far too focused on his goal.

It obvious that Monty was utterly taken with those pheromones wafting there from that fat bulge. He was rubbing his whole face against it soon enough, letting it grind against his features, his muzzle and cheeks and lips. Ken simply basked in the attention, grinning broadly, licking his own lips while he laid his arms behind his head. He didn't even have to do anything. He could sit back and simply enjoy the naga's attention as it slowly morphed from fascination to utter worship of the fellow predator.

"Something tells me you've always been thinking about this," Ken observed with a little grunt of pleasure. "All it took was a little nudge to get you worshipping me like some kind of god."

As much as the naga was enjoying that bulge, he needed more. The pheromones were layered all over Ken's dick, soaked into the skin, and he needed it bare. So he got to eagerly tugging down Ken's boxers, exposing that glistening shaft and all the oozing mess smeared along his scales. Monty went to cleaning off those juices without a single moment's hesitation. Lashing, bathing, tasting, drinking. Slurping up every single drop, and leaving behind a pleasingly glistening sheen of snake saliva.

"Fffuuck, that tongue ..." Ken gasped. He was mostly just speaking to himself. Montiga wasn't reacting to a single thing he said, far too focused on getting every single taste he could from that musk-laden shaft.

But there was even more flavour there, deeply imbued into Ken's cock. Mere licking wasn't going to get it all. So after giving the hybrid's shaft a few smooth strokes with his forked tongue, Montiga simply opened wide and started to stuff his maw full of that pheromone-coated cock. He pursed his lips tightly, and made good use of his serpentine ability to swallow, instantly bulging his throat with that musky girth, gulping at it powerfully as if to take it right down. His sucking was so powerful that Ken shut his eyes tight, balled his hands into fists, and just started squirming there on the bed, thumping his feet against the mattress. Not that he couldn't handle it - but it was impossible to keep from moaning out when he was getting sucked and massaged by such an eager, talented maw.

He'd never seen the snake drool like that before. Not even around particularly luscious prey. It was flowing thick down Ken's hips while Monty sucked and bobbed up and down his cock. Pleasuring him in the process of drinking the scent and taste right from his shaft. He needed everything he could get. Was kneading hard, pumping over every inch, rubbing it against every detail inside his mouth. From one cheek to the other, over every fold and crevice so that he could steal as much of the taste as he could. When his mouth filled up with pre and spit, he swallowed heavily, taking down those throatfuls and replacing them soon after.

"Mmf, fuck, good snake! That throat, that tongue ... suck me dry, hissboy," he huffed, giving a slight chuckle. It was amazing to see just how devoted, just how slutty he could make the serpent. It wasn't that he never got submissive - but never like this, to his knowledge.

Ken was kicking his legs slightly, beating them against the surface of the bed as he writhed in bliss with the serpent's lips wrapped around his cock. He saw those coils shifting, swaying back and forth, and he noticed Montiga's slit parting open to extend his own pair of shafts. Those twins were well-lubed, slit already dripping with his arousal as he continued under the pheromonal spell. There was no stopping him, but groaning as he was, Ken didn't want him to stop. Not when he was getting sloppily sucked off better than he ever had been in his entire life.

"Mm, you love this, don't you?"

Montiga deserved something of a gift. A little reward for being such a good mesmerized servant. As much as he was squirming, Ken was still able to reach for those slick shafts and start massaging them. And he only got rewarded right back for his generosity. The snake hissed sharply at the stimulation, then started to buck and rock his hips, outright spraying out his pre. Watery but plenty musky, adding to the hazy cloud floating around the room that made everything a little wavy. But more importantly, he started so suck even harder, shoving as much of the dragonsnake's dick into his throat, kneading at it with his gulps while he mashed his snout to his groin. Pumping up and down, using every muscle in his jaws and neck to give the most thorough tasting and sucking he could managed, until Ken was outright growling in his bliss. Unable to even find words to say how much

He was shooting plenty of pre right down the naga's gullet, but he didn't cum yet. It would have been easy to just relax himself, to fully give in to the pleasure his loyal serpent servant was bestowing upon him, but he wanted to be more in control than that. Reaching down, he just took a firm hold of the naga's head and started thrusting right down his throat. Letting his balls tap against his lower lip again and again, while juices poured out all over his crotch. The sound of sucking only got wetter, louder, making more a mess until it was trickling off those two scaly bodies, hitting the sheets below.

