Chapter 1: The Week Begins

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#2 of Week With My Boyfriend

Alright, finally! After way too long, got the second chapter of my new story!

The week begins, and Jason gets Ian padded. No sexy stuff yet, but there is a tease, and I'm hoping to get to that next chapter.

Everyone enjoy!

It was the week after New Year's, and Jason stood at the front door of the house as he watched his family loading up the family car. His brother Andrew was giving him jealous looks every once in a while, the newly teenage fox not wanting to go along with the rest of the family.

His mother looked up as she loaded the last of the luggage, and Jason came closer so he could say his goodbyes. "Are you sure you'll be okay for a week?" Mom asked for what felt like the millionth time.

Jason opened his mouth to reply, but it was his Dad who replied. "He'll be fine, Trish," the eldest fox said, closing the trunk and coming forward. "He's fifteen, not five."

He pulled his eldest son into a hug before pulling back and holding him at arm's length. "Now remember, Jase. No parties."

"Not a problem," Jason replied easily enough. He didn't feel like having a lot of furs around considering what he was going to get up to this weekend.

"Not a lot of friends over, either," Mom added, pulling Jason into her own hug. "Just Ian."

"No big deal," Jason agreed. "The twins are out of the country anyway."

"Call us if you need anything," Mom continued, not letting go of her son, making Jason hang on to her awkwardly. "You know our cell phone numbers, and then Mrs. Johnson is going to be calling to make sure you and Ian are okay. Oh, and-!"

"Trish," Dad sighed, tugging Mom away from the embarrassed teen. "Stop babying him. When does Ian get here, Jase?"

"Any minute now," Jason replied. He turned to his siblings. Andrew tried for a manly handshake, but Jason pulled the big brother card and embarrassed the teenager by pulling him into a hug. His sister Angel was easy, she practically leapt into his arms. The youngest brother, Damian, sniffed at him and climbed into the car. "Love you too, Demon," Jason muttered.

With the final goodbyes, Jason waved as his family pulled out of the drive and drive away. They had to make it to the airport for a long flight. Jason waited for a few minutes after they pulled out of sight. After a few minutes, he sighed and started toward the house when Ian's car pulled into the drive.

"About time!" Jason laughed as ian climbed out. "I was about to head inside."

"Sorry!" Ian replied, grabbing his bag from the backseat and making his way over to his boyfriend. "Mrs. Johnson would nae let me go until I finished me chores."

Chuckling, Jason wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's shoulders once they were level and led him to the front door. "Understandable. Now come on. We have an entire week to have fun in."

Ian couldn't help a slight whimper as he remembered what he'd agreed to do this week, but allowed himself to be led into the house. As soon as the door was closed, though, Jason drove all thoughts from the wolf's head by leaning in and claiming Ian's muzzle with his own. Ian reacted automatically, dropping his bag and wrapping his arms around the gray fox's neck as he deepened the kiss. He squeaked as he was picked up, Jason's paws supporting his bottom, but soon moaned and went back to the kiss.

The teens broke the kiss at the same time, panting for breath as they stared at each other. Jason was grinning while Ian was blushing. "That...was too long coming," Jason said.

Ian nodded. "Since before school let out fer te winter," he agreed.

Jason grinned as he started kneading Ian's butt, making the wolf murr in appreciation. "And we have all week to do that and more," he whispered, making the older teen whimper and start rubbing his crotch against the fox's stomach. "But for now, let's get you dressed for the week."

Ian whimpered again, this time in slight dismay. Jason ignored him as he carried his new baby wolf to his bedroom. He had been ready for this for a while now. Setting Ian on his bed, he tugged the smaller canine's jeans off, followed by his briefs. Cooing at the little sheath and balls he was so familiar with, he couldn't help groping the set before backing off and diving under his bed.

Sitting up, Ian stared bemusedly at the legs and tail sticking out from under the bed before Jason wriggled back out, grinning like a fiend and carrying a cardboard box. "You ready?" the fox asked, opening the box and pulling out a brand new pack of diapers.

With another whimper, Ian nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Pausing in the middle of opening the package, Jason looked up at the wolf in concern. "Hey," he said, reaching up to rest a paw on Ian's shoulder. "If you don't want to do this, it's okay. I don't want to make you do something you're uncomfortable with. We can still have fun without all of this."

Ian immediately shook his head. "Nae," he said. "I said I'd do it, and I'm gonna. I'm just...nervous is all. I haven't worn a nappy since I was, like, two."

Smiling, Jason nodded and went back to the package. "Understandable," he said, pulling out a diaper. "If I hadn't have been dared to do it by Sam, I probably would be in the same boat."

Pushing Ian back with a grin, he opened the diaper and started threading the wolf's tail through the slot. "But she did dare me, and I am. I really hope that you come to like this too."

Lifting Ian's legs, Jason slid the diaper under him, then set him down and folded the diaper up, taping in into place securely. He went to pick Ian up again, but paused. "Wait, something's missing," he said, his voice teasing as he tapped his chin in mock-thought. Then he snapped his fingers. "Oh, yeah."

Reaching into the box again, he pulled out a green pacifier. Before Ian had a chance to whimper, it was plopped into his muzzle, and he reflexively suckled on it before realizing what he was doing. "Aw," Jason cooed, poking his boyfriend in the side and making him jump. "You are too cute! Come take a look!"

Picking Ian up, he moved to the mirror hanging on the back of his door, and Ian finally got a look at himself. He had to admit, he looked pretty cute. As small as he was he looked like a big baby, or at least a toddler.

Jason grinned, leaning down to kiss the smaller teen's nose. "Oh, this weekend is gonna be so much fun."