3. Anna gets trunked 3

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#3 of Anna gets trunked

Hello all my furry fans out there; this is Kane777 here with another instalment of "ANNA...

Hello all my furry fans out there; this is Kane777 here with another instalment of "ANNA GETS TRUNKED" Dum Dum dummmm (btw if anyone has an idea for a different name, please leave a commentJ). I have finally written part 3 and I got to say you won't be disappointed. So sit, enjoy and remember read and review, if you have any suggestions or REQUESTS ill be sure to read themJ.

"I've got to find a way out of here, there's got to be an exit somewhere" Anna thought to herself as she stealthily made her way down the well lit corridor. She had been walking for some time but still couldn't find a door maybe to freedom that wasn't locked, continuously looking behind her and into the distance in case she was caught. "This is bad I hope they didn't capture that horse I was with too, if he is here somewhere I'll be sure to help him and then we can both escape together" Her ears perked up as she heard a noise coming from further ahead.

She quickly headed towards the noise hoping it was an exit from this bad place but slowed down to a stop when she found out the noise was coming from a open door up ahead. The door seemed to lead into a different room that she could see had people in it from the shadows in the light coming from within the room. "I better be careful" she thought "the people in that room could be the ones that brought me here to begin with". Deciding stealth was the safest option for now she slowly and quietly she made her way towards the slightly open door and peered in through the crack, she had to stifle a gasp at what she saw inside.

The inside of the room looked like a torture room to an extent, except instead of tools used for pain it was full of tools that looked like they were used for pleasure and punishment. The walls were covered with racks of dildos, whips and even some riding crops, the only lighting being from numerous candles stood all over the room. The candles seemed to be mainly in a circle around the main centrepiece in the middle. The centrepiece being what looked like a set of medieval stocks where the victim has their neck and wrists padlocked between wooden boards leaving their head and hands incapable of movement.

It looked like the device had a hostage locked in it at that moment trying to reach what they could with their hands to no avail. The captured victim was a male racoon of medium build, not muscular and pumped but not overweight either leaving a thin outline of a six pack. Anna could tell this because his captors had removed all his clothes leaving him trapped and naked with his limbs writhing in panic. The poor racoon tried moving his feet again but Anna noticed that unfortunately his ankles were chained to the floor. This left him in a suggestive position bent over with his ass in the air shaking from side to side in his struggle.

Anna was tempted to go in and try and help that poor guy out of that painful looking device and get him to join her in escaping this mysterious dungeon. But before she could take one step into the room she vanished back behind the door she was hiding against after hearing the sound of someone else entering the room from the other door on the opposite wall. Anna's eyes bulged as she saw who had entered; they were the last people she had seen before she ended up in this horrible place.

The tied down racoon tried in vain to turn his head to see who had arrived but unfortunately couldn't move his head very much at all with that device round his neck. He started to shiver all over his body in fear at the thought of what they were going to do to him if it required him to be nude. He looked up as two rather large figures appeared in front of him and struggled again when he knew who they were.

"Well someone is full of energy today" Emma said with an evil grin on her face as she watched his sweating body shake and shiver "but id save it for when you're screaming". Hearing this only made the poor guy panic more as he tried desperately to escape like a wild animal caught in a bear trap. "Now Em don't say things like that, you'll give our new play thing a heart attack" Kelly replied before lowering her head so it was eye level with their scared captive "don't panic it's not as bad as she says, though there is a lot of screaming" she added with a equally evil grin on her face.

After trying for afew more moments in vain to escape his bindings, the racoon lowered his head and stopped moving his body around, realising his fate was sealed. Taking a moment to look over his surroundings, he was stunned when he noticed a mare hiding behind a door in front of him. He started yelling for her to help him but it was all for nothing as his captors had thought he might call for help and had put a large ball gag in his mouth leaving his screams muffled.

