The Caves of Hoia

Story by NorthernBearpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Not Canon At All

Even gayer

Barrett leisurely took his earbuds out from his perked ears as the weight of the world began to lift around him, his plane was beginning to make a grounding sequence over the crystal blue skies of Romania. Frigid ice winds from the northern mountain passes crystalized what rainwater was on the glass panel beside his seat, the wolf's ice blue eyes turned from the magazine on his lap to the miles of forest out in the distance.

He'd heard local tales of the woods around the northwestern part of this country, different monsters and myths that terrorized the pups around these parts. Haired beasts that ran on all fours, spirits that would freeze your organs from the inside and render you a husk to those that found you.. but this one.. this was different. Not even a month ago, a light that would dim the sun appeared right in the middle of the uncharted wilderness, burning a good three acres of trees along with it. Law enforcement could swear that they saw a.. shape protruding from the scene, as large as a horse, but they could only make out a silhouette.

It was his goal to see if this thing was actually real. He had a few pictures on his cellphone, those of a wide, almost reptilian footprint in the dirt that sunk a half a foot beneath the frigid earth. The thoughts cut off once he felt his body push down into his seat, the plane's wheels kissed the ground rather roughly, but they were safe. The engines behind him hummed back to life but steadily grew into a ferocious roar as they pushed in the opposite direction, slowing the craft until they came to a reasonable stop at the gate. He was here, in the land of myths. Romania.

The next hour involved him pushing past more than a few people with heavy furs covering themselves, just as he had guessed, this season brought terrible blizzards to the country. Barrett pulled over his heavy winter jacket as one of the airport taxis let him hop into the back. "Hoia." The wolf murmured to the driver softly, his hot breath pushing steam through the cool morning air. By the end of the hour, the door slammed shut behind him and tires squealed, pushing the car in the opposite direction of the massive, hair-raising forest standing before him.

The trees around him lie soundless, not a single wild animal made a sound. It was eerily silent.. He could hear his feet crunching the branches beneath him, the wind shifting through the pines above him, his own heaving breath. It was strange like he was the only living thing within miles around him.. It didn't take long for him to reach the clearing that the light had caused. Black, scorched earth beneath his feet eliminated the sounds that he heard. The only thing he could see for hundreds of feet was pitch black death, right up until half-dead trees started the trend of dense undergrowth again.

He drew his phone from his stuffy coat pocket and clicked the button on the right, scrolling through until he found the image of the footprint that the authorities found. Wasn't hard to find the spot that matched the photo, it appeared the creature was headed.. east. Towards the caverns. He knew where to go, all he had to do now was ready his camping gear.

Before the sun set over the frigid mountains a lifetime away from him, he arrived at a singular, immense cave that cut into the rock along a hill. Barrett entered, the heat of the underground passage made it obvious from the first few meters into the aperture, this would be a safe place. Pitch black swallowed the land outside by the time that he had got a fire going in the maw of the cave, by the light he stripped down his backpack and pressed his bright orange sleeping bag right next to it. In the morning, he was going to find it, make history.. His heart nearly jumped out of his throat from the pure enthusiasm as he let his mind fall to the endless darkness of sleep.

He stirred awake as he felt several strong, hot breaths of air trail down his neck. At first, he forgot entirely about his trip, he thought that it was someone that he has brought home to his appartment.. He turned to greet them, but to his horror, he was instead met with a naturally green colored, peach bellied feral dragon staring at him with a rather irritated look. Barrett nearly damn well jumped out of his skin and shot into the nearest wall, flipping a rather short survival knife in the direction of the creature and snarling, "F-Fucking hell.. get away!" The dragon reared it's head on back as a growl thundered in its throat, with lightning speed, the knife was snatched from his paws, it held it between its claws.

"Ai! Hak Or!" <Hey, you stop that!> The voice was masculine and a bit on the deep side, signifying his gender. He left Barrett on the ground before him, not leaving himself in an offensive position, he simply waited for him to do something stupid.