Monty was getting close. The spurts he shot out of his twin cocks were getting thicker, becoming less clear. There was a nice clear mess on Ken's huffing chest, but he didn't mind at all. It was just making him smell of snake even more. He could feel his balls getting tighter, feel a rippling sensation of pleasure blazing right down to his toes and tail tip. Until his entire body was lit up with orgasm, and he owed it all to that snake sucking him off like he was a god. A snarl towards the ceiling, and he bucked his hips hard, fucking that wet snake maw until he finally bottomed out and felt his spine lighting up with ecstasy.

"Ah, Montiga ... ! Suck it down! Drink it all, you musk-loving slut-snake!" he cried, the only thing he could manage to get out before he blew his massive load inside his roommate's mouth.

And what a mess it was. Gushes of cum that sprayed directly down the naga's throat. Monty didn't even flinch. He kept sucking just as hard all throughout Ken's orgasm, swallowing every single drop of it down. It was pints, maybe even gallons of thick, creamy seed, all milked out of him by that sucking maw. He watched Montiga's gullet bulging with how heavily he was gulping. It ran all the way down to his belly, and then into his coils, stuffing him full of that warm juice he seemed to crave. Even when Ken's spurt trickled to a watery close, the snake kept sucking on him, until the dragonsnake started to wriggle beneath him, barely able to fight him off.

Finally he just slumped back, panting, as the snake relented. Montiga pulled off, licking every single drop he missed from his lips, and swallowing one more time. Ken watched the serpent gulping, but he never really pulled back. Montiga remained close, flicking his tongue against that pheromone-infused cock, breathing of it and staying caught up in that scent. His lust was plainly evident as he throbbed away, pouring delicious pre down to the bed, but nowhere was his intoxication more evident than his face. Looking outright hypnotized, he was dull, dazed, vacant. Focusing on nothing but that scent and taste, completely at Ken's service. Ready to submit to anything he wanted.

"You're a good snake. Such a loyal, devoted serpent." Ken reached over and stroked the naga on the cheek. "I bet you'd let me do anything I wanted right about now. I bet you wouldn't' even struggle if I decided to consume you. Because it's what I want. And that's all that matters to you. Right?"

He didn't get any reaction but a continued dazed expression. It looked like the snake couldn't even understand words anymore, he was so intoxicated. Or maybe he just didn't know how to reply. Either way, Ken thought nothing of just going right ahead and claiming what he desired most. He reached over for the end of those broad coils, toying with the serpent's cocks while he did. All he got in return was a pleasant hiss. Montiga was broken in, reverted to a nearly feral state of pure desire. Drooling, shaking, writhing in his pleasure and arousal. He didn't offer a single protest even when Ken took hold of his tail tip and started grinding it against his own cocktip while he firmed up to full again.

The pheromones were having a big effect on Ken too, but he hadn't quite fallen to the same mindlessly horny state Montiga had. He was only half snake, after all. But it did mean that even after emptying his nuts, pouring out his cum all the way down into the snake's coils, he was hard again. Fully engorged, throbbing just as hard as before. Pouring thin juice all over the snake's tail while he rubbed himself with it. Montiga was mesmerized and seemingly broken, but Ken was still unsure of just how far such a state would take him. So he tested it for himself, pushing that broad tail tip firmly into his own open cockslit, clamping down upon those slickened scales while he growled and hissed out himself in pleasure.

"Fuck, it's going to be a stretch. But I know I can fit you. Been thinking about doing this to you for a long time, Monty."

All he got from the serpent was a hiss right back. Montiga was giving him a dumb, horny smile. He grinned in return. Flexing his broad cock, he felt every single one of those scales sliding along as they were dragged into his his shaft. Humping at the air and flexing hard on that tail, he let his natural contractions start to consume his prey one inch at a time. Even if it meant bulging his cock broadly once the naga's tail started getting wider. He had a whole lot of coils to consume, but it wasn't giving Ken any pause. And he wasn't even resisting. In his drunken state, getting fed into the dragonsnake's dick wasn't doing anything but arousing him further.

