Photo Shoot!

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#1 of Commissions

A little commission I did for bugs46! If you like this and work done go ahead and message me or send an email~

Your home surrounds you, a bachelors pad with evidence of bachelor-izing. Dirty plates, pizza boxes, empty cans of Mountain Dew. The place wasn't a trailer, the place wasn't an house, it was probably somewhere in between. A little abode attached to a series of abodes just like it. You didn't have any neighborsto your right or left, the place was desolate, devoid of activity. You could bring activity here, your sister pressured you, your mother pressured you -- there was nothing physically stopping you from signing up for tinder and hunting for some long term pussy. Mentally though... That was a different matter.

Having a twenty-something year old girlfriend would be good, but only that. You've resoluted yourself to what you can't have, or at least what is forbidden. Your want of it and the possibility of a genuine normal relationship, they weren't balanced. You wanted it more than you wanted something normal and standard.

You'd thought about it a bit, there were places out there in the world where it wasn't as taboo, or at least if it was it wasn't illegal. You could save up, wageslave enough at your job to have enough to move to some country where it was legal. But living in a third world country just to have it...

There was all this internal conflict about it inside you. Settling on being alone was the option you'd chosen, and you'd chosen it over a normal life because what you really wanted was the forbidden fruit. The ripe, the small, the immature, the young, the innocent. That small voice that would make a squeak, those small hands that would grasp and those pretty lips that would giggle and make stupid jokes. You wanted something too young to have and you'd resoluted on not having it. You glanced over at your bookshelf, an exhausted copy of Lolita sitting starkly noticeable against the rest of the books.

Once your sister had spewed out two children, you knew you were doomed. When they were younger, like four and below, you didn't have as many urges. But now that the twins were six, it was too hard to not look, too hard to not get hard. They were still in the realm of innocence to where you could see them without shirts or pants on and it wasn't too weird as a trusted adult. A trusted adult. That title brought a smile to your face, you having done nothing to earn it. A trusted adult. You giggled, what a funny joke, you thought.

The television played some movie, it was science fiction and you were only half paying attention. You pull your hand from your pants and quit fondling your half erect cock for a second to get up and grab a thing of cookies from on top of the fridge.

As you reach for it, there's a knock at your door. You pause, giving it a thought. For half a second you consider telling them to go away, you wanted to go beat off in the other room, rub one out to the thought of your niece and nephew.

But as you swung the door open, it was like opening a can of worms and your cock couldn't help but give a lurch from flaccidity inside your jeans. The worms were alive, wriggling in your stomach as your sister Penny stood at the door in casual wear, either arm around the shoulders of your niece and nephew and you croak out "Hey there, Penny. What's going on."

You look down at the children, Madison is half your height, maybe shorter and she's suckling on the tip of her finger innocently. Her eyes are sweet, like donut holes as they peer up into your eyes. Marcus' head rested against your sisters hip, and his leg folded over his other leg. They both wore similar clothing, cute little shorts and shirts, sandals. You were clothes in some black shirt that said some stupid joke about coffee. You didn't even drink coffee that much. You smiled down at them, Madison smiles up and says 'hi' very quietly. Marcus is looking sleepy.

"I'm heading to Sams. I need to stock up on dried foods and I figured you could watch my kids while I did the trip." She said. Sams was this mega store where they sold everything mega cheap. If you bought from there, you bought in bulk. Penny was the type.

More croaking. "Uhh, yeah. Yeah that's cool, hold long do you think you'll be gone?"

"Well it's an hour and half drive there, and I'll likely bet there for half an hour, so you do the math." She produced some bills from her purse and pushed them into your groping paw, you didn't count the bills. "Just buy them pizza or take them out to dinner or something." She rubbed Marcus's head and leaned down to kiss Madison. "Make sure you guys behave for uncle Oliver."

"Okay mommy," Madison's tiny, adorable voice said.

"Okay," Marcus joined in.

Penny peeked her head through the the door, taking a look around. "Geez, Oli."

"Yeah I know, if you had let me know you were coming i would've had this place cleaned up." You didn't look around at the home. You knew what it looked like, and Madison moved over to you, her small electric warmth resting on your leg and your arm reaching to grope her shoulder protectively. Stroking your thumb on the fur. Marcus's head still rested sleepily on Penny's him, he was always a mommas boy but Madison seemed to really love you. You loved her too but in a way she probably wouldn't ever understand. Your cock gave another lurch inside your jeans.

"Well don't play any rated R movies, rated M games," try not to shove your fingers inside Madison's little pussy, "You know the gist." The gist sucks.