The two elephants didn't notice who he was signalling too but were getting annoyed with his panicking, "I think it's about time we begin" Kelly said "Emma take off that gag it's time to get started with this guy". Emma did as she asked and removed it as the captive seemed to have stopped yelling and had once again gone limp. "Uuhhh who are you people" he asked moving his jaw around to get rid of the soreness from that gag. "Don't give us that, I think you know exactly who we are Thomas or should I call you Mr Richardson" Kelly said not playing around. "We represent our master Pegasus and we know that you are together with that bitch Mrs Richardson" Kelly claimed in a angry tone "yeah" Emma added "we also know that she has got you snooping around our master trying to find out if what she believes is true, that he is some under qualified manipulator that used Miss Daniels to get what he wanted".

She followed what she said by moving round behind him and hitting his butt with her trunk causing him to yelp mostly in shock but slightly in pain. "What the hell is wrong with you I am doing no such thing, okay I admit that Abi is my wife but that doesn't mean... Ouch" he bellowed again as she struck him on the butt again. "Give it up guy" Emma ordered moving eye to eye with him "we know and master knows and we can't allow you to carry on so we have been ordered to do something about this" she said with the evil smirk on her face turning into a full evil smile. "Consider this your punishment" Kelly said raising her thick trunk again, "look you've got to believe me I don't know what you are talking about I don't know who you are...OUCH" Thomas shrieked again as Kelly struck his butt again.

Kelly then started to repeatedly strike his bottom all over with her trunk leaving giant red markings that could be seen even through his fur. In hope of some defence Thomas tried covering his butt with his long puffed out tail to lessen the pain of each strike. "uhuhuh none of that" Emma said in a sing song voice using her trunk to pull his tail away and up lifting his lower body up making access to Kelly's target better. Kelly continued to strike his butt watching as his buttocks wiggle abit after each swat, hearing his yelling from the other end in pain. "Hehehe after this you won't be able to sit down for months honey" Emma said having the perfect view of his butt cheeks turning first pink all over then start turning red.

Anna could not believe what she was witnessing as she watched this punishment continue "how could they do this, how could someone order them to do this". She looked on in shock but was even more shocked when she looked slightly lower down his body and saw that he was packing a fully hard erection. "Is he enjoying this?" Anna thought watching as his firm and hard cock bounce up and down slightly with each swat and when she looked to his face she noticed his eyes were closed and his he was no groaning instead of yelling for them to stop.

After a dozen more swats Kelly's trunk started to ache from all that swatting so she paused for a moment "okay Emma I think that's enough spanking for now let's move on". "Sure thing Kel" Emma replied almost letting go of his tail before something interesting caught her eye causing her to smirk. Helen followed Emma's eyes to what she found and laughed "oh is our toy startin to like his punishment" she said. "Just as i thought" she continued "your wife is such a bitch i knew that she would have you on a leash, i bet she uses you to relieve her stress each night like a living sex toy". She wasn't surprised when all she heard back was a groan from him, probably wanting more of that trunk swatting him.

Kelly moved in front of him while Emma dropped his tail, "is it true?" she asked, "Are you her little bitch to tie down and fuck when ever she pleases?" When he didn't reply straight away Emma grasped his balls with her trunk and squeezed causing him to perk up "yes yes yes I'm her bitch please just let go of me please!" Happy with his answer Emma relieved the pressure and let his nut sack rest in her trunk's grasp "knew it" Kelly said with a smile, "question is what shall we do with this information?" she said with a smirk as she went over to one of the walls looking for something. "hhhmmmm maybe change the 'punishment' a bit" Emma said with a smirk while moving her trunk from his nuts further forward to wrap her trunk around his cock like a snake hearing him moan and slightly buck his hips. "Great idea" Kelly replied finding what she was looking for "and I think I know what we can do to change it" she said as she showed Emma what she had chosen.