Ken took hold of both of Montiga's cocks while he started working on the rest of him, giving him a distraction in the form of a tight, stroking grip. One that got his palm soaked and smeared in the snake's pre. It was too much to resist. And surely Montiga had earned a reward by then. So he shifted where he was sprawled, sitting up and clutching at the naga's hips, pulling his twin cocks close so he could slip them up between his lips with a muffled moan. He had to admit they tasted good once he got to sucking on him, pleasuring his prey even while actively consuming him with his cock, inch by inch. Feeding him into his balls while he engulfed his coils in the slick insides of his clenching shaft.

"Mmmf," he murmured around those inches, kneading them with his lips and tongue, drooling some. His mouth was rather full, partly muffling his words, but he was mostly talking to himself anyway. The snake was far too drunk on pheromones to really hear. "I think you deserve a little something back. Let's see if I can make you cum before I get you all the way inside. Because I'm not stopping. Not until I've got you gurgling in my nuts. But you like that thought, don't you?"

All he got in response was a dazed, smiling nod. Montiga didn't care. He was broken, useless for anything but pleasure for as long as he had that musk swimming through his mind. Defenceless, really. And if he had any remaining inhibitions, they were all melting away while Ken sweetly sucked upon his cocks. He was hissing and shaking back and forth, even fucking his predator's mouth a little. But with every throbbing squeeze the dragonsnake's dick made around his coils, the fatter it got. Soon his balls were filling out bigger and bigger, weighing down and bulging with the serpent's tail, poking out and forming a clear outline of his prey beneath his scales.

He wasn't left to wonder if he could make his meal cum for long. Hardly two feet of those coils inside his shaft and Montiga was already erupting down his throat. A twin blast, each shaft giving a creamy load equally as potent as they other, making it well up in Ken's throat until he was gurgling on it and letting it dribble down his chin. But most of it, he managed to swallow down. He felt it warming his belly, felt the flavour dancing on his tongue, leaving a lingering scent of hot musk on his breath even once that creamy load had ceased. Montiga gave a satisfied hiss, flicking his tongue wildly, and then just bucked his hips at Ken's face another time. No softer than before, dripping, throbbing, pouring pre down his throat to join with the cum he'd already pumped there.

Ken was panting, grunting some as his balls filled out. They were already sagging into his lap, and there were still plenty of coils to go. He popped the naga's cocks out of his drooling mouth, dripping plenty, getting it all over himself and the bed beneath. Good thing he'd chosen his roommate's bed for this indulgence, because it was going to smell like snake and dragon sex for a long while. Mostly snake. He gave another hard flex around his meal, feeling those bumpy scales giving him an internal massage all the way down.

"Look at you go, scaleslut.. Giving me such a lovely rub. I can't wait to start churning you. I bet you always thought you'd get me first." He chuckled. "But I always knew about your weakness. No snake can resist that perfect scent. Not even me."

With a hard thrust of his hips, he accelerated the process some. That let him listen to the delightful gulping sound of his big fat bulging dick swallowing up the serpent. Working to the thicker and thicker part of his coils. His balls were already sloshing and churning, squeezing down hard enough to make him cry out. A less impressive sound than his usual growls, but he didn't care. It wasn't like the musk-struck snake was judging him. He remained as dazed as ever, his tongue flopped lazily down from his mouth, dripping while he hissed away.

Just to make sure that hypnotic hold stayed strong, he pushed his fingers right up into the naga'a cockslit, deftly massaging at the base of Monty's dicks, kneading up and down while he leaned in to suck again. He had to be careful. All those pheromones wafting through the air were having no small effect on him. Mostly they were just ensuring his cock remained hard and flexible, but if he got too caught up in the taste of the naga's cocks, he might have been leaving himself open for a turnabout. Even with his pre already settling into his loudly churning nuts.

He was making good progress. It took focus, but his body just knew what to do. Consuming his prey just came naturally to someone who was half dragon and half snake. Two sets of predatory instincts swarming through his mind, rewarding him with a rush of endorphins that told him to keep going. Capture. Consume. Convert. Digest. His balls were stretched down to the point they were barely nestled between his thighs, spilling up over his knees while they bloated to a ludicrous size. They were going to get much bigger, and the naga was going to let him do it. His cum was flowing down his predator's throat all over again while he got his cocks sucked, but he didn't even pause, didn't even flinch, just hissing wetly as he plunged in and out of Ken's maw, letting him at least earn his meal by guzzling serpent seed by the pint.

