The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#167 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 16

Ignus excused himself, as time passed, the fire dragon acted more and more uneasily as if a spot on his body would itch badly and he had no way of scratching it. Whatever it was, it had to be a condition passed only from one fire dragon to another since Flare also didn't look like himself, his fire dim, tail and wings flopping down.

As if expecting to be soon smacked across the butt for misbehavior.

Sparx found this silence, especially from his companion, very pleasing, you need to dose brotherly relations, otherwise you eventually get mad. Flare might be a substitute, but the same rules apply to him, only the window in becoming mad is a bit bigger.

"You know what Terry?" Sparx mused loudly, tapping a finger against his chin as he stared down the staircase his brother took not so long ago

The Earth Guardian glared at the dragonfly, instinct of a commander kicking in, or maybe it was just the natural reaction of an elder when faced with the young, whatever it was, it was irritated, being called like that by a child that barely seen the world really shook the boundaries of proper behavior.

Shook the foundations of respect.

It was irritating because the dragonfly lacked several thousand years of life experience which would allow Sparx to address him with names that are suitable for long time friends.

It might be draconic pride speaking through him.

Perhaps it was, he didn't care truth be told, after working so hard, getting here where he was just to be sweet talked by a child was demeaning.

"My name is Terrador" the Guardian rumbled, his baritone voice echoing like a war drum

"I don't quite get something" Sparx mumbled, waving the finger that previously tapped at the chin in the air, completely ignoring the scold thrown his way

"I mean, it was quite obvious that Spyro will do whatever you tell him to do, you say jump he asks how high, the good guy stuff yada, yada, yada. But me" he shrugged "I'm not that good and can think with my brain instead of my pump only"

"Is there a point to your monologue?" the old dragon sighed deeply

"What is your goal?" he faced the Guardian with folded arms on the chest "I mean, I get that our crazy icicle is probably the best we got from our cold gang of dragons, and she's from a different world so there's a chance she knows some neat tricks. That's cool and all, the only problem is" an index finger made small circles around the temple "The marbles in there don't rattle the way they should"

"So here's my question" he embraced his chin, thoughtful gaze aimed at the sky "Why Iris? Getting to learn a few tricks and maybe let her loose on some bad guys so we won't have to tire ourselves seems like a small reward for a big risk of getting our backs stabbed"

"I advised to take Iris not for the perks, if it's possible to attain them, good, a small bonus is always welcome. I proposed to take her because of this very risk you are talking about. Leadership isn't always about working with loyal and friendly people, sometimes you get a whole garrison of troublemakers"

Focused, maroon eyes looked down the dark staircase.

"Getting her work with us will empower Spyro's already high charisma, he has an aura around himself that makes people trust and follow him. If Iris will cause troubles, this will be a perfect opportunity for Spyro to learn how to prevent mutiny in your own squad, a very valuable lesson to learn and Iris is an ideal training dummy. If she crosses the line too much, she will be stopped and I have no doubts about that, one small dragoness, no matter how powerful, won't stand a chance against the group who stopped the Dark Master and saved the world"

"Spyro's risk is minimal, Iris is only one dragoness against two most powerful ones in the world right now. It is her who goes all in, this adventure, if she takes it that is, is her chance to get a graze of society again. While Spyro and his development are my biggest concerns, this is also an opportunity to help Iris in some way, if she allows it. Ignus told me their story and from what I can tell Iris needs serious help"

He sighed, it was a deep, very deep exhale of air, as his body shrunk with the breath it lost its commanding posture. During this moment everyone could see the dragon's age, presented in wrinkles and cracks in the scale that were so much more visible when his body relaxed.

As Terrador's mouth let out a last waft of air his body looked ancient, the cracked wings holding almost a withered skeleton.

Sparx gulped nervously at the sight, suddenly glad that his lifespan is short compared to the dragons. Living with memories and nearly unending worry seemed taxing, Envy had no place here.

"There is so little of us compared to other races" Terrador continued, with fresh air circulating in his veins his body looked strong again, respectfully strong "If there is a chance to help one of our own, we must take it. Especially if it's a female, with both our sexes having warlike inclinations the boundary where the males are more probable to perish are completely erased. With the same military potential our females are threatened in the same way as males, it is a dangerous perspective with the number of males being two times larger than females"

"If our kind is to survive we need to risk. Spyro shapes the future of our kind, whether he is aware of it or not, he must be prepared"

Sparx scratched his head, as convincing as it sounded, something still didn't add up for him.