"Yup, got it." You pocketed the bills. She left with a 'good luck' and an 'I love you' to her kids and left you alone with the precious lion cubs. The door closed with a finality that you liked the taste of. It was afternoon, only a few hours before dinner time. "Alright guys," you said catching their attention. "No cookies, no soda, not unless you ask. You wanna watch a movie and hang out on the couch?"

You figured that they'd be full enough with the pizza that you'd order later, so you hadn't put out any snacks as you guys piled on the couch. You pulled them close, wrapping protective arms around them and feeling their soft small bodies beneath your hands and against your body on the soft couch. The tv wasn't too big, wasn't too small and a Bluray Disney movie played. Something you'd only seen a few times and tucked away into a corner of the closet, brought out only for child company.

You cupped Madison's soft, flat chest, hoping that she wouldn't think anything of it. She burrowed in closer to you, the little golden temptress. You weren't focusing on the movie, you were focusing on an oppressive hard on, and you got up, heading to the bathroom with a "be back in a jiffy."

You breathed, wiping water on your face and focrcing your rock hard member down, pressing it against the counter. A small readjustment later, your cock strained inconspicuously against your underwear. "Damnit, Oliver." You wanted to do something. You knew you could do something, you had enough time and you were willing to risk being caught. You wanted to do something and you were just waiting for the right opportunity. You could subtly grope the children all you wanted, you could even brush up against their bottoms and genitalia without much worry, but you could do more than that, you knew you could. The fur of your face was wet now, the skin underneath goosefleshing.

As you exited the bathroom and saw the children in the kitchen, you knew that opportunity had struck, sinking its teeth into you like the lion that you were. A subtle plan. "I thought I had told you that you weren't allowed to get cookies." A little blackmail. Your hands sat on your hips as you saw them, the clever little bastards, with cheeks full of cookies and crumbs on the sides of their lips and deer-in-the-headlights eyes.

"Please don't tell mom, I'll be-" it was Marcus this time speaking when you interrupted them. You'd paused the movie and made them sit down on the couch together. Looks of guilt, they realized the cookies weren't worth it. Your stern uncle-voice interrupted the child.

"You'll behave? Tell me why I shouldn't tell your mom."

"Because I'll get in trouble."

"Yeah you don't think I know that?" Silence, he looked at the floor. "Look, I won't tell your mom." He looked back up, Madison too, the flickers of hopeful smiles appearing on their lips. "But only if you do something for me,"

"What is that?" You smiled warmly, trying my hardest to not show how giddy you were that something like this presented itself for you. There was a basement area, attached to the house, that you only used for storage. It was surprisingly spacious and while you were moving in you had actually slept down there for a while.

"Just follow me, kids. Do what I tell you and you won't get in trouble, okay?" They agreed, and followed you to your room as you got a Polaroid and a significant amount of film. Storing it on your phone was too risky and the old camera was barely used anymore, a relic of a time when you were fresh out of high school and an aspiring photographer.

Down the stairs, with each step the air grew cooler and your smile grew more and more evil. In the basement, there were no windows. You closed the door to the stair well and turned on every light, they shuffled around, looking anxious. "Uncle Oliver?" asked Madison. "W-what are we doing?"

The lamp clicked on, the head focusing a beam on them, illuminating their pretty, small bodies. You sat in a dusty wooden chair you'd pulled from the corner of the room, your bulge obvious and painful and dripping beneath the strata of binding clothes. You held the Polaroid in your lap. "You ready to not get in trouble?"

They both nodded. "That means you're ready to do as I say, yes?" More nodding. Madison held her arm, looking anxious and Marcus had shuffled near her for warmth, you assumed. A big smile. "Photo shoot! You're gonna start taking off your clothes, then."

"U-uncle.. I don't wanna!" Madison said, pouting. Marcus didn't say anything, but his face shared the same message.

"It's that or get in trouble missy."

"Fine." Marcus says. Madison mutters something. You held up the Polaroid and clicked, a photo of the children looking uncomfortable sliding out of the camera. Madison on the right side of the photo, Marcus on the left.

"You, marcus, are going to start with your shirt, and then Madison." You held up the Polaroid. His shirt peeled off of his young body slowly, giving me the show you had dreamed for. His little gold-brown nipples against his bony, furry soft chest. It fell to a crumple on the floor. Click. Pocket the photo. He folded his arms over his chest.