It was everywhere, Ken's efforts to swallow it all proving less effective the more that came. It went slopping down his chin, his chest, and all over Monty's own coils. They were over halfway gone. Ken's progress wasn't stopping, even if his cock was stretching bigger and bigger with every inch of squirming scales he stuffed into his slit. Hefting his balls with both hands, he started to massage at the bulge of coils all piled and wrapped up inside them, producing pleasant squirming outlines as his prey shifted back and forth.

He took some time to simply catch his breath, pulling those shafts from his lips for a while. They were nearing the point where coils met dragon cock, until Ken had to remove his fingers lest he end up consuming them as well. Though he wasn't done pleasuring his hissing prey. Those hungry squeezes his shaft made were soon clamping around the naga's own members. Rubbing from the bottom, working up towards the tips, and applying just enough pressure to force out one more thick shot of cream from the twins. That cumshot splattered all over Ken's belly, up to his chest, and even into his open mouth. His belly was sloshing with how much snake cum he'd guzzled down, even getting a little bloated, but it was a fair price to pay for having such luscious prey stuffing out his sack.

The intense tug of orgasm was lingering in Ken's balls, wanting to spurt the entire snake right out, but it wasn't time just yet. He wasn't going to risk losing his meal. So he just got a little more forceful. Planting his hands right atop of Montiga's head, he started shoving, looking right into those empty eyes, admiring the drunken, musk-loving look on his prey's face even while shoving his torso down his cock. Monty was even so considerate as to tuck his arms to his sides, letting them vanishing into the bulging length of his throbbing shaft. He was still submitting, not breaking from his transfixed state even when it was almost too late to struggle.

Ken grinned down at his roommate. "Some part of you always wanted this. Why else would you go down without even a squirm? I'm sure you would have denied it if I asked you, but the real reason you're letting me do this is you know it's where you belong."

With that, he gave a sharp jab of his hips upwards, consuming nearly all that remained of his prey with a resounding schlurp. He didn't quite get all of him inside, leaving his tip clenching just under Montiga's chin, wrapped snug around his throat. Regarding him for a while, he felt his hips jumping, felt his muscles tensing, felt orgasm welling up in him until cum was sloshing up into his shaft, flooding the naga's body until he was swimming in the stuff. He gave a hard grunt, clenching his teeth tightly, and curled his toes.

"Almost ... almost. But let's not make even more of a mess than already."

With a shaky chuckle, he started rubbing at his cock, carefully. It throbbed so hard he could barely hold onto it, threatening to just jump right out of his hands. He was almost too hard to do what he wanted, but enough tugging and he was stretching out his broad foreskin, pulling it right up over the naga's head until Monty's muzzle was entirely engulfed. If he was intoxicated before, then getting trapped in there, blasted with nothing but the musk and juices of his desperately aroused predator, then that was enough to simply break him. He could barely breathe in there, but he hardly seemed to care, simply flicking his tongue to tickle the inside of that musky prison while Ken gripped that loose skin tight, holding it together at the tip.

With the other, he started frantically stroking at himself. Squeezing hard, jerking wildly. Every stroke had him squishing down on the naga's body within his cock, had him squeezing his balls inwards, wrapped so tautly around his prey that he almost crushed him on the spot. The tip of Monty's tail was already going slightly soft. Or maybe it was just sodden with all the cum it was immersed in. Either way, he was left feeling Ken's cream gushing all up along his body, winding through the crevices in his scales, forcing upwards until it finally built up enough pressure to burst forth and blast him in the face.

Trapped in the dragonsnake's broad foreskin, all that cum had nowhere to go. Gushing upwards, it smacked right into Montiga's face before pushing out at the accumulated skin. Ken made sure to grip firmly, to keep it from getting away. Just enough to make for a prison of sorts, letting all that cum accumulate and overtake his prey while the naga wiggled in his dick, face just barely staying out of the grip of that clenching slit. All that mess almost immediately submerged Montiga, rising right up to the top of his head while he gulped at it. Drinking it down submissively, forced to do so to keep from simply drowning in there. It was like a preview of what it was going to be like inside of the hybrid's balls, immersed in cum so thick and hot that it would have been easy to pass out.