"Why now then? Shouldn't all this preparing stuff happened before the world was saved? Seems like a lot of rushed pressure thrown at my bro. I think it's not about the survival of your race, not entirely at least. Something's bothering you old man and you are using my bro as a cane"

"I'm not using anyone" Terrador snarled, old or not, the massive, sharp teeth that appeared from underneath the snarling mouth were as deadly as always

"Watch your tongue, remember with who you are talking to. I'm a Guardian of this city, putting blame on me without evidence is a crime"

"Whoa" Sparx threw his hands up defensively "Chill, no need to get so fussy about it. We're cool, saved the world together remember?"

"Let me ask a question now" draconic eyes remained locked on the dragonfly, the stare as hard as a rock "Do you smell the decay?"

Sparx frowned, his head jerked back in surprise.


Terrador nodded.

"Yes, decay"

"What do you mean by decay? Like a fart or something?" yellow nose sniffed the air "Someone farted?"

The Guardian didn't react to this confusing revelation at all, not even bothered by the rather simplistic combination of words which in all honesty perfectly completed this moment of recklessness and impudence.

The old dragon merely looked down the familiar staircase, eyes distant and lost in contemplation.

Sparx' brow raised curiously, usually he didn't have troubles reading people, in the worst case he managed to catch the feeling of the mood. Spending time around Spyro and Cynder didn't really help in sharpening his skills, these two he reads like a book, maybe this was the reason why Terrador was so hard to figure out.

The dragon did get some skills when it comes to dealing with people, first as a general and now as a Guardian and diplomat. It didn't help in any way that he also was an earth dragon, most of those guys are like stones, some even worse. In some rocks there's a chance that a drop of water will pour through, some of those walking, reptilian leafs didn't know what a tear is.

What he knew for sure is that the big fellow was looking for something, his gut told him that he wanted to find it in his brother.

The contemplation was broken by the sound of claws clicking up the stairs from below, those "/ very slow, tedious taps, but Sparx had no troubles recognizing to who they belong to. He spent too many years around those clicking critters to not recognize them.

Besides that nothing else was heard.

Iris remained below.

He didn't really know how to feel about it, that dragoness wouldn't be the first girl joining their team he considered to be crazy. Cynder wasn't normal either and she turned out fine, there was a chance that Iris could to.

These thoughts didn't resolve the uncertainty in the slightest.

Crazy or not, there was a possibility that this wasn't about Iris at all, but about Spyro. Spyro that for all this time of traveling together always functioned on tested pattern. The pattern of a helpful guy that no matter how annoying he can be, it is just impossible to say no to him.

If that pattern would disappear, this would mean an end of something, of something familiar, of something he grew up around. The years of adventuring put a crack in their cooperation machine of childhood loyalty.

Fights and love really pushed the two of them apart.

In life like this it was natural, especially the love part, there finally comes a time where the brotherly bond is forced to fade, replaced by another connection, maybe even stronger. Blood will be blood forever, but the experience of being never growing up children?

This will be gone.

He didn't want it to be gone, he was already forced to accept Cynder shoving her pretty face in between them way too quickly. Adopting a sister was cool, but being a child was way cooler, if that will be gone, only boring seriousness remains.

Where's life in that?

Whoever Iris might be, however bad she might be, he wanted her to join their team. This would mean that Spyro's magic is still working.

This would mean that they aren't that old yet.

This would mean that he will still have his brother the way he remembers him.

The slow clicking of claws was infuriating, just because she wasn't coming up with him, it didn't mean that she told Spyro to get lost.

Patience wasn't one of his virtues.

"Bro!" he yelped, darting forward, his quick wings pushing him close to the purple dragon in a matter of seconds "And? And? How did it go?"

Spyro stopped with a wince, even if the wounds began to heal already, internal injuries usually take more time to patch up. He might not be bleeding anymore, that didn't mean however that the vulnerable tissue was properly healed.

It was not.

While walking the pain isn't bothersome much, the body needs to relax to be able to move. That weakened the burn inside his crotch. Standing still however is an entirely different thing, he had to bit on his tongue to quench down the squeak that so badly wanted to leave his mouth.

His thighs pressed together automatically, he felt as if someone would be sharpening a dagger on the sensitive flesh inside his genital slit.

He was through much pain in his life, this one in particular however was an entirely different level. It wasn't the ache itself that made this state so uncomfortable, it was the knowledge it actually happened that made this worse. It was hard to describe, it was even stupid because no matter how you looked at it, it was an assault, an attack where he was the victim.