Madison next, her shirt took no effort to pull off of her tiny body with her tiny hands and gave you a similar if not better show. Her chest exposed, her little nipples the same diameter and color as Marcus's. Flat and perfect, they looked almost identical. Click, another photo.

"Alright, now go ahead and get rid of your sandals." They did so, Marcus and Madison leaning over to peel off the Velcro straps of their little child sandals. They fell in the pile with the shirts and socks, but you didn't snap a photo. There were better things to use this film for than the feet of children. You licked your lips, your hands shaking with excitement and nervousness. You hoped you could keep your hands steady enough to take the next photo.

"You can guess what's next can't you? Come on, the shorts come off too kids." They were reluctant, obviously. Marcus had kind of a pleading look on his face, and Madison wasn't looking at me. "Do it or I do it for you."

A slow unbutton, a slow unzip, and like unwrapping a piece of candy, both of their shorts came down to their ankles. Exposing their sweet little briefs and panties. You could see Marcus's pretty, tiny bulge and Madison's parties were tight enough to see her nubile, innocent indent, the cloth folding in right where her pussy was. Your insides ached with how pretty it was.

A click of the photo. "Oh Madison, you are so pretty!" You told her, getting off the chair onto your knee and angling the camera towards their clothed genetalia. Her hands moved to protect her privates, but you told her to remove them and she did. "Good girl," you said. You could smell their fear, and a nice photo came out of the close up you had gotten of her. Just a hint of belly and a margin of thighs, the rest of the photo dominated by her white underwear. The fold of the white cloth. The little dark line, slightly see through. The way the line crawled down out of sight and up behind her. You shivered with arousal.

"Underwear." You said, sitting back in the chair.

They waited at you, their eyes telling you they didn't want to with desparate looks, and the flickers of pleas on their lips that you truncated with a "Now." They agreed to your demands almost silently, peeling away their shells, exposing their nakedness to you.

Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit, little incestuous sugar plum fairies dancing in your wicked eyes. You kept yourself from standing up and cheering, and instead resoluted you and your ecstatic emotions in a soulfully minimalistic note played on the camera. Click, and the gentle scrape of the photo being vomited from the maw of the Polaroid.

You looked at them. You had seen then naked dozens of times, but none of the events had really been placed while they were in the age specter of your urges. Marcus's pretty little flaccid cock, sleeping against the small pillow of his tight, fuzzy nutsack. He looked down at himself, and looked away. His hands crept toward his genetalia to hide them. Your cock was jumping for joy.

Madison, oh Madison. Pretty little thing. Tears began to seep from her gentle eyelids and her hands moved to her little pre-bloom flower and she turned around, exposing her cute cheeks to you. She was always a quiet cryer, and you took some more photos of her backside.

You leaned forward in the chair, simmering your voice down to a hot, gentle, uncle-ey husk. "You both are both so pretty! And Marcus, you handsome little man, come here," he did so reluctantly, bearing his small and compact fruit. Undropped nuts, unmatured cock. Your hand reached out, taking his genetalia in your hands and you felt shivers of arousal and satisfaction go down your back, the hair standing up on end. "These photos won't get shown to anyone, I promise. This is for me to remember you now, for when you're all grown up."

You began to fondle him, periodically clicking a one-handed photo occasionally while you gently rubbed his genetalia. It made no motion to hardness.

He was tugged in closer to you when you used his nuts as a short leash. You set the camera down next to the chairs legs on the the ground. Madison just kinda stood there, looking abashed and uncomfortable. His cock was released as both of your hands went around to his backside, holding his back and pushing him close to me. You found his ass cheeks, gently rubbing them while he made small noises and wiggled. You had him between your strong thighs, and they closed in on him, pinning him against you.

Your fingers slid between his cheeks, gently going over his anus, feeling the light tugging of the skin against your fingertips. You groped the relenting flesh of his asscheek as you kissed his face, letting him go.

"Your turn, little lady," You say to Madison as Marcus takes a step back, then another before sitting down in the pile of clothes on the floor. Madison gulps, then steps forward and again. You receive glimpses of her pussy between her fingers, and she stands before you, still hiding herself away. "Hey... It's alright, don't be so shy. Here." You said undoing your belt and button and zipper. "I'll show you mine." Your long, throbbing, dripping pink phallus lurched out, harder than you thought it could possibly be. It sat like an upright pillar, in the V that the undone zipper made. You throbbed it a few times, showing off for the young girl. Marcus looked mesmerized too. "If you show me yours."