Only a little bit managed to trickle out between Ken's fingers. The rest, he just let his prey bathe in while it beneath that taut skin until it was bulging with how much he'd trapped in there. It was doing a fine job of marinating Monty for the slide to come. Seeping there, forced into his mouth, even his nose by the pressure of it shooting out of that flexing cock. Every clench of orgasm it gave threatened to just yank the naga straight down its length without warning. Especially as he grew a bit woozy with the lack of fresh air. There was nothing but musk, nothing but the smell of Kensjo's freshly-squeezed cum, bulging there beneath his thick foreskin until the pressure was finally too much after several minutes of forcing Montiga to guzzle all that jizz. He let go with an extended sigh, letting the stuff that Monty couldn't drip gush right down his shaft, trickling all the way to his nuts to accumulate in a thick puddle there. Making them shine beneath the light, just to highlight the bulges already forming within them even better.

The final squeeze of his climax came just before Ken got hit hard with the afterglow of his confined orgasm. All that strain to keep it in, and letting go felt like diving into an ocean, washing him with relief. Ken let his arms flop down to his size, his cock standing tall and stretched, kneading at his prey all on its own. Giving a few sloppy, noisy tugs that yanked him southwards, but didn't quite consume him. Simply smeared that wet slit right in his face, humping at his features, letting him know that he could disappear at any moment.

"Mm, yeah, get that all over you. Swim in it. Breathe it. That's what you're going to smell like, all you're going to be when my nuts get done with you. A nice fat load of jizz for me to shoot out wherever I feel like. And some extra heft on these cumtanks when I'm done with you, I bet. You like that thought too? Being nothing more than nutsludge, and nutfat, preysnake?"

There was nothing more he needed to do. His cock would have simply finished his prey off for him with its natural flexing. But Ken wanted to send him off with style. So he reached just a single finger out, planting it right atop the naga's soaked cranium, and began to push him downwards. Truly, his cock did most of the work, dragging him inside all on its own, but the dominance he felt, staring into his prey's eyes while his features got immersed in that broad cockslit, that was enough to make him throb and glisten all over again. One flex after another and the naga was almost completely gone.

Montiga never broke from his stupor even as his face became nothing more than a bulge beneath the skin of Ken's swollen dick. Sinking downwards, letting it slowly return to its normal size while his entire body piled up in Ken's massively engorged nuts. They were fat and visibly bulging with his meal, showing the outline of coils, of tail tip, of arms and face, and even the naga's cocks. They were still hard, still throbbing away, and even all muffled by those fat nuts, Ken could still hear Montiga giving those happy, lusty hisses. Just enough to let him know for absolutely certain that his prey wasn't going to give him any trouble. Even once he started truly digesting down to nothing more than fresh dragonsnake cum.

"Mmm ... got you. You're not getting out now, Monty. Not how you used to be, anyway. Maybe I won't tell anyone where you went. Or maybe I'll boast to everyone I meet. Up to me now, isn't it?"

Ken was admittedly exhausted. He may have easily seduced the snake, but actually getting him inside his balls had prove to be no small effort. Given he was already plenty comfortable, not to mention weighed down by his gigantic, stretched balls, he really had no intentions of going anywhere. He massaged at the naga in his balls some, but soon he simply yawned and stretched his arms out behind his head. It was going to take some time to properly churn such a big meal, but he had no doubt his body was up to the task. He was a predator, after all. So was Monty, but he wasn't going to look one when the dragonsnake's sack was done churning him down to a thick, creamy trophy of what he used to be. Ken closed his eyes and nodded off to sleep in seconds, finally able to relax, knowing absolutely nothing Monty could do would help him escape. And confident the naga wasn't even going to try.


Ken cycled through sounds from both sides of his genes as he slept as deeply as he ever had. First some slow, satisfied growls and rumbles from his dragon side, then sliding down to sleepy hisses as he snoozed right through the process of digesting Montiga to a load of potent cum. The naga was still conscious for a good while of it, too. If his state of stupefied, brainless drunkenness could even be called awake. He wasn't speaking, was barely even thinking. Only feeling, savouring in the musky heat that overtook him a little more with every single churn, gradually bleaching his purple scales a stark white like the cum around him.