Putting everything aside, it was just that, an assault like any other.

Then why on Ancestors bones he feels shame?

"Dude!" Sparx clapped his hands in front of the purple snout

Eyes didn't even blink.

"She froze your brain or something?"

"No" Spyro replied, his voice for someone so young sounded like a hoarse cough of someone who is being strangled "I'm just tired, need to catch my breath"

"You look wasted man, what happened down there? Did you guys fight?"

He never thought he would even think of something like this, but he really wished right now that they did fight. Not just a skirmish, but true one on one war, with blood and scale flying everywhere. At least then his head would be filled with sensations of claws ripping Iris' flesh and her blood soaking his maw.

At least then he wouldn't think about her lips devouring his own and her hind paw rubbing his crotch.

Spyro swallowed, his throat was so dry that he could hear the bulb of saliva scratching against the gullet with the sound of a hacksaw cutting through metal.

"Not really, we...Iris is difficult, all of it is difficult"

Sparx cocked his head, he knew this purple book in and out, right now the pages he flipped so freely were torn into strands, making absolutely no sense.

"Are you alright bro?"

At the top of the stairs Flare couldn't wait any longer, he didn't want to provoke the big, green dragon since he seemed like someone important and he was patiently waiting for Spyro to climb up.

He couldn't do it.

It was about Iris, his friend, he had to know, now when the big, mean fire dragon isn't around to stop him.

"Spyro!" Flare yelled, stopping right at the edge of the top of the staircase, body bursting with restless flames

Terrador gasped in fear, his leg instinctively kicked up, moving away from whatever thing that so suddenly appeared next to it.

"Is Iris coming with us?"

Spyro looked up, sighing tiredly. He wished that the news of such a special dragoness like Iris joining them would excite him in the same way.

Or in any way for that matter.

"Yes" he replied callously

"YES!" Flare exploded, shooting tongues of flames in every direction, from down below he looked like an erupting volcano

Terrador smiled, his display of happiness had nothing to do with his fiery companion's enthusiasm. His smile was the physical display of accomplishment he felt.

There was also pride, it was about time the fate of draconic race fell into capable and more importantly young paws. Clutching to the withered ones like his or his Guardian friends, despite what Cyril likes to state, won't do any good for the future much more.

"This is wonderful news Spyro, I know there's a chance all of us can benefit from this cooperation. I only hope that the truce was established without too much trouble"

"I'm not sure you can spell Iris without trouble" Spyro replied bluntly, making his way up the stairs


Very slowly.

"Sure you can!" Flare confirmed, wagging his tail joyfully "Iris! Iris! Iris!"

"Okay dude" Sparx patted the red shoulder as he flew by "Don't choke, we got it"

"Are you hurt Spyro?" Terrador asked, his voice remained worried, but there was no denying that due to his baritone voice his speech was mostly made of the accent of an interrogator who gathers evidence against the criminal he's chasing

"Why I appreciate the fact that you convinced Iris to cooperate, she still has a prison sentence hanging over her. If she crosses the line, she must pay for it"

"No!" Flare protested pleadingly , running in front of Spyro and stopping him in his tracks "Don't hurt her please!"

He begged.


He felt a bolt of helplessness stabbing his heart all of a sudden when a rather grim realization occurred to him.

He traveled through time, left his ugly life behind to live a new one with a clean slate and yet here he was, begging a purple dragon like old times. The only difference was that he wasn't crying in his name.

He didn't find that comforting at all.

It seemed that no matter where he went, or what time it was, purple dragons were always at the center of everything. Even if there is only one of them, everything seems to be dragged in their direction, even him.

What is going on?

"Nobody is going to hurt Iris" Spyro replied, the tone of his voice might sounded monotone, but he was truly speaking from the bottom of his heart, it was not his style to punish someone for being different

Mildly put.

What mattered is that as long as it is him that gets tormented everything is good. Being a martyr isn't one of his dreams, he didn't believe in the prophecy, but he couldn't deny that he managed to force his way through extreme difficulties and it made him believe in his abilities.

If troubles have to come, let them come at him first, maybe then nobody else will have to face them.

Iris might have done terrible, disgusting things, that didn't mean however he dreamed of harming her out of spite, even if there was a time where he thought she deserved to die for the things she done to Cynder.

He pulled her out nevertheless.

Is this famous golden heart of his really a strength as Cynder believes? Or is it a weakness wrapped in a pretty cover?