Her hands parted, revealing her small pussy. An incarnadine slit cut between two slices of golden-brown fur, and you drooled. You picked her up by her armpits, the webbing mingling, and she squealed but made no motions to move out of your grasp as you lifted her up and set her on your lap.

You twisted her mid-air so that her back faced you, and she sat on you like a couch, putting a significant amount of weight on the shaft of your cock. She made noises that you expected to hear her make, and you ground against what part of her parted a little bit. She was dwarfed by the size of your phallus, and you were given a side by side comparison of her torso to it.

Your hand rested on her breast, pressing her against you, while your other hand made its way downward. "This is to show you how much I love you."

"I love you too, Uncle Oliver." Her chilling childish tone said back as your fingers met her pussy.

Little fireworks. Explosions. Phallic trumpets. Endless soprano C's.

She shuddered, her breath quaking. The head of my member drooled, and like a horse it bucked against its rider. You felt a gentle approaching moistness softening the lips your fingertips were kissing, and the fur at the tips of them. It wasn't a mature moistness, wasn't a ready moistness.

"A-ah! Uncle!" She squeaked. You weren't digging too deep into her, just surface level, circular ministrations that dragged the tight flesh of her nubile girl parts with them. They slowed to a crawl, and went up and down in volcanic streaks.

"Are you okay?" You said. Marcus rested on his hands behind him, after he'd let go of his genetalia.

"I feel weird," her whining whisper came. "That feels weird."

"I know it does, hun, but just feel it. It'll start to feel good," You said. "I promise." My eyes found hers as she looked up at me. "Do you trust me?" Her tear streaks were dried, and she just looked worried now.

A pause. "Yes, Uncle Oliver..." You chuckled. The noise reverberated throughout her body, and your picked up the pace of your fingering.

There was no deeper penetration, but you had submerged your index and middle finger to the first joint down inside of her subcutaneous folds. There wasn't much space to move around that wouldn't hurt her, and hurting her was the last thing you wanted, but it was all the space you needed. The inch or two you had was the size of a tennis court to you. You used the space you allowed yourself to use and exploited it for all the pleasure you bring your precious little niece.

You had her in your grip. She'd soon forgotten about her fear, you believed. Even if she hadn't, you had won her over to trusting you. "Auuhnn," her voice wormed its way through your ears into your heart. You saw Marcus's concerned face.

"Doesn't that feel good, little missy?" You said to relax him.

"Y-yes." You continued, going faster, gouging deep melting pools of nascent exctasy into your niece. It wasn't an in-out motion, but more of a computer scrolling, up and down. She was bucking against your fingertips with with an inchoate lust that her donut-hole eyes were glazed with as she looked up at me. You kept stroking her chest with my thumb, your fingers playing with her nipple.

She was bucking inchoherently against me. The moisture collected on my fingers was soaking your fur. Your mind was exploding, the sheer action of bringing your 6 year old niece to such heights of unexplored pleasure, the action being your action and yours alone, could've brought me to climax. You could feel her wetness against your cock. Your fingers were squished between her and your genetalia.

Her eyes fluttered, and with one squeal, one clench of her fingers around your thigh-fur, she felt her first orgasm wrap around her body and suffocate it with mind-numbing pleasure. Bucking against you. Squealing just for you. More juices. Warm panting breath. Her heartbeat ran like a rabbit inside her chest, and you felt every thump.

You were dripping, long strips of cum slipping their way down your urethral bulge, and a small squirt of cum found its way onto the ground. You could save your orgasm for later, in fact it might just be better then.

She panted, sucking little breaths into her little chest and making little noises that filled you with affection. "I told you that would feel good, sweetie." I kissed her cheek, longer than I usually kiss her cheek. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." It was a tired noise. Your arms found its way around her body, and after a tight hug you stood up and set her back down on the ground, laying her gently supine.

You licked your fingers, saving the lingering taste of her child juices. The Polaroid at the ready again, you snapped a few photos of her on her naked back while she breathed, and close ups of her pussy after its first sexual experience. "You remember our deal guys? I just have a few more photos I need to take and you're off the hook, okay?" Agreement from both parties, even if Madison's agreement sounded exhausted. "Marcus."


"Get up and come over here." He approached, no longer hiding his pretty little self away. You stood to the side like the director and said "Alright. Marcus I need you to lay over your sister, with your hands on either side of her, like a push-up, but with your waist against hers. Got it?" You said, organizing a missionary position.


"Yeah," he approached slow, and Madison looked up at him with a blush smeared over an indiscernible expression. His was a solemn indignity as he and Madison assembled themselves the way you composed them to. You made some physical adjustments, like moving tails out of the way of shots and positioning Marcus's cock and moving his hands around until it was perfect.

