sonadow story part 2

Story by yaoi222 on SoFurry


It was the next day, after a tiring session around the house, Shadow and Sonic were sleeping. The sun came out and the light came through the curtains. Shadow was facing the other way, but Sonic faced the curtains, and he woke up. Sonic put placed his chin on Shadow's arm.

"Shadow, wake up." Shadow murmered.

"What?" the black hedgehog said rubbing his eyes. Sonic told how he's afraid of everyone and that he may accidentally spread it. The blue hedgehog asked "Will you tell anyone?" Shadow replied back "If you don't.". Sonic felt relieved. Both hedgehogs were staring at the ceiling whilst the duvet was just over their hips. Next, both hedgehogs looked at each other in sync, they shifted closer to each other, until they locked lips.

"So, how was I?" Shadow grinned at as he reached for his watch. Sonic was confused for a moment "Huh? Oh..yeah great."

"Hmm?" Shadow stared at Sonic, "Is there something wrong? Don't lie to me Sonic."

"N-no no, nothing's wrong."

"Theeen..why did you pause?" Shadow asked, he was getting suspicious.

"Well, I just don't know if this should carry on. I mean, look at Amy and the rest, they all look up to me." Shadow sighed, he told him to do what he thinks is best as both hedgehogs sat up on the bed.

Sonic frowned. Shadow saw Sonic, suddenly, he felt weird. He felt like something's stirring in his stomach.

"Sonic, could you..." Shadow placed his hand on Sonic's cheek and pulled himself to the messy hedgehog. He gave Sonic a kiss, and Sonic put his arm around Shadow. Sonic forced his body tightly onto Shadow's chest as they closed their eyes and had a romantic kiss. Then, Sonic put his legs over Shadow's and locked them. The two hedgehogs tipped onto the bed with Sonic on top. Shadow pulled Sonic away as he showed a seductive smile.

"I guess it's your turn." Shadow said. Sonic knew what he meant, and he got ready. Sonic lifted Shadow's legs and put the duvet around them both to make everything darker and more appealing. Sonic peacefully said "I'm coming in." Shadow took Sonic's head closer as he swayed his pelvis. Shadow forced Sonic's head to his and have a little kiss.

"I hate this position." Shadow gave a dissapointed expression, but he wasn't going to stop. Sonic took Shadow to another room, where it was darker.

"The living room's got good curtains." Shadow said, Sonic took him there and stumbled over a misplaced chair. Shadow fell with him. They both didn't care and stood up. Sonic lifted Shadow up and leaned him onto the wall. Shadow asked "Can you support my weight?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just relax." Sonic "went inside Shadow".

"Okay, go Sonic, show me your speed." Sonic felt aroused. Sonic pulled and pushed Shadow up and down the wall as they locked lips once again. Sonic was panting and took his lips off Shadow's. Shadow had his eyes closed and his face turned to the side. He was enjoying every second of it. Suddenly, Sonic had speeded up. The blue hedgehog panted "I'm nearly there..." Shadow was out of breath to. "Yeah, yeah, yeah OK." Shadow was lifted from the wall and put on the floor by Sonic. He rapidly came closer and further to Shadow. Shadow's hands were searching for something to clench onto. He held the carpet tightly and as Sonic went quicker. Then, Sonic repeated "I'm coming" over and over. Shadow said "ah, yeah, come on Sonic." One could hear ornaments shaking. Sonic lost his wits and became wild. Then the blue hedgehog screamed at the top of his voice "YEAH" as he held his final pose, extremely "in" Shadow. Sonic fell on top of Shadow, resting and panting. In fact, both hedgehogs were.

"Shadow..I..I..I need you.."

"I'm made up your mind..."

Shadow was oozing near his tail. Sonic got up, sat right below Shadow's stomach so he could breath. He turned to the black hedgehogs legs and circled his hand around Shadow's pelvis. He started doing a shaking motion as Shadow put his head back with an intense feeling. Moments later, Shadow's pelvis was oozing as well, and spilled all over Sonic's hand. Sonic got up and Shadow wildly licks Sonic's arm with arousing moanings.