"We came to an agreement and I hope that all of us will respect it"

Flare threw himself at Spyro, pulling him into a quick, grateful hug. The thoughts from earlier completely faded away, skull filled only with youthful happiness of a child who can focus only on one thing at a time.

"You are a great friend. You're awesome!" he pulled back, grinning broadly

"At least there is someone who seems to like your new companion. This bodes well" Terrador noted, not able to contain his smile at the sight of this joy

"Too bad that the companion doesn't seem to like anyone" Sparx noted gloomily

Spyro ran a claw over his lips, his right thigh flexed under the pressure of a memory pulse coming from his waist that reminded his muscles of a feminine, draconic foot being there just not so long ago.

He would beg to differ to say the least.

Iris did like someone, if her destructive, dominating, possessive nature can be called that way that is.

"She likes some people!" Flare's head bobbed quickly, as if trying with gesture to empower the spoken words "She just shows it differently! She doesn't smile, you know?"

Sparx rolled his eyes.

"Finnnneeee. You can put it that way"

"Only one dragon remains" Terrador noted "Are you ready Spyro?"

He wasn't ready.

Not because Danox intimidated him, he wasn't even in the equation, honestly after managing to convince Iris he didn't expect any troubles getting Danox pulled into their little team.

He wasn't ready because he could barely stand his own smell.

"I need a bath first" Spyro rasped, nose wrinkling in disgust

His glowing brother frowned thoughtfully again. If he ever had any doubts about his draconic brother coming back from that meeting without a single scar, now all the doubt was gone.

Something happened down there and it wasn't nice.

Otherwise Spyro would immediately rush to action, this was simply how he ticks.

"Naturally, you know where Danox can be found. Good luck young dragon" the Earth Guardian bowed respectfully


"Okay, time's out bro" Sparx tore apart another piece of a bark from the nearby tree

With all the time he spent on waiting he already managed to rip apart a pair of little eyes with two small suns as pupils.

"I wasn't aware that my bath time had a curfew" Spyro splashed water on himself before he dived, making another dip in the lake they found near Warfang

"I didn't mean the bath, but now that you mention it, I guess that you washed everything that was to wash after being in that damn water for like an hour"

The purple drake resurfaced, flinging his head from side to side, throwing javelins of water drops everywhere.

"I didn't bathe for a while"

"Hate to break it down to you" Sparx flicked the bark splinter away "But I think that lying still like a dead fish in the water for ninety five percent of the time doesn't count as bathing"

"I was bathing"

"And I have eyes" he darted over the lake, hanging above the purple head in the water "Your time to come clean is over. Spit it out"

Spyro sank a little lower, water dancing at the edge of his mouth.

"Spit out what exactly?"

"Don't pull the Flare card dude, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Iris and you, what happened?"

"Nothing happened" he sank lower, now only the upper part of his snout remained above water

Sparx clapped his hands together as if dusting his palms off.

"We do it like this bro. Either you tell me now, or I tell Cynder to ask you the same question. What it will be?"

"That's blackmail!" Spyro jerked up in the water, splashing out protesting streams of the liquid he was in

The dragonfly shrugged callously.

"Yeah. So?"

"Forget it! Cynder will ask me about it anyway!"

"True and if you tell her the same thing you told me she will stick that blade of hers up your ass so far that you will start singing out everything, including all the embarrassing things from your life you really wanted to keep buried"

Spyro gulped.

This sounded like Cynder alright, after all it was Iris they are talking about and it was no secret that feminine feuds last nearly forever and the unlucky males in between are reduced to a punching bag.

"So here's the deal bro" Sparx lowered himself down, leaning against his brother's snout as if he was a column "You tell me what happened and later I come with a cool way of getting your neck from underneath Cynder's tail tip"

Purple eyes bulged out, he was trapped between choosing the bad or the worse, realizing that you are forced against a wall with no means to escape was an ugly thing.

"I don't want to talk about it Sparx. What's here hard to understand?"

"For me nothing, but for Cynder..." Sparx put his hands on his hips, pressed both lips together and pushed them forward, stretching his mouth as far as it would go, forming a caricature of a snout

"You don't trust me" the dragonfly squeaked, poorly mimicking a feminine, disgruntled voice that carried the pitifully impersonated notes of Cynder's way of speech

"You don't find me attractive. Job here, job there, you're always gone, leaving me alone!" Sparx flapped his eyelids swiftly as if batting away tears

Spyro shook his head, he didn't know why his brother's excess still sometimes surprised him.