From Anna's vantage point she could see it was some kind of bottle in Kelly's grasp, "I hope that isn't what I think it is" she thought. Unfortunately for her it was as Kelly started squirting the contents onto Thomas's backside right on his tailstar causing it to pucker at the cold temperature of it. Thomas gasped at the feeling of the substance and realised what they had planned. His attempts to plead for mercy were halted by his moaning as Emma's once still trunk wrapped around his hard dick now started softly rubbing back and forth effectively giving him a hand job with her trunk. "That should keep you quiet Thomas just try and enjoy yes" Helen said turning back to watch the spectacle about to happen.

"Now Thomas I won't lie this will hurt a bit but trust me a whore like you will love it" Kelly said finished with lubing up his tailhole which by now was spasming at the thought of what was going to happen. Thomas by now was groaning as Emma increased the pressure of her squeezing while rubbing his hard cock faster and firmer. His eyes sprang open at the feel of her trunk tip tapping against his asshole, surely that wouldn't fit it was huge "aaauauuuuuuhhhhhh!" he yelled when he felt it push against his hole. Emma watched in a trance as she saw Thomas's anus expand to near tearing and started to swallow up Kelly's trunk "Oh my god what has that bitch been fucking you with if you can take that, wow". "aaauuuuhhh fffuuuccckkkk" he groaned his eyes clenched shut as he felt that thick bat sized trunk push deeper and deeper up his butt pushing hard against his prostate. "That's it honey hhmm nice and slow, right up there" Kelly said as she continued to push into him almost splitting him in two, Emma is he enjoying this?" she asked as she started to pull out to start thrusting. "Oh yeah he loves it" she replied feeling his cock jerk and bounce despite how tight she squeezed it to keep it still, "he aint gonna last long though afew thrusts should do it".

Anna by now was sitting outside the door with now four of her fingers deep inside her pussy furiously thrusting them in and out watching Thomas getting pounded with that log like trunk. She hadn't been this turned on since they ploughed her with that thing and she could feel a explosive orgasm coming, her fingers now going into overdrive on her boiling pussy.

"YES...YES...IM GONNA SHOOT....OH YEAH...HUH HUH....ANY SECOND...." Thomas yelled now thrusting openly forward and back with his tail straight up in the air like a flag pole. "DO IT YOU LITTLE BITCH CUM FOR ME, SHOOT THAT BITCH SPUNK AS I POUND YOUR BUTT WITH MY TRUNK YES YES DO IT" Kelly yelled getting into it as much as he is how rubbing her thighs together behind her for some pleasure. "AAAUUUUHHH...I...CANT...HOLD...IT,..IM...IM...IM CUMMING!!" and with that his balls drew up into his body and his hard spasming dick shot jets of his cum onto his chest and the floor in front of him. "mmmmmmmhhhhhhh!!" Anna screamed into her hand as she came joined Thomas in coming trying to stay hidden despite experiencing a huge orgasm that left her panting.

Once she could move her trunk again Kelly slowly removed her trunk from his stretched out tailhole and with a "popping" sound and let it fall to the floor again. Her and Emma watched as his stretched out anus started trying to close but you could still see his insides through the hole. With that trunk now finally out of Thomas's bottom, his lower half dropped to the ground as he sat there panting and moaning, his eyes closed and tongue lolled out.

Anna just sat there trying to get some air into her lungs as she came down from her sexual high, unfortunately she didn't notice that other occupants in the hallway had found her. Anna gasped or tried too when a trunk wrapped around her mouth and head from behind and hoisted her up into the air leaving her on her tiptoes. "Well well well looks like we finally found you" Tina said while Stacey held her up, "you are a pain to find you know that? but I'm sure master will make you aware of that.

"Master?" Anna thought as she was quietly carried away while the other elephants continued their fun.

Oh no Anna has been caught, what will "master" do to her, will she ever escape, why am I asking when I know already JJall these questions revealed in part 4 (seriously I guarantee I will get to that horse M/F scene I promised in part 4 I swear)