The hybrid's swollen balls pulled taut around his prey, contorting the naga to various shapes. The skin wrapped around Monty's body so firmly that individual scales were visible in the shifting outline. His open, drooling mouth was clearly showing beneath the layers of Ken's balls holding tight around him, and he never voiced a single word of complaint. Even as the flowing cum sloshed up higher, nearly immersing him entirely, oozing into the naga's every orifice. Filling him while melting him down. Scale by scale, slow and sultry, working ever so gradually while the triumphant predator slept.

The naga's tail tip had been shoved down into that greedy seed for the longest, and so it was naturally the first to start digesting. Softening up at first, coming to less of a point as the minutes rolled by, naga left transfixed in the sweltering prison while his body gradually turned to cum. It was such a subtle process that it was hard to notice actively happening, but Ken was definitely making progress on his prey. A warm, tingly sensation spread up the serpent's coils, granting him something almost like ecstasy to be joining with the unfiltered source of the musk that had lured him in. Numbness crept up in wake of that feeling, while inch after inch of the snake softened down to the point those powerful clenches simply squished those partly liquefied parts of his body.

The constant slosh all around him grew even more intense as that freshly churned cum got even thicker with the naga's gradual contribution. It packed those nuts even fuller, stretching them out, starting to soften the clear outline of his prey. Even in his sleep, Ken couldn't help but kneaded at his balls, giving a few dreamy moans while he massaged at his fattened sack. It was getting even heavier than when the snake was whole inside them. Sagging the bed beneath them with their weight while they went rounder and rounder. The snake's muzzle remained visible though, those drunken features still wrapped up in the taut skin as it all but vacuum-sealed around the naga's head. Making sure to capture every single expression, every sultry hiss as Montiga submitted to the digestion working its way up his coils.

He was drinking cum, guzzling it down just out of slutty instinct. There was nothing else in his mind but to serve his predator. To give in to that hungry churning that clamped hard enough on his body to make it hard to swallow all that cream. It felt like it was seeping right through his scales, felt like it was flowing into his belly directly, as if he could simply absorb it. But more likely, it was absorbing him. Flowing through his body as his scales broke down and accepted it within. Converting him with every compression, until he had completely lost track of his lower half. Then his belly was joining the mass, rising up as part of that musk-laden steam, until he could feel cum running up the back of his throat.

It was in his mouth, his nose, maybe even in his mind. His hisses fell silent, overtaken by the hungry grumbling of those clenching, clamping nuts. All he could go was gurgle for a while, gargling that cum until his very tongue was trickling down his softened lips. He pressed his hands out at the slippery walls of the dragonsnake's nuts, feeling his arms giving way, his strength failing as he gloried down to sloppy jizz. And for maybe just a moment, once his smell stopped functioning in the digestion, he had a moment of what could have been clarity. The pheromones were still around, still controlling him, but as he felt himself being overpowered by the strength of his roommate's nuts alone, submitting to his lust and hunger without even a second thought, he had to wonder. What was he doing?

His drooling, open-mouthed expression outlined in one of Ken's nuts shifted into something a bit more pensive. Not panicking, not having regrets or anger. Just ... considering. He didn't get to think about it for long. Those outlined features smoothed over, flattening, and becoming less distinct. Just a rounded bulge in Ken's fat nuts that sunk inwards, vanishing into the depths of that growing load bloating out the hybrid's balls. A few last bulges shifted back and forth, highlighted when Ken's sack pulled inwards, tightly compressing and crushing down those last few squishy bits of the naga that were recognizable. Soft, round, indistinct, and then gone. Vanished into the thickening cream, making the level of that load rise all the way to the top. Ken's balls were even fatter than they began, sagging heavy and round, sloshing loudly with even the slightest movement, even his deep, pleasured breathing as he rested off his meal.

Ken ended up sleeping for the entire night and well into the afternoon, wearing a satisfied grin. His balls remained engorged, and his cock was standing up tall. And taller by the moment, its girth growing heavier, fatter as he converted all the solid mass of those coils, of the entire serpent into cum and a thicker, longer cock. It was throbbing hard enough to bulge the broad veins upon its surface, pushing up towards his own lips, dripping pre at a rate that could have easily been compared to cumming. He was making an utter mess of himself before he even woke, only roused from that extended snooze by his shaft insistently poking him in the face.