"Cynder doesn't talk like that"

"How can you know?!" Sparx squealed, darting forward and beginning to assault the purple head with chaotic slaps of hands "You always work! This is not how you promised our life would look like!"

"I get it Sparx" Spyro covered his head behind his paw, using it occasionally to chase away the invading dragonfly "You can stop now"

Sparx pushed back, slamming a fist into his chest "I give all of me into this relationship!" he threw his arms forward, all fingers directed at the purple drake "And you?! You come back and start barking orders as if you were here all the time!" both arms flopped down, yellow face contracted in resignation "And now her, it was always about her wasn't it?"

"Iris tried to rape me" Spyro announced bluntly, while Cynder wouldn't definitely make a show like this if she would find out, she would for sure do something far more bloody, to Iris first and then she would clearly state what she thinks about his idea of keeping this news to himself

Sparx frowned, the caricature of a snout started to disappear, retreating back like a worm into its hole.

Despite everything, Spyro managed to put up a small smile, it was really hard to shock Sparx, he usually had a response or reaction prepared for everything.

He didn't this time.

His brother was dumbfounded, this alone made his tail wiggle in a little, arrogant triumph. In their brotherly war, Sparx had an advantage, more victories than him, to the point that he stopped caring.

It made all of this a bit more sweeter.

"You really need to work on your improvisation skills dude, that was just sick" Sparx admonished him

He didn't believe him.

Spyro chuckled, bubbles rippled on the surface of the water.

"Seriously? You're laughing? You're five or something?"

"I'm laughing because you don't believe me"

"Of course I don't believe you!" Sparx raised in the air, spreading his arms wide "What did you expect? That I'll believe that a girl raped a guy? How does that even work?"

"Tried to"

"Doesn't change a thing"

Spyro made an underwater shrug.

"You wanted to know, I've told you. If you don't believe me that's your problem"

Sparx face adopted a true expression of worry, he lowered himself down, hanging right on the level with the purple eyes of his brother.

"Are you for real man?"

The purple head nodded.

"I'm not staying in this water for no reason. It washes off the dirt and helps me cool my thoughts, in the end I was lucky I guess it ended on just pain only like a normal fight, just the injuries were in unnatural places. Otherwise I don't know if I could live with myself"

"I don't know when was the last time you read any biological book dude, but for anything to happen you need a boner first"

Spyro frowned in annoyance.

"Remind me of that when you will have a girl throwing yourself at you, kissing you and rubbing your junk with her foot"

"Iris did all of that?"

Spyro took a bitter gulp of water.


"That's sick bro!" Sparx recoiled back

"Tell me about it"

"You should have started with the words she attacked me instead of all that trying to rape crap"

Spyro's eyes widened, wings made an irritated flap in the water.

"Excuse me? Weren't you listening? Iris forced herself on me!"

"Yeah, and?" he pushed up, making a slow, thoughtful spin before facing his brother again from above "Listen bro, she attacked you, wanted something from you that you didn't want to give, you fought back, end of story. It's ugly, but there's no rape there"

"How is this not a rape attempt?!"

A yellow forefinger rose vertically into the air.

"One, to have a boner you need to be aroused" middle finger joined its companion "Two. This whole thing sounds like it is just right up your alley"

Spyro swam a little closer, extending his neck and tilting his head, in an attempt to hear better, because he was sure that what he heard just a moment ago must have been his imagination.


"Oh come on dude, we both know you have a weird fetish for bad girls. You hooked up with Cynder men. Iris is far more hotter than her and far more crazier, just your type. Having her all over you certainly fired up the old hose down there, if you would let it happen the wind would be swinging that rod of yours like a flag"

"Bottom line, you threw her off because you didn't like what was happening, it has nothing to do with rape. She would use you and that's all, a guy can't be raped by a chick"

"Except that this chick has claws as sharp as swords, teeth as big as a Hound and a tongue long enough to shove it down your throat while clogging your nose with her magic! It's like having a knife to your neck and a bag on your head. This still doesn't sound like a rape predator to you?"

"Iris is still a girl and you are still a guy who needs to get horny for all of it to work. Horny means that a part of you wants it to happen"

"Holy fuck!" Spyro slammed his fists into the water, waves of it splashed everywhere around "Arousal has nothing to do with this shit! Iris tried to rape me, nothing else, nothing more, want me to prove it to you?" he pointed a shaking claw at the riverbank "Get over there and I'll start playing with myself while watching you, let's see if I won't finish"

Sparx folded his arms, looking back at his brother arrogantly.