It was common sense to submit to the dragon, if Barrett fought back, it would definitely end in him getting his head ripped off. The wolf raised his left arm as a psuedo-submissive defense, his head ducked underneath it as a weakened voice rose from his throat, "S..Stay back. I don't want to be eaten today."

The dragon seemed dumbfounded that he's still trying to defend against him, but he eventually just slammed his tail down on the floor a single, determined time. He turned and shook his head back in forth as his mind practically bled with frustration, "Agh, Na'Roru Antil, Kams Na'Spal Myerna'akili!" <Agh, what's the point, you don't speak Myerna'ak Arvulian anyways.>

He wasn't.. attacking? Puzzled to say the very least, Barrett lowered his left arm back to a stationary position at his side, he drew up to stand on his own two feet. His eyes scanned over his features; His intelligent brown eyes that rolled over the knife between his claws, the overlapping green scales that protected his hide. He smelled nice, must have cleaned himself in the nearby frigid river.

"That's.. a Knife. Knife." Barrett stated to the dragon in a rather firm tone, his ears almost flattened to the side of his head. The dragon sat on his haunches, similarly to how a dog postures itself when told to sit, and he nodded in response. He doesn't move otherwise. Barrett draws in a sharp breath - He can understand? The wolf's lips stretch into a wondrous smile; "Barrett. I'm.. Barrett." He brought his paw to the center of his jacket, gesturing to himself.

The great male Dragon pondered over the word and nodded once more, replying with, "Zaltus. Zaltus Gildur." Zaltus' claw lifted to the knife in his other hand, "Kenshak? Kams Bul?" <Blade. You want?>

"Zaltus.." He let the word roll around his mouth, it felt choppy on his tongue but somewhat natural. Cold night air blew into the cave and drew the two somewhat closer, around the fire. "Thank you." Zaltus reached forward and dropped the knife into the Wolf's paws, then gestured to himself, then to the sleeping bag, then finally to Barrett. "Fal Kams Vulin Orm Drakvul?" <Why are you inside my house?>

Barrett took the opportunity to pause and calculate what the Dragon was trying to communicate, he figured that it was something similar to 'what are you doing?'. He flipped his knife safely back into the plastic it was connected to, then stuffed it into his jeans pocket, stating, "I.. came to find you, Zaltus." Zaltus understood his name, but the rest was for the majority mumbo jumbo. He cocks his head curiously as an idea strikes his mind, he lifts a single claw towards Barrett, signaling for him to stay put. The wolf felt more like a feral dog, following a command like that, but he stayed loyal and sat. After it was certain that he was going to stay, the dragon moved his large body around and leisurely made his way deeper into the caverns, the only two sounds filling the Wolf's ears were the thumping of Zaltus' footsteps and water dripping onto the cavern floor.

Within moments, he returned to him with a golden capped scroll between the claws of his right hand, as well as a wooden double ocarina around his neck, embedded with incredibly shiny bronze. Between his large, sharp teeth was a small golden ball, which he was prompt to set on the floor with a 'thump'. He uses both hands to unfurl the scroll, growling "Hak!" <Stay!> as he rose the ocarina to his warm lips and played two separately harmonized melodies. The ball splashed a steady warm white light once he started, only strengthening as he played.

Barrett's bright blue eyes shined with wonder as the light swept up everything in the cave.. this dragon was from somewhere else. Perhaps even another world. The light had begun to travel to the ocarina as well, its Native American timbre howls out sharply, the energy resonating between the sources. Bits of knowledge flicker between the two males' minds, and as suddenly as it began, the light flickered away with the wind and the playing stopped.

The Wolf's eyes slowly lifted up to the dragon's and met his gaze. His voice was weak, "What.. was that, Zaltus?"

"..Umspal Myerna'akili?" <Can you understand Arvulian?> As the words left his maw, Barrett understood every single differentiating syllable. "Y-Yes.. Arvulian?" He'd ask.