That immediately made him chuckle in satisfaction. Reaching down to jostle at his balls just confirmed what he already knew. The snake was gone, completely. Not a single trace of him was left but for the fat load he'd become. Kensjo had really done it. He knew his prey couldn't hear him anymore, but he was so satisfied with himself he couldn't help but tease a little more anyway.

"Nngh. Good morning, cum-snake. Looks like you're all gone. I slept right through your final twitches. But that's okay. You're just prey to me now anyway." He licked over his lips, tasting some of his own musk left marked there by his cock wetly throbbing up near his face. "Look at what a big dick you gave me. Looks like your body contributed to me in more ways than just cum. So thoughtful of you to melt down into some extra inches for me."

He had to push said inches out of the way just to manage to yawn without getting a mouthful of his own dick. It spurted all over the sheets while he stretched and smacked his lips, wiping some of his own pre off of his chin. The pressure all pent up in his balls was unbearably. When his sleepy self realized just how tightly engorged they were, he could only grunt out sharply. Hugging his arms right around that swollen treetrunk that his cock had become, he gave it a few squeezes, causing him to gush out a few more shots of pre. It was like he'd been edging for the entire night, kneading himself just to a peak and then letting it die down again. The natural clenches of his balls had perfectly massaged him, from the flexing, gaping cockslit all the way down to his tingling prostate. He wasn't even going to be able to properly sit up until he emptied his nuts of the most powerful orgasm they'd ever churned up.

By that point he had to be worried about actually flooding the room. He glanced around at various things that might get ruined. The sheets were already a writeoff. But there were a few things plugged into the wall, electronics and such, that Ken might have liked to keep for himself. Not like Montiga needed them anymore. He gritted his teeth hard as he gripped the base of his cock, squeezing it hard to try to force the cum to stay in his balls. But he couldn't wait any longer. They were surging, rapidly clenching hard against his body, pressing down hard on all the seed he'd worked up inside of him.

It was impossible to restrain. He couldn't stand the tension, the pressure, the sheer instinctual need to cum with every drop of energy left in his body. There was no time to find a safe spot for it, to get to a drain, to the bathtub, or even to a condom. All he had was himself. So he parted his lips, craned his jaw open, and shoved his own cock right into his open maw with a firm thrust of his lips. His own lust overpowered any hesitance he might have had, and he had grown so big after his meal that he barely even had to bend much to deepthroat himself. Soon he was fucking his own face, slicking gushing out all that pent up pre while he bobbed his shaft in and out of his own bulging gullet, massaging up and down the inches that couldn't reach his mouth. It most definitely wasn't going to take long for him to finish like that.

His throat was already filling with the pre, making him gargle and gulp just to keep from choking on it. He was moaning out hard while he sucked, feeling that needy orgasm finally flowing through his body. All he had to do was suck and jerk himself off for a few seconds before he was ready to blow his massive load. It started, oddly, in his toes. He felt a tingle there. Then it was running up his legs, and to his thighs, making them flex and pull inwards, squishing into those smooth, fat balls. Then they were pumping, throbbing as their churning load pushed up into his cock, making it outright bulge with how much cum was flowing through it all at once. Ken hissed sharply, he roared out, he beat his tail against the bed. And then finally he was just giving a long, grunting growl while he finally let himself let his peak, one that his body had been anticipating for the entire night.

His whole body lurched forwards, and then back, recoiling from the sheer force of his potent cumshot. He had no choice but to start drinking it down. Directly from the tap, fresh from those clenching, twitching nuts. He swore he could still taste a trace of the snake amid all the musk, or maybe he was just imagining it. Either way, it was all that Montiga was now. A thick, creamy load to slurp down in gobs so thick they bulged his dick and throat alike on the way down. His belly was soon stretching and swelling with the load, but he didn't let that slow him down. Even if it left him bloated out to a state beyond pregnant-looking, inflating himself up with the gallons of fresh cum he was guzzling gallon after musky gallon.

He was a predator, a dragon and a snake all in one, and so he wasn't bothered by a long, belly-stretching swallow. He was built for it. Though he just wouldn't stop cumming. He felt his body shaking, seizing up with the pleasure that was practically electrocuting him. His orgasm didn't get less intense as it went on. If anything it was feeling even better by the moment, even once his belly was straining to hold all the jizz he was pumping into it. As his balls got lighter and stretched less taut, his belly replaced them, solidly packed with that hefty load. He felt the bed creaking beneath him as he sloppily fucked himself, flinging strands of cum in all directions, even dripping the stuff from his nostrils with how high pressure it was flowing. Drooling, panting, heavy, sweating, dripping, soaked, shaking. He had never felt bliss like he was experiencing as he drank down that milkshake that used to be his roommate.