Some photos were taken, and when they looked up at the camera you told them to look away. Look at each other. You had taken up-tail photos of Marcus's ass, and of his cock mushing flatly against her wet pink pussy. You took photos of them from the side, their little bodies pressed against each other, and their eyes peering into each other's.

You collected a few more from a few more angles. When you had collected enough, you told them they were done, your pocket hosting a stuffed-wallet sized lump of Polaroids. You kissed them both on the forehead and told them they did a good job as you helped them get dressed.

"Uncle Oliver?" Madison said quietly as you tugged her shorts on. Marcus was pulling on his shirt and sandals already.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Do you think I could do that with you again next time I come over?" It was quiet, abashed. Perfect. Your hand slid into her shorts and you cupped her warm, warm parts before kissing her on the snout gently. Her breath sucked in a hiccup.

"Of course you can, as long as we keep it secret." She nodded, and you zipped her up and pulled on her shirt before taking her hand and leading her and Marcus back up the stairs. "Alright. Who wants pizza?"

The cooling everything pizza and the tray of cookies lay abandoned, half consumed in the coffee table while the children's movie played. Marcus was still awake, aspired he'd eaten his fill but Madison... Her eyes had begun to droop a when her mother sent me the text that told me she was leaving Sams, beginning the half-hour journey over to where you lived. And it'd been a few minutes, at least ten since then.

She sighed in her sleep as her head rested underneath your arm. In her sleep you slid your hands to secret areas that were out of Marcus's vision, cupping her, groping her, feeling her. God it was good to be an uncle, you thought with a smile.

It was satisfactory but with anything that was like a drug, you wanted more. More. The cookies had been the inception of one situation and perhaps they could conceive one more. You crushed two in either hand, feeling the cookies decimate under pressure to crumbs, and you slid your had ands past their underwear to their genetalia, bombing them with uncomfortable. Marcus had tried to move, but it didn't work out for him as you pushed him back into the couch as you did it, feeling his cock and balls underneath the cookie mush. Madison woke up almost immidiately.

They both had exclamations of discomfort and disagreement with what you'd put in their underwear. You didn't have to nudge them to get up and do it, but they both made their ways to the bathroom. Down the narrow hallway like a hunter, opening the door.

Watching them undress with frustrated, pursed-lip looks and childish furrowed brows. Their knickers were down, Madison half out of them with her shirt covering exactly what it was supposed to cover and her panties and shorts not covering anything. Her little pink parts once more. You thought you'd get yourself very acquainted with them over the next several months. Her white panties were a stain of cookie detritus.

Marcus was in a similar position. They bent over to deal with all the crumbs in their underwear, and with the way the bathroom mirrors were set up, you were given a view of their backsides, and their tails flicked back and forth in frustration.

You viewed their genetalia above all however, as the situation was dealt with. "Why did you do that?" Madison looked the most pursed-lips and furrowed browed. She'd been woken up.

"Thought it'd be funny," I shrugged.

"That wasn't funny!"

"Sorry." You said, not looking into her eyes. They redressed themselves, concealing Marcus's cock away and shutting the blinds on Madison's pussy.

You didn't help them redress, but shut the bathroom door behind them after turning off the light and lead them back out to the living room, waiting a while and sitting back down on the couch. Your stomach was full, but you sipped an offbrand Dr Pepper to soothe yourself. You focused on keeping your cock flaccid for when Penny showed up.

Oh. Speak of the devil and she shall appear, with a knock at the door. You gave the kids a look, "Remember." You said. They nodded knowingly. You were leaving fate up in the air with their judgement, you could only hope they'd forget about it all soon, but maybe not Madison. You hoped she'd remember it for next time she was over.

You opened the door. "Hey Penny," you said with a smug grin.

The Blanket — 6

The BB gun that Ed had gotten for his birthday was a used thing, something that the giftgiver had pulled from the guts of the basement and produced in social offering. A problem Ed that had had with it is that he didn't kmow where to use it. Living in...

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The Blanket — 5

Living in a suburb was a good thing, at least if you had angst and friends. Ed had measures of both of those things, and whether or not they were equal amounts was a question up in the air. He'd pulled away from most of his social circles, now that...

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The Blanket — 4

Funny how little anachronous thoughts burrow their way into a mind at the strangest opportunities, little out of place happenings to the conscious. 'Koda's home is really cool' is one such thought, and it occured to Ed as the fourteen year old girl...