<Yeah!..> "And I can speak in your tongue as well." Zaltus removes the Ocarina from his neck, placing it along the floor beside his hip. "I copied the both of our memories on language, transferred them between us.. Through a Hynn. Through song, or music, the energy around us can be used for many different purposes." Ignoring just how insane something like that was, it worked, it was a reality. Barrett pushed the thoughts out of his head; "You're becoming a legend around here.. I came to find you."

"Really? Is it about that fire? Because I didn't mean to do that, and the fall almost killed me... What are the locals saying?" Zaltus asked, as curious as he was puzzled.

"They're just worried that their government is attacking them, or that a man-man monster is lurking about.. You seem friendly though, almost. cute. Especially when compared to mythical depictions of dragons." He'd say with an adorable little giggle, his lips stretched into one of the kindest smiles he could manage.

That drew Zaltus' attention, his face grew into a blush as deep as the river he had bathed himself in. He rolled up the scroll as he pondered over the Wolf's words, "I-It sounds like you're trying to mate or something... Hehehehehe.. I uh, at least that's what it's like back home.."

"M-Mate?.. erm.. I'm just trying to compliment you." The giggly happiness flushed from the wolf's face, immediately replaced by a blood red blush. Zaltus took attention and placed the scroll next to his Ocarina, slowly winding his way over to the Wolf.. He nudged his upper half to the ground, growling affectionately. "A tradition between friends on Arvul is to mate.. Perhaps you'd like to be my friend?"

A definite bulge began to form in Barrett's pants. His musk began to plague the air around them, what was clear mountain air now dripped with sticky, hot wolf musk. The dragon's head drew down and bit into the zipper of his pants, Barrett barked out, "H-Hey! Get away from there!" Zaltus ignored him, playfully swaying his tail back and forth as Barrett's pants and boxers got dragged to his knees.

Zaltus' tongue leisurely slid on past the tip leaking from Barrett's sheath, tonguing the slimey sweet flesh on the inside of his sheath. It brought out a heated moan from him, pushing steam through the frigid night air. His tongue wrapped around Barrett's deflated knot inside of him, milking it hungrily as it grew and slid on out with the rest of his dick. "Hehehehehe~.." He growled as he lapped at the Wolf's dick one last time. "Bend over?~"

Barrett leaned to his right to take a glance between the dragon's legs, a steamy, leaking slit let dragon pre down his legs. A sizable dick was growing out of his slit, Barrett gulped. It was as large as a horse's. "S-Sure." He carefully flipped over under the dragon's care, pushing his rump back into the warmth smothering him. Zaltus responded with a grunt and lustfully mounted him, placing heavy claws on his shoulders and pressing the tip of his dick into the Wolf's slimy backside.

Zaltus' lower jaw fell in awe, his tongue hung out the side of his mouth as he huffed excitedly. He didn't waste any time - Thrusting nearly as rapidly and firmly as he could into the warmth below him. Barrett felt like a bitch in heat - His rock hard, slimy cock rocked back and forth as he was roughly fucked from behind. A slim tip reached walls inside of him that he never thought he had, staining his belly with the owning scent of a dragon.

After a couple moments of rough mating, the two couldn't hold it in any longer. Continual pounding to Barrett's prostate made him blow his load all over the stone beneath him, thin strings of potent white pups shot up to a foot in front of him. Meanwhile, pressure built up between Zaltus' legs, his thrusts sped up a few times then began to slow. He puffed in the wolf's musk and pushed in one last firm time, causing Barrett's belly to bulge. "Hngh~" Cups upon cups of dragon semen clogged his insides, with the dragon dick to plug it all up. With nowhere else to go, the cum only seeped deeper into him, into places that it'd probably never come out of. He was tainted with Zaltus' scent,

As the last few squirts of Zaltus' seed dripped into his bowels, the two crumpled onto the floor, huffing heavily and falling into a bottomless sleep that not even a lion's roar could disturb.

All rights for Zaltus' character goes to him! The second story I've ever written, hopefully, it's a bit of an improvement from the last. Thank you for the support!

The dialogue with Zaltus and interactions with him were co-written -- That may be why my writing style changed a bit. Might revise this one in the future, add a bit of detail