"You might swing that paw of yours until it gets tired and maybe you even get little Spyro going, but you will never finish anything"

"Wanna bet?" he flipped himself on his back

"Dude fine, you win!" Sparx threw his hands in the air defensively "One traumatic experience is enough. You know your stuff, I know my stuff, let's leave it like that, alright?"

"Alright" he mumbled in relief, swimming to the bank, he really doubted he would be able to pull through it, but he was glad it didn't come to that

After all of this he reached the edge of the lake in a matter of seconds, he had a feeling that this water became far more dirtier than the barracks of mercenaries. He shivered all over when the water dripped from his body as he stepped out, he had a weird sensation that it was Iris' many tongues licking his scales.

With a grunt he shook himself off fiercely, he groaned when the droplets of water splashed against his body, they were as slick as saliva.

"Sheesh dude" Sparx covered his face behind his hand, droplets of water poked at its back "You wince as if a Dreadwing pooped on you. You would expect that a guy would be thrilled to have a girl molest him. You sure you don't want to switch teams?"

"Not now Sparx" Spyro spat, getting the water out of his mouth, he emptied his brain, not wanting to go for the obvious comparison how this fluid tasted like "I'm in no mood for jokes right now"

"Fine, we can be serious then. Yippee" he rolled his eyes, making circles around his brother "Tell me this, if Iris is so bad why on the Ancestor's Memory you brought her with us?"

That was a good question.

Probably eighty five percent of people would turn their backs on Iris after her first murder attempt on the one you care about. This amount would rise to ninety eight after the recent attack, all signs on the sky showed that this girl is volatile and dangerous, not to be trusted. There was no chance he would ever leave anyone alone with her, but as long as he will be there it is different.

Was this cockiness?


He just knew that he can protect the ones he cares about, he was a purple dragon after all, no matter how arrogant it may sound, he simply believed he can do it.

There is also the fact that he can't hate people.

He might get angry, dislike them, but never hate. Be it Iris, Malefor or Brill, he was quite certain that if any of them would ask for mercy or help, he would provide. If he had the chance to help either of them he would, no matter what they done.

Maybe this was it.

He simply liked to help people.

Or maybe this is something entirely else.

Too many maybes.

"I don't know Sparx" Spyro replied honestly "I think I just don't like seeing people destroy themselves and if there's a chance I can do something about it I will"

"The famous golden heart, eh?" the dragonfly dropped down, knocking at the gold chest, a soft thump responded to him "Ever thought about cutting it out?"

The dragon smiled.

"I can't, without it there will be nothing holding me back from tearing your head off after one tease too much"

Sparx gave the purple shoulder a solid pat.

"I hope it works out my men"

"Me too"

"One more thing bro...ummm" Sparx bit the tip of his forefinger "Iris, Malefor Brill, you know that they don't have hearts as gold as you? Who knows, they might not have a heart at all"

Spyro swallowed nervously.

"I'm aware, I'm not idealistic"

The glowing, yellow head nodded.

"Good, good, because you know, there's a problem with patterns. After a time a pattern becomes easy to read, unsurprising and really trivial to manipulate"

He didn't have troubles understanding the hint.

"I'll be careful"

"Word of advice?" Sparx poked the golden chest "It will suck, I know, but you might want to consider repainting that boy in there sometimes. Not much, just a brief touch. You already fell in love with black, you might as well allow your heart a taste of it sometimes"

"It won't come to that" Spyro replied sternly, he didn't want to make sacrifices, also he promised Cynder that his heart will remain unchanged, doing otherwise meant betrayal

He started on his own path a long time ago, despite the warnings and prophecies of danger. It worked

Things won't spin our of control.

He won't allow it.

The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 17

Chapter 17 "So who's this guy exactly?" Sparx asked, clinging to a pair of gold horns of the vertically ascending purple dragon "I never really got the chance to speak with the dude" "I don't know" Spyro shrugged "And believe it or not this is the...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 15

Chapter 15 "For what it's worth, I'm happy that you agreed to hang out with me" Cynder announced cheerfully, playing with her tea cup by making small circles with it. In between words she threw her blue host a shy smile followed by a grateful glance...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 14

Chapter 14 "Why I can't talk with Iris? She's my friend!" Flare grumbled, tail swishing back and forth in annoyance Sparx sighed, stretched out in between his brother's horns he let a deep breath straight into the dark air. "You or me?" "You do it"...

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