As he finally felt his cumshot growing thinner, he almost wished he'd set a stopwatch. It had been full minutes he was trapped in that mind-shaking climax, to the point he almost didn't remember how it all began. But he hadn't quite forgotten. He thought about that naga's drunken face, and about the feeling of his body slumping and softening within his nuts. All that sexy, predatory snake, turned to nothing more than a heaving belly full of cum to digest all over again. He'd completely destroyed him without even a struggle. The thought of not just gurgling down a cumshot ensured that his last few spurts came at just as high pressure as the others, even if they were getting a little more watery. He gave a few last swallows, gentler than before, until finally he was simply licking off the final drops. The former naga was smeared all over his cock, and he wasn't going to stop slurping until he got every single drop. Aside from those that had missed his mouth in the first place, splatting off as far as the walls, he'd completely consumed what was left of the snake who had once been his roommate and friend, leaving every single gallon he'd been converted into sloshing there in his tightly stretched belly. He was so full he could hardly even jiggle.

"Fuck ... time to digest you again, cumload-tiga. Guess I'll miss having you around. But that was so, so worth it. And I think you had fun too."

It was only fair. He'd seen those looks Montiga gave him. He knew that if their relationship didn't end this way then he'd have probably found himself inside those coils at some point or another. This was just preemptive action. And to think that he was actively gurgling down the naga all over again, perhaps turning him into a bit of pudge after already processing him into nutsludge, well that was just even better. He was almost tempted to get turned on again, his cock flopping away from his lips but giving a few more twitches before it softened. But after an orgasm like that, he wasn't sure he could possibly go again. At least not for a little while. The memory of what he did, not to mention the lingering pheromones that most certainly hadn't fully faded overnight were going to get him horny all over again before long at all.

He sighed, sinking to the bed as if melting himself. His muscles were relaxed, almost useless as he settled into a numbing afterglow. Orgasm was one thing, but that floaty, contented feeling of absolute satisfaction was like nothing else he'd ever experienced. His breathing was slow, his belly was noisy, and the strain of the stretch was a lot to take. But every moment he basked in that glow was one he felt even better than before. Like everything was right in the world, like he was serving his intended purpose as a predator, and that he wasn't going to have to worry about a single thing for a long, long time.

Aside from finding a new roommate. He was sure that wouldn't take long. Though he was probably going to want to give the place a good washing first. He could worry about that once his belly flattened down to normal again. Or as close as it could get after digesting that much of his own cum all at once. He wasn't going to need lunch or dinner that day, for certain. And as he laid there, his senses still swimming in his own scent and in those potent pheromones still clinging to the walls and his skin alike, he was wondering if he was even going to bother to tidy up before bringing in another potential roommate. After all. That sweet scent had already proven irresistible. Maybe all he needed to do was sprinkle another dose upon his scales, and whoever he coveted next would do anything he said.

He had to the house to himself now, though he still tried to get dressed out of force of habit. That effort was halted when he tugged his boxers up his legs, only to find them stretching out and fraying with the effort of getting them over his snake-fattened balls. There was definitely no fitting into his ordinary clothes anymore. Not with his newly added girth and plumpness, the trophy weight added to his sack and cock. He hefted those problematic nuts and gave a chuckle, thinking of Montiga just a little more.

"Guess I won't actually have to miss you, snakey. You're gonna be right here with me for a while. Trapped, converted, and shown off to everyone I meet. First thing I'm doing tonight is finding someone to lick at all this extra weight you've given me, while I tell them all about the way you broke and gave in to my every whim. I bet you would have liked that thought. But you're just gonna have to simmer there in my gut instead."

With a chuckle, he stopped bothering to get himself dressed. Instead, he stood contemplating a shower. But maybe it was better to hold off on that. Maybe he wanted to wear that snake musk a little longer, let those pheromones waft out of the windows and down the street, to see if he might manage to ensnare another lucky worshipper by scent alone. Just because he was sloshing with the creamed remnants of his former prey didn't mean his predatory side was ever going to be fully satisfied.